

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Checking in on the posts in an attempt to keep up. DS#1's sweetheart called last night and invited me to have lunch with her on Monday. Wish they'd get on with it - she feels like a DIL already. :D:p
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Oh yeah. Broke a molar today. Lovely.
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    Good day dear ladies!

    SelenaP63: Welcome! The best way to handle the “nutty, on-the-run” blocks of days is planning. Package up things for meals and snacks tonight. Little snack bags with 1oz of nut or dry cereal or whatever you might want to eat. (One of my favorite emergency foods in peanut butter filled pretzels.) If you will have access to a little cooler, load it with hard boiled eggs, cheese, small yogurts, portioned out units of meat, apples, and grapes. Log everything now. It is easier to delete stuff than to add. Make sure you have bottled water available. Also be armed with how to make good choices if you HAVE to go through a drive thru window. McDonald’s egg mcmuffin is only 300 calories. Not a horrible choice for breakfast. Taco Bell has a Fresco chicken soft taco for 140 calories. Both these options are full of sodium, but if you are stuck going through the drive thru you have to pick your poison. You can do this, you just have to think a little differently.

    Pip: So glad you are back to your old self!

    Stephanie in Central OR: Howdy (waving over the Cascades at you!!) It takes a while to find your footing on how to eat out. How is DH about splitting a main course? That is the easiest way in the world to manage portion sizes.

    Katla: So happy that the gym is working out well for you!

    Dogbydog123: Hang in there. Plateaus happen. Think of it as the body resting a bit before continuing on the journey. Every time I hit one, when the weight started dropping again it was pretty dramatic for a week or two. (I had to chuckle when I read that your labs were great --- I visualized two Labrador Retrievers in little lab coats – yep – looks good!!)

    Got home from dog training last night and was starving – to the point of feeling a little light headed. Yes I worked my butt off , and we did lots of running to build speed into behaviors, but really. Then I double checked food log for the day – I had eaten less than half my dinner – I still had sweet potatoes, spinach, and a bit of blue cheese dressing left (300+ calories)!! No wonder I was starving!

    Went for my run this morning. What a lovely morning! Clear, cool (no wind!!!). Sky was just turning red. Valley was all fogged in. Just a lovely view. Don’t know what wild hair was up Talga’s butt today, but he took off like a bat out of hell this morning. Most of the time, I feel like I am dragging him. This morning he was dragging me. He set a blistering first mile pace of 10:10 and the third mile was at about 9:55!! I think he was trying to kill me. No trouble stretching my distance in the “allotted” time this morning… well over 5K and a good chunk of the way to 6K. I may consider having him pull the dog cart for the next walk. It will let him burn off some more energy without stressing his joints or killing me.

    Zedd (the older dog) got an invitation to the Collie Club of America’s national show to be in the parade of top performance dogs for the year. I think it is because he completed his UDX (Utility Dog Excellent) title last year. He was the top obedience collie in a lot of categories last year, so it is a little hard to tell exactly why he was invited. We won’t be going, but it is a nice honor.

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.
    Remember to breathe…

    Sally W.





  • suntomoon
    rjadams - my lab too had some issues. I gave her glucosamine (one for her, two for me) and suddenly walked better than the previous months: she lived to be 14! Good luck. Dont let the sadness make you stumble on your goals - you are working too hard for relapses that will make you feel worse. Have a bubble bath, a walk in nature, read an old favourite, dance to your music - realize sadness comes and we are all depressed with it, but move through it with grace and beauty. I know you have it in you.
  • suntomoon
    lestan40 - I was worried that your breakfast was only carb(toast) and carb(fruit) - when I understand that the body really wants protein and complex carb to start the fuel burning process ---especially when the next thing was your workout! Please add some goat cheese, greek yogurt, an egg, chia seeds or some meat and see if you don't have a mentally and physically better day :)
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Barb ... unless your calorie goal is set at maintenance ... 112 calories over would still be a deficit and you would still be on track to lose. That number was an NSV! So very sorry that your neighbor has passed on ... be kind to yourself in the days ahead.

    Not a good day for me personally ... peanut butter, jelly, bread and english toffee salted ... yeah, I'm over calories by a heck of a lot more than 112!!

    But I'm done now ... drinking water ...

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Just got back from seeing my new grand daughter.Was there 12 days.Have 19 pages to catch up.HUGS
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Someone was on the hand bike when I got into the fitness center, so I rode the stationary bike for 16 minutes (thank goodness for tylenol). That leaves 14 minutes at my Dad's place tonight. Still no cookies - time for a banana. I can do this ! ! !

