

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    The Monday work day is almost done. Then the Monday gym time and football team mom time starts. I need a clone.

    I'd settle for a robot to clean while I am not home. :)
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Seriously? Boy Scouts is scheduled for outdoors tonight and it's starting to rain...ugh!!! (yes, there's a picnic shelter, but still...)
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Thanks for all the birthday wishes for Charlie. We've had a manic party afternoon and I've just left, as I have to make the drive back to London tonight. He's had a brilliant day and is busy telling everyone he's 3.

    That is so cute!!! Nowadays when my daughter meets new people, the first thing she says is 'I am five.'

    My friend Heather's daughter is 4 and introduces herself, "My name is Maggie Lucille and I am a leader."

    That's adorable. Hope that child becomes a CEO one day.

    Thinking good-dog thoughts for Sadie, @ShibaEars, sending some relaxing post-party vives over to @orangesmartie, feeling proud of @pofoster21 for a major trouser victory, and hoping that @KylerJaye's bad-date luck turns around a bit.

    I've read everything but I haven't been feeling super chatty lately, my apologies if I missed out replying to anyone else with a big victory or difficulty!

    I'm still over here running up and down stairs and shrinking out of my darn clothes, but not much else is new in my world. We leave for Peru on September 5 and I think I'll be in good trekking shape as long as the altitude doesn't hit me too hard. I can manage up to 200 flights of stairs in one workout and I've done a few 5K runs at about 9:45 min/mile without really feeling winded, so I think 18 km days of hiking shouldn't be toooo challenging considering that I've done 14-15 km just with normal walking and the stair workout on a few different days.

    It's good to hear from you! Sounds like you're going to do fine on your trek trip.

    I think Maggie Lucille may run the country one day, if she wants to. It's a bit exhausting to get her to listen when your plan (say for Sunday School) isn't the same as her plan. "Maggie, I know you are *a* leader, but in this room, I am *the* leader and we follow *my* plan." She makes quite convincing arguments that one should do it her way. There's never a dull moment in Heather's house.

  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    So there is a pretty major wildfire near my house. Luckily we have the river between our house and the fire. A coworker, however, had to evacuate yesterday and may lose his home. I've been thinking of, and praying for, him all day. His name is Dave, if anyone wants to chip in.

    Wow, that is so scary! I will keep him in my thoughts. :(
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I could use some positive thoughts today. My mom's 10 year old Shih Tzu, Sadie, had to go in to the emergency vet on Saturday morning. They found she had an obstruction in her intestines. Yesterday afternoon they were able to get it out, but there was a lot of bleeding because it has cut up her insides. And of course now there is the risk of infection. My mom would only be allowed to take her home today if Sadie would eat. My mom went at noon, it's now 2:00 and she's still there :disappointed: I'm hoping she will be able to come home today, I know my mom will be devastated if Sadie doesn't make it.

    Oh no! Sending lots of positive thoughts to you, your mom and Sadie.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    So there is a pretty major wildfire near my house. Luckily we have the river between our house and the fire. A coworker, however, had to evacuate yesterday and may lose his home. I've been thinking of, and praying for, him all day. His name is Dave, if anyone wants to chip in.

    Ok even though his name is Dave I'll add my good wishes!

    Hehe sorry, that made me laugh!
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    I confess that I am SO OVER this back injury. Dude, just GET OUT OF HERE. *grumpgrumpgrump*

    I hate that I can't post regularly anymore because my ability to use my laptop is limited and my tab stinks for typing. And I hate that we might not get to drive to Bahrain to watch Inside Out at the theater because I can't sit for 3+ hours. And I hate... everything. Just everything. :sweat:

    *pitiful whine over*

    @Susieq_1994's back you better cooperate so she can watch her movie! What's your favorite snack(s) to eat at the movies?

    I always order the same thing--caramel-covered popcorn and a mixed (strawberry/lime, usually) slushie.

    Funny but true: The very first time Mr. Susie and I went to the movie theater (as newlyweds, no less!), I accidentally dumped an entire bucket of popcorn all over him right in the middle of the movie. We spent at least the next 30 minutes trying not to burst out laughing out loud while trying to pick all the popcorn off of him in the dark... Good times. :p At least it wasn't the slushie, right?!

