

  • bumblebeejec
    bumblebeejec Posts: 26 Member
    Lesley: You are in my thoughts. That trip to the vet is a very hard one. Lots of hugs.

    CP in So Fl: I ate sugar/flour/wheat free for six years and went back to my old ways. You are right to call it an addiction...and addictions are slick. I named mine "Sid" because that's the name of my ex=H. He was slick too! I'm glad you brought that up for me. Now I remember that I'm fighting "Sid" again. It helps to call it by name. I'm so glad you got right back on the wagon again. That is certainly the important thing. Now for all the "Sids" out there. . . lets give them heck this week, ladies!

    I have enjoyed everyone's baby/pet pics. I'll have to see if I can attach a pic of mine sometime soon. They have been a sweet spot in my life for many years too. (No pun intended!)

    Have a good Monday!

  • thlavallee1
    thlavallee1 Posts: 23 Member
    Lestan48 wrote: »
    Mildred beagle passed way peacefully at 9.45am this morning at the vets.
    Time to move on and remember her with LOVE always

    I am so sorry for your loss :(
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Lesley - I am so sorry that you are grieving the loss of Mildred Beagle, but proud of you for putting her needs and comfort first. (((Hugs)))

    I've had a self-sabotaging day. Tomorrow will be better!

    Good night, everyone!

    Carol in very, very cold NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :'(:'(:'( Lesley, sending hugs to you
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    Leslie- my heart is with u
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Lestan48 wrote: »
    Mildred beagle passed way peacefully at 9.45am this morning at the vets.
    Time to move on and remember her with LOVE always
    I am so sorry.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    I still wasn't feeling all that great in the stomach (wonder why?) so I just walked on the treadmill for an hour today at 1% incline 4mph. The plan for tomorrow is to do some yoga, hold my plank, and then take the extremepump class

    Got home from VA. I am so mad at myself for not taking any reading material with me. I finished crocheting the blanket on the way up there. When we got home, had dinner, then made more of the ginger cookies for the gal at the Y (evidentally, the people there had them and she didn't get any for her birthday.). I'll give the rest to Lynette. Then made a chocolate pound cake to take to FL, I'll probably give 1/2 to Dick and Karen and Vince can have the other 1/2. Tomorrow I'll probably make the sweet potato muffins to take to Mel and I'll probably give some to Dick & Karen, too.

    - <being smart> I think the name of the travel agency that Heather is using is called "Heather's Travel Bureau". Dick and Karen know that I don't like the taste of beer. I had a little bit left over one time and then Vince had the gout so he couldn't drink and so I gave the rest to Dick to finish for me. However, they do know that I like sweet wines. what I'm thinking that maybe I'll do is go to WalMart when we get to FL, buy a pack of these small (8oz) bottles of club soda. I'll pour that in the glass and then a bit of wine. I remember being on another forum where we were "pocket pals" too. Haven't thought of that in quite a while.

    katla - we haven't seen this couple in almost a year. They are good friends. It's just me, but I feel bad saying "no", so I try to work around it.

    Let me tell you, when we came out of the movies last night it was snowing, and it was bitter cold this morning. It actually felt warm when we got to NC!

    Beth - I just can't believe the weather you guys are getting! It never seems to end

    They are calling for like 3-5 inches of snow tomorrow. Oh, why can't this be happening AFTER we get to FL? Watch...we'll get to FL and it'll warm up. Never fails.

    Sylvia - I think one of the reasons that I don't care for beer at all is because my father owned a tavern. As long as I can remember, there was that "smell" in the air. Don't get me wrong, it's not that Dick and Karen push the wine on me, it's more me who feels bad saying "no". I just want to find a way to drink with them, just not as much. I remember being at their house one time when they'd just made some lemonjelo (I think that's what it was called). That was pretty potent stuff They would make their own wine. They're really great people. I just want to find a way to enjoy being with them but not having to drink much.

