life after HCG = weight loss disaster, help!



  • jonesy2932
    jonesy2932 Posts: 9 Member
    how much fat are you eating a day? Try high fat, moderate protein, low carb and see if starts weight loss.
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    Hi all, just joined so I could write this post in your message boards. It seems like whenever i google "hcg" everyone only has positive things to say. I did four rounds of HCG over the course of 2 years. I started with about 15 lbs to lose, and then lost it on HCG, and gained back 20.... lost the 20 on round 2, but gained back 30! etc. etc. now i'm about 35 lbs over weight and even though I havent touched hcg in over a year, i am unable to lose weight!

    I run, i do crossfit, I even paid 60/hr to go to a nutritionist to teach me how to eat properly -- which i do! I am low carb, high protein, multiple small meals a day.... but no matter what i do, i cant seem to lose weight. it is the most frustrating and defeating thing that i've ever gone through. especially because all of my friends and family have seen me lose and gain and lose and gain again and again. and not to mention how incredibly unhealthy this must be for my poor body to go through such weight fluctuations!

    bottom line -- i need help. has anyone gone through this?? and what have you done to start losing again?

    any help would be greatly appreciated!!

    Sorry you are going through this! I agree with the others that have suggested a diet break. That might be the best thing for your body at the moment. I'd continue with your workouts and being active, but eat at maintenance for awhile. You may gain a little bit of weight at first, but that's most likely your body trying to stabilize itself after the yo yo dieting.
  • Flora_k
    Flora_k Posts: 72 Member

    Just like in any other diet, if you cheat, give up, or regress back to old bad eating habits you will put the weight back on. The problem is people aren't doing research before starting this diet, pick up a book and read it. There are about 3 different ways to do this diet, and if you don't follow the protocol for the diet, well then, of course your going to gain weight.

    You may happily lump me in with the hCG-hating crowd. I developed heart problems (and lots of other side effects) from this dangerous diet. After I went off the diet, I ate under my basil metabolic rate and was gaining it back pretty quickly. That is a huge red flag that this diet majorly screwed up my body. Before this diet, I would have been losing slowly on that amount of calories. Months later, I am still trying to get my metabolism and body back. I'd gladly go back to where I was before this diet. I gained it al back plus some. Been working on getting rid of that extra but now that I'm back where I was, my clothes that fit then, do not fit now because my body changed. I clearly lost muscle and gained fat. It's a long, slow road to recovery but, yes, I'm happily labeled an hCG-hater now. Plus, because I've shared my story online, people are messaging me with their own stories (the hCG crowd is not a nice one when you have side effects) and are so happy to know they are not alone. Let me tell you, there are a lot of people who were hurt by this diet, many of whom 'followed protocol' (the rallying cry of those who make money off hCG and when you have side effects they are SURE you must be lying about having followed it).
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    My last "successful" diet was very low calorie as well (about 20 years ago), and I don't know if my metabolism ever recovered. My rebound eating habits certainly have not. Some days I want 2 of everything in the house, and RIGHT NOW!
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,039 Member
    Well, we could ask the experts? Maybe they know?

    Oh wait, the experts have been asked, and weigh in:
  • iWillGetCrowSomeday
    iWillGetCrowSomeday Posts: 311 Member
    Well, we could ask the experts? Maybe they know?

    Oh wait, the experts have been asked, and weigh in:

  • Flora_k
    Flora_k Posts: 72 Member
    On hCG boards, though, there is such a serious distrust of doctors. They tell you that doctors get paid to keep you fat and on pharmaceuticals. While I was having side effects, I was discouraged from seeing a doctor by others on the diet (selling the diet). They just wanted me to buy more of their hokey dangerous vitamin mixtures. When it got so bad that I couldn't lay down without my heart racing and having pain, I knew I had to go in right away. One friend selling the diet has not talked to me since then. They know that doctors are going to tell you this is a stupid, dangerous diet so once you're in that camp too, they don't want anything to do with you.
  • Allieannmo
    Allieannmo Posts: 1 Member
    so very frustrating! after my first round of HCG i too started gaining. i gained back 7 lbs in 10 days on vacations (following HCG maintainance stage)!

    i tried the Bulletproof Diet along with intermittent fasting post HCG and that brought the weight right back down and i can easily maintain. when i go off the bulletproof diet i start gaining immediately. a friend of mine is also doing bulletproof and intermittent fasting post HCG and is having great results maintaing her lowest weight. BP diet is all about high fat, low carb, high quality, and non-inflammatory foods (i.e., no tomatoes, peppers, or onions which cause inflammation and weight gain).

    Good luck in your journey!
  • Flora_k
    Flora_k Posts: 72 Member
    Just read about the Bulletproof thing the other day in the paper. Not sure about the coffee and butter thing!

    Now that my metabolism is not as slow from the hCG diet, I'm watching what I'm eating and starting to exercise. I really think the exercise is what is helping my metabolism the most. The hCG diet was definitely one of the dumbest things I ever did to myself.
  • Flora_k
    Flora_k Posts: 72 Member
    Just wanted to share. After my own hCG diet fiasco that causes so many health problems plus all the weight (plus some) to come back while eating healthy, I've started Weight Watchers. I was getting messages from other people who had terrible experiences with the hCG diet and seemed like more than a few had gone to WWs to lose the weight.

