

  • kelley555
    kelley555 Posts: 57 Member
    I love reading all the posts everyone puts on this page. One of my challenges with weight loss is I can do well during the week when I have more structure around my meals. I sometimes gain back my loss over the weekend. So today I'm going to commit to myself to post all weekend and make wise food choices!!! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

    Cherie. -Wisconsin
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    (((Sylvia))) Wishing you a speedy recovery.

    Heather, it sound like you are having a wonderful trip. How exciting to see so many wonderful places.

    Part of me would love to go on a cruise, but, there have been so many stories of sickness on the ships plus a very few disasters that I doubt we ever will. We did go on a cruise to the Bahamas for our 25th anniversary. However, we spent the whole time following our son around (he was 18 at the time and could drink at sea) hoping he wouldn't fall overboard, etc.

    I went to see my mom in the nursing home yesterday. She was not having a good day and cried and cried. I don't think she has ever gotten completely over the pneumonia she had last Fall. Has gone from 160 lbs to 125 lbs and is supposed to have her eating monitored. She finally got better and decided that we should go out to eat. So loaded up the wheelchair (boy was that a chore) and went to a buffet. I was pleased that she ate everything I put on her plate plus a bowl of ice cream. I did well and only ate a salad.

    Everyone have a great Friday.
  • beltonlana
    Hi everyone! I just wanted to say that I hope each of you have a day of success and blessings in your journey for weight loss. I actually joined myfitnesspal about 1 year ago, but was only able to stick with it for a few months due to a variety of reasons. But I'm back now and hopefully with a fury!!! Today is my 48th birthday and I'm tired of being unhealthy and fat! I'm a little late with the New Years Resolution thing - so I'll just say "Here's to new beginnings" for me and I'm praying for success this time. I have read prior posts and I must say that you guys are so awesome and whether you know it or not - YOU'RE AN INSPIRATION TO ME!!! The little "snipits" that I read like the one above "Hunger is not an emergency" give me just the motivation I need to keep putting one foot in front of the other and move another step closer to my goals. Though I know that with my physique - I will never be a long, lean model type outcome. I'll be more like the little stalky fire plug...LOL ! But I have come to accept that I must have realistic goals. So as of today - my new personal motto is "Strong is the new skinny" LOL.
  • Twhitehead7
    Twhitehead7 Posts: 41 Member
    Had a rough calorie night:(
    The day was great, had a plan to exercise while my teen was at her 3hour dance/voice class. Then, she wasn't feeling well and opted not to go. Ugh!
    I get so frustrated when this happens!!! So, of course I ate all evening! Darn it!
    It's like a switch went on and I said "to heck with it all" and ate an extra 800 calories!
    So down on myself right now.
    I will never get back into my spring clothes if this keeps up!
    Don't know how to get out of this funk...more snow coming,as well, so heading outdoors not much of an option. Not that I would anyway.
    Bumming big time! Thanks for listening!
  • donamari7
    Hi, I am Donna from Illinois. This group sounds awesome and so supportive! I am in my 2nd week on MyFitnessPal and this journey to weight loss and a strong and healthy body. I vow that this is my last 1st attempt. Do not take that as a negative, as what I mean is that I WILL succeed this time. My health is more important than ever and yes, I've let it go too long, but it's time to turn the tables.

    I am using MyFitnessPal to track all of my food and exercise. I am working out 4 days a week (basically every other day). I do strength training and cardio. I feel blessed in that my daughter is a fitness guru and she has graciously offerred to help me put together a working fitness plan that will be best for me. So far, so good. I just finished my first week. It's fun and not too bad, although I have a long way to go. I found muscles that I forgot were on my body. HAHA.

    My February goal is to follow through with my healthy eating and strength and cardio workout. Basically, get through the month without giving up. For me, I think that is a great goal.

    Have a great day everyone and keep up the good work :)
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Friday ! ! !

    Sylvia - Hugs and Prayers. I hope you mend quickly.

    Cherie Wisc. - I am the same with weekday vs weekend. My goal every Friday evening is to prepare the correct amounts and types of foods to get me through the weekend without getting too far off track. Lean meat, fruits and veggies, etc. Things that are easy and healthy to snack on while at a sporting event, so I don't go "crazy" if I have to eat fast food or buffet. If you find something that works, please let me know.

    About the Fitbit for DD; I showed her the page of options I can purchase from work, and she asked for the Fitbit Zip wireless for $69. I like that idea, since if she doesn't use it or like it, I'm not out too much money. And if she loves it and is successful, hopefully she will give it to me when she's ready to upgrade.