    Carol in GA
    - Vince is the exact same way as your dh. I think it's probably part of his OCD. Things have to be just so. Many times I just let him do it because I know that if I didn't, he'd just get upset and that would upset me. So, just like you, I don't bother.

    - you've given me something to say about the wine. "I don't drink very much so I'll really feel it which is why I'm having it with club soda". Thanks!

    drkatiebug - fantastic that you're getting a new Fitbit! I've heard so many good things about their customer support

    patcoh - thanks for the link. Interesting..

    Lesley - My heart goes out to you. I know only too well from personal experience how hard this is. But know inside that you're doing what's best for Mildred. Very unselfish

    Michele back in NC
  • SueTN2
    SueTN2 Posts: 79 Member
    Leslie, hugs to you and Mildred beagle. I'm so sorry for your loss.

    We've only had snow flurries a couple of times this year, we had -2 wind chill this morning and they predicting measurable snow for the next few days. It just shuts us down we have no snow plows for the roads.

    I've enjoyed reading all the post.
    Sue in TN
  • SelenaP63
    SelenaP63 Posts: 61 Member
    Lesley I am sorry about your beloved pet. It's not easy, that's for sure.

    My stomach got upset last night and I had a gingerale. It helped, but since I rarely drink pop/soda, it never occurred to me how many calories/carbs, sugar etc. is in the stuff! Wow! So not worth it!!

    And today I totally gave in to my stress level and went 400 calories over... 2nd day in a row. Dang!

    Oh, and just wanted to give you all my thanks for being so supportive. Tomorrow is another day.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Oh Leslie, my heart breaks for you. What you've done is the ultimate act of love for sweet Mildred. May you always have sweet memories of her. Hugs to your hubby too. It sounds like he loved her very much too.

    We've had freezing rain here this evening, not the snow they promised. What a mess. The deck has about an inch of ice on it. They still say snow overnight.

    Our laundry room is on the north side of the house and the water lines freeze up every time the temps get below about 25, so this morning it was frozen but thawed out by about 3pm. I got five loads of laundry done today, and one load of dishes. So much for being a sloth and taking it easy. Hubby was out of clothes for work, so it had to be done.

    My DGD#1starts her piano lessons on Friday. She's so excited. They have a program at the university where the grad students give lessons to kids, so her teacher is a student from China. I think this will be good for her in several ways.

    Well, I'd better get ready for bed. Goodnight everyone.

  • madierdorf
    madierdorf Posts: 73 Member
    I work on a Cardiovascular floor so heart attacks,strokes , CHF, love it busy place for a small hospital. I am leaving tomorrow for a 8 day mission trip to Cuba so I won't be on for a little while.Have an awesome week everyone:-)
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,651 Member
    Brrr to all the gals in the teens and less!!! I lived one winter in Vermont, and loved it but it taught me what cold really was.. and now I do not have the proper clothes..

    Heather – what a great adventure!!! And really you did so well overall with your calories! I am sure if you gained anything it will be off in no-time! It sounds so so wonderful… I could just hear My beautiful balloon…

    Linda - Sure 3,000 is less than some of us do; but this is not a contest with US it’s a contest between you and you. And if you are upping your steps or doing them faster, or more consistently or when in the past you would have skipped doing them, you win!! So great that you are doing 3x as many as you used too!!!

    Alison – thinking of you with love on your day of remembrance

    Katla – so glad about your knee!

    CP – so proud of you, you detoured but found your way back and learned from your detour! That is perfect!

    MNMargaret – can you tell me about the dental gum essential oil? What is it called?