    I did Weight Watchers many years ago and it worked but, have had another child since along with other factors that brought the weight back. Still, I did keep the weight off for years until I had that next baby. I should have just gone with WWs and skipped this diet but live and learn. Anyhow, hoping for good things and wanted to share what I am now doing. Hope it helps :)
  • Khudema2020
    Khudema2020 Posts: 5 Member
    Just so you ladies don't feel alone - I have also had a terrible time losing weight since Hcg. I too, did about 4 rounds over the course of 2 years. I was very successful the first round, but the subsequent ones not so much. I regained the amount I had lost after my last round of HcG, then lost it again doing WWs. That being said, I have been doing WW since last October and CANNOT get below my last drop weight no matter what. I've ben very discouraged and was wondering if anyone else has succeeded in losing weight using other methods after they did the hcg. I really don't want to do another round but it's feeling pretty hopeless to say the least.
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    Just so you ladies don't feel alone - I have also had a terrible time losing weight since Hcg. I too, did about 4 rounds over the course of 2 years. I was very successful the first round, but the subsequent ones not so much. I regained the amount I had lost after my last round of HcG, then lost it again doing WWs. That being said, I have been doing WW since last October and CANNOT get below my last drop weight no matter what. I've ben very discouraged and was wondering if anyone else has succeeded in losing weight using other methods after they did the hcg. I really don't want to do another round but it's feeling pretty hopeless to say the least.

    The second lowest I got with hcg was in the 170s now for the life of me I can't get below that. I have been exercising and counting calories yet I have plateaued for almost 4 months now. It's most annoying. I just keep hoping one day my body will cooperate. Don't further the damage done to your body by doing another round. Just keep at a calorie deficit and keep exercising.... something has got to give at some point.
  • Flora_k
    Flora_k Posts: 72 Member
    Don't do another round. It will just mess you up even more. I hate what this diet does. It just changes your body and not in a good way. Hang in there!
  • ccc0131
    ccc0131 Posts: 4
    Thank you guys so much for making these posts! I seriously thought I was the only one that was having trouble! I did HCG the first time and lost about 20 lbs and kept it off for about 10 months. I started gaining back and decided to do a 2nd round but I didnt loose much. I waited a few months and tried a third round. This time I didn't loose at all and actually gained some. Now I'm stuck at this same weight that I've been at for about 6 months and despite the fact that I eat healthy and work out at least once a day the scale will not move at all. I tried speeding up my metabolism by eating like 5 or 6 small meals a day but that wouldnt work either. I tried no carb, I cut sugar and sweets, I cut processed foods for a while, nothing would work. Is it that the hormones have knocked my body out of whack? How long do you think this period will last before I'll be able to loose again?
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Thank you guys so much for making these posts! I seriously thought I was the only one that was having trouble! I did HCG the first time and lost about 20 lbs and kept it off for about 10 months. I started gaining back and decided to do a 2nd round but I didnt loose much. I waited a few months and tried a third round. This time I didn't loose at all and actually gained some. Now I'm stuck at this same weight that I've been at for about 6 months and despite the fact that I eat healthy and work out at least once a day the scale will not move at all. I tried speeding up my metabolism by eating like 5 or 6 small meals a day but that wouldnt work either. I tried no carb, I cut sugar and sweets, I cut processed foods for a while, nothing would work. Is it that the hormones have knocked my body out of whack? How long do you think this period will last before I'll be able to loose again?

    It took my husband about 2 years to fully recover from it. The good news is that now he's able to lose weight in a healthy way by counting calories.
  • famousladyjane
    I see all these bad stories, but I have a good friend who did HCG 2 years ago. She lost 30lbs. She then counted calories for 9 months after to keep the maintenance (using fitpal). Now she eats clean. She also trains. She looks amazing and has been consistent and healthy ever since. Maybe old habits or lifestyle or medical issues are a component in some of these bad experiences? All 'diets' can go bad after, even if one feels they are eating healthy for the majority of the time. A proper lifestyle and basic math (calorie input vs output) is a large piece of maintenance.
  • Flora_k
    Flora_k Posts: 72 Member
    Maybe old habits or lifestyle or medical issues are a component in some of these bad experiences? All 'diets' can go bad after, even if one feels they are eating healthy for the majority of the time. A proper lifestyle and basic math (calorie input vs output) is a large piece of maintenance.
    In which case, the hCG diet would not be needed. Had I just started Weight Watchers at the time I started the hCG diet, I would have been at my goal weght by now and saved a fortune on all the medical bills I had as a result of the diet (not to mention all the time I lost as a result of this causing so many health problems). You just cannot eat only 500 calories a day for a month or longer without really doing a number on your metabolism and your health.
  • april1445
    april1445 Posts: 334
    See a professional, but also, just think of how long it takes a woman's body to recover after pregnancy. (HCG). Do what you can and give yourself time to back to normal. you might just have to gain first to get your body back to normal. Log log log so you at least know what you're working with.
  • jardin12
    jardin12 Posts: 62 Member
    None of my efforts ever amounted to any weight loss until I started taking magnesium in double doses. May have had an impact - maybe my efforts just decided to pay off, not sure. But I tried for six years - worked my butt off without any reward. Now I am losing - just saying!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    ah, the "magic pill" fails again-no surprise!
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