    Confession: Mr. Susie and I walked to the 24 hour Tamimi market at 4.30 in the morning after no sleep at all (this is my excuse for encouraging bad choices :p) to buy ingredients to bake chewy speculoos spread cookies. My calorie intake is not pretty today.

    ... But those cookies were amazing.

    I need these in my life... Now

    Want the recipe? Easiest recipe ever. I can post it in the BatCave's recipe thread.

    Yes please! :)

    Recipe is in the Super Great Recipe Thread. :) I also posted the four soup recipes that @bkhamill posted here yesterday, since I figured they'd all get lost. (Which is why we made the recipe thread to begin with. ;)) They were already ten pages back when I went searching for them! :o

    Thanks, I forgot we had a recipe thread over there.

    No problem at all, I don't mind maintaining that thread by posting recipes others post in here. :) I'm the recipe catcher. :p

    Sooo... Susie. Not to be pushy. But... can you do a confessions cookbook that you pull together on watpad or something that we can all print or download and keep? Maybe start to curate it now and that is our Xmas gift? ;)

    Ooh, that's an awesome idea!! Wattpad doesn't let anyone save or copy published stories to protect authors from plagiarism, but what do you guys think of a PDF cookbook? Maybe even with pictures, if I can chase down each recipe donor for one... ;) That would be fun!

  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    thank you all for the thoughts, it's appreciated :)

    i realized after three days of heavy sobbing, much grief bacon, and large quantities of alcohol, that me "taking a break" was really just giving me more time to focus on him, and my misery and disappointment. so i figured might as well try to chat with some ppls, and find a little distraction.

    *post date update*

    ok, went out with a dude last night.
    full disclosure, i'd already had a few beverages, so i walked (trying to be a more responsible person, kinda) to a nearby bar to say hello. now dude was the one that suggested meeting up for beverages. ok, i have no problem with that (obviously). but then he didn't actually drink. was fine serving them to me, but stuck with soda for himself. even my lil drunken brain tabbed that as slightly strange.

    spent about two hours chatting, dude seemed nice, but a large chunk of his conversation had all to do with his "nylons and high heels" fetish. and how he likes to be "teased." i would like to think i'm pretty open minded, but dude, this is the first time i'm meeting you, chill. but of course me being me, i was like dude, that's fine and all but i'm a total jeans and tshirt kinda girl, you're in for a world of disappointment.

    he then went on to let me know that that's totally ok, but he would just expect a few little things here and there for his enjoyment. yeah...

    left the bar and walked him out to his truck, where he then tried to have sex with me.
    yeah, not so much. disengaged from the situation and despite the offer for a ride (pun not intended but it does work so well!) and a request to come back to my place, i declined and walked home.


    I am glad you did not get in his car. It might have been by design that he was trying to get you drunk while he was of sound mind. Maybe he had panty hose and heels IN the car :#

    So creepy!
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Oh no! Did I miss it?!? Happy birthday, sweet little Charlie!!!

    I think it's tomorrow. I think today was prep day. But I could be wrong!

    His actual birthday is Monday, I'm just getting organised for his party at nursery.

    Thanks for his birthday wishes all

    Hope he is having/had a happy birthday!
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Well, RaelynnsDaddy is getting some extra brownie points this weekend! First he took me shopping for a new computer, and then surprised me with a night out including dinner at Longhorn (one of my FAVORITE places) and more shopping! This guy, I think I'm gonna keep him. Hell, I've had him for nearly 5 years now, I don't guess he's going anywhere anytime soon haha!

    But, my tummy hates me now. I stuffed myself on half (ish) of a 10oz New York strip steak, grilled corn on the cob, a loaded baked potato, and half of an ultimate brownie sundae. I had to force myself to eat, but it was worth it!


