

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,934 Member
    Never going to catch up! Well, I learned how to use the snow blower because I had to, not because I wanted to! My DH has been in a wheel chair since Saturday and refuses to go to the doctor! I suspect a stress fracture in his ankle. His ankles and knees are not good anyway but this time, it really put him down!

    I am so tired! Not used to all this snow removal! Alison, I don't know how you do it! I am at work and exhausted!

    Have to go back to work. I skimmed up to page 14 and noticed we are on 17 right now! Oh, well, someday!

    Rita from snowy CT

    Words for the year:
    Determination and Moderation
    February Goals:
    1. Pay off at least 1 bill (Paid 2!!)
    2. Finish MIS (This is my last week! YAY!)
    3. Exercise 20 times this month (already at 7, includes snow removal)
    4. Lose 5 pounds (by eating 4 veggies, 2 fruits, and record every day)
    All to get to my year end goals of Financial stability and lose 50 pounds.

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    I had a computer glitch and am behind. I’ve read the posts through pg. 15 and will try to get caught up tonight. Now I can’t figure out some of my old notes so I hope my comments make sense…..
    Mary – the conference sounds wonderful!
    Sylvia - so glad you are home and passing gas in your own bed!
    Michele – you are a good friend to help that lady so much. Is that the nearest eye specialist for her?
    Lillian – a moose!?!? I would love to have seen that! Every now and then we have deer in our suburban backyard and once I we had a coyote (though my husband thought it was a big fox – HA!)
    Heather – your adventures sound so wonderful. You would make a good travel writer.
    Sassy, Cynthia, and Viv – (((hugs)))
    Sharon – honestly – so sorry your family is having to deal with such ridiculous drama. I loved hearing about the Elsa party.
    Pip – so sorry you were sick but so glad you are getting better!
    Vicki – thanks for cluing me in on your CMA – that sounds like good group
    Sue – I like your rephrasing of the Serenity Prayer. So true
    Yanniejannie – marrying a chiropractor was a joke. I am happily married to hubby number 2 for 33 years. My friends and I sometimes joke about whether we would ever marry again since blending families can be such a struggle. I say I would but only if he had those qualifications. In other words – he’d have to bring something special beyond romance for me to take the bait!

    Some of you have asked about my acupuncture. I’ll report more when I have more time. I am off to the Y to work out. My working hours there are every Sun. 1-6, every Thurs. 2:30 – 8:00, and every other Sat. afternoon. I am really enjoying it but my back isn’t adjusted yet.
    TN Toni (who lost 2.4 pounds this week!)
    February Goals (So far on track)
    1. Log every bite and sip
    2. Take and record blood pressure every day
    3. Email, phone, or write at least 2 family members/friends each week
    4. Remember to “let go/let God”
    2015 word - OPPORTUNITY
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good afternoon! It is cold and damp here with more cold on the way--Friday is going to be miserable for us Southern folk!

    Sylvia - I'm glad you're feeling some better. The swelling (fluid) will take a while to completely leave your body--think about all of the trauma it went through! I'm sorry you're dealing with insurance crap. I had a little go round with them over the weekend (I lost...) When my daughter was in the ER one night, the patient in the next curtained off cubicle was told she needed emergency gallbladder surgery and was being admitted immediately. The poor woman was on the phone to her insurance company at 3 a.m. trying to get pre-authorization while vomiting between sentences. They evidently told her she had to call back during business hours! :wtf:

    Alison - I'd be tempted to go to the doctor and charge it to Worker's Comp if the pain didn't ease up soon!

    My luck with phoning in stuff (by the rules) has been abysmal lately. Starting in December when my water at the new place was shut off on Christmas Eve (after I had placed the call to the city to have it put into my name on December 19), to last Monday when I walked in after work at 7:30 p.m. to no electricity because someone at Duke Power also failed to make the transfer and allowed the previous owner to shut it off (they had the record of my call so someone got in trouble!), to Sunday when I called to find out why I hadn't gotten the meds that I had ordered two weeks ago (insurance makes me get them by mail) to find out the person took my address change but never bothered submitting the prescription refill. Everyone else had better hope that that they haven't screwed up because I have been without one of my psych meds for four days due to that last failure! :grinning:

    On a good topic, Spot finally went outside on Sunday and explored the backyard area. She acted so incredibly please with herself when she came back in! And, soccer season started Friday night so now I know how loud it will be in the park during soccer games. Not wonderful in my bedroom, but barely noticeable from the living room. Also, the lights were all turned off by 9:30 p.m.!

