You burned how much?!



  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    All depends on fitness level for one and then size of person. For me I have a LOT of weight to loose so right now I can burn ALOT in a short period of time. I can easily burn 600-800 in 60-90 minutes with moderate effort, especially if interval training. I am 5 foot 1 and currently almost 180 pounds.
  • chubbard9
    chubbard9 Posts: 565 Member
    Unfortunately, my point was misconstrued. I'm done with this post. Thank you to those who actually took the time to read it, and to those who consider "taking down trees" cleaning, kudos to you. :)

    You think that you provided sufficient information for people to NOT respond the way we are? You didn't! You said walking and cleaning cannot burn 600 calories per hour. My HRM is proof I can(I often write that I burn less, I subtract some from it for possible error anyways).

    While some things as "taking down trees" is not "cleaning" per se, people often use different activities they mention in their logs because it's not written there... Yes, "gardening" may fit, but you probably have JUST AS MUCH of a problem with "gardening" as "cleaning". Just because mine isn't as "accurate" in the sense of "cleaning" who's to say that someone else might log it like that!

    Stop worrying about how many people burn calories and worry about yourself! Don't get "irritated", because, in reality it is none of your concern! How somebody burns calories, and in how much time it's burned in-that's on them!

    Stop getting your panties in a bunch because not everyone agrees with your beliefs! A lot of people do work hard on here, and for you to only be on here ~2 weeks and to be judging other's burns (not to mention their potential/overall progress) is just stupid! IF it works for them, why say anything? There are some out there that track their food and ONLY walk as exercise and may lose more weight than others! Who's to judge them, because they're not "working out" as you say!?
    Don't get me wrong, I love to see that people are working out or doing some sort of activity, but....I do hate when people say, "I just cleaned HARDCORE" or "I just went on a walk for an hour" and they burned almost 600 calories? I mean, I'm not a beast or anything, when I work out it's only for a half hour at a pop right now and I only burn about 250-270 cals depending. How is it that these people are burning so much? Is it all just too over-exaggerated like I'm assuming it is? To tell the truth, it kinda' irritates me....BTW, please no negative comments, I've seen a lot of them lately. Thanks

    Another thing I wondered, what do you do when you "work out"? You gave no information as what you do except for "I'm not a beast"... How are we to know that you, in fact, are only walking? We could and assume just as much as we choose to, but I assure you, I would not stoop to that level to just "judge" someone based on their progress/effort/burns(or lack thereof)!
  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    I think mfp is set quite high for burns, I've found this out since wearing a HRM, as my burns have halved, think it also depends on your fitness levels as the fitter you are the longer it takes to get to fat burning mode

    And this too!

    But it all depends, I found for me especially for aerobics MFP tends to be off (UNDER) 150-200 calories!
  • cupcakes_and_cardio
    cupcakes_and_cardio Posts: 369 Member
    Unfortunately, my point was misconstrued. I'm done with this post. Thank you to those who actually took the time to read it, and to those who consider "taking down trees" cleaning, kudos to you. :)

    You think that you provided sufficient information for people to NOT respond the way we are? You didn't! You said walking and cleaning cannot burn 600 calories per hour. My HRM is proof I can(I often write that I burn less, I subtract some from it for possible error anyways).

    While some things as "taking down trees" is not "cleaning" per se, people often use different activities they mention in their logs because it's not written there... Yes, "gardening" may fit, but you probably have JUST AS MUCH of a problem with "gardening" as "cleaning". Just because mine isn't as "accurate" in the sense of "cleaning" who's to say that someone else might log it like that!

    Stop worrying about how many people burn calories and worry about yourself! Don't get "irritated", because, in reality it is none of your concern! How somebody burns calories, and in how much time it's burned in-that's on them!

    Stop getting your panties in a bunch because not everyone agrees with your beliefs! A lot of people do work hard on here, and for you to only be on here ~2 weeks and to be judging other's burns (not to mention their potential/overall progress) is just stupid! IF it works for them, why say anything? There are some out there that track their food and ONLY walk as exercise and may lose more weight than others! Who's to judge them, because they're not "working out" as you say!?
    Don't get me wrong, I love to see that people are working out or doing some sort of activity, but....I do hate when people say, "I just cleaned HARDCORE" or "I just went on a walk for an hour" and they burned almost 600 calories? I mean, I'm not a beast or anything, when I work out it's only for a half hour at a pop right now and I only burn about 250-270 cals depending. How is it that these people are burning so much? Is it all just too over-exaggerated like I'm assuming it is? To tell the truth, it kinda' irritates me....BTW, please no negative comments, I've seen a lot of them lately. Thanks

    Another thing I wondered, what do you do when you "work out"? You gave no information as what you do except for "I'm not a beast"... How are we to know that you, in fact, are only walking? We could and assume just as much as we choose to, but I assure you, I would not stoop to that level to just "judge" someone based on their progress/effort/burns(or lack thereof)!

