

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    cherys wrote: »
    I am really inspired by all you 50+ women doing so much exercise. Going to look up Kenpo X.

    Barbie, I agree about cutting the moaners out of your life. Not in a cruel way, but if all people do is whine, well that's another kind of extra weight we don't need! I did this a few years ago and have far fewer friends now, but the ones I have lift my spirits whenever I see them and that makes such a difference.

    Does anyone run outside alone? I used to run and want to get back into it but have no running partner right now and am not yet brave enough to run in woods alone. Is this wise or cowardly?

    I run by myself sometimes but I live in the city (Tacoma wa) and sometimes I take my dog, I wouldn't say it's wise or cowardly.... you know your neighborhood and where you would run, that's a personal thing. do you have pepper spray you can take with? I I were to run with someone, even when I run with my husband, we don't talk to each other, we're both wearing headphones, so if I were to run with another girl, I guess I would be afraid that she's gonna wanna jabber all the time. plus I don't want to slow her down if she has a faster pace than I do or vice versa. if you do find someone to run with, gotta make sure they are your pace or a little faster to give you that challenge. good luck
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    rode to the gym and I realized I forgot my monkey feet, was planning on running but oh well. I went upstairs and used the spin bike instead... at least I had my tunes.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited February 2015
    Mary from MN: Congratulations on having a closet full of clothes that are too big! Clothes getting too big is one of the best NSV’s because it is proof that you are smaller than before. Enjoy shopping for replacements. As I dropped sizes, I’d buy two pair of pants in the new size. Tops continued to fit, although loosely, for quite a bit longer. In the end, I’m still buying bigger tops because I’m tall and have long arms. The sleeves on the smaller tops aren’t long enough.

    Heather: Your stork is beautiful. It sounds like you are having a wonderful adventure. It looks quite a lot like the gray heron that lives by us. The lizard photo is excellent, too. I hope your day of rest recharges your energy. It is wise to listen to your body.

    Dreamwriter: We’ve been to Chemainus a couple of times. I love the murals.

    Cherys: Listening to your inner voice is usually wise. If you’re not comfortable alone in the woods, don’t go there without a companion. Women need to be safety conscious. Can you borrow a dog to take along? I love the notion that whining people are another weight to drag along. It has the ring of truth.

    Cynthia: Good news on the tooth. Good for you.

    SallyW from OR: I love the pictures of the collies and carts. Our dog is really too small to be a cart dog, but we harness him to DH’s recumbent trike, and he "helps" DH get around. The dog loves it. If I’m riding my trike in the garage on it’s trainer, he sits by me in harness position. He doesn’t even weigh 30 pounds, but loves to feel useful and loves to go along beside the trikes. I love your signature. Dogs are great at looking for the joy in everyday life. We can all learn from their example.

    Jane: I’m glad you were able to spend time with your new DGD. Welcome back.

    Barbie: You have a good point about your negative friends. I also arrange to spend very little time with negative friends. My mom was extremely negative throughout her life, poor soul, and I’ve had my quota.

    Pipcd34: Your bike stats are great. You’ve certainly burned a lot of calories in a healthy way. Congratulations!

    I’m off to the gym with my neighbor to do Zumba this morning. I’ll march in place while everyone else does side-to-side movements. I’ve had a chat with the teacher and she is supportive. There is another woman in the class who moves to the beat as best she can. She’s in her 80s! We all probably need to think about staying fit for our own older years. You wouldn’t believe how many people in the 50+ age group are in the gym every morning.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hi all only scanned the last page i've been missing for way to long. But getting over losing my dear friend. Not over. But I needed to smarten up if I didn't want to join her.
    Went back to tops and was high loser last night with 4 lbs. Happy with that.

    Your dogs are beautiful. They must love you for losing all that weight. Less for them to pull around.

    Enjoy the Grandkids there not little long.

    Beautiful pictures. Glad to see you enjoying your holiday.

    Punching in a fair day so far.
    See you all lighter
    Linda in freezing NOrthern Ontario -22
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Happy Thursday,

    MNMargaret - Thanks for the reminder about Spring! It's snowing in Maine again today and the forecast is for another 8-12" on Saturday AND 8-12" more on Sunday!! I'm not sure where we're going to put it!

    @selenaP63 – welcome – I see that Sally answered your questions. Just remember that a day or two away from home is not a license to undo all the good you’ve been doing.

    Sylvia – Great joke! I might use that for my staff. They sometimes forget that we live in Maine and that snow is NOT an excuse to stay home.

    Heather – what an adventure you’re on! Thanks for sharing with us!

