

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Michele in NC - there is an app for strong lift 5 X 5 it has videos on each of the exercises. You use the 45 lb long bar to start for learning correct form. The 5 exercises are squats, dead lift, over head press, bench press, barbell roll. After you have the right form you do max weight for five reps 5 X. You continue to add weight each new day so that the 5th rep is difficult but doable. Go onto the Halp heavy lifting made me Supah bulky thread here under success stories it is on page 4 or 5. There are success stories with pictures and they did it in 4-5 months with dramatic results. I am going to start Monday.

    Mary from Minnesota

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Just reading tonight and not saying anything. Love all the different topics. Keep on keeping on.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,684 Member
    stats for the day:
    bike ride hm 2 gym- 12.01min, 14.8amph, 3miles - 93cal
    spin - 42min, 82 average revolutions per min (how fast I was pedaling), 102 average watts (power), 11-14gear, (1-24 gears) 17.1miles - 355cal

    bike ride gym 2 train station- 7.12min 11.9amph 1.4miles - 80cal

    bike ride train station 2 hm - 17.19min, 9.2amph, 2.7miles - 186cal
    total cal = 714
  • SueTN2
    SueTN2 Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks for all the notes about the quote, I really like it also. Someone had posted it on Facebook and revealed the author of these tidbits to be Regina Brett: www.reginabrett.com
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good evening, ladies. It’s really raining here but I think they might get a good bit of snow inland.

    *Pippa, welcome. If you start a new life journey and stick to it and log all that you eat, I’m sure you will be in those clothes before you know it.

    *Terri, with those arms getting so much stronger, if the therapist gives you any grief just deck him. Glad you will be out of pain soon. <3

    *MA, welcome back. And don’t you leave us again! You know this is the place to be successful and we are rooting for you. :)

    *Lesley, that’s great that you can borrow/share Honey and then travel when you want. Mildred will always be in your heart but when you need more dog fur in the house, now you know where you can get it. :# Great job on all the deep cleaning. Want to come to America and help get me going??

    *Lillian, you had me laughing so hard, picturing you screaming in delight as you run for your camera. I can’t imagine why that would scare a bird.

    , have a safe trip home. You know there are lots of crazies on the roads.

    *Mary MN
    , do keep us posted on your 5x5 experiences. I’m still not in shape to do something like that yet, but maybe one day.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Have a wonderful night tonight and a better day tomorrow.

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    Word #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Jolene: Your blanket is beautiful.

    Heather: It sounds like optimistic news for your ex. I hope he heals well. I can’t help but wonder about the “big” supermarket. Our little town doesn’t have a really big supermarket, but there are some in nearby communities that qualify as huge. My question is cultural, I suppose. I wonder whether you and I would agree on a supermarket rating system for big, bigger, and too big to deal with. I’m impressed with your resting heart rate. Good for you!

    Terri in Milwaukee: I’m curious about the cortisone in your knees. Have you had it before? What does it do?

    MA in UK: Welcome back!

    Leslie: It is hard to believe that autumn is starting there already. We have almost a month before the start of spring here. Our weather is unusually warm this winter. We’re getting plenty of rain at the moment, but not enough snow in the mountains. I hope the shared dog works out well for everyone involved. It sounds like a blessing.

    DH joined the gym today. :bigsmile: I hope he comes to like it as much as I do. So far, he just used the recumbent bike and looked around at the things that are available. I asked him to watch my yoga class because there are some men in it that are working to overcome physical problems. I hope he’ll join in one of these days. :heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
    Katab2014, pippa – welcome!

    Sharon – hang in!!!

    Jolenec – I don’t crochet, but that is a beautiful blanket!

    Heather – Glad exH is on the mend, so interesting that he is who you dream about…

    Lesley – I missed that you were going to puppy sit… how wonderful! What a good way to have your puppy “fix” but not the long term commitment

    Michele - I made the chocolate muffins – yummy!!! I used the Trader Joes fat free brownie mix, but it had sugar in it, and the calorie count came out at 149 each (full size muffin) More than you, but still a good count for a muffin!

    Heather – I did the tots and ended up doing them with broccoli (pulverized in the food processor) and low fat feta…yummy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Feb. goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Plan and do a fun thing every week

    Kim from N. California
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Got lots accomplished today. painted the bedroom, walked my dog - he was happy, did some book work to get ready for the tax man ( :neutral_face: ) Even did a little speed cleaning!! Just facial stuff.... looks good incase I get company... ha ha