    This came from you: Stop worrying about how many people burn calories and worry about yourself! So, my response is: I guess it doesn't matter what I do when I exercise, now does it? :)
  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    The thing that really bothers me about this thread is the fact that the OP, and any of us, feel it's our place to judge anyone on the amount of calories they do or don't burn while being active. I'm sure the OP doesn't know the weights of the people performing these activities. She also most likely doesn't know whether or not these people are struggling with debilitating conditions and other issues that limit their ability to exercise. Three years ago, due to the effects of Lupus, I was walking with a cane at the age of 27. People with Lupus experience symptoms like extreme fatigue and chronic joint pain, among many other things. When I first started on MFP, I was counting things like "Cleaning", "Cooking", and "Walking" as part of my calorie burns because that is all I could physically do at the time. The fact that I was able to move from the couch and push through the pain and be active was a BIG deal. Six months later, I am over the moon, as today I reached a milestone of having run 3.5 miles for the first time EVER.

    So, when I add friends, I don't judge them on what they choose to do for exercise. I celebrate their successes with them and encourage them to work hard for their goals. I don't know how much they weigh and I don't know all of the trials and tribulations they face on a daily basis. All I know is that they are HERE and they are working to get HEALTHY and BETTER their lives. I refuse to minimize their progress and their successes. And, their calorie burns are to be commended, regardless of the activities and exercises they choose. They are doing SOMETHING, and that means A LOT.

    it's far more common for people to be in exercise denial than it is for them to have valid conditions..

    And it's YOUR issue b/c?
  • americangirlok
    americangirlok Posts: 228 Member
    OP didnt get all the "mmm hmm you go girl ^5" reactions she wanted and decided to leave the thread.

    i wonder how many calories panty unbunching and de-beeing bonnets burn?

    You forgot to include slamming the laptop shut and storming off :drinker:
  • chubbard9
    chubbard9 Posts: 565 Member
    Thank you for explaining yourself, and not coming at me like a bat out of h*ll, excuse my language. What I meant by "cleaning" and "walking", which I see by now that I should have explained (I guess more in depth) was a "light" cleaning and walking. I wasn't talking anything strenuous...when I said "Hardcore" I was exaggerating - so everyone knows, and stops assuming (which still won't stop them from assuming), that's what I meant.

    You should have included this in the original post, but it is still possible to burn that many calories-with all of which the person you quoted said. And if you are using "I just cleaned HARDCORE" and "light cleaning", you shouldn't be putting "HARDCORE" in the statement. Room for a lot of error.

    And FYI to prevent assumptions, be clear in your original post! That is why people react the way they do! If you're not specific, there is a hell of a lot of room for corrections!

    And in your response to what I said:

    I really do not "care" what you did to workout, but I was just saying as you didn't specify, but specified what types of working out you disagreed with(and how it is possibly 'exaggerated')

    "I mean, I'm not a beast or anything, when I work out it's only for a half hour at a pop right now and I only burn about 250-270 cals depending" It's not as though I actually care what you're doing to burn your calories, I just mean it as in, you could weigh 150lbs, run 30 minutes, and burn only 270. That doesn't mean that somebody 250 lbs can't walk 30 minutes (at what may be a tough pace for them, but an easy pace for you) and burn the same amount, or more! What you do, yes, does effect how many calories you burn, but don't underestimate the burns of others(weight/muscle/intensity/etc.)!

    I don't know what you do to burn your calories, and I'm just saying - people could think you're exaggerating as well! I'm not trying to attack you or anything, but try to make you realize that calories are different for everybody... People are not cookie-cutter. Everyone will burn calories differently, and there's no reason to be upset with this!

    There's always room for inaccuracy - and it's even possible you're not burning as much as you think, same as with others... There's always room for error, but in general, try not to "doubt" your "friends" on here. They're there for a reason, and you shouldn't be "irritated" with how they count their burns/whatever... This is a positive place (for the most part) and everyone's doing their own thing... Your friends are there for support, and while their burns may not seem realistic to you, they can be VERY realistic tho them.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I also have been wondering. Years ago I was a very serious weightlifter and in order to burn 500 calories I had to get in a super workout including cardio and all which usually lasted way more than an hour. Have the standards changed ? Maybe because so many people are heavier now that it takes more calories to begin with just doing the most basic activities ?
    I am a bit confused.
  • phjorg1
    phjorg1 Posts: 642 Member
    I'm going to do all of you a favor. Read this.

    Here is the critical part
    Most riders burn 600 to 900 calories an hour

    Let that sink it. Tour de france riders are exercising at an intensity that 2-10x more than EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU.

