life after HCG = weight loss disaster, help!



  • IamUndrCnstruction
    IamUndrCnstruction Posts: 691 Member
  • Raeontherun
    Raeontherun Posts: 107 Member
    You originally only had 15lbs to lose and did HCG.......

  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I've never tried hcg, but hey there are people here with all kinds of issues - thyroid, compromised metabolism, people working night shifts , SAHMs who can't exercise, etc etc. The one thing you want to do is start, log everything you eat, log the exercise, and see if we can help troubleshoot your data.

    And I'm sorry to read what you wrote. I didn't actually know what HGC is so I googled it - not a pretty picture. Sorry you got so messed up from it.
  • iWillGetCrowSomeday
    iWillGetCrowSomeday Posts: 311 Member
    Hey Ladies! Probably not what ya'll want to hear, but I am currently doing HCG, and have successfully completed a 20 day round of HCG previously. I take the drops, and I go to my personal dr. and get my weight/fat %/muscle mass/ect checked and I am just fine! No issues. I did not gain the weight back from the first time I did the program either. With your final phase to HCG you should be eating the same foods you were while you were doing the 500 calorie diet, just upping the intake to about 1200 calories a day! And after about a week of that, start adding cheese, pasta, bread, and sugars back in slowly! I'm sorry to hear ya'll had such a bad experience, but it really does work! It's not a gimmick, and I am no representative for anything! I am a college girl from Texas who has had a great success along with my fiancé on losing weight with this program!

    I hate to tell you this, but you aren't taking HCG. Well, unless you're buying it illegally online, since the FDA banned it. Otherwise, whatever you're taking *is* just a gimmick and you've been duped into eating a dangerously low calorie diet. Womp womp.
  • Ladybud2
    Ladybud2 Posts: 26
    My sister in law did this a year ago. she did lose but has gain the weight back plus more. To me it doesn't sound like a healthy plan. To me weight loss is a healthy eating journey with exercise. Not a one time fix. Good luck to you!
  • jess7386
    jess7386 Posts: 477 Member
    I would absolutely talk to a dietician as well.

    In terms of advice, I'd say to stop the "diet" for a month or so. Figure out your TDEE ( ) and eat at maintenance for a while. You might put on a couple more pounds but ultimately this is going to help your now-screwed-up metabolism in the long run. After about a month of eating at maintenance, eat at a 20% deficit. At this point you should start losing sensibly again.

    Don't make the mistake of cutting calories even more in order to make up for the reduction in weight loss. If you'd like to give me your height/weight/calorie stats im happy to help you out.
  • missshyeviolett
    missshyeviolett Posts: 310 Member
    Hey Ladies! Probably not what ya'll want to hear, but I am currently doing HCG, and have successfully completed a 20 day round of HCG previously. I take the drops, and I go to my personal dr. and get my weight/fat %/muscle mass/ect checked and I am just fine! No issues. I did not gain the weight back from the first time I did the program either. With your final phase to HCG you should be eating the same foods you were while you were doing the 500 calorie diet, just upping the intake to about 1200 calories a day! And after about a week of that, start adding cheese, pasta, bread, and sugars back in slowly! I'm sorry to hear ya'll had such a bad experience, but it really does work! It's not a gimmick, and I am no representative for anything! I am a college girl from Texas who has had a great success along with my fiancé on losing weight with this program!


  • skparker2
    skparker2 Posts: 132
    All I know is that your body gets all internally wacked out after using HCG, so it struggles way more to lose after being off it. Versus if you were just losing weight naturally.

    I wish I could help as well, but I'm very anti-HCG. Wish you the best of luck!
  • doowop713
    doowop713 Posts: 268 Member
    You originally only had 15lbs to lose and did HCG.......


  • maab12
    maab12 Posts: 65 Member
    check your thyroid
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Hey Ladies! Probably not what ya'll want to hear, but I am currently doing HCG, and have successfully completed a 20 day round of HCG previously. I take the drops, and I go to my personal dr. and get my weight/fat %/muscle mass/ect checked and I am just fine! No issues. I did not gain the weight back from the first time I did the program either. With your final phase to HCG you should be eating the same foods you were while you were doing the 500 calorie diet, just upping the intake to about 1200 calories a day! And after about a week of that, start adding cheese, pasta, bread, and sugars back in slowly! I'm sorry to hear ya'll had such a bad experience, but it really does work! It's not a gimmick, and I am no representative for anything! I am a college girl from Texas who has had a great success along with my fiancé on losing weight with this program!
    Everyone on this thread had "great success" losing weight on HCG. No one seems to have had good luck keeping it off.
  • _Danno_
    _Danno_ Posts: 165
    Weird fad diet results in weight gain shocker!
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    HCG is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat infertility in both men and women. But its weight-loss roots trace back to the 1950s, when British endocrinologist A.T.W. Simeons realized that giving obese patients small, regular doses of the hormone helped them lose stubborn clumps of fat. It only worked, however, when coupled with a near-starvation diet. Simeons began touting hCG as a potent appetite suppressant that would make anything more than 500 daily calories unbearable. And he claimed the hormone could blast fat in key trouble spots like the upper arms, stomach, thighs, and buttocks, while preserving muscle. Save for a few tweaks, the modern-day incarnation is largely as Simeons presented it: Dieters supplement an extremely low-calorie meal plan with daily injections prescribed off-label by medical professionals, or take diluted, homeopathic hCG— typically in drop form—sold online, in drugstores, and at nutritional supplement stores.

    IN CASE NONE OF YOU KNOW WHAT IT'S REALLY FOR!!! Lesson Learned also, You should know better.