    Goodnight (or good morning) to everyone.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • katab2014
    katab2014 Posts: 41 Member
    Oops...only after I posted did I think some people might not think wacky was a compliment...to me, it means quirky and individual. When I look at some of the selfies and fashion the young girls wear today I just sigh as they all look the same...you can't see the real person for the image...you ladies all seem pretty real...
    Went slightly over yesterday with my allowance, mainly because I was up at 5am to go to Anglesey so lunch was early which meany a few mid-afternoon snacks to tide me over...
    Today, I have an early staff meeting and need to give this team a bit of a shake up as they're currently all pulling against each other...then I can chill in the afternoon with a backlog of work I have..
    have recently stopped my statins because of the side effects but still enduring these same side effects...
    Have a great day everyone
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Linda, Ontario, I used to do a whole lot of cross stitch, I have designed several patterns for the different things I make. Some day I will have to take a picture of them. For some reason I can only add a picture from my iPad so I will have to make a post from there. But just like everything else I do, including diet, I go gung ho then slowly trickle down. I have sold ALL my cross stitch things a couple of times!!! I have tried regular cross stitch but it has to be counted.

    Mary Mn. , I would make sure your doctor knows about the low heart rate. It can mean that you are in as good as shape as an athlete is or it can mean you have a problem. There are many cardiac problems that cause a low heart rate. Mine has never been above 100 when I exercise! I guess I'm not doing enough but by the exertion scale I am doing what I can tolerate. Right now it's

    Janet, Myrtle Beach, my husband would never allow me to drive on the interstate at night. Poo on him. When he was working I used to drive down to see my daughter. It's a 3 hour drive and you never change interstates. It is basically I 64 from our house to the Lexington Ky area. I have noticed at night my perception isn't as good as when I was younger. There have been times he didn't want to go, like to see Ellie in her ballet but when I said I was going anyway then he changed his mind. The same with this musical. A musical isn't worth watching unless it is as good as the screen version. But middle schoolers aren't that good. He would never go to see our oldest vocal performances at school or the musicals she was in. Our other daughter was in sports and he didn't go to those because they weren't worth watching. If they really wanted it and worked hard enough they would be as good as female NBA teams. HUH???? Although he is totally bored when he goes down to see daughter and grand daughters he goes anyway. My daughter is very controlling. When a commercial is on the TV is muted while if he had control of the remote he would channel surf. Plus they extreme budget and don't have cable, jsut antenna on a very old TV that gets 3 stations.

    Ma P, UK, have you ever thought of replacing that traditional chocolate bar with the youth with a healthy snack. It would teach them a lot about self control and good eating habits in their youth which might pass on to their parents.

    Lesly, I just Googled the American staffy puppy. How absolutely precious! have fun with him/her. I am jealous.

    Michele, at our Y they have a washer and dryer that is being run all the time. They have a young lady who has down syndrome working there and it is her job to go into the locker rooms and collect the towels. If you even think about putting your towel down she will grab it. Those towels are her job and by you using it, it is taking it away from her. But she's a sweet girl

    To those of you who make your home made yogurt, how much yogurt would 1/2 gallon of milk make. I saw a recipe for crock pot yogurt and it called for 1/2 gallon of milk and I believe 1 cup of regular yogurt to start the process.

    Went with my sister to her doctor's appointment today. I was so glad she asked me to go. She has a tendency to treat herself and she knows that I will be very honest with her doctor and make sure he knows what she is doing to herself. Like if he says she can take Flexeril one 3 times a day then she takes it that he is saying she can take 3 Flexeril a day and takes all 3 at bedtime. This was a 2 week follow up from an ER visit when she was having repeat symptoms of mini stroke. Or that's what she was saying. It went on for 5 days which takes away the diagnosis of TIA which is less than 24 hours. This happened to a larger degree a couple of months ago and she didn't see the doctor that time. She has severe spinal degeneration, herniations, bulging disks, etc. So she is in a lot of pain in addition to the fact that she has Fibromyalgia. so she is to go of Flexeril and Lyrica. He said she can take 1 at bedtime of both of those and eventually go off of those. When she was in the ER they did a CAT scan of her head but did not do an ultrasound of the arteries in her neck which should of been a standard of care in my eyes. So he had that done today, She has 50% blockage in one side. I think it has to be 80% for them to do anything. They are going to do a dye study Friday.

    Was SOOOOO good to fnally have church tonight and have choir practice!!!! Charlie said I can always go Karaoke with him but choir is so so different. In a choir you are with several or maybe a lot, all working toward a common goal and I am harmonizing which makes the sopranos sound so much better!!!! He he he. In Karaoke you are solo unless you have a duet or trio. He is part of a trio but they better give his solo time or he will be mad

    Joyce, Indiana

  • abbycassidy1
    Hi there! My name is Abby, I'm 53 years young, and getting younger by the minute. I mean that, though I only started today, it is the change that I am making, a real lifestyle change that is going to make me a happier healthier me! Please add me as a friend/buddy, I do need all the encouragement I can muster up (80 pounds worth) I would also love to encourage you if I may :smiley:
  • abbycassidy1
    Hi there! My name is Abby, I'm 53 years young, and getting younger by the minute. I mean that, though I only started today, it is the change that I am making, a real lifestyle change that is going to make me a happier healthier me! Please add me as a friend/buddy, I do need all the encouragement I can muster up (80 pounds worth) I would also love to encourage you if I may :smiley:
    Vancouver, British Columbia , Canada

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Terri - Yes, the whole running out of money thing. DS was saving up for a down payment on a house. Off the agenda for this year as he will be down at least $8000.00 before the end of June. Thank you for the hugs and prayers. They are so appreciated.

