You burned how much?!



  • ChristinaR720
    ChristinaR720 Posts: 1,186
    The thing that really bothers me about this thread is the fact that the OP, and any of us, feel it's our place to judge anyone on the amount of calories they do or don't burn while being active. I'm sure the OP doesn't know the weights of the people performing these activities. She also most likely doesn't know whether or not these people are struggling with debilitating conditions and other issues that limit their ability to exercise. Three years ago, due to the effects of Lupus, I was walking with a cane at the age of 27. People with Lupus experience symptoms like extreme fatigue and chronic joint pain, among many other things. When I first started on MFP, I was counting things like "Cleaning", "Cooking", and "Walking" as part of my calorie burns because that is all I could physically do at the time. The fact that I was able to move from the couch and push through the pain and be active was a BIG deal. Six months later, I am over the moon, as today I reached a milestone of having run 3.5 miles for the first time EVER.

    So, when I add friends, I don't judge them on what they choose to do for exercise. I celebrate their successes with them and encourage them to work hard for their goals. I don't know how much they weigh and I don't know all of the trials and tribulations they face on a daily basis. All I know is that they are HERE and they are working to get HEALTHY and BETTER their lives. I refuse to minimize their progress and their successes. And, their calorie burns are to be commended, regardless of the activities and exercises they choose. They are doing SOMETHING, and that means A LOT.
  • romajo
    romajo Posts: 6 Member
    Nicely said, ChristinaR720!
  • phjorg1
    phjorg1 Posts: 642 Member
    The thing that really bothers me about this thread is the fact that the OP, and any of us, feel it's our place to judge anyone on the amount of calories they do or don't burn while being active. I'm sure the OP doesn't know the weights of the people performing these activities. She also most likely doesn't know whether or not these people are struggling with debilitating conditions and other issues that limit their ability to exercise. Three years ago, due to the effects of Lupus, I was walking with a cane at the age of 27. People with Lupus experience symptoms like extreme fatigue and chronic joint pain, among many other things. When I first started on MFP, I was counting things like "Cleaning", "Cooking", and "Walking" as part of my calorie burns because that is all I could physically do at the time. The fact that I was able to move from the couch and push through the pain and be active was a BIG deal. Six months later, I am over the moon, as today I reached a milestone of having run 3.5 miles for the first time EVER.

    So, when I add friends, I don't judge them on what they choose to do for exercise. I celebrate their successes with them and encourage them to work hard for their goals. I don't know how much they weigh and I don't know all of the trials and tribulations they face on a daily basis. All I know is that they are HERE and they are working to get HEALTHY and BETTER their lives. I refuse to minimize their progress and their successes. And, their calorie burns are to be commended, regardless of the activities and exercises they choose. They are doing SOMETHING, and that means A LOT.

    it's far more common for people to be in exercise denial than it is for them to have valid conditions..
  • simplyciera
    simplyciera Posts: 168 Member
    The thing that really bothers me about this thread is the fact that the OP, and any of us, feel it's our place to judge anyone on the amount of calories they do or don't burn while being active. I'm sure the OP doesn't know the weights of the people performing these activities. She also most likely doesn't know whether or not these people are struggling with debilitating conditions and other issues that limit their ability to exercise. Three years ago, due to the effects of Lupus, I was walking with a cane at the age of 27. People with Lupus experience symptoms like extreme fatigue and chronic joint pain, among many other things. When I first started on MFP, I was counting things like "Cleaning", "Cooking", and "Walking" as part of my calorie burns because that is all I could physically do at the time. The fact that I was able to move from the couch and push through the pain and be active was a BIG deal. Six months later, I am over the moon, as today I reached a milestone of having run 3.5 miles for the first time EVER.

    So, when I add friends, I don't judge them on what they choose to do for exercise. I celebrate their successes with them and encourage them to work hard for their goals. I don't know how much they weigh and I don't know all of the trials and tribulations they face on a daily basis. All I know is that they are HERE and they are working to get HEALTHY and BETTER their lives. I refuse to minimize their progress and their successes. And, their calorie burns are to be commended, regardless of the activities and exercises they choose. They are doing SOMETHING, and that means A LOT.

    I totally agree. Who cares how much someone else burns or how they burn it? Support your friends & stop projecting your frustrations on them.
  • donrdon
    donrdon Posts: 216 Member
    Why worry so much about what others are doing?

