Why did you come to the conclusion to lose weight?



  • RockingBlonde
    I want to look good to impress the guy I like. I weigh average I just have extra fat. I want people to be able see my stomach and say wow I want abs like her not yuuuughhh
  • BluGnat
    BluGnat Posts: 35 Member
    A few things caused me to get off my butt. My biological mother had horrible eating habits, and never exercised. She died at age 51 in '00 of cancer (really the only person on either side to succumb to that disease, so far, knock on wood). I started seeing her when I looked in the mirror - especially around my stomach and butt. I'd always been tall-ish with athletic-ish build - but it became buried somewhere under the extra 30 lbs that crept up with middle age. All my adult life I'd been a size 8 jeans (5'9"). After the second kid, I settled at a size 10. Eventually, that second kid's turned 10 years old, I'd turned 40, and my size 12 jeans were getting tight. I refused to even consider buying a bigger size. I decided to get back to the outdoor loving, running, bike riding, hiking, more-or-less athletic person I used to be. So, for the past couple years, I've been working on getting reacquainted with my true self. It really is harder to get back into shape in middle age. I hope to never have to start over again.
  • dougl004
    dougl004 Posts: 99 Member
    Friend posted a picture of me on facebook, and I had to un-tag myself I was so shocked. I decided it was time for a change.

    I use to love being in front of the camera but nowadays I hate taking full body pics. I'm so ready to be back in front of the lens.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    My inspiration was my 400+ pound aunt. She raised me so she was more like a mom to me. In the last years of her life I went to her house regularly because she was house bound and tied to an oxygen tank. She spent about two weeks in the hospital before she slipped into a coma and we eventually had to let her go. Watching her at the end of her life and then watching her die was more than enough of a wakeup call to me since I was headed the same direction. I didn't want to end up like her and I didn't want my kids to have to watch that or end up in the same place either. I'm still not where I want to be but I'm a heck of a lot closer now and I won't give up, no matter how long it takes.
  • JoRolleNola
    JoRolleNola Posts: 152 Member
    There r so many reasons. 1) avoid family health issues 2) Vanity 3) prove to myself I can do it 4) Sleep better 5) Prove to others I can do it 6) joy of doing something just for me 7) etc, etc...
  • papayahed
    papayahed Posts: 407 Member
    I knew I had to lose and had been trying halfheartedly. Then I was on vacation and there was a side trip and I debated whether to go because I didn't know if I could physically do it. I got mad at myself, went on the side trip (I did fine), and have been exercising since I got back.
  • Lucidate
    Lucidate Posts: 1 Member
    I recently decided with my husband that we would like to have our first baby in a year or two. My blood pressure, which used to be excellent, has gotten high since I put on weight, and I would really love yo lose as much weight as I safely can before we get pregnant. Its funny, I've tried to lose weight plenty of times before, but this is the first time I've been truly motivated! I have lost 12 pounds since I started a few weeks ago, exercising every day and watching my diet. Really hope to lower my blood pressure before we are ready for a baby!
  • jessicamthal
    jessicamthal Posts: 14 Member
    Never had an Ah-ha! moment, but I've been unhappy with my body since middle school - finally decided to commit to change!
  • clcanane
    clcanane Posts: 1 Member
    I have been over weight for quite awhile. On and off a diet for years. When I was at my doctors office the nurse wrote in my file morbidly obese. That was my motivator, my aha moment.
  • cdcllcga01
    cdcllcga01 Posts: 71 Member
    I knew I had to take drastic measures after spending 8 out of 10 weeks in bed with a bad back. The cause was being a "road warrior" consultant coupled with doing no exercise - always eating out, late nights working, etc. This put me at my heaviest ever - 247 lbs - and I came to the conclusion that this very unhealthy way of living would lead to much more serious problems very quickly. So I've now changed my priorities and am focusing on my health first and have lost 18.8 lbs with 48 to go.
  • lovereichul
    lovereichul Posts: 30 Member
    I have always been a big girl and I don't mind really. I've tried all diets and pills but i never really put my heart into it. And so I continued to gain weight and gain some more. Last december 2014. I have a slow healing would on my big toe so doc ordered some blod tests. I'm a few points short of being a type 2 diabetic. And so here i am.
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    ntnunk wrote: »
    I kind of had two moments. The first was just generally regarding fitness. That happe
    Lots of things, but one really big one. I want the perfect sized boobs! I had a mastectomy (breast cancer) last August and am going through the reconstruction process. I now have to decide on what size implants to get and because I'm overweight I'm totally freaked out that I'll get the wrong size. I don't want to go too big, lose the weight and look like a porn star. I also don't want to go too small and be disappointed with the outcome. I also want to get in the best shape of my life as a big **** you to cancer! (And to inspire other cancer survivors!)

    I love your attitude.?!*$ cancer!!
  • ajanegaudet
    ajanegaudet Posts: 10 Member
    When I ran .9km and was out of breath and felt like it was a hard workout. I stepped on the scale and saw that I gained 20 lbs in 2-3 months. It was my moment to change.
  • dragthewaters
    dragthewaters Posts: 62 Member
    edited February 2015
    I honestly didn't even realize I had gained 10 pounds since college because I never weighed myself...I kind of just assumed I was around the same weight since I had been since age 15. A few of my clothes got tight, such as jeans, but I usually wear dresses with leggings and loose-fitting sweaters/T-shirts, so most of my clothes still fit.

    Then last September I sent my mom a picture from an event I went to, and she told me my face looked "puffy" and that she thought I looked pregnant. I went to a doctors appointment a month later and got weighed, and it turned out I was 131 pounds. I definitely didn't want to continue this trend of gaining weight, especially since I want to have kids in a few years and can expect to gain at least 20 pounds from that. So I started my diet October 3rd at 131 pounds and came off the diet December 30th at 120. Now in maintenance :)

    It isn't just about the weight though. MFP has given me a much better idea of what I need to eat in a day, and a more accurate picture of what I am eating. The accountability of having to log everything spurs me to make more healthy choices. I feel that my diet is a lot healthier overall than it used to be.
  • senglishrose
    senglishrose Posts: 86 Member
    This was many years ago but I haven't forgotten it. I loved Reese Peanut Butter cups and I was in the car (my secret eating place) and I went to reach for the second cup in the package and it wasn't there. I wasn't even aware that I had already eaten two. Talk about mindless eating.
  • greenoranges67
    greenoranges67 Posts: 33 Member
    I hurt my back so bad I wish to die for days. I have lost 25 pounds so far.
  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    I had to write a paper for a college health class about what the dimensions of wellness meant to me at that time (September 2014). I took a long look at how being overweight was affecting me and decided to make changes so that I could be healthy in all areas of my life. I used to be thin and didn't care about what I ate when I was younger and on the scale I saw the reality of being 20+ lbs heavier than I was when I was 16. I let apathy and depression keep me from being more active and now I see that my daily intake and portions were out of control. I'm now reversing these things where I'm looking and feeling better than I have in years and I want to exercise and be active. I'm more confident and I feel like myself again.
  • bunnies26
    bunnies26 Posts: 149 Member
    I finally went sking which had been on my life long bucket list. I was so out of shape I barely made it through the lesson, but my biggest problem was I was so inflexible from the fat that when I fell down I couldn't get back up again. I wound up blocking the slope and flopping around like a fish until someone came and removed my ski for me. The same thing kept happening-so....horrible. Totally altered my perception of myself.
  • ashleyolson94
    ashleyolson94 Posts: 13 Member
    Mine was when I digging through my summer clothes and none of them fit. Also, I'm getting married in a year so I wanna feel beautiful when I walk down the aisle. :)