Is phentermine safe ?! Please help !!



  • kikichewie
    kikichewie Posts: 276 Member
    You should really pay more attention to people who used it and then have successfully or not successfully kept the weight off vs people who are in the middle of the excitement of taking it and watching the number on the scale drop every week. It is a very good feeling to see that "success," but the long-term results are much more challenging. It's not all about whether you will feel jittery (I didn't) or if you'll be able to sleep (I could), but what does it do to your metabolism, and what happens when you're done. I can tell you body fat percentage shot up even more thanmy weight, making it harder to lose weight the right way after that. Or maintain the weight loss right afterwards. The "muscle sparing" diet did not work.
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    My husband takes it, he's had no side effects as of so far. He's not really changed his lifestyle at all and he's loosing about 4lbs/month.

    If you are worried about side effects chat with your pharmacist, they are fonts of knowledge.
  • Marianne802
    Marianne802 Posts: 91 Member
    edited March 2015
    The prescription appetite suppressant Phentermine triggers the fight/flight response in the brain, thus shutting off/restricting blood flow to unimportant parts of the body, such as stomach, and bowls (constipation) and redirecting it to those parts necessary for fleeing or fighting.

    Initially it does work, don't eat, exercise all day (it was fantastic for house work, my windows were sparkling clean. Should have kept the packet for spring cleaning sessions), however your body soon realises "hey, lot of anxiety here for nothing, these not danger, can't sustain this for too long, might just introduce some other hormone to counteract it" and so you body builds the life long tolerance.

    This is one of the reasons, aside from some possible nasty adverse reactions, that there isn't a successful, safe, long term drug out there, yet. The body is just too efficient at adapting.

    I learned all this from hours of research during the long sleepless nights whilsts tanking the dug. At the end of 3 months I was nearly looping. One day I realised, hey, I have go get in the car and pick up my kids. Not a good combination, looping and driving.

    Who knows, maybe one day. Still looking.
  • shalak14
    shalak14 Posts: 42 Member
    I would suggest going to a dietician while your on it. It does help get a jump start on weight loss but a lot of people don't change their eating habits. I am an over eater really bad I have taken phentermine my only side effect was not sleeping well and my pulse was a little high. I changed my eating habits and workout I have kept the weight off and have lost more. There is some reason your doctor is prescribing it for you. Best of luck