    Totally agree.
  • Brownsbacker4evr
    Brownsbacker4evr Posts: 365 Member
    I chewed gum for 15 minutes and burnt 3500 lbs. For some reason the scale just isn't showing it though.

    lol seriously though, I agree. I've had (HAD) friends that say they bike for about 25 minutes with a burn of over 1000+. I dont give a fu(k how much you weigh, that is a bull**** burn, my friend and you are cheating yourself if you actually believe it.

    I don't do stationaries due to how little they actually do burn. I put in 25 minutes to put it to the test, because some people I've seen do this before who are probably 2--or even 3 times lighter than me. Turns out, I only burned about 120 or so cals doing what i'd call moderate biking. I did about 10 miles in that 25 minutes, and I weigh 300+ pounds.

    Now by all means, if you find your burns are actually making sense when you weigh in, then I stand corrected. But I haven't yet personally seen a case of this yet. I want everyone to succeed, It's just not that easy to get 1000 cals burned. Sorry to say it to everyone who feels a half hour on a stationary will do that for you.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    I have a bodymedia armband and I am 301lbs, a walk/jog of 6.5 miles and for 1hr 10min will get me at about 1,110 calories. I am on the middle edge of mets too so its not calculating if I breath heavy that its going into vigorous lol. Like someone said it depends on your weight, incline and just how fast you can get yourself moving and working out.

    I know for a fact when I do housework I get about 200-300 calories. Even when I was being vigorous in the house it only hit 300. SO I am not really positive how they got 600 for housework, but we don't know if they raked the yard or mowed the grass and listed it as housework.

    SO all I can say is worry for yourself and let others worry for themselves, because there body will never be yours and vis versa :)
  • MisterDerpington
    MisterDerpington Posts: 604 Member
    Don't get me wrong, I love to see that people are working out or doing some sort of activity, but....I do hate when people say, "I just cleaned HARDCORE" or "I just went on a walk for an hour" and they burned almost 600 calories? I mean, I'm not a beast or anything, when I work out it's only for a half hour at a pop right now and I only burn about 250-270 cals depending. How is it that these people are burning so much? Is it all just too over-exaggerated like I'm assuming it is? To tell the truth, it kinda' irritates me....BTW, please no negative comments, I've seen a lot of them lately. Thanks

    No negative comments to your negative comment? How about no. It irritates me that you can't understand that people who are bigger than you can burn more calories than you BECAUSE they're bigger than you. I'm 430+ pounds. I cleaned my entire garage out this afternoon. Including cleaning off all 400lb+ of my weight plates. I burned around 1500 calories, and that's me lowballing it. How about you do better yourself instead of looking down your nose at people who "clean" or "walked."
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member

    ...As far as house cleaning goes....I very seriously doubt it. Its got to be over exaggerated unless they're constantly moving heavy furniture and / or boxes in addition to running around the house like a maniac non-stop...and unless they've got a heart rate monitor to give them a ball park figure off of, I'd still be very doubtful.

    I've never logged housecleaning (and don't intend to), but I will say there are times (for me) when it includes constantly moving heavy furniture and running around like a maniac ;) ~ today as example being as I'm throwing a party tomorrow. And I figure too some surely are wearing a monitor to get a more accurate burn count.
  • cupcakes_and_cardio
    cupcakes_and_cardio Posts: 369 Member
    Don't get me wrong, I love to see that people are working out or doing some sort of activity, but....I do hate when people say, "I just cleaned HARDCORE" or "I just went on a walk for an hour" and they burned almost 600 calories? I mean, I'm not a beast or anything, when I work out it's only for a half hour at a pop right now and I only burn about 250-270 cals depending. How is it that these people are burning so much? Is it all just too over-exaggerated like I'm assuming it is? To tell the truth, it kinda' irritates me....BTW, please no negative comments, I've seen a lot of them lately. Thanks

    so wait, by your logic (math isnt hard) you're also complaining about yourself.

    if they bum 600 calories in an hour and you're saying you burn 250-270 in half an hour then arithmetic dictates you would be burning 500-540 calories if you worked out for an hour.. there's not too much of a difference between what you are saying are other's inflated numbers and your supposed correct ones.

    are you really getting your panties in a bunch over 60-100 calorie difference? :laugh:

    and like others have noted, different bodies burn different rates of calories. don;t consider yourself as what should be the norm

    I wish people would read what was typed before hurrying up to answer just because they were assuming. I said "cleaning" not "working out" or "being on the elliptical"
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    noone is over-exaggerated
  • cupcakes_and_cardio
    cupcakes_and_cardio Posts: 369 Member
    To those who commented negatively (I knew that was coming), it was an OPINION, not FACT. Please, relax. These forums are intended to post your opinions, comments, etc. It's not my business, I was just stumped, curious, etc. RELAX
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    u can burnn the same calories they do
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    Working out is what you put into it

    I have 30 minute zumba playlists, I can do it and only burn 220 calories, and i can do the same video again the next day and burn 450 because I'm pushing myself totally harder and differently.