    Oh! Another good thing! I went to Aldi last night to pick up some bananas and a couple of little things that I needed (being out of work the past two weeks has really hurt my income so I'm mostly eating out of the pantry and freezer) and I was thrilled to find fresh raspberries for $1.49, fresh blackberries for $.99, and fresh strawberries for $1.49. They were delicious with my Greek yogurt this morning! I'm looking forward to more of them over a serving of no-sugar-added ice cream tonight. :yum:

    Okay, off to take a walk around the building before I eat my lunch (chicken and wild rice soup then grapes and cheddar cheese sticks) and get some steps in. Good luck to all!

    Carol in NC
  • Red94568
    Red94568 Posts: 36 Member
    Ladies! I'm back and ready to get back to work and on track!

    I had an incredibly sad weekend. I held my friend while she cried, and we were so busy getting caught up and dealing with her situation that we didn't eat much we didn't drink much, but we did have relaxation.

    I was over my calories, but not by much and I'll burn that on my extra long run planned this week.

    I'll read and get caught up here later, but wanted to say Hi and have a great day!

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Margaret, do you mean the roast I put in the crock pot? That is for hubby's dinner tonight and for him to tak for lunches the rest of the week. I'm still on soft food, although the instructions they sent home said I could resume my regular diet. But I don't feel ready for anything too heavy yet. I was trying to remember, and I don't think I've had any meat yet, but did have some eggs and cheese. Is that meat?

    Tngram2- I laughed out loud (which hurts) when I read your comment about passing gas in my own bed. I have to be VERY careful about where I pass any gas now, because what feels like gas is usually something else.

    Mary, what is eelpout? Never heard of it.

    Well, I'm off to bed again. Have a great day.


    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    I haven’t visited in a bit but have been here on MFP religiously. Down 19lbs since mid-January and feeling so much better already. I’ll try to keep up with all of you! Love that you are all so active here.

    Barb – I love that you are getting 10,000 steps a day. I sit at a desk all day and need to hit the treadmill in the morning or walk at lunchtime just to get in 2-3 miles. You’re doing great! Happy Anniversary!

    Joyce – Flowers!! Oh my – we only see those in June and July around here! Right now they are under over 60” of snow. We’re having quite a winter here in Maine.

    Heather – all those different foods you were talking about threw me off until I saw Sri Lanka!! LOL I want a big terracotta pot of buffalo curd now!!!

    Sylvia – thanks for the laugh

    Mary from Minnesota – you made me laugh too with your first sentence: “It is finally snowing here!” LOL – We have had so much snow in the past 3 weeks that all the 4 lane highways are 2 lanes now. It just stopped snowing today after 60 hours straight! It’s a good thing I like winter. I’d send some snow your way if I could.

    Diana – I bought the weight watchers scale a few years ago and really like it but it doesn’t match my dr office scale and I can’t figure out how to calibrate it. Do you wear a FitBit? I’ve been thinking about getting one.

    Katla – I just renewed my passport (very easy process). My original one was from 1985. I was such a baby then. Our daughter may choose a college on the Maine/Canada boarder so I wanted to be prepared. It’s 5 hours north so I am hopeful that she will choose one closer to home. I was in British Columbia years ago on business but didn’t get to Victoria. I’ve heard it’s beautiful there!!

    MNMargaret – is that MN for Minnesota? I’ll be out there next week on business. Going to Stillwater to visit with one of my catalog customers (Acorn/Acacia). Are you anywhere near that area?

    Rita – My New England comrad!! I have been behind the snow blower a few times this year also. My DH works for the city so when there is a storm he is at work. We have a plow-guy but that blizzard sure required double duty!!! We got 34” in 24 hours!! Up to 60+ inches now in the last 3 weeks.

