aiming for body fat below 10%



  • Zedeff
    Zedeff Posts: 651 Member
    I'm sorry dude, but beach bodies are made up of more than just candy, noodles, and peanut butter. Fix your diet.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    While to you want to cut your life expectancy?

    Look at the first graph in this article below that shows one can start shaving months off of life expectancy if your BMI drops below 22. 22-25 is the first sweet spot. 19-29 is the second sweet spot especially when buying life insurance to get better rates.

  • ferdinandthong
    ferdinandthong Posts: 57 Member
    I just a beginner on cutting and bulking! I admire the result from Vismal and he mention before dont care what other people say such as "dude u r too skinny bulk up", just keep go on and i do a lot of research, many of u here also mention as long as there is a deficit, u will lose fat! THIS IS WHAT I LEARNT AND SOME OF YOU KEEP SAY IM TROLL!!!! Do you know the fear and stress i have when you used to be a fat **** and finally get into this lean and now you trying to bulk up? I know my calories are low BUT again you all mention before if your weight stop dropping, cut more calories!! WELL I JUST FOLLOW AND NOW YOU SAY IM TROLLING!!! I am so miserable, fear, stress, and sad! I just want a beach body thats all, im not lazy, i have strong will power but i just dont know what should i do now!!!
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    I just a beginner on cutting and bulking! I admire the result from Vismal and he mention before dont care what other people say such as "dude u r too skinny bulk up", just keep go on and i do a lot of research, many of u here also mention as long as there is a deficit, u will lose fat! THIS IS WHAT I LEARNT AND SOME OF YOU KEEP SAY IM TROLL!!!! Do you know the fear and stress i have when you used to be a fat **** and finally get into this lean and now you trying to bulk up? I know my calories are low BUT again you all mention before if your weight stop dropping, cut more calories!! WELL I JUST FOLLOW AND NOW YOU SAY IM TROLLING!!! I am so miserable, fear, stress, and sad! I just want a beach body thats all, im not lazy, i have strong will power but i just dont know what should i do now!!!

    If you really are serious then the first thing you need to do is stop what you are doing and reverse diet to a normal intake. Slowly increase your calories 100 per day each week until your weight start to come up a bit. This will tell you what your maintenance should be and it will also help your body normalize it's hormones etc. If you've been doing a long-term, caloric deficit your body will need to normalize it's hormones etc and you need to let it get back to some stability.

    If you haven't started a heavy lifting program start now and as you add back in more calories you should start gaining back some muscle. What you are trying to do right now isn't going to be good for you and will be unsustainable. Don't kill yourself for an unrealistic goal but rather look for something you can sustain for life and try putting on some muscle. You'll be much happier when you have more size and you'll look better.
  • jenglish712
    jenglish712 Posts: 497 Member
    I just a beginner on cutting and bulking! I admire the result from Vismal and he mention before dont care what other people say such as "dude u r too skinny bulk up", just keep go on and i do a lot of research, many of u here also mention as long as there is a deficit, u will lose fat! THIS IS WHAT I LEARNT AND SOME OF YOU KEEP SAY IM TROLL!!!! Do you know the fear and stress i have when you used to be a fat **** and finally get into this lean and now you trying to bulk up? I know my calories are low BUT again you all mention before if your weight stop dropping, cut more calories!! WELL I JUST FOLLOW AND NOW YOU SAY IM TROLLING!!! I am so miserable, fear, stress, and sad! I just want a beach body thats all, im not lazy, i have strong will power but i just dont know what should i do now!!!

    If you are getting different opinions from different people at different times... welcome to the internet. But dude.. you are skinny. Getting skinnier isnt gonna help. You are lean enough to have good partitioning between muscle and fat. Get a good program and start building some muscle in surplus. I was way fatter than you when I went into surplus lifting heavy and while I have got a little more fat around the middle... I have lost fat before. It's really not that hard to lose a pound or two a week without losing much muscle. Just get started on the harder (but way more fun) part of increasing muscle and getting stronger!
  • ferdinandthong
    ferdinandthong Posts: 57 Member
    Vismal said most of the time people just lack of patience to see the result WELL i being patience but most of you scolded at me and ask me to eat more including Vismal himself. I just follow what i learnt from you all and i get scolded? Calories in vs calories out is the only thing matters for fat loss and bulking, this is what you all keep saying as well and i follow. I eat cookies and peanut butter and mee because 1. it is easier to track the calories, i want to make sure i do not overestimate my food 2. i trying to help my mum save up money, i live alone and i lean chicken and healthy food are more expensive, i know because ive been eating super healthy and clean before. So now i just want to help my parents save money and eat something cheaper.
  • ferdinandthong
    ferdinandthong Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks to all of you, i really appreciate all the adivce and i understand that you all concern about my health, just that i have no idea what to do. I did not ignore any advice, last post many of you told me to eat more and i did, i increase my calories to 1500kcal per day. Just that i do not know what is the next step, what i know is just follow and learn from other posts. And really the fear inside me require a lot of courage to start a bulk, hope you guys can motivate me and encourage me, not keep say im trolling THATS REALLY HURT. I already started to eat at
    maintenance and back to weighlift today. I try to find out my
    maintain cal for 1 week and clean bulk (add 100cal) for 3 months and see the result. I also track my macros because i know how protein must come first so my macros is 40p 40c 20f according to my final clean bulk cal