    Joyce - There are women who are called Lactation Consultants. The "laws" are different depending on State/Hospital, etc. But definitely a career with potential to improve the lives of Moms and Babies. :D

    Today at work we have a "Drug Rep Lunch". If he doesn't bring something within my eating plan, I have a salad as back-up. But it does mean I will have to stay a little late at work to get in my bike time. That's okay, because that usually means I miss all the "crazies" on the road.

    Hugs to Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    edited February 2015
    Finally Friday! :D

    Sylvia - prayers for your quick recovery. I'm so glad you got help in time!

    calories4tsp - I'm just south of Fort Wayne. Glad to have another neighbor!

    Got my 10,000 steps in yesterday which felt good after being sedentary for 2 full days to rest my sore knee.

    Hubs gave me a "wow you look great!" this morning. So that felt nice.

    Diana in Northeast Indiana
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Sylvia - I am so glad that you are okay! Hopefully you will be up and about really soon.

    I have been reading a few of the last Texts, and it sounds like a lot of us have the same issue of night calorie binging. Last night I got into a big of mini Hershey candy bars that my husband bought for work. I was only going to have a dark chocolate one like Dr Oz suggested the other day, but instead I had 15! That was my lunch and dinner. I counted it in with my calories and had to go with out the nutritious food I should have eaten instead.

    What I do now if that happens, I try hard to stay as close to my calorie limit that I can and log everything even the candy bars and write it down in my journal. Like a lot of the ladies here they say, don't beat yourself up just go on and get back on track. Exercise more to try and fix some of the damage!

    Everyone have a great day!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    this morning on my ride to the gym, I had my long tights on. it wasn't cold at all. after the workout, it was just sprinkling and I just wore my bike shorts to ride to the train station. I kinda wish we had SOME snow so the kids could go play in it (dogs). so far no luck :0/
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sue in SD: Your friend’s DGD is in my prayers. How old is she?

    Joyce & Terri in Milwaukee: My daughter’s childhood best friend is in the process of becoming a doula. The training is extensive. She’s been working actively in an apprenticeship program for several years, and the facility where she is learning and working has conventional medical backup if things go awry. At first I thought of this as a “woo-woo” sort of concept, but I think differently now. DD's friend does not specialize in breastfeeding, but offers support. When DD’s first baby was born the delivery was difficult and she had trouble breastfeeding. She gave birth in a Kaiser facility, and they had nurses who specialized in lactation that came to visit several times in the early days after DGD was born. It was amazing support.

    Dreamwriter: Regarding ice cream, I’m lactose intolerant but I eat occasional ice cream. Lactaid supplies the digestive enzyme I lack. It works well enough to keep things in a decent zone most of the time. I’ve been buying soymillk for my own use for some time, but have recently found lactaid milk in the grocery store. I had my first real clam chowder in decades a month or so ago. It was a miraculous treat.

    Cynthia: Sorry about the job stress. I used to be a stress eater and I hope this job situation doesn’t push you that direction or “drive you to drink,” as my mama used to say. Sending good thoughts your way. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I’m dying to see if there is a genuine tooth on display at the “tooth relic.” Be sure to let us know. I love the picture of the two of you standing in front of the elephant. Sending good thoughts for your driver’s son.

    Cherie WI: I have some ideas for your weekends and they’re really just the basics. Portion control, log every bite and swallow, and move more. When I eat something I shouldn’t, I hope on my stationary recumbent bike and burn off the excess calories. It helps give me control and allows the occasional treat. Zumba could burn a lot of calories if you don’t have a handy bike.

    Beltona: Being fit and healthy is beautiful whether you are a skyscraper or sparkplug. You’re a bit young for this group, :bigsmile: but we’ll be happy to have you join in.

    Donamari7: Welcome.

    Several months ago my fabulous barber moved away and I began the search for someone who could give me the kind of haircut that he did. I’ve settled on a woman who has skill, and each time she cuts my hair the results are better. Yesterday’s cut made both of us happy.

    I’m looking forward to yoga and abs class this morning, and my riding lesson this evening. Abs class is grueling but I need to get stronger so I’ll do my best with it. One of the gym trainers gave me a posture suggestion to help with “two point” riding, so I hope to try it out during today's lesson.

    Katla in Beautiful and rainy NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • noexcuses118
    Oh my goodness, I haven't checked in since Wednesday and I have 165 posts to read! I will get to them this weekend. For now, just wanted to say that I lost 3.2 pounds this week when I weighed in this morning for my work's Biggest Loser contest!!!!! Yay for me and for all of us who are trying so hard!