    Michele – “Lemonjelo” is really limoncello which is Italian lemon liqueur and one of my favorite things…

    So last week I made Oreo cookie truffles and homemade peanut butter cups and mailed them ALL (well all minus 1- I had to try my cooking) to my god kids in college - 1/2 to seattle and 1/2 to boston.. tomorrow I am taking the youngest (16) out we are going to a place near Santa Cruz CA called The Mystery Spot, and I am bringing him 6 roses for valentines day... NOT 6 traditional roses, but 6 roses made from bacon... yes bacon.. they are in the oven cooking right now.. I will take a picture and post it.

    well need to clean up a bit ---

    Feb. goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Plan and do a fun thing every week

    Kim from N. California
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,651 Member
    bacon roses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!dsh892na6x5u.jpg
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Kim N California - those flowers look yummy! He's going to love them.
    - Mary from Minnesota
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    Kim ,
    It is called GumDropps yes two pps. I found it at an upper end grocery store called Byerly's. I think you could find it at a health food store. The web site for it is www.veriditabotanicals.com. Ingredients are organic Lemon, peppermint, cinnamon bark, rose otto, clove, thyme, lavender, Frankincense &Myrrh. It cost about $14. A prescription costs more than that as does a dental visit. If it works it is worth it.

    They also made one for Gingivitis but I like the smell of the Gumdropp one better. I think they put tea tree oil in that one for gingivitis. As I explain below I tried tea tree since I was diagnosed, and it is nasty.

    The directions say to add a drop to your toothbrush before adding your toothpaste. You can also use sea salt or baking soda instead of using commercial toothpaste. They also recommend coating dental floss with it.

    The Gumdropps is a bit of a strong taste. I am not quite sure I like it. I did notice the taste improved after I used it. It is better than tea tree oil. Another site recommended that. You do have to be careful using tea tree oil because if too much is swallowed it can cause diarrhea. I am glad I found this other product.

    I am trying this because I need to do a better job of stopping the bacteria that is causing my gingivitis and periodontal disease. Essential oils are known for their antibacterial properties. The bacteria does not become resistant like it does with antibiotics.

    Gave you more info than you asked for. It helped me to think through why and how I am trying this.

    I go in again Wednesday and I am going to ask her to check me again to see if there is improvement before she does a deeper clean on the suspect area. They actually have to numb the area before they work on it. Never a good sign.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I love the bacon roses!!!!!

    Well it has finally hit us. It is supposed to start snowing here in about an hour and we may have up to 12 inches. That is major for us. The city will be paralyzed for days. Michelle told me that her evening shift has already been cancelled for tomorrow. This was around 6 PM this evening that they cancelled for tomorrow evening. WOW. Well the bad ol' devil got the best of me this morning. I didn't get to sleep very well last night, forgot to turn my number down from 100 on my sleep number so I woke up to a very hurting back. y tummy dind't feel well and the wind chill was 0 so I just turned my alarm off and went further under the covers. I think the kind of song the choir sings makes a difference to me. We were singing a song out of our hymm book for our special. If it were a really beautiful song I think I would have made the effort to get out of bed so I could sing it. I felt really guitly when an 80 year old woman posted on face book that she missed me this morning.

    Allison, how many inches have youhad so far? Do you have a snow blower that I am seeing so many people use or do you have to shovel? I feel so sorry for you guys. If I were you guys I would jsut retire and make your permanent move to Florida. But if you are like Charlie and I were, as long as our Moms were still alive, there was no question about where our home was. I was real surprised when one of my kids actually asked me if I were going to move down to the Lexington, Ky area where my grand kids live after Charlie's Mom died

    Heather, I looked up the name of the hotel you are going to be in next. It is beautiful. Such a grand entrance and the suites looked wonderful. I would guess you don't have to go two flight of stairs just to go potty.

    Thanks for checking in with us Lesley. I didn't know if you would feel like it or not. But remember I am in your back pocket. Just reach back there to find some strength.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hi I've missed a few days and playing catch up again :(

    So sorry to hear about Mildred beagle, I hope you have a beautiful day today to make some special memories that will help at this sad time <3<3

    Wasn't feeling too well over the weekend (some sort of bug) but feel much better today althought I still feel a little sniffly and achey.

    Frankie has walked in and is now staring at me, hmmm time for breakfast I see, he always comes to "remind" me if I am still sat here at 7 a.m. - yes I know toast is bad forhim but it's only a little slice)

    Breakfast calls so I'll say goodbye for now, love to everyone.