    So when you claim that your 6mph jog burned 1000calories, or your 4mph walk burned 700, or whatever the hell other BS amount you claim, you're basically saying that somehow you're burning more than elite athletes who are able to hit intensities that you can only dream about.

    It's pure fiction. None on this board is able to out output and out calorie burn a tour de france rider except for maybe a handful of exceptions who are very large and very trained males. So stop getting so butthurt when you are called out on it and realize that you are just in total exercise denial about what you're actually doing for exercise activity...
  • JBsCrazyGirl
    JBsCrazyGirl Posts: 337
    At the end of the day, it's there exercise diary, and their calories. They will figure it out themselves.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    This may piss some people off, and I apologize, but I really don't understand how housework and gardening are exercise. I played 4 full tennis matches today over 5 hours and burned 2107 calories, and I busted my *kitten*. Yes, all people are different and burn calories at a different rate, but really?? How high are you getting your heartrate? You would burn nearly the same sitting on the couch, unless you are extremely unfit. I also know heart rate isn't the only factor, but if you aren't breathing heavier, its not exercise. That's just my opinion. To me its an excuse to eat more food. I have friends that count these things and I don't judge them, I just would never do that myself. When I wear my HRM during real exercise, I deduct 10% from the final calorie count, and if I don't have it on and have to use MFP's waaaaay overestimated numbers, I deduct 30%. I support all my friends and am proud of their accomplishments, doesn't mean I have to agree with everything they do.

    I think, especially in some countries the base of what being active means has shifted and it's maybe from the attitude that has become popular over the last ten years that making even three steps ( even if it is to the fridge for that third helping of ice cream ) is better than no steps at all. That kind of attitude and belief than makes a very big deal even out of a bit of exercise .
  • seif0068
    seif0068 Posts: 193 Member
    BTW, please no negative comments, I've seen a lot of them lately. Thanks

    If you don't want negative comments, you shouldn't post them either. Your whole post is negative!
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    Don't get me wrong, I love to see that people are working out or doing some sort of activity, but....I do hate when people say, "I just cleaned HARDCORE" or "I just went on a walk for an hour" and they burned almost 600 calories? I mean, I'm not a beast or anything, when I work out it's only for a half hour at a pop right now and I only burn about 250-270 cals depending. How is it that these people are burning so much? Is it all just too over-exaggerated like I'm assuming it is? To tell the truth, it kinda' irritates me....BTW, please no negative comments, I've seen a lot of them lately. Thanks

    morbidly obese people that walk burn a lot of cals. The bigger you are the more you burn.
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    depends on weight, fitness level, and what you are doing. I can burn 700 cals running for a hour...walking tho would be lucky to burn 350 cals in a hour for me.
  • cicisiam
    cicisiam Posts: 491 Member
    My thoughts exactly. Best advice. No need to drag this out. Moving on.
    MFP exaggerates calorie consumption of a lot of exercises. The best thing to do, as I have discovered is to get an HRM or other activity monitor.
    kind regards,

  • MisterDerpington
    MisterDerpington Posts: 604 Member
    I'm going to do all of you a favor. Read this.

    Here is the critical part
    Most riders burn 600 to 900 calories an hour

    Let that sink it. Tour de france riders are exercising at an intensity that 2-10x more than EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU.

    So when you claim that your 6mph jog burned 1000calories, or your 4mph walk burned 700, or whatever the hell other BS amount you claim, you're basically saying that somehow you're burning more than elite athletes who are able to hit intensities that you can only dream about.

    It's pure fiction. None on this board is able to out output and out calorie burn a tour de france rider except for maybe a handful of exceptions who are very large and very trained males. So stop getting so butthurt when you are called out on it and realize that you are just in total exercise denial about what you're actually doing for exercise activity...

    They're in peak physical condition though. An overweight or obese person who is unfit will burn a whole lot more than them for that fact alone.
  • newmelady
    newmelady Posts: 132 Member
    60 minutes- low impact aerobics- 458 calories

    And it depends on the person's weight. I do a lot of low impact aerobics. And I burn only 230 calories in an hour.:smile:

    Same as yard cleaning by a fit person and house cleaning by severely disabled person will cause different burns. The point is all these are tools giving us rough estimates.

    The result shows in a scale and measuring tape. And ultimately that's what matters. :smile:
  • skcardiog
    skcardiog Posts: 316 Member
    I don't pay attention to calories burned, once I strap myself into my water-rower, it s all hands on board, bucket optional .
  • vivianamiami
    vivianamiami Posts: 35 Member
    That was well stated!
  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    It makes absolutely no difference what you, or others, claim on this site or any other site the exercise performed or the calories burned in performing the exercise.
    The only thing that burns calories is DOING THE EXERCISE.

    I only worry about WHAT I DO. I no longer even list my exercise on here and simply keep track of calories consumed.
    I never "eat back exercise calories burned. I exercise to lose weight not to justify eating more.