    Hugs to Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    SelenaP63 wrote: »
    Good morning... I am new and keep reading DH... dear husband? dreadful hangover? doll house? Do help me with the abbreviations! Not sure how to navigate these next two days where I'm on the run and away from home. Any tips would be grand! Thanks and have a successful day :)

    Away from home: Log every bite and swallow, and drink water instead of beverages with calories. Make the best choices you can when eating out and don't be afraid to leave uneaten food on your plate. The last time I went out, I ordered half my sandwich in a togo box at the beginning of the meal. I was served a delicious half Reuben, and had the other half to share with DH. Whenever possible look for the best nutrition rather than favorite foods.

    DH= Dear Husband, Darned Husband...
    MIL=Mother in Law
    DD=Dear Daughter
    DS=Dear Son

    There are a lot more possibilities but this should get your mind working in the right direction.


  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Cheries fatigue can be a symptom of many illnesses so please be care with just wondering if it is a vitamin deficiency.

    Heather as soon as you said where you were I got out my little iPad and looked it up, I saw the beach that was affected by the tsunami. I was reading about the crocodiles and wondering if you had seen it. Was multitasking by reading iPad and your post at the same time and there you were posting about seeing them.

    Jane welcome back. But you can't get by with just saying you are back. You have to tell us all about the precious little one!

    Sylvia I can't believe they are letting you drive! Please take it easy. You are to important to us

    Dreary cold day today. Yesterday was sunny and wonderful. Such is life

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    my mind is NEVER in the right direction:
    I like my thoughts for the initials.
    DH= Darn rhymes with bore.
    MIL=Mother in Law
    DD=darn man genitalia
    DS=darn rhymes with bit

    and darn is really the other d word.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    Hot damn,figured out how to contact you all on my phone..Still at work,so will check in later <3
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    Good afternoon dear ladies!
    I wrapped up a milestone on a project, so I thought I would steal a minute of time to “visit” with you again.

    Since I mentioned carting with my dogs, I thought I would send a link to the CCA (Collie Club of America) page on carting with your collie. (It is a pdf file.)


    The Brace on the first page is Talga and his littermate. (Talga is the one looking at the camera.) At the bottom of the page “Driving using reins” is Zedd and me (60 or 70 lbs heavier than I am now). I love this picture even if the wind is blowing Zedd’s coat wrong. Top of the second page is Zedd and his dam, Hildi (Talga's granddam), pulling me in a sulky. Pretty cool that the boys are used so much in the National website.

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.
    Remember to breathe…

    Sally W.





  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Thursday here and Day 1 of Joe Cross's Reboot and ONLY juices for the day. Food cals = 1194.
    Training: Jeannette's Circuit A and 2 mile walk
    House: wash clothes to iron tonight and tidy house. Make more juices.
    I am determined to do this
    Lesley in tasmania
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    smiley-cool05.gif Another happy day of dog walking, line dance, time with my hubby, and a trip to Costco where we bought only what was on our list.

    smiley-happy020.gif Lesley, about six years ago I gradually tapered off the amount of coffee I drank, drinking a little bit less every day until I drank none and escaped the headaches. I have not had coffee since then and consider it one of the best decisions I've made in my life.

    smiley-happy020.gif Cherys, I got my quote from the bottom of a post on MFP at least five years ago. It spoke to me so much that I've used for my own since then.

    369174ja9czoo4gh.gifMNMargaret, I have been going to the periodontist three times a year for cleanings and do a lengthy teeth cleaning ritual every night. I don't like any of it, but I have all my teeth and I love them so I have to be willing to go to any length to keep them working well.

    smiley-chores002.gif Sally, your dogs are awesome.

    smiley-happy020.gif Yanniejannie, I find my social contact by dancing with my friends and going for walks with them. This particular group of women seem to thrive on "indignation".

    smiley-happy020.gif Katla, thanks for the suggestion about asking my friends to speak on more positive topics, but I really don't like going to restaurants and I see them all at dance class (some of them two or three days a week) so I can talk to them before class and at the break, so skipping the whole ordeal is best for me, then they can talk about what they want and I can go home and eat at good lunch with my hubby.

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Finally caught up.Had a wonderful time with the grand kids.I got to spend my grand daughter`s 13th birthday with her.I got to see my grandson receive an award for his art project that is going to regional.Of course I had plenty of baby time.The baby is a little angel.Mom and her are doing great.Had a lot of quality time with my daughter.
    Miss them already.Missed you all too.
    hugs jane
  • bumblebeejec
    bumblebeejec Posts: 26 Member
    Made it to the gym today for exercise class in the pool. Felt good to follow through on that.

