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Any of you guys on Tinder?



  • TylerShewbatski
    TylerShewbatski Posts: 265 Member
    Lol hell yew
  • Geeky_and_Cheeky
    Geeky_and_Cheeky Posts: 493 Member
    I met my ex boyfriend on Tinder. I'm shy & introverted with limited free time to meet guys the traditional way so it was a success for me. I met my current boyfriend on OkCupid and we weren't really compatible by the survey thing at all but i don't put any faith in those.

    I'd say take photos of you doing the things you like versus selfies in the mirror. Like have a friend take a photo of you on a Harley if you like motorcycles, or outdoors if you like to hike, or bowling if you're an avid bowler, etc. And post something funny or witty on your description. And be clear of your intentions, like looking to casually date, looking for long term, etc.

    Where I'm at, dating sites are guy heavy so I had a lot of freedom to be choosy in what I wanted in a guy, which was nice. We always met at a coffee shop, restaurant, or a bar. Oh and when you get her number, if y'all aren't in it to mutually just hook up, don't turn things sexual too fast.... that was a dealbreaker for me.
  • patrick_star_trek
    patrick_star_trek Posts: 1,386 Member
    You mean this isn't Tinder? *swipes left*
  • pitbull603
    pitbull603 Posts: 73 Member