Unhelpful advice by experts



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Jruzer wrote: »
    aplcr0331 wrote: »
    Jruzer wrote: »
    Not exactly, though. Eat less than what? Move more than what? More/less than one has been?

    Yes, that is more than enough information. You're fat, you weigh 300lbs. In order to get there (no underlying medical conditions) you had to eat a lot and exercise very little. So the answer is eat less than you have been (cause its making you fat) and move more than you have been (cause it's making you unhealthy and could contribute to your being fat).

    Hence eat less and move more. It works for everyone.

    Falsely claiming you need actual numbers to do this, is incorrect and a intelectually lazy arguement. After a certain time numbers will matter, but whatever those numbers are in order to lose you need to eat less than that number and exercise more (for the health benefits).

    Less of something is less, and more of something is more.

    Math; Here's a overweight persons equeation.

    2N + -(E) = F

    N = nutrition. E = exercise, and F = Fat. This overweight person is currently eating 2 times as much food as is needed (to maintain a healthy body weight), and that plus negative amounts of exercise equals, they're fat. If they eat less, even if it's less by .10 or something and still have a negative exercise number. F(at) will be smaller, as in they will lose weight.

    Math and science.

    Sorry, I disagree. And I do know something about math and science. At it's heart the problem is nothing more that conservation of energy, with fat being the stored energy term.

    If I'm in a calorie surplus, it's possible to eat less, move more, and still be in a calorie surplus. Not everyone who is fat, indeed I would guess most people, are in a steady-state equilibrium.

    Again, it's not that the advice is unsound, it's that it's incomplete.

    why would non-fat/obese people need to be in a deficit?

    We are specifically referring to people that need to lose weight....

    Lol....how is that post deemed flag worthy?

    who knows….
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    emily_stew wrote: »
    Ooh, is this an Airing of Grievances thread? Cuz I got a lot of problems with you people!

  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Jruzer wrote: »
    aplcr0331 wrote: »
    Jruzer wrote: »
    Not exactly, though. Eat less than what? Move more than what? More/less than one has been?

    Yes, that is more than enough information. You're fat, you weigh 300lbs. In order to get there (no underlying medical conditions) you had to eat a lot and exercise very little. So the answer is eat less than you have been (cause its making you fat) and move more than you have been (cause it's making you unhealthy and could contribute to your being fat).

    Hence eat less and move more. It works for everyone.

    Falsely claiming you need actual numbers to do this, is incorrect and a intelectually lazy arguement. After a certain time numbers will matter, but whatever those numbers are in order to lose you need to eat less than that number and exercise more (for the health benefits).

    Less of something is less, and more of something is more.

    Math; Here's a overweight persons equeation.

    2N + -(E) = F

    N = nutrition. E = exercise, and F = Fat. This overweight person is currently eating 2 times as much food as is needed (to maintain a healthy body weight), and that plus negative amounts of exercise equals, they're fat. If they eat less, even if it's less by .10 or something and still have a negative exercise number. F(at) will be smaller, as in they will lose weight.

    Math and science.

    Sorry, I disagree. And I do know something about math and science. At it's heart the problem is nothing more that conservation of energy, with fat being the stored energy term.

    If I'm in a calorie surplus, it's possible to eat less, move more, and still be in a calorie surplus. Not everyone who is fat, indeed I would guess most people, are in a steady-state equilibrium.

    Again, it's not that the advice is unsound, it's that it's incomplete.

    why would non-fat/obese people need to be in a deficit?

    We are specifically referring to people that need to lose weight....

    Lol....how is that post deemed flag worthy?

    So I flagged this as abuse. Self abuse, but still....hehehehe

  • diegops1
    diegops1 Posts: 154 Member
    Bingo! kcd1961.
  • duckykissy
    duckykissy Posts: 285 Member
    edited January 2015
    OH dear lord I have had some of the most amazing unhelpful advice ever given to me by my doctors. I feel like part of it is cheating because I did have an undiagnosed thyroid condition but still here are two of my favorites that are relevant:

    Me:"I'm exhausted, sleeping 12 hours a day and I still need naps" "Exercise more and you won't be tired." "How do I get energy to exercise if I'm so tired?" "Just exercise."
    Sure exercise can really boost your energy, but until it does you're kind of screwed. I don't think any of my doctors every appreciated the fatigue involved with Hashimotos, luckily my PT said okay - one plan for normal days, one plan for bad, and an overarching plan for dealing. I could kiss him, because that has been one of the hardest things for me to keep up with a routine when sometimes bad weeks happen and they are really bad.