    I bought a hoodie yesterday at the bookstore, and bought a medium because I wanted a gray and pink, not gray and lime green one, and the biggest size in the gray/pink was a medium. I figured I'd lose enough to be able to squeeze into it once it starts getting colder, but I tried it on this morning, and IT FIT PERFECTLY! There was quite a lot of happy dancing in the mirror, not only for that, but because that means I'm going to have to do some more shopping soon! ;)

    1. That food sounds so yummy.

    2. Awesome NSV!!!
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    ********************ETA: POSSIBLE TMI POST! BEWARE!*************************************************

    My relief for tonight has called in sick. He's supposed to be here at 7am and he called in at 4am.

    Apparently, he's claimed he got a bacterial infection from me.

    Most of the day shift knows I have been taking an antibiotic for a bacterial infection but no one knows exactly what for. I only told them because the medication makes me nauseous, sometimes dizzy, etc and everyone was informed that the infection is NOT contagious. No one knows what the antibiotic is for except for the one other night shift person and of course SSP. The on staff nurse, Kim, also knows, but she saw me for my dizziness at work and answered my questions/concerns regarding side effects.

    So, someone gets to tell "Mr. I-got-sick-from-PSO-968" that he somehow got Bacterial Vaginosis! :lol:

    Bacterial Vaginosis:
    An inflammation of the vagina due to bacterial overgrowth.

    HAHAHAHAHA! :lol:

  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    I appear to be living on cake batter and biscuit dough this weekend :(

    I have made: 48 cupcakes; a train cake with 5 carriages, 50 safari animal biscuits, endless jelly lego bricks and lego robots and jelly dinosaurs.

    I am exhausted (and a little sick). As well as entertaining an (almost) three year old for three days. And boy can he outrun me!

    However, on the positive side, after dropping Charlie home tonight, i drove to 3 different supermarkets looking for junk to cram in my face (sour cream to make ranch; big packs of crisps; pizza). i picked stuff up and put stuff down and ultimately did not buy anything, in any shop. I found that i really didn't want any of it, none of it appealed. So i put it down and walked away. (I was actually in the supermarkets for a baking product, which i couldn't find in any of them - but my plan to was buy the junk in any of the shops i got the product in). So, despite all the cake batter i may have had, i'm still calling it a win.

    Super win!!! Good job!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Thanks for all the birthday wishes for Charlie. We've had a manic party afternoon and I've just left, as I have to make the drive back to London tonight. He's had a brilliant day and is busy telling everyone he's 3.

    That is so cute!!! Nowadays when my daughter meets new people, the first thing she says is 'I am five.'

    My friend Heather's daughter is 4 and introduces herself, "My name is Maggie Lucille and I am a leader."

    I love this! I imagine someone told her that so she picked up on it. But that is pretty cute!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I could use some positive thoughts today. My mom's 10 year old Shih Tzu, Sadie, had to go in to the emergency vet on Saturday morning. They found she had an obstruction in her intestines. Yesterday afternoon they were able to get it out, but there was a lot of bleeding because it has cut up her insides. And of course now there is the risk of infection. My mom would only be allowed to take her home today if Sadie would eat. My mom went at noon, it's now 2:00 and she's still there :disappointed: I'm hoping she will be able to come home today, I know my mom will be devastated if Sadie doesn't make it.

    All my positive vibes are headed your way. I hope she'll be ok!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    So, I am not sure this is an NSV. Decided to dig some pants to wear today out of the dry cleaner bags in my closet and I went through 3 pairs of pants before I found a pair that 'sort of' fit. Rest were ridiculously huge. I am starting to wear skirts EVERY day as nothing fits me anymore. And I haunt Marshalls for pants that fit me but they haven't had anything good. I am sad to lose all these really nice pants. But they were folded and put in the 'to be donated' pile.

    Totally counts as a NSV. Is tailoring out of the question if you otherwise really like the pants?