    Stephanie in Central OR – Great reminder that this is a marathon. I was feeling impatient this morning.

    Sally – nice run. I take it Talga is a dog? Your weight loss is inspiring. For some reason I cannot get my ticker to show up anymore??

    Jane – congratulations on the new grand daughter! She’s beautiful!

    Mary from Minnesota – such a great NSV! Time to go shopping for new clothes I’d say! Also liking the hula hoop idea and the ‘smiling’ tips.

    Today is Thirsty Thursday – so drink up that water everyone. Thanks for all the inspiring exercise ideas. You’re all motivating me to begin thinking about what I will add to my daily treadmill workout. Maybe pull out my Wii Zumba CD.

    We are expecting another 20-24” of snow here in Maine over the weekend. The shoveling/snow blowing alone this winter has been a workout. My DH spent the last 2 days cleaning the several roofs off we have on our property. Poor guy was exhausted last night. Not sure where will put the next couple of feet, but we are assured a muddy spring in the NE!!

    Keep it skinny
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    Katla - you are so right! As long as we are doing something we are beating the people on the couch! Even standing up burns more calories than sitting down. Things I used to enjoy, like dancing or tennis, are way beyond my knee now, but I have found other ways to get tge activity in. We are more or less the same age, 65, and fighting the deterioration. So far we are winning!
    - Had Tandoori Chicken and fish this evening. Didn't eat the butter rice or the batter round the fish. Shared with DH who had the prawn curry again with three veggies and rice. The prawns were fresh off the boat that morning and wonderful. Also the squash curry and eggplant curry. I had a teenie tiny sliver of DH'S dessert - Wattleappam - like a burnt egg custard. I had half a teaspoon. Go me! o:) Not entirely proud of myself as I had some white wine. :embarassed:

    Congrats Jane on the new grandchild! :flowerforyou:

    Cynthia - glad you were able to get that tooth fixed economically. I tell my dentist, who is great, just do a bodge job! ! ! ! :laugh: It usually lasts for ages!

    Heather, replete and happy in the jungle

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good morn all. Read an article some might find of interest.


    Have a pic of my Halloween cactus (actually a Christmas cactus that blooms early every year) now to remenber how to post it.

    Barb, my sympathy & a hug for you.it's sad to lose a friend.

    Heather thanks fir showing your pics. My family had a history lesson thanks to your trip.A couple of them didn't know where Sir Lanka was....they know now :D

    This is laundry/house cleaning day. Fish for supper with a large mixed green salad.DH will have some type of starch.Going to bake the last of the choc chip cookies from the freezer. DH could live on cookies! Also have a new fruit pudding recipe. That can wait till tomor.

    Weather is very windy,snow blowing & cold,so glad to be inside. Have a good day,Pat
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, ladies! Sunny but chilly, going to get much colder later on.

    I've been caffeine free about ten yrs. When my LBBB was diagnosed, the cardiologist said no alcohol or caffeine. I don't remember much problem giving up caffeine although I had always consumed a lot of it.......esp. on night shift. Alcohol, bleh, got that out of my system in my 20's; no big deal......he did OK a sip now and then the last time I saw him as long as it didn't bother me. So, about every six months I have just a taste of someone's wine or whatever to make sure I'm not missing anything..lol.

    Someone...one of our newbes, sorry, didn't take notes and can't remember your name, wrote of downsizing on friends. I did just that last year with someone I'd known over 35yrs..... we were just in such different places and I was so sick of being on the listening end of her irrational temper tantrums about everything..........and I honestly don't miss her. It was one of the best things I've done for my own emotional health and I can't believe how long I thought about it before I "pulled the plug" on the relationship. It is a relief to not have to deal with her..........people do outgrow each other sometimes and the "fit" of personalities just goes away, or is killed by one of them.

    The police suport group meeting that I went to last night sadly got a bit contentious and I was rather involved. We have a recent joiner who belonged well before my time and who reportedly left under a cloud of suspicion regarding a money matter. Only one person now remembers her from before and, as luck would have it, was not present last night. The problem is that this new person sells tshirts and novelty items and is trying to become a supplier of such things for the group's fundraisers and events. I see ulterior motives behind her joining and a con artist who can be charming. I had the nerve (?) to bring up the idea that we should get bids from several concerns and have made an enemy. So be it. Disturbing, but I will not be backing down from taking the multiple bid course.

    jane......Sounds like you really enjoyed the visit to your daughter's home; don't blame you for missing that beautiful baby! Any name yet?

    patcoh........Thanks for your good wishes.

    Heather.........Love the pics!!!! Even better than my imagination. Sorry you missed out on the adventure you DH had.