    Viv in cold and wet York UK.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    Lesley~ sending you my undying love.. we have been down this road.. our pets give us such unconditional love and never complain, and I will say that both my DH spoil our boys so very much...It hurts my heart to see animals mistreated.. so I pray that you have wonderful memories of Mildred Beagle.
    Joyce~ yes we have both a snow blower and quite a few shovels.. and I am guessing we have had over 3 feet. with more to come tuesday into weds, and saterday night into sunday again..
    Tom and I went out and snow blowed and shoveled yesterday but with the high winds alot of it has blown back over the driveways.
    Tom woke me up at 2:30 this morning saying that Chester"s eye was bleeding all over..so I hopped out of bed. and helped clean up, he has a cyst on his eyelid that burst and we got him cleaned up.. but will call the vet when they open and take him in..
    plus shovel, and we are supposed to have someone come today that was coming last thursday to give us a quote on refacing the kitchen cabinets. will call down to nursing home, I have a feeling I wont be able to go for at least a few days until they get the stomach bug under control.
    Chester seems to be doing ok now and eye isnt bleeding,but still will get poor baby checked out..
    cant wait for Spring this snow has GOT TO GO!!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    Hi all!

    Joyce- the suite we are in is on the level, thank goodness! Oh, it is so much better than our last place. We are not deafened by the air conditioning and there are actually people around who can't wait to help you. I guess you get what you pay for, but when we buy the holiday we have no idea of the price of each hotel - they are chosen for us. This one is the most expensive I think. Charles and Camilla stayed here 18 months ago, taking over the whole hotel and bringing their own food and chef. The waiter was telling us about it. Apparently he had to strip for security snd even had to take his socks off. There were about 50 army personnel in the street outside and all the road blocked off.
    - We've had a very light lunch of tandoori chicken and salad and I only had half a small roll with it. I'm still hungry. But then I'm always hungry. :laugh:
    - Our guide gave us a car tour of Colombo so we saw the new and old Parliament buildings, various colonial monuments and visited a very elaborate Buddhist temple.
    - Strangely this hotel does not have an alcohol licence (?) but obtains beer etc from its sister restaurant. They are very happy for you to BYO , so we stopped at a supermarket to buy a bottle of wine. The alcohol part of the shop is always in a separate room, like in Scandinavia.
    - DH got some money out of the ATM as we want to give our driver a good tip tomorrow and anything left over DH is going to give him to use for his charitable work. He is a Buddhist and regularly helps out at food projects. 10 years ago he was supposed to be donating rice and clothes on Boxing Day right on the coast. He found out he had to work that day, which he wasn't happy about, so he did his charity a few days earlier. That Boxing Day the tsunami hit the coast and he would have died. He showed us the remains of many communities that were just washed away and left with nothing. He is someone we will gladly trust with our money and know he is doing good with it.
    - I will try to get a swim in this afternoon. Not the biggest pool in the world, but better thsn nothing. If I plow up and down for half an hour I will have swum half a mile. There are some scales in the bathroom so I might stand on those afterwards. At the moment I am full to bursting with soda water!
    - Michele - I think your spritzer idea is a great one. I have been doing that all holiday. :flowerforyou:

    Off to the airport tomorrow for the long and dreary flight home. Got to be there three hours before :sad: Must remember to have a cardigan accessible.
    So sorry for all of you still getting snow and more snow. :cry:

    Love to all. Heather in Colombo.
  • MammaLauraBrowne
    Hi just found your group , inspiring. my goal is a fitter February, in fact this year i will be 54 in November, so buy then i want to loose as much weight as i can. i have coelica disease, so i cant eat any thing with gluten in it or certain dairy products,,,so using fitness pal, is a help to keep track of my diet and if i do eat a gluten product by mistake, i can pin point it and know to avoid in future,,,,HERES TO US FITTER, LESS FATTER , FIFTY PLUSES IN 2015