    [img] GIFS/Coleman_wtf.gif[/img]
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I would suggest the following (it's counterintuitive but bear with me...)

    1. Forget about losing weight for the time being.
    2. Give yourself permission to put on a little bit more weight up to a maximum of 7-10 lbs
    3. Every week add 50 calories onto your current calorie total
    4. Don't freak out if the scale increases in the short term - it's part of the plan
    5. Do moderate low - medium intensity exercise for short periods of time (2-3 sessions is more than enough)
    6. Get to the stage where you get your calories are as high as possible so that your weight is maintained consistently for 6 weeks within that maximum range of 7-10 lbs more than your current weight
    7. Recommence trying to lose weight using a reasonable deficit (20 - 25% under maintenance will be fine)
    8. Be patient.

    This is a short term pain (the weight gain) for a long term gain (or loss should that be...)

    This is essentially reverse dieting. Not a huge amount of science to support why it works but it does work ;)
  • HiyaDee
    HiyaDee Posts: 5
    I encourage you to do some research on Metabolic damage...former fitness competitors are suffering with the same result. All the hard work and diet to extreme makes it impossible to loose weight or normalize the metabolism with serious intervention.
  • krazykat23
    krazykat23 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, what is MFP?
  • melissafaith24
    melissafaith24 Posts: 251 Member
    I did HCG in 2011 and through 3 rounds lost a total of 36 lbs. I'll be the first to admit its partly my fault for gaining it all back. I followed the maintenance phase for a good while and did ok. Then i started the "oh well this 1 slice of cake wont do too much damage" and then the next week another, then another then more frequently.


    While, yes I lost weight, I also lost alot of my hair (to the point my part was embarrassing and id shy away from photos) and it was killing my immune system. I wanted off that ride and quick. Im sure the 500 cal diet was a big part too.

    I have a friend that is still doing it and has been since before I started and shes had great success. I havent heard of any side effects from her so I cant speak for her.

    Thankfully my hair has since regrown and my immune system is alot stronger.

    Good luck with your research and journey!
  • iWillGetCrowSomeday
    iWillGetCrowSomeday Posts: 311 Member
    HCG is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat infertility in both men and women. But its weight-loss roots trace back to the 1950s, when British endocrinologist A.T.W. Simeons realized that giving obese patients small, regular doses of the hormone helped them lose stubborn clumps of fat. It only worked, however, when coupled with a near-starvation diet. Simeons began touting hCG as a potent appetite suppressant that would make anything more than 500 daily calories unbearable. And he claimed the hormone could blast fat in key trouble spots like the upper arms, stomach, thighs, and buttocks, while preserving muscle. Save for a few tweaks, the modern-day incarnation is largely as Simeons presented it: Dieters supplement an extremely low-calorie meal plan with daily injections prescribed off-label by medical professionals, or take diluted, homeopathic hCG— typically in drop form—sold online, in drugstores, and at nutritional supplement stores.

    IN CASE NONE OF YOU KNOW WHAT IT'S REALLY FOR!!! Lesson Learned also, You should know better.

    [img] GIFS/Coleman_wtf.gif[/img]

    Yes, HCG is used to treat infertility. That's fine. But pairing it with a 500 calorie diet for weight loss? Dangerous. If your doc prescribes it for weight loss -which is not FDA approved- report him or her to the medical board and run.
  • Bretto
    Bretto Posts: 196 Member
    I had your same experience a few years back. I am in your same boat though with eating fairly well and exercising. I got back on MFP a couple weeks ago and am tracking everything, even if I go over for the day. It is making me think twice about what I am eating and putting in my body. Finally after 3 weeks I feel like I am starting to make a little progress.

    The biggest thing I realized was all those bite here, drink there, treat here calories I was taking in and not even thinking about it. SO be diligent, patient and track everything.

    Remember we didn't create our bad habits overnight so it will take time for our bodies to adjust to a healthy lifestyle.
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    Hi all, just joined so I could write this post in your message boards. It seems like whenever i google "hcg" everyone only has positive things to say. I did four rounds of HCG over the course of 2 years. I started with about 15 lbs to lose, and then lost it on HCG, and gained back 20.... lost the 20 on round 2, but gained back 30! etc. etc. now i'm about 35 lbs over weight and even though I havent touched hcg in over a year, i am unable to lose weight!

    I run, i do crossfit, I even paid 60/hr to go to a nutritionist to teach me how to eat properly -- which i do! I am low carb, high protein, multiple small meals a day.... but no matter what i do, i cant seem to lose weight. it is the most frustrating and defeating thing that i've ever gone through. especially because all of my friends and family have seen me lose and gain and lose and gain again and again. and not to mention how incredibly unhealthy this must be for my poor body to go through such weight fluctuations!

    bottom line -- i need help. has anyone gone through this?? and what have you done to start losing again?

    any help would be greatly appreciated!!

    I did 3 rounds of HCG. I gained all my weight back and then some too. I find that the HCG made me very carb sensitive. It's was like every time I ate pasta or bread or any other carb.... I would gain instant weight. What I did is go low carb for a few months. While doing low carb I slowly introduced whole food carbs like quinoa, brown rice, and steel cut oats. I started with1200 calories and eating back at least 50% of exercise calories back. Then I gradually increased my calories to 1550 with eating back 50 to 100% of exercise calories. I have lost 32 pounds in 4 months and maintained for a month. I only maintained for a month because my life was crazy with not much time for exercise and lots of social eating.

    You can add me if you want and we can fight this together.
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