    Lesley in Tasmania: Looks like you had a very busy day. Way to go!

    granmallie: Haven't found this app on my phone yet. Hope you had a good day at work with not so much shoveling these days.

    Take care all.

    Judy in PA
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,387 Member
    Tina - happy birthday to your hubby

    Sue in SD - phew! Thanks for telling us about the Dole strawberries. I'll have to look for them

    Did an hour of Kelly Coffee Meyers' 30 Minutes to Fitness DVD. I'd forgotten that it's really two 30-minute workouts, one step and the other plyometric. The plan for tomorrow is to just swim some laps. We're going to be leaving early Friday a.m. to go to Jess' so I won't be able to go to the deep water class.

    Suzanne - welcome. I'm not familiar with where Howell is. Is it in northern NJ?

    Judy from PA - absolutely cute sign (and so true)

    Meg - now you know why I almost fell over when the pharmacist offered to deliver Loki's med!

    Selena - welcome. You're doing great! One day at a time. We all started somewhere, before you know it, you'll be on day 500

    pip - yea for you being back to your self. It's just so depressing when you're not feeling well.

    Sue in TX
    - take care of that eye!

    Cindy - welcome. Congrats on getting that fitbit. Lots of women on here have it

    Barb in LA - sounds like you did real well at that restaurant. I wouldn't call what you did "weirdness". If I did, then I'm weird, and I don't consider myself weird. That's what I do all the time in restaurants, ask for substitutions, send things back if they aren't the way I want them. I figure if I'm paying for it, I may as well get something I like. And if the restaurant makes less of a profit -- well, they should have gotten it right the first time! I'm so sorry about your neighbor. You didn't go way over on your calories, not at all.

    tshoop - welcome! We want you to be here for a very long time.

    madierdorf - welcome! Great goals

    Joyce - what a windfall! Let us know what you eventually decide to buy. So sorry about your sister. Bet your new drivers license pic is so much better than your old one

    ReNae - one of the reasons I always mention what exercises/DVD's I do is to hopefully give others ideas of ways to "shake things up". I really wish more people would post what KIND of workout they do, not just "went on the treadmill" but went on the treadmill at what incline at what speed for how long? Lately, I've gotten to where I like brussel sprouts. Something new for me

    - welcome

    I had a real craving for something chocolate after dinner tonight so I had a chocolate bran muffin.

    dogydog - what does your wt loss MD say about your plateau? I swear, I've been at around the same number (wt wise) for years now.

    katla - glad you're enjoying your yoga. I know how much you loved it.

    Had the Newcomer general meeting today. Came home and then went to Old Navy, TJ Maxx (I'd forgotten how expensive they were), stopped at Kohl's and got 2 more exercise DVD's, then went to Hamricks where I got a pair of shorts for -- get this -- $3.51. Then stopped at the Y near me. I'd made these ginger cookies for the gal there and I asked her how she liked them since it was a new recipe. Her answer? "What cookies?" Looks like I'll have to make more. I also asked her if she could move the one elliptical with the hand that shows the step count to one other side and exchange it with an elliptical that is there. Hopefully, I'm the only person who needs the step count. She said she'd look into it. Her I have confidence that she'll do it if at all possible.

    Cynthia - ouch!!! Will they put a cap on it?

    jane - welcome back! Glad you had a great trip. I look forward to you telling us all about it

    Michele in NC
  • SuzyH
    SuzyH Posts: 196 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    SelenaP63 wrote: »
    Good morning... I am new and keep reading DH... dear husband? dreadful hangover? doll house? Do help me with the abbreviations! Not sure how to navigate these next two days where I'm on the run and away from home. Any tips would be grand! Thanks and have a successful day :)

    Away from home: Log every bite and swallow, and drink water instead of beverages with calories. Make the best choices you can when eating out and don't be afraid to leave uneaten food on your plate. The last time I went out, I ordered half my sandwich in a togo box at the beginning of the meal. I was served a delicious half Reuben, and had the other half to share with DH. Whenever possible look for the best nutrition rather than favorite foods.

    DH= Dear Husband, Darned Husband...
    MIL=Mother in Law
    DD=Dear Daughter
    DS=Dear Son

    There are a lot more possibilities but this should get your mind working in the right direction.


  • SuzyH
    SuzyH Posts: 196 Member
    Thanks, Katla49!