    Carol in NC – JELOUSE!! Those berry prices are great! We’re paying $3.99 for strawberries, $4.99 for raspberries up here I hide them in the back of the fridge so my kids won’t find them. Enjoy!!

    "Nothing taste as good as skinny feels"

    ReNae, Maine
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Tuesday ! ! !

    Carol NC - what a great deal on those fruits at Aldi. I hope they are similar prices in my area, as DS love raspberries and strawberries, especially if I have some whip cream for him.

    We are also having insurance issues at work, except I'm the "middle-man" in it, so I have been "yelled at" a lot today and yesterday. Some employees have a new kind of insurance, and it is very confusing, and I have a menu, but no control over anything regarding this information. Hopefully it will get fixed soon. In the meantime, I think I will save enough calories for a Redd's tonight when I get home (rare evening that DS does not have a sport practice).

    Tomorrow my Dad is taking some of my Co-workers to see a Screening of "50 Shades . . . ";
    I can't go because DS has baseball and DH has bowling.

    I got to work a little early, and rode the bike for 10 minutes. I also rode another 10 during lunch, then will ride another 10 after work. My left knee is pretty painful and swollen today, so I don't want to make it worse.

    I couldn't resist the chocolate cheesecake in the lunchroom, so I suppose it will be plain salad for supper. I will put it in my diary and see what happens.

    While typing I see a few other people have posted, so I better sign off and get back to reading, so I can get my work done today, too.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Did 15 minmutes of yoga yesterday, then held my plank for 2 min 40 sec and then took the extremepump class. Today I did an hour of HIIT on the elliptical. We have a Newcomer general meeting tomorrow so I'll do Kelley Coffee Meyers 30 Minutes to Fitness DVD, probably do it twice so I get an hour workout in.

    Had mahjongg here last night. The one gal who had the detached retina came. She thought she had re-detached it (this would have been the third time) but it appears it's only a hematoma and it will go away. I think she was (understandable) overly-paranoid, but after she learned that it wasn't redetached, she did come over. Vince drove her vehicle home and I followed her. A neighbor of mine came over and another gal. So I didn't get home until around 11.

    Tonight I'm hosting Rummikub here. I made a granola cake, made some ginger cookies so have some of those, tried making marshmallows from scratch (just cut them up, they came out quite good), and I have a basket of clementines.

    Before I even get started, welcome to everyone new, you've come to a great place. And welcome back to all returning members.

    After exercise today went and got the oil in my car changed. I needed new brakes on the rear. Then stopped at the Y near me, but the lady I wanted to talk to wasn't there. Well, I'll catch her another day. See, I would much rather do my HIIT there, but they only have one elliptical that gives you the step count, so I want to ask her if she can change that machine with another one, just move them around. Seems that people use the machine with the step counter and the arms much more, mainly because of where it's located. I really prefer not to go to the other branch if I can help it. They have the cardio machines so close together, to me, it's unsafe. You can't even walk between the treadmills, there just isn't enough room. I understand that they want to give access to as many members as possible, but to me safety should be paramount. But I'm sure it's not with them until someone gets seriously hurt and sues them.

    CP - absolutely, the most important thing is that you stay on plan. I jot down on a piece of paper what I ate during the day and to me it's somewhat of a nusance to have to go back and put things under "lunch, dinner, etc". For the sake of brevity, I may just do it all under "snacks". Say, I wonder if you can change from "breakfast, lunch, dinner" to just one thing? I know you can add other times (like daytime snacks). I'll have to look this up.

    Barb - hope you feel better fast! Congrats on staying within your calorie allotment.

    Oh, stopped at the pharmacy for one of Loki's meds. This is one that has to be ground up and put in the capsule. Anyway, I know I called in the renewal a few days ago so I was surprised when I got there and they didn't have it. But the man told me (talk about shocker) that he'd have his driver DELIVER it so that I wouldn't have to go back. I thought that was very sweet of him. The driver got here around 7

    The gal who had the redetached retina who came here yesterday gave me a small box of Godiva chocolates. Vince is a real chocoholic. I admit that I did have one of the small dark chocolate squares, but right now I'm not interested in any more. Just wish Vince would take that box over to the garage where he's working on his trains.