    Another favorite:
    Dr: "You just need to eat better, exercise more."
    Me: "How? I think I'm doing okay"
    Dr: "Don't watch so much tv, drop things like ice cream."
    Me: ".. My family doesn't have a tv and I'm lactose intolerant. I haven't had ice cream in years." ( I may have been quite snarky in that retort, but to be fair the lactose intolerance was on my chart she obviously didn't read.)
    Dr: "Well you just need to eat better." (She then left the room done with me.)

    Seriously even if the advice is good in theory, it can be useless without taking in the whole picture or providing any education. That's a big part of why I hate generic advice- I feel like it's the difference between route memory of something like calculus and actually understanding it. At least it has been for me- I'm doing much better after learning how to eat "better" rather than just being told to "eat better".
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    _Terrapin_ wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Jruzer wrote: »
    aplcr0331 wrote: »
    Jruzer wrote: »
    Not exactly, though. Eat less than what? Move more than what? More/less than one has been?

    Yes, that is more than enough information. You're fat, you weigh 300lbs. In order to get there (no underlying medical conditions) you had to eat a lot and exercise very little. So the answer is eat less than you have been (cause its making you fat) and move more than you have been (cause it's making you unhealthy and could contribute to your being fat).

    Hence eat less and move more. It works for everyone.

    Falsely claiming you need actual numbers to do this, is incorrect and a intelectually lazy arguement. After a certain time numbers will matter, but whatever those numbers are in order to lose you need to eat less than that number and exercise more (for the health benefits).

    Less of something is less, and more of something is more.

    Math; Here's a overweight persons equeation.

    2N + -(E) = F

    N = nutrition. E = exercise, and F = Fat. This overweight person is currently eating 2 times as much food as is needed (to maintain a healthy body weight), and that plus negative amounts of exercise equals, they're fat. If they eat less, even if it's less by .10 or something and still have a negative exercise number. F(at) will be smaller, as in they will lose weight.

    Math and science.

    Sorry, I disagree. And I do know something about math and science. At it's heart the problem is nothing more that conservation of energy, with fat being the stored energy term.

    If I'm in a calorie surplus, it's possible to eat less, move more, and still be in a calorie surplus. Not everyone who is fat, indeed I would guess most people, are in a steady-state equilibrium.

    Again, it's not that the advice is unsound, it's that it's incomplete.

    why would non-fat/obese people need to be in a deficit?

    We are specifically referring to people that need to lose weight....

    Lol....how is that post deemed flag worthy?

    So I flagged this as abuse. Self abuse, but still....hehehehe
    You flagged my post?

    I had to...it was only the right thing to do. Tomorrow you'll be busy and rightly so; and your squat looked good, and you needed a flag. By flagging they send you a flag right? Isn't that what the flagging is for? hehehehe Slow news day here....seriously the squat looked solid, congrats.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    My doctor telling me to eat fat free or very low fat because my bad cholesterol is too high (but so is my good cholesterol, but I guess it doesn't matter?). Hilarious considering that I eat less than 70g of fat most days, and fat doesn't make any difference in cholesterol levels.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    ladygi19 wrote: »
    "It's all calories in vs calories out" ... yea except all calories are not created equally, and interact with hormones differently, and all people are different as well. Pfftt whatever though, it's just some science.
    Those differences are negligible in 99% of the population. Look up how a bell curve looks like.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    techgal128 wrote: »
    Oh man, I could never go without my breakfast. It's my favorite meal of the day!

    I can work out, shower, get ready & drive to work (@3.5 hours) before breakfast and life is great.

    BUT if I don't work out, I have to eat within an hour or I'll feel like death the whole rest of the day.

    Bodies are weird.