  • jenglish712
    jenglish712 Posts: 497 Member
    Don't worry so much about "healthy foods." Hit your macro targets. You want a calorie surplus to gain weight. You want carbs for energy and building muscle. You can still hit your desire to eat "clean" (though I don't think it matters) by eating plenty of potatoes and white rice that are quite cheap. But you are still gonna hafta workout to build muscle. You are skinny and don't have a V_taper... so you are gonna have to add some mass to deltoids and lats to make that look. It takes progressive load and calorie surplus to add muscle mass.
  • ferdinandthong
    ferdinandthong Posts: 57 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Vismal said most of the time people just lack of patience to see the result WELL i being patience but most of you scolded at me and ask me to eat more including Vismal himself. I just follow what i learnt from you all and i get scolded? Calories in vs calories out is the only thing matters for fat loss and bulking, this is what you all keep saying as well and i follow. I eat cookies and peanut butter and mee because 1. it is easier to track the calories, i want to make sure i do not overestimate my food 2. i trying to help my mum save up money, i live alone and i lean chicken and healthy food are more expensive, i know because ive been eating super healthy and
    2.clean before. So now i just want to help my parents save money and eat something cheaper.

    No one is scolding you. They are telling you that losing more weight isn't a smart idea.

    Figure out how to start your bulk.

    My plan now is

    2000kcal per day (try find out my maintain cal for 1 week)
    180g carbs 180g pro 50g fat minimum
    Any kind of food source can be either lean chicken or simply mcdonald (please correct me if this is wrong). This is because i learnt that clean bulk is small calories surplus regardless food source.

    Workout routine
    Monday chest 3 set 5 reps max weight
    Tuesday shoulder
    Wed arms
    Thurs back and leg
    Fri chest
    Sat triceps and chest
    Sun cardio

    I am a student so i spend most of the time sitting in front of computer, this is why i always keep my calories low.

    Please guide me in my very FIRST bulking in my whole life. Really scare about gaining fat again.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I was at 7% body fat in the spring .. and looked like ****, it was an accident. I do not recommend it except in a few gifted people with the right type of body .. ie lots of muscle to back it up. Looking at your picture, you do not have the required muscle mass to make it a good thing. At 10% it is not likely to be what you really want. I am now much higher in body fat .. and it is far far better. So .. having a low body fat goal is not all it appears to be. Most people cannot pull it off in a good way. A guy at my gym who is at 7% body fat and looks great .. I asked him about it. He told me .. 4 years of very hard work and lots of supplements. I would strongly recommend just gaining muscle ... period. Do not worry about lowering your body fat .. until that muscle is there. Then you can think about lowering it ..
  • ferdinandthong
    ferdinandthong Posts: 57 Member
    If anyone willing to guide me to my goal (beach body) please add me or comment and i will add you. I really need support and guidance. I can be very discipline and hardworking, i just need someone to guide me out. :'(
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Vismal said most of the time people just lack of patience to see the result WELL i being patience but most of you scolded at me and ask me to eat more including Vismal himself. I just follow what i learnt from you all and i get scolded? Calories in vs calories out is the only thing matters for fat loss and bulking, this is what you all keep saying as well and i follow. I eat cookies and peanut butter and mee because 1. it is easier to track the calories, i want to make sure i do not overestimate my food 2. i trying to help my mum save up money, i live alone and i lean chicken and healthy food are more expensive, i know because ive been eating super healthy and clean before. So now i just want to help my parents save money and eat something cheaper.
    You read an answer I gave in an ama thread and took it as personal advice. It's not meant to be that. I wasn't in remotely the same situation you were in when folks were telling me to stop losing weight. They also weren't people knowledgeable in diet or nutrition. They were mostly coworkers and acquaintances. No one is scolding you. We're trying to give you the best advice possible. Also, fat loss is not as simple as a calorie deficit if you have physique goals like you do. You must also consider macro and micro nutrients which you diet is deficient in BIG TIME. When you have a deficit and have low protein intake, you lose lean mass taking you further from your goal. The leaner you get, the more true this becomes. You have gotten lean enough to start focusing on lean mass building. If you don't build some muscle you will never achieve your goal. I was much less lean then you are when I did my first lean bulk. You won't get fat from bulking. Just do it slowly. Raise your calories until you reach maintenance which is usually around 14 to 16 calories for each pound you weigh. Then stay there for a few weeks. After that, slowly increase calories with the goal of gaining around 2 lbs a month. That's all the faster you need to gain. Also you need to eat about 0.8 grams of protein per lb you weigh and you need to run a beginner lifting program. Stronglifts would be fine. Do all of this for about 6 months to a year and then you can cut down to your goal physique.

