

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Dogbydog123 – I gave up soda pop probably 25 years ago when I gave up alcohol. I stick to water, decaffeinated herbal tea and my all-time favourite (mornings only!!) CAFFINE!!! Love my coffee and do not intend to give it up.

    And to add to the Brussel Sprouts…. Yes a favourite in our house, steamed, shredded in salads, sautéed with garlic and onions

    Grandmaillie – you are so techie savvy now – learning to check in on your phone!! Ha ha … great hey?

    Mary – wow that is quite an exercise routine. It is good that you do it and that you know it will make you feel better.

    Heather – nice picture

    Katla – I have been to Victoria – you must go see the Bouchart gardens. I have relatives on the island and they are constantly posted beautiful pictures on FB.

    Sharon in Lethbridge – I hope things get better soon. (((hugs)))

    Carol in Georgia – I tried decaf coffee but I can’t seem to make it pleasing tasting. So I only drink it in the morning.

    Linda in Northern Ontario – great to hear you are back. Sorry to hear about your friend. (((hugs))).

    ReNae in Maine – goodness!! More snow!! I see on the news that the East is getting lots of snow. I would ask that you share is you could. We are still short here in Saskatchewan.

    Pat – thank you for the link about the supplements – I like to watch what I take.

    Yogi – you are a beautiful lab.

    Barbie - thanks for the feedback on strength exercise calories
  • SueTN2
    SueTN2 Posts: 79 Member
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Opps sorry wasn't finished...

    Had my annual checkup at the doctor today... she said all my numbers were good... and I am now post menopausal. Okay ...so now what? No hot flashes, no night sweats. no periods...... so she said no pills, yippiee. I read some time ago that walking helps with menopausal systems and maybe that is working for me.

    BUT... she said I should lose 15 to 20 pounds. Did she offer how to do that? Sure did... she said I should walk 10,000 steps everyday - minimum. Yikes!! I was happy with 10 days in January ... so Stepping it up!!

    Take care everyone

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
    (warming up here ...yeah!!)
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    Good evening dear ladies!

    Pip: Yogi is just adorable in the way that only a Lab can pull off. (A wet collie is NOT cute!!)

    Cherys: I live “sort of” in the middle of nowhere. I am not completely comfortable running or walking alone on my road. The houses are less than a quarter mile apart, but many of them are set way back from the road. A dog and my cell phone are always with me. Do you have a dog to go with? Maybe you have a neighbor whose dog would love to go for a run with you?

    ReNae in Maine: I never liked the MFP ticker. My current set are from LilySlim. I like their interface and the way they will automatically update. I keep the html code for the tickers in my Word document, so they will always show up on my posts. I love watching the tickers make progress to a goal!!

    Dogbydog123: So glad to see somebody else here who has played the dog show game. I judge in Lexington for the UKC obedience club six or seven years ago. Good group of people!

    Diana in NE Indiana: Major congratulations on hitting week 5 of C25K!! That program gave me the ability to call myself a runner too!!

    Sylvia: I love audio books! I’m currently listening to Game of Thrones on long trips. I can get a little engrossed in them, too. Driving isn’t too much of a problem but remembering to watch the gas gauge is another story!!

    Thanks everyone for the nice comments on the dogs.

    Today was herding. We had to skip last week because I needed to work. Boy did they make up for it! Talga was very pushy and spent the bulk of his 30 minutes trying to get around me and just chase sheep. He was not being a team player!! I’m getting better with my timing and how to place my body so I can take the sheep away from him and he doesn’t get to chase. He finally was willing to “release” the sheep and work with me – it was a lot of work on my part! Zedd, my Mr. Steady, was also a bit of a pill. Yes he got very light sheep in a very small space, but if you would STOP BARKING AT THEM they would stop running away from you. We finally got it all together at the end of the lesson, and he was able to bunch the sheep very tightly against the fence and hold them there. (This is really hard and skill we have worked on for a long time – the sheep to NOT want to be there!) After herding, we packed several bags of feed down to the barn. Still could not get all my steps in today! It is rest day… but poopy!!

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.
    Remember to breathe…

    Sally W.





  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    good evening/morning ladies,
    went to sleep a little after 4:30 yesterday afternoon,when I get upset that is what I do sleep..
    now awake,woke up at 11:45 p.m. will probably try and get a few more hours of sleep in..I have been under a tad bit of stress lately.. between my DFIL,and work and now we are trying to renovate,both the master bath and kitchen , and Tom wants what he wants, so I am trying to take myself out of the situation.. well will check in in a few hours ;)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Love all the dog pics. They remind me so much of our Sheltie. He loved to take a walk with anyone. I think he was around 15 when we had to put him down. Yes, a wet Sheltie stinks. He hated his bath but he loved the blow dryer and especially the brush out. I could have weaved a winter coat out of what we brushed out daily.

    heather thank you for giving me your location. You really are on the ttip of that island. How did you get your guide? He seems wonderful.

    Whoever it was talking about stopping going to lunch with friends, I think it was Barbie, those two. Categories you mentioned are my husband and sister to a T. Husband always want to talk about the incompetency of the world, how everyone, except himself, is chronically stupid, hates Democrats, traffic lights, Karoake singers that don't sing his type of singers. They take up his time at the mIcrophone. Hates it when people don't clap for him. He just won't go back to that bar again. Then my sister loves to talk about every illness she has, has thought to hve has, her medicines, her pain, what treatments she has had for everything, will talk at length. About her fake boobs she had put in after breast cancer, even has offered to let people feel them.

    Speaking of my sister, that I do love dearly, just can be a pain the the butt sometimes, her confusion seems to be over now. She swears it is do to her Albuterol nebulizer treatments.

    My desk top seems to be dying. It won't let me get on my absolute favorite Google Chrome. I tried to download it again but it won't let me. So I am trying to use Internet Explorer and the computer is so ancient it is s slow. After the 10 PM news I go into my office, put on my soft music on Pandora and stay on my computer for a couple of hours. So now I just sit in my desk chair which is pretty comfy and put Pandora on my mini iPad and do most of my browsing on that. I'm glad I have pretty good vision!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Red94568
    Red94568 Posts: 36 Member
    The hubs and I used the D word the other night. I am mentally exhausted between this past weekend and now this. Want to just stay in my PJs with a closed bedroom door. The good news: there's no pantry or fridge in here. The bad news: there's also no Eliptical in here. Just venting. If I say it out loud to any of my friends it could be scarier. Here, I have a bit more mental control. It's Girl Scout cookie season and my garage is full of boxes to sell. Staying in my room and having mental control is weight control!
  • LadyDi632015
    LadyDi632015 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello from Diane in Ohio where it just keeps getting colder and colder... -30 wind chills today.

    I am a 50+ woman and I just started with MFP a week ago. Today was my first weigh in. I lost 2.3 pounds so I am happy about that. I previously lost 52 pounds with WW and have been stuck for over a year and the scale started to slide back in the wrong direction. I have heard wonderful things about this app and I must say I am very impressed, although I am still trying to figure it all out. I have about 22 pounds to goal and i really hope I finally hit it this time. NOT GIVING UP!

    February goals are keeping up with my half marathon training for Glass City Marathon in April, keep eating as healthy as I am now and try to be as active as I can. I don't have many friends on MFP a so if you would like another, feel free to add me!

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Barbie - We all have things we subconsciously avoid. You are lucky in that you recognize your roadblocks. I am always amazed at everything you accomplish.
    Six years of sobriety for your friend is certainly something to celebrate. I am glad that you had such a positive visit.

    Heather - You are seeing such amazing things. I am living vicariously through you.

    Jane - Jaelyn is a very pretty name.

    Lesley - The thought of lamb chops has me drooling but they are so pricey here.

    Lillian - Congratulations on your check up. It's nice to go to the doctor for good news.

    Red - I am sorry to hear about the D word. Maybe it can still be worked out? Are the two of you in counselling? Sometimes a rational third party can help us to be heard.

    I went to work and got the schedule out. I am still not feeling well so came home and accomplished virtually nothing. It seems to be the theme for the last week or so.
    DS is being bombarded with texts but seems to be handling everything well. He is making an appointment for DGD's 3 yr. checkup. Tomorrow he is registering her in swim lessons. He says he is just moving forward with life and we will see how the cards fall on the 24th.
    This weekend is a long weekend here. I have to work Saturday then have Sunday and Monday off. Sunday will be a 4 o'clock movie because that is DH's routine and he gets cranky if it is disrupted. Monday I am hoping to go to the event where they have all the ethnic foods to taste. Saturday is decorations, dancing and delectables with DGC.
    Trying to be a good friend, Mom and all round person
    -Sharon in Lethbridge.
    P.s. Thank you all for your support. It means a lot to me.
  • cherys
    cherys Posts: 387 Member
    Hi everyone.
    Mary your posts make me smile. You tell a great story!
    Love the idea of running with a neighbour's dog. I'll look into it. I walk with a friend and her dog most days but she doesn't want to run.

  • Twhitehead7
    Twhitehead7 Posts: 41 Member
    Red94568 wrote: »
    The hubs and I used the D word the other night. I am mentally exhausted between this past weekend and now this. Want to just stay in my PJs with a closed bedroom door. The good news: there's no pantry or fridge in here. The bad news: there's also no Eliptical in here. Just venting. If I say it out loud to any of my friends it could be scarier. Here, I have a bit more mental control. It's Girl Scout cookie season and my garage is full of boxes to sell. Staying in my room and having mental control is weight control!

    So sorry to read that you are going through such anguish!
    Stay strong and know we women are here for you! Many prayers!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :D There was a deer out in the big grassy area where the dogs and I walk before breakfast but each dog was so busy smelling the ground where the deer had walked that she didn't look up and actually see the deer which was good news for me since nobody likes barking dogs before 5 AM.

    :'( Red, I am sorry to hear that things are rocky between you and your hubs. Food will not make things better but exercise will help your mental attitude and smooth out some of the fear. Stay in the moment and don't start writing an imaginary story about the rest of your life.

    :s Joyce, it's trickier for you when the indignant people in your life are close family members. You seem to have ways to get along

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifBarbie from foggy and beautiful NW Washington
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Oh, Red, I hope that is a different D word than first came to my mind! I'm so sorry you are going through such painful times. Please remember to put yourself first and we are here for support when you need us.

    Pip, every picture you post of Yogi makes me drool. He's a beauty!

    Ginger, welcome! I've never known anyone from Idaho. What's it like where you live? Do you get a lot of snow? Are you trying to lose, or just maintain? Stick with us!

    Michele, I use a Reach flosser too. Love it! I got mine at the dentists office.

    The scale continues to drop since my surgery. This morning it said 173.2 pounds, which is a new all-time low for me. MFP says I've lost 128.8 pounds and over 42% of my body weight. Which would be great if I felt like I did it all myself, but somehow now it feels like I cheated. I was so proud of what I had done without any weight loss surgery, and now I'm not sure I can say that. Does shortening the colon contribute to weight loss? I'm not sure. I do know I've had diarrhea every day since I got home. Once that little problem clears up, maybe some of the weight will come back? Today is my follow-up appointment with the surgeon, so I'll ask him about it.

    Gotta go get myself dressed. Have a great day!


  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Did an hour of Jillian Michael's Killer Buns and Thighs DVD. Had to cut it short somewhat since Vince said he wanted to leave at 9 this morning. Here it is 9 and he's just now shaving (sigh). I'm not sure what it is that I'll do tomorrow since it will have to be something that I can do at the hotel. Probably something on the treadmill.

    pip - my pedals are in front of me. I'd always referred to it as a recumbant bike, but
    Vince told me it wasn't. Thanks for the clarification. I thought I was right.

    Mary - I didn't know that there was an app for calorie burn! Thanks for telling me. Wonder if there is one for the android? I never eat back my exercise calories, either. This was if I go over a bit one day, I know that I have a "buffer". What is that app called?

    Ginger - welcome! You've come to a great place for motivation! All the exercise you did, you must have done different exercises. Please post them, I'm always on the lookout for something new. In a sense, I think I'm addicted to exercise, too. But only in the a.m.

    Lillian - yup, walking (which is an impact exercise) is good for bone growth and we need that when we get older. Swimming, biking, using the elliptical are non-impact exercises. But they are a good workout. So do a little of both for the best all-around

    - A TAD bit of stress????? I would say it was more like A LOT of stress

    Red - so sorry you're going thru all that. I don't know if I could manage having boxes and boxes of those thin mints in my garage, not to mention the lemon creams or shortbreads. I'd want to taste each and every one.

    Diane from OH - welcome! This IS a great app. Glad to have ya Great goals.

    Sharon in Lethbridge
    - I really hope things work out for your son.

    Going to post this, then probably start packing the car. Here it is, 9:15 and we haven't even started packing the car! How did Vince think we were going to leave at 9?

    Michele in NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good Morning,

    Sharon hope you feel better. I have a wonderful neighbor named Sharon. She had introduced herself to me and then I forgot her name. I would see her in the store and and say hello but never call her by name. I know I should have just fessed up and asked her her name. This went on for two years. I finally learned her name when I walked by her house and their in the concrete was Carl loves Sharon with a quarter with the date Carl wrote it in concrete.

    Red I like your strategy of giving yourself space. Given my temperament I try to be like Mark Twain and give myself three days to put things into perspective on a troubling issue.

    Mary I have never been to the eel pout festival. I have swum with some of their babies in Lake Superior. We were swimming and noticed what we thought was black seaweed. My DH was holding some in his hand and then it started to move. I started to move too as quickly as I could out of the lake.

    2015 word:Strength

    Just because you see the hook does not mean you need to bite. After my eel story I might add when you see something in the water that does not look right it might be time to get out.

    Smile :smile:

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Friday ! ! !

    Mary from Minnesota - Thanks for sharing your ambien story. I rarely take the ambien she gave me, because I have awoken to lots of dirty dishes and an unexplainable weight gain (my sister did this often, too). Luckily last night was a great night's sleep (with no medical assistance). I often have vivid dreams - I find them primarily fun.

    Red - Hugs ! ! ! o:) The "D" word is scary. I hope you both find the peace and strength you need to make the correct decisions. When my DH and I were very close a few years ago, the Therapist repeated "are you exercising and taking care of you ?" Please - Take Care of You !!! you deserve it. :)

    Today and all weekend, our temps are supposed to stay in the single digits. Makes me sorry I didn't fill up my gas tank yesterday. DS and DH have bowling Saturday afternoon in different Cities tomorrow. Then DH works 7pm - 7am. Then DS has a bowling tournament in Illinois Sunday morning.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    Thinking of the eel story reminded me of what my sister would say. I am not sure of her source. When you put a frog in water and slowly heat it it does not have enough sense to jump out. If you put the frog in water that is already hot it will have enough sense to jump out. Unfortunately for my sister she did not follow her own advice.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    MNMargaret - funny story! I'm with you, when it comes to things moving in the Lake it's best to hop out ASAP!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Salmon for dinner tonight. I'm not a fish eater. I was forced to eat it as a kid - my dad was a fisherman and we were poor (although I didn't know it at the time). I try it every couple of months and tell myself that I'm a grown up and my taste buds have surely changed and that it is good for me. Trying a new recipe tonight so maybe that will make all the difference. Fingers crossed!

    Diana in Northeast Indiana (below zero windchills!)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    exermom - tell Vince that I said he doesn't know what he's talking about.. we are right. my husband used to own a recumbent bike (not a stationary bike, the kind you ride out on the road). :0)