    This is me exactly.
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    edited January 2015
    All those stupid diet-magazine tips like "use a small plate" and "dip your fork tines in the dressing." Ugh. My friends are always wondering why they can't lose weight while simultaneously telling me I shouldn't use big plates, or should eat six small meals a day, or get my dressing on the side. I always want to be like, "Cool, remind who here lost 60 pounds this year and who gained 10?" Blah.

    I also get a lot of IRL backlash against weighing food instead of measuring it. I'm always amazed at how people who are struggling to lose weight will absolutely insist that they "know" their portions are perfect.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    avskk wrote: »
    All those stupid diet-magazine tips like "use a small plate" and "dip your fork tines in the dressing." Ugh. My friends are always wondering why they can't lose weight while simultaneously telling me I shouldn't use big plates, or should eat six small meals a day, or get my dressing on the side. I always want to be like, "Cool, remind who here lost 60 pounds this year and who gained 10?" Blah.

    I also get a lot of IRL backlash against weighing food instead of measuring it. I'm always amazed at how people who are struggling to lose weight will absolutely insist that they "know" their portions are perfect.

    Funny how people would go to the trouble for small differences as you point out but not want to bother with actually weighing their portions to make sure they are correct.
  • Silinde
    Silinde Posts: 44 Member
    For me, using a small plate works in portion control. I'm usually way hungry and could eat a big plate, and if I fill up one, I'll finish it too. Filling up a small plate will keep my portion small and make myself at the very least ask myself whether I really want more or not. (I guess that's the remnants of being taught to always empty your plate, I teach my children that they can leave anything if they don't want it anymore).
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    The 'use a smaller plate' thing makes me laugh every time. Heck I need bigger plates to fit all those veggies on!
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Sure there are multiple ways to achieve adherence to a calorie deficit.

    A method "works" if it fits with your personality and lifestyle and therefore you stick with it for long enough.

    But at the end of the day it IS as simple as staying in a calorie deficit. Everything else is noise...

  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    If you aren't hungry in the morning, it is a sign that your metabolism is sluggish. After 8 hours of not eating, you should be hungry!


    No. Agreed. Some mornings I wake up hungry and make a smoothie right away, some mornings I don't and have coffee until I get hungry a few hours later. I think it has to do more with what you ate before bed/at dinner. I'm drinking my breakfast smoothie now and its almost noon. Not even that hungry yet.
  • DeWoSa
    DeWoSa Posts: 496 Member
    edited January 2015
    If you aren't hungry in the morning, it is a sign that your metabolism is sluggish. After 8 hours of not eating, you should be hungry!


    No. Agreed. Some mornings I wake up hungry and make a smoothie right away, some mornings I don't and have coffee until I get hungry a few hours later. I think it has to do more with what you ate before bed/at dinner. I'm drinking my breakfast smoothie now and its almost noon. Not even that hungry yet.

    I think the most unhelpful advice ever given to me by an expert was "don't eat food right before bed."

    If I don't eat a snack right before I go to bed, I can wake up in the middle of the night with hunger pangs.

    If my snack is high sugar, high fat, I am not hungry in the least when I wake up in the morning, which is nice because then I can stretch my normal breakfast out for two hours, which sets me up nicely for lunch.
  • LandyBreigh
    LandyBreigh Posts: 207 Member
    I was talking to my husband about this conversation yesterday. He said exactly what I thought he would "Just eat less." I just shook my head. LOL!
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    avskk wrote: »
    All those stupid diet-magazine tips like "use a small plate" and "dip your fork tines in the dressing." Ugh. My friends are always wondering why they can't lose weight while simultaneously telling me I shouldn't use big plates, or should eat six small meals a day, or get my dressing on the side. I always want to be like, "Cool, remind who here lost 60 pounds this year and who gained 10?" Blah.

    I also get a lot of IRL backlash against weighing food instead of measuring it. I'm always amazed at how people who are struggling to lose weight will absolutely insist that they "know" their portions are perfect.

    Funny how people would go to the trouble for small differences as you point out but not want to bother with actually weighing their portions to make sure they are correct.

    Right? I don't get it either.

    My MIL is the biggest fan of Dr. Oz and is always telling me what Dr. Oz says. It drives me insane. Not sure if it's because Dr. Oz is a total quack, or because it's my MIL telling me what to do...