    Sharon......I'm sorry for the ongoing trouble with DIL; hope things go your son's way at the legal procedure. Trust me, the police are going to get sick of her tactics. At least your family is on "home turf" for it.

    Cynthia...........Glad your tooth problem is fixed......here's a few more ((((Hugs)))).

    Linda........Hey!! Welcome back!

    Best to everyone else.

    Hunger is not an emergency.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    ok , have an android phone, this is how I figured out...
    at the top of your phone where it says myfitnesspal, tap that...it will open up with all your different things, diary, blog ,community, so I hit community. then motivation ans support, and then look for our group and wa la there ya go.. hope this helps..
  • stephv710
    stephv710 Posts: 7 Member
    Good Morning all! Very excited that the scale showed a 1 pound loss today. I have been very diligent about logging every single bit of food this week so it's paying off. We are going to happy hour tonight with friends so I have already logged my wine (very important! LOL) Heading over to Vancouver WA to visit with the grandkids this weekend so I'm sure I'll get some exercise calories running around with them.

    Mary What a great feeling to put on clothes and have them be too big! Now get rid of all those big sizes! Your workout schedule is impressive..I need to get off my rear and start moving.

    Pat - Sorry you were so sick..such an awful feeling. Hope you feel better!

    Sally - Love the pictures of your beautiful dogs. We lost our beloved Max in October to old age. Didn't know if I wanted another dog, but I miss it...so we are picking up our Australian Shepard pup in 8 weeks! I'm sure I'll start getting the exercise I need with that one :)

    Jane - Congrats on the new grandbaby....grandkids are such a blessing...and you can send them home :wink:

    Yanniejannie I love your saying "hunger is not an emergency". I used to think it was...sometimes I still do, but now I plan for it.

    I probably won't be on the boards til Monday, so everyone have a great weekend!
  • dogbydog123
    dogbydog123 Posts: 30 Member
    CrazyDogLady -- I used to show in breed and obedience. Then more recently I did 12 yrs of rescue. These days I just have one LAB mix (mama was a Golden), so I laughed at your thought. Ziva is my Disability Service Dog, and she is awesome!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Does anyone know why strength exercises don't have calories that they are burning on the MFP app? I know that you burn more than a normal amount. It only Asks for weight and reps and not calories like cardiovascular exercises do.


    Mary from Minnesota

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Heather - I am so excited to see your pictures and read your adventures. I would love to travel more but can't, so I'm living vicariously through you.

    Jane - I'm glad you're home and had a good visit with your daughter and grandchildren.

    Barbie - I've discovered that I am a roadblock to myself in lots of ways and realize new ones frequently. Good job on talking yourself through it!

    For those of you who are single, do you have trouble with folks trying to "fix you up" with men? I had a woman from church call me and ask if I would consider dating one of the newer male members in the church because he is lonely and looking for a wife. Like, NO!!! If I had been interested in him, I would have already begun establishing a friendship with him. He's a nice enough guy, but there's no attraction whatsoever! Arrgh!! I truly enjoy being by myself and, although I do like/want/need friends, I'm not looking for someone to get serious with. Geez! I just got the house to myself...

    My daughter is still really struggling. She has officially resigned her job with no prospects for another. I asked her to run a couple of errands for me today and she got to the first stop where things didn't go exactly right (my prescriptions weren't quite ready) so she freaked out, called me in tears, and decided she couldn't do the other things because she was too upset. She has run out of clean clothes to the point she is wearing a cami for a top today because she is too lazy/unmotivated to go to her grandmother's to do laundry. I don't know what to do. Part of the reason I asked her to run errands was just to get her out of the house for a bit. Oh well, it will work out one way or the other. Thanks for listening to me complain.

    I'm off to get some more work done. Hope everyone has a great day!

    Carol in NC

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Happy Thursday dear ladies. Yesterday was a good day food wise. Last evening we had couples Bible Study and I do not think I will be going back. I am just not comfortable and this one couple that is there, I am concerned about her and he is just mean. We have known them acouple years as they were members of our CMA group. But he dated and lived with serveral women in the group and now he is living with this one. They have been claiming to be married, but told me in the eyes of God, but not the law. Then acouple weeks ago she said they did get married, but not told her children yet. It is hard for me to be in the same class with them. Thanks for listening. Tonight I have my women's Bible study with another lady friend from CMA. I am enjoying it and learning how to think better of myself.

    Welcome to all the new ladies, you have come to a great group and glad to have you join us.

    Sue SD--Thanks for the reminder that the only person I can change is myself. Good news about DF's GD. What do they plan to do about the metal in her lung? Going to see if I can find those strawberries, sound good and just the right size snack.