    They would have to be all over tailored. I think I have mentioned this before, but while I have lost weight before, even to this weight, for some reason this time I have gotten really lean (no idea why, it has to be what I am eating) and these pants are just huge. It would cost me more than I bought them for. :)
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Confession: I am extremely frustrated that I have been trying to schedule outside of work time with SSP and it just has NOT been going the way I want at all.
    To add to my frustration, SSP wants to have some spontaneity in things and keeps propping up with impromptu times we could hang out, and I have to say no because my dad doesn't have a driver's license still and I have to drive him and my uncle everywhere. My schedule is SO FULL and every time I try to rearrange things something comes up to ruin all of my plans.
    The worst part is I'm afraid he will stop asking for those impromptu moments because I've said no so many times. I worry that one time I might say yes, to keep that from happening, and I'll miss out on a bunch of sleep and that will make him feel guilty and not ask for those times anymore.
    I just want to curl up in a bubble bath and cry. I feel like I work so hard to make up for my mother's absence and it just never goes my way sometimes. Then, when my mother is here, I have time to actually SEE SSP and I can't because I feel guilty leaving my mom because I don't get to see her that often.

    I'm so sorry that you are having this problem. :( I can't relate with everything here but I know that my boyfriend and I don't see each other very much most the time because of our schedules (I work 7-4 and he usually works 1-10 and he works weekends). It is very hard and I feel bad for you! I hope that he understands that you aren't saying no on purpose and that you have other obligations to take care of as well!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Thanks for all the birthday wishes for Charlie. We've had a manic party afternoon and I've just left, as I have to make the drive back to London tonight. He's had a brilliant day and is busy telling everyone he's 3.

    So glad you had a great day!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    NSV...I recently started wearing two pairs of jeans that haven't fit in 3+ years! Yesterday the hubby and I were putting away clothes. He holds up a pair of the jeans by the waistband to fold them and asks if those were the jeans I mentioned the other day. I told him yes, he smiled, and said "Impressive"! I got this big cheesy grin on my face!

    I think its really funny you and I posted this at the same time! And congratulations!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    You know, I am always amazed by Americans, who thank military personnel for their service, particularly when they don't know the person/people. I see it online/hear it a lot. Its just not something we do over here. And I wish we did. I am awed by our military personnel, the sacrifices they make and the risks they take.

    There is a brilliant set of videos on youtube, called 'You're not in the forces now' which explains how basic training works, installing the symptoms of PTSD, and the effects thereof. They explain, really well, that is not seeing action/combat/missions that cause PTSD, those symtoms are instilled from day 1. It was so enlightening.

    It also explained to me why 'extraordinary interrogation' techniques are so effective. Its exactly the same way we train our soldiers.

    Mr Smartie has told me some of the missions he went on (he was special forces) and I cannot contemplate seeing some of those things, never mind living with them day after day.

    As my mum pointed out to me on Friday, every man and woman that makes it through basic training should be thanked, and told just what strong people they are. Not everyone can get even that far.

    Obviously, all of this stuff hits very close to home. I live with the after effects of this training every day.

    So break with British tradition, to everyone who is currently serving, has served, or who has family and friends serving, thank you for your service.

    I don't do this enough. Thank you for the reminder!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    OK so I am back from my mini Vacation (we didn't go anywhere; I just had doctor consults and didn't want to be at work for a few days). Trying to catch up with everyone but with 900 new posts...not sure how well I'll do.

    Wed I had doctor consults for my surgeries all day and...discussed it with DH and I booked surgeries for 10/30! 2 surgeons estimated they'd remove about 8 lbs of skin, the 3rd and 4th ones said it'd be closer to 10 lb. Either way, in 10.5 weeks I'll be having surgery! Yippie! I'm a candidate for insurance covering some of it, but we're preparing like they won't cover anything, so we'll see... I'm getting a full abdominoplasty with an extended cut to grab skin from the sides and a fleur de lis (vertical) cut which grabs even more. Plus a breast reduction. I'll have extensive scarring but it'll fade and it's worth it.

    All 4 docs said not to lose anymore weight, just maintain, because I'm actually on the "skinny side" underneath all the skin. That was weird but I guess it's to be expected. I see myself as lumpy and fat but it's almost all skin- I weighed in at 127 and 128 at 2 of the offices (the other 2 didn't weigh me). If they take 8 lb of skin that puts me at 119-120. I'm 5'4.5. So now I'm trying to figure out how to eat enough to maintain.

    Wow you are skinny! I am 5'3.5 and 124 currently and while I am trying to get to 120 I will probably be too skinny.