    Heather - A magic wand would be very helpful right now. I am glad to hear that you are sticking to your typing. That is good news about your ex, hopefully he will have a full recovery

    Jolene - The blanket you are crocheting is gorgeous. I can't wait to see the completed project.
    I've never lost weight when I've had a colonoscopy.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    morning ladies~
    I am down and out with a cold..was supposed to go out with my friend Doris today,but just going to take a quick run to walmart and lowes, then home and lay low..
    I have brought boxes home from work, and will start purging all the stuff we have in the house..
    Mother's day weekend here in town we have a town wide tag sale.. we are going to do that this year...
    18 yrs of accumulation and time to start hoeing out :o
  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi, not sure if I replied correctly yesterday or if I am just being needy! I am Gillian from Suffolk, England and would love to join this group if I am able to. I currently weigh a LOT and would like to shift at least half of what I weigh now by the time I reach my 60th birthday in 28 months time.
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Welcome Abby,
    Welcome Gilly,
    Grandmallie, I hope you feel better quick.
    I can't catch up on all the posts, so I guess I'll try going forward from here again.
    Tuesday at the Y I personal trained 3 people then taught water aerobics, I had also taught ab class during the day. By nights end I was in pain, my knee's and back were a hot mess but I stretched out before bed and drank a bunch of water, it's all good now. Yesterday was water aerobics only and tonight I have one appointment and water aerobics. Off tomorrow night, water class Saturday morning and then I'm taking a class on flexibility, the class is 4 hours and I hope it will help me and help my students.
    I have a baby shower to go to in a couple of weeks, I haven't been to one in forever. My DD's best friend is having her second child. Use to be you only got one shower but it seems to be the theme to have one for each sex. Heather (DD friend) had a boy 5 years ago and this one is a girl. Anyway I am actually looking forward to it.
    I better get back to working, I laid in bed an extra 5 minutes debating on coming in, then sat in the parking lot another 5 still debating, but I'm here.
    Patty, Cincinnati OH

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    There got all caught up with the reading.

    Ma in the uk
    Someone suggested already a health bar instead of the chocolate. Would be better for all involved. And when journaling we must be honest. Yesterday I had a piece of pie. I'm sure not the 400 calories it gave me it was very small. Put me over my daily allowance. But I had it. Have to face up to it.

    Love your planned day in fact in sent me to laundry room folded a few towels that hubby conveniently threw over washer and dryer. And picked up a load for washer. So started my day. Think like you after kitchen clean up going to try and stay out of kitchen.

    Well as for me all is well started my day a little before six. Went to tops last night was down 1 lb. and for me I need to stop the yoyoing. My last three weeks is like this lost 4 lbs. Gained .2 lost 1 lb. So all in all not bad but then not the best I can do. I want the best.
    Yesterday I baked 2 blueberry pies and 2 chocolate cream pies. I had a sliver of the blueberry pie. Good but only taste the first and last bite. In between don't count.
    I have pea soup in the fridge but it's going to the freezer going to bring it to my bachelor brother he can use the calories better than me.

    So today will be a great day. Going to low carb in fact going to journal the food before I have it. Try that see how it works.

    See you all lighter
    Linda Northern Ontaro -37.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Gilly ... you "joined" when you posted. Welcome! Just jump in when you can and tell us about yourself.
    Abby ... welcome!

    Feeling much better today. Very much ready for February to be over! It will be forever until we lose the snow ... as it is I take a leap of faith when I come out of my driveway... snow banks are so high! As for getting outside...umm, no.

    The work situation has settled down. I have lots to catch up on. DS#1 has had more aide staffing issues, so I've been filling in.. DS#2 continues to be out of school with migraine. I remind myself that nothing is forever and that this too will pass ...

    Have a great day!
    Beth in Western New York

  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks Beth, this is all new to me but hoping to be able to keep up. Will just read at moment and hopefully post VERY occasionally. Have told my big boss at work what I am doing and looks like everyone will be behind me.

    Gillian, Suffolk
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Linda - I know the yo-yo feeling. I have been stuck in a plateau and can't seem to break it... so off work for a few days so will see if I can do something about it. Maybe a bit more exercise...

    Welcome Gillian and Abby

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan