

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Quick post to answer Barb's question about DH's retinas. He says he can't see as well as before but he can still see better than I. He has pretty much stopped driving after dark unless it is an absolute have to situation. The first time he had a tear he said it was like a flash bulb went off in front of his face then a snowstorm inside his eye. They repaired that and when he went back for a recheck, they discovered another tear in the same eye so they repaired that. He was going to this big time specialist at Emory in Atlanta. It was not unusual for him to have to wait 3 hours for an appointment. Then he had a tear in his other eye on a weekend and Emory told us to go to the local ER first. They called in a local doctor who lasered it back together in his office. he trained with the Emory doctors but chose to live in a smaller town with a simpler lifestyle. DH had been going to him ever since and has had no more problems. Thank goodness he sought help both times before he had a full-blown detached retina.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    <3 Marking my place. Good night all.
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    I'm back for a minute - Just wanted to share that I plan to get up to my son's tomorrow for a little Valentine treat (not edible). His family have been fostering two dogs that were abandoned by their owners. Son's neighborhood has a wonderful lost/found/foster network for abandoned and stray animals. His household already includes 5 cats. I think these boys will be keepers from the sound of things. Their names were Jasper and Emmett (from the Twilight movies) DGS said there is no way he wants dogs named after characters from a "girl" movie so he has renamed them Casper and Clemmett. Casper is a perfect name because he is a white dog with blue eyes. Both dogs are "bigger". Clemmett seems part shepard. I haven't met them yet so I am excited to do that tomorrow and spend some time with DGS. I only have a short time to visit because I will be working at 11:30.

    CP - sorry I forgot to congratulate you on your wonderful loss. Even if you don't win the contest, you are already a winner on this journey. Keep up the great work!

    TNToni - where snow is expected Sunday. Doubt it will come, it never does-BOO (sorry NEast friends)
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,656 Member
    ok these are the posts for pages 15-20, and I am going to keep reading... but this was getting toooooooo long....

    Sylvia – That is an awful situation! Décor is one thing but dirt in a hospital is unacceptable!

    Rupridul – welcome, are you making the wine fit into your calorie goals?

    Stephv710 – perfect response! Good job

    Sassy – my thoughts are with you… Levi (my fur baby) sends a lick.

    Joyce – thanks for kidnapping Sylvia!

    Sharon – good for keeping your cool with the officers… what a crock!

    So I wrote the notes above, and then life got in the way and I did not finish… now it is 200++ posts later and I am trying again! I am starting from about 2/8… so sorry these comments are so late… but the spirit is there.

    Dogbydog123 – you have done great!!! Very consistant

    Sylvia – coming home!!! Yeah – next post – What a great deal with DH cleaning!

    Peachstate gal – sorry to hear you don’t like sitting with strangers… it can get noisy; but I do like meeting others – depends on who they sit you with.

    Sue in SD – my thoughts with you in the passing of your choir member
    Michele – you and hubby and other friends are doing such a good job of helping out the detached retina gal… yeah for you!

    Joyce – you might want to try fiber one from Kelloggs… It is really high in fiber, not too pricy and tasty enough to eat, but not tasty enough to want seconds – at least in my opinion

    Cherys, Suzanne,Selena and Mo2go – welcome

    Heather – great job on the scramble! I agree with someone else you could be a travel writer! Wow what an amazing trip. And staying out in the jungle! I would love it.

    Beth – the assistance van gig is crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sylvia – I forbid you to get on the scale for a week or 2! No mirrors either… you will be better soon…

    Meg – glad the jeep club was fun, I have a motorcycle gang as clients (I sew patches for them and put them on their jackets) and the quantity and choice of tattoos is “interesting” but under it all they are good folks.

    Barb from S.LA – great job on staying within target and going out. ** later post – so sorry to hear about your neighbor… these things are so tough! Sending ((((hugs)))))))))))) As for the sushi place, if you like the raw fish (I do!) I usually order a miso soup, salad no dressing and sashimi and that works pretty well.

    Sylvia – you sound so much better!

    Toni – you tucked in that you lost 2.4 lbs – CONGRATS!!!!

    Carol – I want your prices on berries!!!!!!!!!!!

    Michele – I love to make homemade marshmallows… and so many fun flavors

    Sue in SD – thanks for the lead on the strawberries!

    Tshoop, madierdorf, cuyanne – welcome

    Cynthia – Sorry to hear about the molar!!! Good question about Jane!

    Heather – great picture and wonderful descriptions!!!

    Feb. goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Plan and do a fun thing every week

    Kim from N. California

  • tinallen863
    tinallen863 Posts: 50 Member
    I have logged for 221 days. MFP has been the best tool ever for me to stay accountable and aware. Thank you ladies over 50 for helping me not feel alone in my quest to remain fit. Though I seldom post, I check the community daily for tips and encouragement. Tina from Topeka, Kansas
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Read but didn't post this afternoon so only had 2 1/2 pages tonight! Red, so sorry about your conversation with your husband. Maybe for Valentines Day the two of you can write down the things about each other thatmade you fall in love to begin with. Just remembering those dys of long ago before life got in the way can help. I am so used to my husband telling me and our two girls fairly routinely that come Monday, his day off when he was working, that he was going to go downtown and file for divorce. He said it again this week. If there is ever an arguement he will say just divorce me. I keep on telling him that nope I'm not. I am here to stay.

    I wish I could figure out how to post picutres of my precious kitty. I amhaving problems with my PC in that I can't get my Google Chrome to work. It jsut stopped working 2 nights ago. So I am using IE which is so slow! OOPS, I think I said that last night

    Today seeing my sister's DIL post that her son is now 18 reminded me that it also means that I was diagnosed with MS 18 years ago. It sure changed my life but much of it for the better.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Diana - How did your salmon turn out? I used to love it but now I find it too rich.

    Katla - Anyone in your group surf? Tofino is phenomenal. We don't surf but loved the beach and walking in the rainforest.
    I have both a recumbent road trike and a stationary bike. "Sparkle Orange" draws a lot of attention and can really go. My customized CAT trike looks a little different than your photo. I was ecstatic the day I got it.

    Margaret - Love seeing the flowers. I am looking forward to my deck being in bloom.

    CP - Congratulations on the 3 lb. weight loss. At this rate you will soon be dancing

    It was such a nice, sunny day here. DGDs dug happily in the mud for almost 2 hrs. Oh, to be that innocent and fun loving again.
    DH's brother is here for the swap meet. We had a really nice supper. He is here for the weekend so will have to figure out how best to entertain him.
    My wonderful daughter came over and put my poor, neglected house back in order. I am so lucky to have her. We tackled DGD's room. Cleaned and organized. DIL was always talking about cleaning and organizing but after being in the room I don't think she had the talent.
    Work tomorrow and then 2 days off. Monday is Family Day so there should be lots of free events.
    Sharon in Lethbridge (didn't even need a hoodie today)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    Hello all,
    Been catching up as didn't get onto Wifi yesterday. We have to sit in the hotel lobby which is hot despite the fans. NSV for me. We ordered a drink and DH had a beer. I toyed for a moment with a white wine and soda, but thought better of it and have gone for a delicious black local tea with cinnamon and ginger. Yum!
    We had presents and cards for Valentines Day this morning. Then we went off to the mangrove swamps. Those of you who live in Florida have probably seen masses of mangroves, but it was our first one! ! ! ! We saw a beautiful kingfisher who was eyeing up the prawns in the lake. The photo of us is on my phone, so I will try and post it. I was suffering a bit with gippy tummy while we were out, but all is fine now. A bit too much chilli I think.
    Now we are relaxing in preparation for a meal out this evening. We have decided to throw the boat out and go to the hotel up the road, which is one of the two most expensive in Sri Lanka. I don't like the management of this hotel much and there are stupid things wrong with the room layout which could be so much better. It's not a problem and it all looks very nice, but going down two flights of stairs to the toilet in the night is not ideal etc etc etc. Good air conditioning though.
    We decided not to eat here and the menu didn't entice us, so I hit on the idea of dining up the road. Our guide took us up there and we sat in their BEAUTIFUL lobby and they graciously brought us the menu for us to look at. We liked it and we booked a specific table for 7 pm. There are lots of fish things on the menu, including tartare, which I love, but they also do rice and curry if we want! It will be nice to dress up a bit. I will go over, but I will follow my normal practice of only eating small amounts of the things I love and leaving out anything boring or filling. The meal will be expensive by Sri Lankan standards, but by ours it is very reasonable.
    Yesterday the guide, Razi, gave us a walking tour of Galle. We saw the old Dutch Reformed Church, with all the baby graves. The graves are in the floor of the church and feature a skull and crossbones and an egg timer for time running out. Life was cruel in those old days. Originall the town was founded by the Portuguese, then came the Dutch, then the British. The fort area where we are staying is a World Heritage Site and full of old buildings. And full of tourists! And boutiques! Not really our thing, but everyone gathers on the ramparts to watch the sun go down over the Indian Ocean and little boys play cricket on the top. We have been twice to the Rampart Hotel, which has terrific views, but the food is indifferent. I had coconut juice from the coconut while we were walking round yesterday and felt instantly refreshed!
    Was it Terri or Toni who said they would be scared to do what we are doing? I would be too if we didn't have a fabulous travel company behind us and the most amazing guide. We don't have to do anything - he just sorts it out for us. The mangrove swamps weren't even on the itinerary. If we say we want anything he takes us to where we can get it, gets the best deal, finds a parking place, has the air conditioned car running ready to pick us up.! ! ! ! We feel like royalty! He has given us his visitor book to write in. Reading all the loving and fulsome comments is heartwarming. He is quite a guy!
    - We have let him dash back to his home in Colombo on the bus to see his two boys as we are ok here for a day. He hasn't told them he is coming.
    - At the jungle hotel we met an English couple who were disappointed with their holiday and wanted to vent. We gave them five minutes and made our excuses. They did not have a good guide. I'm afraid it is luck of the draw, but we feel blessed.