    Cleaning hardcore - dusting and folding clothes vs moving heavy boxes and scrubbing floors - big difference (but I dont log cleaning!)

    I also burn different amount when walking if its on a sidewalk vs a trail with hills and if its hot and I'm sweating, I burn 200 more an hour.

    Also heavier people burn more calories.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    "I just went on a walk for an hour" and they burned almost 600 calories?

    well that would piss off a ton of people, as people can burn up to that or more in an hour walk. thats what caused the negative comments.

    Whole housework thing is a common curious question with tons of people, as cleaning is a daily thing and I would figure that in my TDEE and wouldn't post it unless I raked, mowed or gardened :)
  • cupcakes_and_cardio
    cupcakes_and_cardio Posts: 369 Member
    Don't get me wrong, I love to see that people are working out or doing some sort of activity, but....I do hate when people say, "I just cleaned HARDCORE" or "I just went on a walk for an hour" and they burned almost 600 calories? I mean, I'm not a beast or anything, when I work out it's only for a half hour at a pop right now and I only burn about 250-270 cals depending. How is it that these people are burning so much? Is it all just too over-exaggerated like I'm assuming it is? To tell the truth, it kinda' irritates me....BTW, please no negative comments, I've seen a lot of them lately. Thanks

    so wait, by your logic (math isnt hard) you're also complaining about yourself.

    if they bum 600 calories in an hour and you're saying you burn 250-270 in half an hour then arithmetic dictates you would be burning 500-540 calories if you worked out for an hour.. there's not too much of a difference between what you are saying are other's inflated numbers and your supposed correct ones.

    are you really getting your panties in a bunch over 60-100 calorie difference? :laugh:

    and like others have noted, different bodies burn different rates of calories. don;t consider yourself as what should be the norm

    She's saying that she thinks it's unlikely someone burned that much doing non-exercise activities such as cleaning the house...She's comparing the numbers she burned from doing ACTUAL exercises to the over-inflated numbers people are claiming to burn by cleaning their houses.

    The difference is the activity, and the intensity. Doing actual exercises are usually more intense than simply cleaning your house.

    Speaking of common sense, did anyone actually read the post? :laugh:

    THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Exactly my point!
  • gonnamakeanewaccount
    gonnamakeanewaccount Posts: 642 Member
    The amount of calories burned depends on different factors including height, weight, and age. Two completely different people can do the same activity and end up burning totally different calorie amounts. One can end up burning 200 calories while the other ends up burning only 80.

    Tl;dr - Every one is different.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Why worry so much about what others are doing?

    Because they are the same people who flood the forum with the "I'm not losing weight" posts?
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    The thing that really bothers me about this thread is the fact that the OP, and any of us, feel it's our place to judge anyone on the amount of calories they do or don't burn while being active. I'm sure the OP doesn't know the weights of the people performing these activities. She also most likely doesn't know whether or not these people are struggling with debilitating conditions and other issues that limit their ability to exercise. Three years ago, due to the effects of Lupus, I was walking with a cane at the age of 27. People with Lupus experience symptoms like extreme fatigue and chronic joint pain, among many other things. When I first started on MFP, I was counting things like "Cleaning", "Cooking", and "Walking" as part of my calorie burns because that is all I could physically do at the time. The fact that I was able to move from the couch and push through the pain and be active was a BIG deal. Six months later, I am over the moon, as today I reached a milestone of having run 3.5 miles for the first time EVER.

    So, when I add friends, I don't judge them on what they choose to do for exercise. I celebrate their successes with them and encourage them to work hard for their goals. I don't know how much they weigh and I don't know all of the trials and tribulations they face on a daily basis. All I know is that they are HERE and they are working to get HEALTHY and BETTER their lives. I refuse to minimize their progress and their successes. And, their calorie burns are to be commended, regardless of the activities and exercises they choose. They are doing SOMETHING, and that means A LOT.

    it's far more common for people to be in exercise denial than it is for them to have valid conditions..

  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    Everybody just buy a fitbit; let it do the calculating, and relax....

    That being said--I can do 10 minute warm up on the treadmill, 10 minutes HIIT, 10 minutes on my bike, 10 minutes elliptical, and 10 minutes cool down on my treadmill using my HRM, and burn over 500 calories. It's all intensity, weight, and even muscle mass (more muscle=higher burn).