    While getting ny oil changed, went to Aldi and just got two things. Then came home and made the bourbon balls to take to Jessica this weekend. I used up the last of the burbon! We had to get it a few years ago when Jessica wanted to have this bourbon glazed ham for Christmas, been using it up ever since then

    Carol in GA - and you didn't invite me over for lunch????? lol Vince is the same way...everything has to be PLAIN and I love, just love, to experiment with different foods, spices, etc.

    DeeDee - I sure enjoyed the warmth yesterday. You know, when I went to get my oil changed, it was chilly. I just now went to put something in my trunk and it's warmed up. It's supposed to get colder this weekend (boo). Hope you enjoyed yesterday. What did you do? Great pic

    Heather - you make me feel like I'm taking the trip with you!

    Beth - awesome week! Will you guys EVER get rid of the snow (and Alison and Rita, too). So sorry about your son. The wheelchair situation is abolutely amazing.

    Sylvia - you'll get that weight off, just heal yourself right now. Good advice about the crowd funding. I'd never heard of it before. I hate dealing with insurance companiesl Good luck to you (I'm afraid you're going to need it!)

    Barb from LA - happy anniversary! Good for you staying under calories!

    Joyce - the same thing down here, even the THREAT of snow, and the place is like a ghosttown. In some ways that's good since many people don't have any clue how to drive in the snow. They'll workout the date for the musical.

    Toni - yes, the eye specialist is for her. I think she has to go so far away because of her insurance (Obamacare)

    Carol in NC - I find that many of Aldi's prices are pretty good. But they don't seem to be too good on eggs and milk. But baking items and veges are good.

    Red - that was so nice of you to be there for your friend

    Holy cow! Where did the day go? I have to get ready for Rummikub

    I'm going to post this before too late. Sorry for anyone that I may have missed.

    Michele in NC
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    edited February 2015
    Yay!, finally got caught up with the reading but now don't have much time to post. Want to post a little something so I can find my place later. :smile:

    Today is my DH's birthday so need to get ready to go out to dinner. He gets to choose and he chose a place that he knows servers brussel sprouts. I don't care for them but he loves them so this is his treat to himself. He knows he'll never get me to cook them. :lol:

    Had frozen rain last night so thankful I was able to work from home. The cars were completely enclosed with ice. Can't imagine having all of that snow that the Northeast is getting. I'm sure everything would be shutdown around here too after the first 2 inches.

    Well, I hear the shower turn off so that means he'll be ready to leave in a few minutes. Got to get myself up off of the couch, get the dogs out for a quick potty break and get myself ready.

    Will respond more later.

    Tina from MD

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited February 2015
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,878 Member
    Hello to everyone: We had freezing rain last night and this morning, now it is up to 40* and most of it has melted.

    thanks for all the prayers! Friend's baby GD is now home, tests came back clear and home health will remove the port today. So thankful everything has turned out okay although she still has that little piece of metal in her lung.

    Went to library board meeting at church today, always interesting.

    I'm with the rest of you who are walking around the house to get in steps, I may end up with a track in my carpet. Oh well spring will eventually come and yesterday I worked at the hospital and got in lots of steps.

    For those of you looking for a sweet ending for a meal, I found Dole frozen dark chocolate covered strawberries. The box has small packets in it holding 4 strawberry halves each. Each packet is 60 calories and the chocolate is 70% cacao. Pretty satisfying.

    Healing angels to those who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, everyone! Cold, very windy, and rainy here and they are saying frigid (!!!!) weather is coming.....think I'll stay in for the next week......lol. Miserable weather! To those with so much snow.........Beth, Alison, Rita, and others.....you certainly have my sympathy, it seems endless when I watch The Weather Channel. I'm having trouble keeping up on here; every time I get on there are 30 new posts. Let me just say congrats to those with losses (((YAY!!!!))) and hugs to all who need them.

    Thanks again to everyone who posted their good wishes since I last thanked those who sent congratulations to my daughter. We did her taxes today so she can start her loan paperwork for vet school.

    Sue......Would have just loved to be at the symphony with you.