    Have a great weekend and STAY STRONG. We can do this!
    CP in South Florida
  • stephv710
    stephv710 Posts: 7 Member
    Good morning ladies! Just want to express my gratitude for this group. It was the first thing I went to this morning and a I draw so much strength and motivation for the day.

    Today is my husband's birthday and we are going out for dinner which always makes me a little nervous. I am adjusting my breakfast and lunch to compensate and will TRY to make good choices. I will probably not be able to resist a good martini though!

    I wanted to get out for a walk this morning but it is so windy and rainy, I'm afraid I'll end up in the next county ;)

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    Stephanie in Central OR
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,880 Member
    Hello everyone: Thank you for your prayers for my friend's DGD. It is finally supposed to be warmer today so will head out to see my horse this afternoon. That is always good for some steps.

    Allison - Hang in there and take care of you. You are so good with those older people.
    Cynthia - Sorry about the job. Job changes make me so anxious and insecure and I hate interviews.

    Heather - Love the picture of the elephant!

    Leslie - Is the juice fast something Brian recommended? You have been doing so well with him. It was interesting that he had you change vitamins. I was taking a multivitamin but had to stop because I have sarcoidosis and consequently a high vitamin D level. Adding extra D could make the sarcoidosis worse or cause calcium deposits in organs, so now I am taking a B-complex and C along with eye vitamins. These are much larger doses and I have noticed that the last time it was much easier to come down off the prednisone, no headaches and muscle aches. Then my horse was diagnosed with arthritis and the vet recommended glucosamine but told me to stay away from combination products as they had so little of the supplement that it did no good. Hmmm.

    Katla - Friend's DGD is 5 months old.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Traveling mercies to all those who are traveling. Sue in SD

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    Oh my goodness, I haven't checked in since Wednesday and I have 165 posts to read! I will get to them this weekend. For now, just wanted to say that I lost 3.2 pounds this week when I weighed in this morning for my work's Biggest Loser contest!!!!! Yay for me and for all of us who are trying so hard!

    Have a great weekend and STAY STRONG. We can do this!
    CP in South Florida

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    stephv710 wrote: »
    Good morning ladies! Just want to express my gratitude for this group. It was the first thing I went to this morning and a I draw so much strength and motivation for the day.

    Today is my husband's birthday and we are going out for dinner which always makes me a little nervous. I am adjusting my breakfast and lunch to compensate and will TRY to make good choices. I will probably not be able to resist a good martini though!

    I wanted to get out for a walk this morning but it is so windy and rainy, I'm afraid I'll end up in the next county ;)

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    Stephanie in Central OR

    log your martini as part of your calorie count. :0)
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Hi everyone

    I think I was to respond to someone about Living in Saskatchewan and not having much snow!! Well we went through a big melt and now we are in a snow storm.... !!

    I will have to catch up to everyone's posts later. Must run into town before I can't get out. DH is not home and our snow blower Grandmaillie is huge tractor!!

    Take care everyone
    Lillian in stormy Midwest Saskatchewan
  • MjDebbi
    Good Morning beautiful ladies over 50 . . . Excited to get to know ya all!

    Debbi from So. Calif.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,937 Member
    So many friends! So many posts! So much I want to say! But no time to do anything I want, just what is necessary and what others want. I am trying to stay on plan and follow my mind map for the year.

    Sylvia! So glad you went to the ER! Scary problem. Get better soon!

    Alison, I am with you! No more snow PLEASE!!! My DH can hardly walk now so I have to learn how to use the snow blower if I want to get to work. Oh, well, I can run a rototiller so should be able to run that. Last year I thought the snow was nice. This year, I have had enough! Not looking forward to Monday's mess.......

    Have to go back to work now. Prayers to everyone I did not mention, I am thinking about you all- all the time! Some day, I will have time to answer everyone individually.

    Rita in CT

    Words for the year:
    Determination and Moderation
    February Goals:
    1. Pay off at least 1 bill
    2. Finish MIS
    3. Exercise 20 times this month (already at 5 counting snow shoveling/snowblowing)
    4. Lose 5 pounds (by eating 4 veggies, 2 fruits, and record every day)
    All to get to my year end goals of Financial stability and lose 50 pounds.

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • noexcuses118
    Sylvia, you poor thing! Thank goodness you got to the hospital before disaster could strike. I suffer from kidney stones, and at my next attack (which hopefully will never happen, but you never know), I'm going to remember what you went through so that if the pain gets too bad, I'll go to the ER to have it checked out instead of assuming it will pass.

    So glad you're feeling better.

    CP in South Florida
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Rita in CT - I like your goals! Good luck on your reaching them.

    Mary from Minnesota