  • ferdinandthong
    ferdinandthong Posts: 57 Member
    vismal wrote: »
    Vismal said most of the time people just lack of patience to see the result WELL i being patience but most of you scolded at me and ask me to eat more including Vismal himself. I just follow what i learnt from you all and i get scolded? Calories in vs calories out is the only thing matters for fat loss and bulking, this is what you all keep saying as well and i follow. I eat cookies and peanut butter and mee because 1. it is easier to track the calories, i want to make sure i do not overestimate my food 2. i trying to help my mum save up money, i live alone and i lean chicken and healthy food are more expensive, i know because ive been eating super healthy and clean before. So now i just want to help my parents save money and eat something cheaper.
    You read an answer I gave in an ama thread and took it as personal advice. It's not meant to be that. I wasn't in remotely the same situation you were in when folks were telling me to stop losing weight. They also weren't people knowledgeable in diet or nutrition. They were mostly coworkers and acquaintances. No one is scolding you. We're trying to give you the best advice possible. Also, fat loss is not as simple as a calorie deficit if you have physique goals like you do. You must also consider macro and micro nutrients which you diet is deficient in BIG TIME. When you have a deficit and have low protein intake, you lose lean mass taking you further from your goal. The leaner you get, the more true this becomes. You have gotten lean enough to start focusing on lean mass building. If you don't build some muscle you will never achieve your goal. I was much less lean then you are when I did my first lean bulk. You won't get fat from bulking. Just do it slowly. Raise your calories until you reach maintenance which is usually around 14 to 16 calories for each pound you weigh. Then stay there for a few weeks. After that, slowly increase calories with the goal of gaining around 2 lbs a month. That's all the faster you need to gain. Also you need to eat about 0.8 grams of protein per lb you weigh and you need to run a beginner lifting program. Stronglifts would be fine. Do all of this for about 6 months to a year and then you can cut down to your goal physique.

    Thanks, i really admire your result. Another question is should i go for clean or dirty bulk? If clean how long? If dirty how long?
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    vismal wrote: »
    Vismal said most of the time people just lack of patience to see the result WELL i being patience but most of you scolded at me and ask me to eat more including Vismal himself. I just follow what i learnt from you all and i get scolded? Calories in vs calories out is the only thing matters for fat loss and bulking, this is what you all keep saying as well and i follow. I eat cookies and peanut butter and mee because 1. it is easier to track the calories, i want to make sure i do not overestimate my food 2. i trying to help my mum save up money, i live alone and i lean chicken and healthy food are more expensive, i know because ive been eating super healthy and clean before. So now i just want to help my parents save money and eat something cheaper.
    You read an answer I gave in an ama thread and took it as personal advice. It's not meant to be that. I wasn't in remotely the same situation you were in when folks were telling me to stop losing weight. They also weren't people knowledgeable in diet or nutrition. They were mostly coworkers and acquaintances. No one is scolding you. We're trying to give you the best advice possible. Also, fat loss is not as simple as a calorie deficit if you have physique goals like you do. You must also consider macro and micro nutrients which you diet is deficient in BIG TIME. When you have a deficit and have low protein intake, you lose lean mass taking you further from your goal. The leaner you get, the more true this becomes. You have gotten lean enough to start focusing on lean mass building. If you don't build some muscle you will never achieve your goal. I was much less lean then you are when I did my first lean bulk. You won't get fat from bulking. Just do it slowly. Raise your calories until you reach maintenance which is usually around 14 to 16 calories for each pound you weigh. Then stay there for a few weeks. After that, slowly increase calories with the goal of gaining around 2 lbs a month. That's all the faster you need to gain. Also you need to eat about 0.8 grams of protein per lb you weigh and you need to run a beginner lifting program. Stronglifts would be fine. Do all of this for about 6 months to a year and then you can cut down to your goal physique.