    Heather.......Greatly enjoying your reports......thanks so much for taking us along!!!!

    Dee Dee......Thanks for the beautiful sunrise!

    Sylvia.......You sound on the upswing!!! Keep it up....better and better!

    Beth.......So sorry about your son's migraine; hopefully he's feeling better by now. Also hope your van problems are solved soon.

    Barb..........Happy, happy anniversary!!!!!

    Cynthia.........Interesting info; thanks for posting. (((hugs)))) to you still.

    Best to everyone........welcome newbies.

    Hunger is not an emergency.

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Wednesday and day 3 of 2 juices a day. Today i chose Eye Opener, before walk, and Pink Panther for afternoon (arthritis) = 486 cals
    My total food cals are 1715 Fibre low due to juices.
    Training: 2 mile walk and Jillian's Body rev weights 2 = 560 cals
    Today i joined Tom Venuto's "Love your body" challenge which starts on 14 February. I am getting my reporting information started on Excel ready to start.
    Today is shopping day for everything for my 3 day of Juice Only days starting Thursday. Stan will cook for himself.
    Yesterday i cut out ALL tea and cofffee except for black coffee with breakfast and started on herb teas only. Withdrawal headache OH YES
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    a quick hidee ho and off to bed, have been up since 2 a.m., and a busy day.. will catch up in the a.m. <3
  • Cellothere118
    Cellothere118 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello all! My name is Suzanne, checking in from NJ. Id love to join in with this group. I started MFP on Feb. 1, and so far I am very happy with the "program". Looking forward to gaining some new friends here :)
  • bumblebeejec
    bumblebeejec Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Suzanne from NJ. . . welcome to the group. You'll find lots of encouragement here.

    Saw a sign today that I thought was funny. It said: "Sometimes when I'm on a diet, a chocolate bar jumps out of the cupboard, unwraps itself, and jumps into my mouth."
    Well, now I have an excuse. :wink:

    Hope you had a good Tuesday.

    Judy in PA

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi, Hi! Not much happening today ; it was just a quiet office day which are my favorite. I’m trying to get ready for the class that starts in March and I’m getting close! I did a 10 minute walk after lunch and lifted weights when I got home. Still getting my 7000 steps in consistently.

    OK so this is interesting. DD#2 went to meet the other driver’s insurance person and they gave HER an estimate to fix HER car! What the ***. The accident, by her description, was clearly her fault. Hmmm, maybe not! It includes a paint job which it desperately needs. So she is going to call back tomorrow to clarify.

    Barbie: sounds like you and Jake had a very practical day! Good news from the dermatologist!

    Barb: wow on all fronts. Congratulations on your anniversary! I’m going to come visit you and get some of that great food!

    Joyce: glad the medications help the neuropathy

    Alison: I think you and all the “girls” should go on strike and tell the dr to take his turn shoveling! For heaven’s sake making all the women do that kind of work while he sits on the computer.

    Viv: fingers crossed for the blood work

    Cynthia: thanks for sharing the email

    Sylvia: hooray for the weight loss and your continuing recovery!

    Katla: thanks for the encouragement!

    Carol: now I’m craving berries!

    Red: sorry for your weekend

    Michele: a volunteer medication delivery! Wow !

    Sue: thanks for the sweet tip! I will look for those this week

    Hi to all the new ladies. I need to get to dinner or the hubs will eat my share….one of our favorite fish meals. Take care all, Meg from Omaha
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Tonight's dinner: pasta 'primavera' with Dreamfield's rotini pasta (DH is diabetic) with leftover grilled salmon, leftover peas, artichoke hearts, and stewed italian tomatoes. Quite tasty.

    Back to my walking and then the chemo cap I'm knitting for my sister.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • SelenaP63
    SelenaP63 Posts: 61 Member
    Greetings all! I am new here (originally from Alberta, Canada but have been living in Utah, U.S. for the past 4 years), and am well into Day 2 ... yep, you read that right... TWO. But so far so good. I wonder why I haven't taken this seriously and done this before? I would like to drop between 20 - 25 pounds before July. And I'm hoping to make a few good friends along the way. Anything I can do to help anyone, just holler :)