    Must stop rambling on. When I return I will do a better job of replying to people, but NO TIME!
    Love you all.
    Heather, sweltering in Galle, Sri Lanka. :laugh:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    edited February 2015

    This is us, on Valentines Day, in amongst the mangroves. My hat is a folding Chinese one, which has been great this holiday. :D
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    edited February 2015

    Hope nobody minds if I post a photo DDIL sent me of the ones I am missing soooooooooo much.
    I just love it that they can play together now. For so long DGS found DGD just a nuisance. Check the thick coats! Phew!
    When DGS saw a photo of DH I had sent him, he said to his mum
    "Johnny is my best friend." <3<3<3
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good morning everyone!

    Yanniejannie: sweet potato pie…haven’t had that for years. Enjoy!

    Leslie: thinking of you and Mildred. It’s so hard.

    Sylvia: doctor is right. :) So glad you even feel like pottery and other things! You’re obviously healing well. My mom used to do raku; I still have a kind of vase she made.

    Hoff2002: my condolences on the loss of your friend. Glad you have some good feelings about the funeral etc. I hear you on doing what you’re supposed to do but not what you like to do. Broke the molar eating a sandwich. (The last time I broke a tooth it was with milk chocolate!)

    Kim: glad to see you again! :)

    Still trying to hold on; all the stress has had me reverting to my old coping strategy, stress eating. I’m starting again with baby steps: drinking more water, and having at least one vegetable and one fruit each day, and taking my vitamins. Will go from there. I’m very grateful for my guy and others who are supporting me, including you all.

    Hope we all have a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member

    Jake is such a darling....he is honoring my values of health and frugality and said that he didn't buy candy, flowers, or a card or insist that we go to a restaurant. His gift to me is his continued commitment to follow the doctor's directions to dramatically reduce his consumption of sodium. Our big meal today will be fish with a steamed veggie and spinach, tomato, and pepper salad with oil and balsamic vinegar dressing and some snuggling. <3
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    edited February 2015
    Sally – I live “sort of” in the middle of nowhere too. I walk with dog, cell phone and bear scare. I have forgotten the bear scare and had to scream.

    Red – ((((hugs))))

    Diane in Ohio – weather is crappy everywhere. We have storm warnings I need to travel 3 hours and catch a plane. It could have waited a day …ha ha …like that is going to happen.

    Sharon – that is good that your son is working on moving forward. It will be good for DGD too. All that is going on can be mentally draining so remember to take care of yourself. (((hugs)))

    Exermom - Unfortunately I don’t know how to swim. I live in the middle of lake country but never learned. I took my boys to swimming lessons, and always thought – oh I should learn too. I will have to put it on my bucket list.

    Pip – happy puppies!!!

    Katla – My husband just laughed his head off at my passport photo – and I have to put up with it until 2017…  But I don’t need it to go to Victoria. And I hope I get out there this summer – to see my great auntie, who will be 101 this May, and some aunts and Uncles that are getting way up there in years.

    Linda – thank you for the snow – we are supposed to get a huge storm 15 – 20 cm. However you in the east are the only topic on the Weather Network this morning so we must not have any weather here in the west….. I guess I will head off to catch the plane for sunny south anyway…lol.

    Thlavalle1 – Not sure what you are eating for breakfast. I eat oatmeal with cinnamon, hemp hearts and berries in it. I was told that anything with “berry” is low on the glycemic index. I avoid anything with added sugar. Just me though – I get a brain freeze type headache from sugar.

    CP – YEAH and congratulations on your loss!! And don’t worry about not being first. Small losses are the easiest to keep!!

    Margaret – I have a lot of trouble remembering names also.

    Cherys – I have to take Vit D. I work inside too much so I was deficient.