    Sylvia--Glad you are home, DH sounds like he is doing a good job taking care of you. Be sure and take it slow.

    DeeDee--Love the picture, nature is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

    Beth--Sending hugs and prayers. I have never understood why the state has to make things so hard for those that need the help and give all kinds to those who could do more for themselves.

    Allison--Please take care of yourself. Are you the only one who can do the snow removal?

    Meg--Glad to hear DD#2 was not hurt.

    Barb--Happy Anniversary. 42 years, you should be proud.

    Judy--That happens to me all the time. LOL

    Joyce--Sorry to here your DS is havng confusion again. Congrates on your NSV with the drivers license picture and weight. I am glad that when I get mine next year I can put my honest weight and not feel embrassed. I was looking at my picture on mine and it does not look anything like me.

    Jane--Welcome back and beautiful grandbaby.

    Heather--great picture and so enjoy hearing about your trip. Feel like I am there and having such a great time. Thanks!!

    Linda--Glad to see you back. Sending ((Hugs))

    On the subject of toxic friends, I have a lady I worked with for 15 years and she got let go because of her attitude. That was over 10 years ago and she moved to another state and I feel bad, but when she calls I only answer about once every couple weeks. All she wants to do is slam the hospital and the boss. She goes on and on and no matter what I say she keeps it up. I feel bad about not answering her call more often, but she is a very unhappy person. So I agree we have to make choices sometimes that are not easy.

    stephv710--Congrates on the loss and enjoy those grandbabies. I have 28 and 4 great grandsons and love spending time with them and they make me feel young.

    Carol--Sending prayers and hugs for DD. It is not easy when our children hurt.

    Time to get somethings done and am all caught up with reading the posts. You all are such good support and I love each of you. One Day at a Time.3
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Hi all my computer friends!

    Lesley in Taz - I am always amazed at your dedication and the variety of your exercises.

    Cherys - Running in the woods. I am a runner (I can't believe I am saying that because 2 months ago I was not a runner - I'm on week 5 of couch to 5k). If you are scared maybe you will run faster??? LOL. Be safe and follow your gut.

    Mary - If I were to hoola hoop it would last about 20 seconds! But it sounds fun!

    BarbieCat - I'm so thankful for this group and it's awesome leader!

    I've been teaching Hubs how to use MFP and FitBit sites. He needs to lose a lot of weight too (more than me) but I know to be successful he has to do this for himself and not me. Last night he was entering his lunch choice and realized that just his lunch was nearly his full allotment of calories for the day. So although he was over, he is learning to see what his choices and lack of information mean. I've been cooking lo-cal healthy dinners and he has really enjoyed them. I'm hopeful he is heading down a good path.

    Diana in Northeast Indiana (windchill is 4 degrees this afternoon!)
  • cherys
    cherys Posts: 387 Member
    Katla and pipcd - thanks for the advice on running alone. Our neighbourhood is pretty safe at certain times of day (just after the school run there are lots of mums walking and dog walkers so I could run then. But the woods I love most are more isolated and have rough sleepers in them. I got to know one by sight when we ran there all the time and he was very polite but I'd still be scared alone. There are no houses for miles. Time to find a running partner again!

    Barbiecat - About that weightlifting :smiley: I have a great tip for getting going on things you don't want to do: set the timer for 5 minutes and say that's all you have to do. After 5 mins most people are well into it - it was the starting that was difficult. But if after 5 mins you want to stop, you can stop, no shame, as you did what you'd agreed with yourself, and you build from there.
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I'm baaaccckkk!! I know I have been out for quite a while. Had a serious case of the blues because I had to be on medication that helped me gain back a significant amount of the weight I had lost. I was ashamed to show my face on this page after that... but now I have gotten over myself and I want to come back to the group of no one objects. I need your help to get back on the right path and lose this weight...yet again!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Thurs.In case I forgot to post,baby is Jaelyn.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member

    I just wanted to post my baby too.. Yogi, aka Yogurt aka Squirt
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    afternoon my friends,
    ran around crazy this morning, DFIL did eat 1/2 his breakfast, had to drive an hour away to close out accounts at one credit unionin a snowstorm, and go to one closer to us and deposit what we got from the old one to the new one..
    well DH just got home and I got blasted because I took a check for my IRA from the old on to the new one, which I guess if they direct deposited it to the new credit union would have not ment so much hassle for taxes.. I dont really do money things, I thought I was doing something right and I screwed up.. so he is fed, im getting my jammies on and going to bed.. will chat with everyone in the morning