    Thanks, i really admire your result. Another question is should i go for clean or dirty bulk? If clean how long? If dirty how long?

  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Did you even read my last post? Both those questions were answered in it.
  • ferdinandthong
    ferdinandthong Posts: 57 Member
    vismal wrote: »
    Did you even read my last post? Both those questions were answered in it.

    Sry missed that part
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Vismal said most of the time people just lack of patience to see the result WELL i being patience but most of you scolded at me and ask me to eat more including Vismal himself. I just follow what i learnt from you all and i get scolded? Calories in vs calories out is the only thing matters for fat loss and bulking, this is what you all keep saying as well and i follow. I eat cookies and peanut butter and mee because 1. it is easier to track the calories, i want to make sure i do not overestimate my food 2. i trying to help my mum save up money, i live alone and i lean chicken and healthy food are more expensive, i know because ive been eating super healthy and
    2.clean before. So now i just want to help my parents save money and eat something cheaper.

    No one is scolding you. They are telling you that losing more weight isn't a smart idea.

    Figure out how to start your bulk.

    My plan now is

    2000kcal per day (try find out my maintain cal for 1 week)
    180g carbs 180g pro 50g fat minimum
    Any kind of food source can be either lean chicken or simply mcdonald (please correct me if this is wrong). This is because i learnt that clean bulk is small calories surplus regardless food source.

    Workout routine
    Monday chest 3 set 5 reps max weight
    Tuesday shoulder
    Wed arms
    Thurs back and leg
    Fri chest
    Sat triceps and chest
    Sun cardio

    I am a student so i spend most of the time sitting in front of computer, this is why i always keep my calories low.

    Please guide me in my very FIRST bulking in my whole life. Really scare about gaining fat again.

    Where did you come up with that workout routine? Throw that one away and pick a routine that will build a decent base of strength, either a properly designed full body or upper/lower type routine.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    eric_sg61 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Vismal said most of the time people just lack of patience to see the result WELL i being patience but most of you scolded at me and ask me to eat more including Vismal himself. I just follow what i learnt from you all and i get scolded? Calories in vs calories out is the only thing matters for fat loss and bulking, this is what you all keep saying as well and i follow. I eat cookies and peanut butter and mee because 1. it is easier to track the calories, i want to make sure i do not overestimate my food 2. i trying to help my mum save up money, i live alone and i lean chicken and healthy food are more expensive, i know because ive been eating super healthy and
    2.clean before. So now i just want to help my parents save money and eat something cheaper.

    No one is scolding you. They are telling you that losing more weight isn't a smart idea.

    Figure out how to start your bulk.

    My plan now is

    2000kcal per day (try find out my maintain cal for 1 week)
    180g carbs 180g pro 50g fat minimum
    Any kind of food source can be either lean chicken or simply mcdonald (please correct me if this is wrong). This is because i learnt that clean bulk is small calories surplus regardless food source.

    Workout routine
    Monday chest 3 set 5 reps max weight
    Tuesday shoulder
    Wed arms
    Thurs back and leg
    Fri chest
    Sat triceps and chest
    Sun cardio

    I am a student so i spend most of the time sitting in front of computer, this is why i always keep my calories low.

    Please guide me in my very FIRST bulking in my whole life. Really scare about gaining fat again.

    Where did you come up with that workout routine? Throw that one away and pick a routine that will build a decent base of strength, either a properly designed full body or upper/lower type routine.

    Agree with that. OP, you've been told numerous times to get on a proven barbell program. Do not go with the training plan with posted.

    it's not even a training plan. he just list days of the week and body parts.

    a training program tells you what exercises to do and how much weight to lift.

    and OP, on any bulk cycle you're going to gain some amount of fat.
  • ferdinandthong
    ferdinandthong Posts: 57 Member
    Ok i downloaded the apps already
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    This is what you will look like at low body fat and no muscle. It's not attractive. You need to listen to those who are telling you to eat more and lift heavy. It is SO hard to rebuild muscle--you need to hang on to what you have and use it to build more.