Why did you come to the conclusion to lose weight?



  • jwcanfield
    jwcanfield Posts: 192 Member
    Want to feel pretty again - now if I can do something about the wrinkles!
  • housleyashley422
    housleyashley422 Posts: 10 Member
    It been a long journey trying to shred these pounds i had my daughter in 2008 and was 200 something pounds i dropped down to 160 at one time now im back to 180 now this sucks and something has to give so im not giving up this time
  • findingneverland
    findingneverland Posts: 1 Member
    I went on an anniversary trip with my husband to a theme park and had a very hard time getting the safety bars down on the rides.. I was mortified.. so I've started. It's been three days..
  • cindyellis9404
    cindyellis9404 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm tired of using my injuries as an excuse. I want to be fully mobile and I want to feel my age. I don't want to feel old before my time.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
  • DeidraK87
    DeidraK87 Posts: 3 Member
    Well I'm a stay at home mom of two boys and when I couldn't play or keep up with them I knew I had to do something.
    That and I got tired of not being able to wear the clothes that I really want to.
  • FireTurtle75
    FireTurtle75 Posts: 2,014 Member
    Not dying before my kids grow up is one of my major reasons.
  • lejasp
    lejasp Posts: 2 Member
    1 - noticed how unhealthy I've felt
    2 - hated how I began to look
    3 - wanted to begin to feel good about my appearance (and fit back into clothes other than sweats/jeans).
  • LVNF04
    LVNF04 Posts: 2,607 Member
    Because being overweight is unhealthy, I feel less confident, and unattractive. As I become closer to what I want to look like I feel compelled to help others with their weight problems sharing my knowledge, my experiences in hopes of motivating others to not feel helpless, to go from I think I can to I'm doing it. And thus they share there experience with others, helping more people.
  • zilla729
    zilla729 Posts: 5 Member
    Seeing 300 pounds on the scale again and saying I couldn't have gained 70 pounds. Looking at myself in the mirror and realizing I did infect gain 70 pounds. I have less space in my car and always feel uncomfortable. My back is killing me from carry around my belly and none of my clothes fit.
  • jo_nz
    jo_nz Posts: 548 Member
    I just want to be as healthy as I can be for as long as I can be.
    My health seems to closely follow what my mum has gone through, and weight/diet are possible causes for some of the other stuff she is dealing with, so I may as well start eating well now and maybe avoid some future problems (or at least keep to a minimum).
    I'm tired of using my injuries as an excuse. I want to be fully mobile and I want to feel my age. I don't want to feel old before my time.
    This is me too - yes, I had a random accident and it has affected me a lot, for far longer than I thought it would, but I just want to get on with it and see what I CAN do now.
  • kczal
    kczal Posts: 7 Member
    I decided I needed to lose weight when I hurt my hip and every time I go to the doctors they tell me I need to lose some weight. To be honest I agree! So here I go....
  • still_searching
    still_searching Posts: 5 Member
    We got an alarm system installed on our new house complete with a doorbell camera. Seeing myself on the camera recording was honestly embarrassing. 2 summers ago I had lost about 25 lbs but I stopped logging and have gained weight back. I just didn't realize how much I had put on until I saw myself on camera.
    Now I need to figure out what box my food scale is hiding in :D
  • tinie1106
    tinie1106 Posts: 2 Member
    I teach/coach trampolining for a living..... i was demonstrating a skill and the kids mentioned how "far down the bed goes" while I was jumping :( plus when i got down i was shattared that and the usual seeing my self in a photo with friends..... Decided then that I needed to get fit and lose some weight.
  • letchworthnat
    letchworthnat Posts: 5 Member
    I was on the cross country team in high school and now I'm a mother 3 and ive been super unhealthy, now I'm done in going back to a healthier diet and lifestyle!! No more smoking, less junk, and more exercise, I want to run a 5k again by November I know I won't be as fast as I was 10 years ago but I dont care!!
  • MomNiyo20132017
    MomNiyo20132017 Posts: 1 Member
    I went back home to visit my family and at church I met my friend with my God doughter they were so exited and wanted pictures... In the pictures I looked so much older and so fat yet my friend looked so young and we r practically the same age.
  • WayTooHonest
    WayTooHonest Posts: 144 Member
    edited May 2017
    When my son was about 4, he took off running towards the open gate at the end of my driveway (he's 9 now). I live in the country, and you know how fast people drive (SLOW DOWN FOLKS. I LIVE HERE). I BARELY caught him before he got to the road, and that was NOT ok. I have been off track for a while now, thanks to an injury (damn Spartan races), but I can still catch the bugger. I'm not where I want to be...but I am better than I was.