    Oh I have to go now. Must get ready to leave for the plane. I am off to the sunny south for a couple rounds of gold and will be back Thursday. Take care everyone.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Heather, what cute grandchildren! Sounds like you are having a great time. Thanks for all the details and photos.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Happy Valentines Day everyone!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    Happy Valentines Day to all my dear dear friends I love you all <3
    Tom and I are trying to find a happy medium in the bathroom ,think we found the vanity and it is almost 1,300.00 ,but it is exsactly what he wants..we are trying to do this without taking a loan out to remodel...
    we shall see how that works...
    have blizzard conditions coming in again for tonight and tomorrow ,so will be out shoveling and snow blowing
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,088 Member
    smiley-love063.gif Happy Valentine's Day to All,

    Barb love how you stepped in at your friend's I like to say celebration of her life rather than funeral. I am sure it was appreciated.

    Dr. Katiebug when I tore my retina it looked like stringy spiderwebs or smoke in that eye at first. A few hours later it everything looked grainy. I did waste some time by going to my regular doctor first. With a torn retina you need to go straight to an eye doctor or retina specialist. If I had done nothing I had a 1 in 3 chance of having a detached retina. By getting it repaired as quickly as I did the odds became 1 in 20. My doctor told me if it detached it is a hospital procedure to reattach it and you do lose vision. Because mine was a tear and it was repaired I did not lose any vision.

    Heather great picture of "Love among the mangroves". Your hat looks great and perfect for the tropics. Your grandchildren are adorable. Thank you for sharing.

    We are going to go to a catered dinner at the farm house that I went to a tea about a month ago. Because of the dinner I requested no cards, candy, or flowers. I got to be part of a third grade celebration where I am working four hours a week. Many of them remembered to include me in their valentines I was touched.

    2015 word: strength

    Just because you see the hook does not mean you need to bite.

    If something in the water does not feel right it might be time to get out.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • MMinMD
    MMinMD Posts: 53 Member
    Sat am check in … so many posts, its hard to keep up, but such good stuff!

    I'm not doing well, bad week. Didn't loose any weight this week. I thought I was being reasonably good, but got busy and tired and wasn't as careful with planning and measuring as I should have been. Threw a reception at work one afternoon and the extra food from that messed me up for days.

    Also I think I'm gonna need another knee replacement soon, I'm losing my ability to do much over the last couple weeks – can’t walk far, fell down a hill, can't go up stairs with the left leg, pain at night. So that means I end up on the couch watching TV at nite instead of working out. I had the right knee replaced a year ago, and it’s great, but wow, that is some major surgery, pain and recovery time.

    So right now I need encouragement to focus on diet planning and sticking to calories. I'm terrible with veg, my go-to past dieting has been Atkins and so I tend to go all protein and skip veg if I don't do enuf planning.

    Hey, how’s about a couple ideas for meals with lots of veg? - what's your go-to healthy lunch or dinner?

    Terri – the knee replacement is a long haul but definitely worth it once healed.

    Barb from South Louisiana – love the goal of focusing on one healthy meal at a time.

    Rori – greetings from a former scout leader, I miss it!

    Selena – you asked about feeling weak. I think I feel down sometimes from cutting back on food I love, and it makes me sorta depressed and lazy. For me I doubt that it is lack of available calories (as I am carrying around a very large supply). I can’t always get past that (see above), but have been trying to do something fun instead. I need to work on that but its seems to help.

    Jolenec1 – love the crocheted dog blanket, great colors and fancy work!

    Thlavallee1 - I do oatmeal with an egg and some hot sauce, maybe some turkey sausage for breakfast – low sugar (but high fiber carbs), keeps me full for many hours. I just want a hot savory breakfast in the winter. I’ll switch to smoothies with fruit and yogurt or cottage cheese in the summer.

    Congrats and good luck CP!

    Lesley – how the juicing going? Is it tolerable? Seems like it might be a good ideas for a few days every couple weeks. I’ve also considered intermittent fasting, but not tried it. I can hardly stick to basic calorie control!

    Southern Maryland


  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member

    Good morning this will be as good a day you want it to be.
    Very cold in this north country again.

    I do that with chips and find I eat much less.
    sometimes the bag goes stale

    never happen before

    Could your daughter be suffering from sun deprivation.
    Should talk to her helpers about that.

    Losing a friend is very hard. Don'.
    t let it get in the way of your journey
    Lily May
    Enjoy your trip

    Using hubbies lap top and don't understand it all yet.
    So far so good, working on a good day.
    made pancakes with cinnamon and blueberries, made a rhubarb and blueberry sauce sweetened with apple sauce.

    see you all lighter
    Linda in cold freezing Northern Ontario