

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    edited February 2015
    Sorry this is so big but I couldn't adjust it. I hope it brings you a smile.
    True.png 440.5K
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good morning to all kind of late this morning I went out to coffee.

    Great loss for the month. Keep it up.

    Do whatever you feel comfortable. Tell your friend you just don't care for zumba.
    I'm sure she will understand

    I embroidered a quilt big double maybe queen it's huge anyhow. I'm quilting now but i'm very slow at it.

    Well so far so good had tomatoes au gratin for breakfast. Hard to find low carbs for breakfast when you don't care for eggs. But i'll get used to this low carbing it's good for my blood sugar. Hopefully I will loose weight with it also.

    See you all lighter.
    LInda in Northern Ontario.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    TNToni: I like your advice about Zumba. I’ll talk to my neighbor. I have a good idea that she’ll be okay with it.

    Sharon in Lethbridge: I’m happy that you have such a good SIL. I can understand your DIL having such a bad day by noon that she wanted to cancel everything else, but I don’t understand why she wouldn’t accept your offer to take DGD to ballet. You have my sympathy.

    Barbie: Congratulations on a good dinner with friends. Your planning ahead was so smart, and Jake is a peach to take you home when the conversation went in a negative direction. You’re lucky to have him. :heart:

    Sylvia: Your dishwasher repairman doesn’t sound very bright, and he certainly seems bigoted and possibly dangerous. I would take my business elsewhere in the future, too.

    Mary from MN: I am happy for you that your skin is doing such a good job shrinking to fit your new shape. Three cheers!

    Heather: I agree that it is best if people let me know of food issues. I have so many, myself, that I’m very sympathetic and do my best to provide things my guests will be able to enjoy.

    DH joined the gym on Wednesday. I wonder whether he’ll use the facilities today while I’m there. He often does a better job talking the talk than walking the walk where his health is concerned. I hope he’ll dig in and push himself a bit more than he has in the past. One of my big achievements since I joined MFP is to go ahead and take care of myself as my first priority. It has been a tough lesson for me but vital. I am feeling so much better than I was. Sleep was the hardest part of the picture to latch onto and work at. DH still doesn’t get it that I have to get my sleep for my brain to function at its best. I spent years struggling with chronic fatigue and didn’t even know it. It is truly a vicious cycle.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    damnit, you crack me up damnit! that comment of your resistant band snapping, i'm in here at work an only a couple of people in here, lights are off and I am cracking up like a crazy lady...lolol

    today it's raining and I've come to love riding in the rain...call me crazy, but it's fun..

    a friend of mine had started a womens group - discuss things, what's on our minds, issues that we may be having how we are dealing w/them, etc... kinda like a group therapy session you could say. we meet the last Friday of every month (today being the meet day) and I've decided that I am going to tell the group that I won't b attending any longer. I've thought about it and I've made up my mind. I've done a lot of therapy, support groups, etc.. I came in support of a friend (just to make sure that she would have "regular attendees" and now that she has a steady group of ladies, I feel good about bowing out.
    a question you may be asking yourself and they will probably ask me when I tell them, is this not beneficial to you? aren't you getting anything out of it?, the answer is no, otherwise I would be staying right? these topics are things that I've dealt with and am now at peace with. the ONLY reason I brings stuff up in group is because I feel one of the other ladies might benefit from my story and they can hear how I dealt with stuff and it might help them but otherwise, talking about my mother disowning me for 12 years and how abusive and mean she was and how my 1st husband used to beat me and how I was raped (first time I've said that in print) is not going to change anything, how I have dealt with them has. I am the person that I am because of those experiences. loosing a husband at a young age, loosing "friends" because they didn't know how to deal with your depression, all of that knocking me down but I get back up, we all do.

    one of my in-laws told me long time ago, you need to write a book! sometimes I think I do, but i'm too lazy lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    i forgot to mention, Wednesday at spin class, one of the girls passed by me and stopped and told me, "i threw you under the bus, i mentioned your name for subbing spin class, beth is looking for subs" i was thinking greaaatttt... I've subbed before but beth is an awesome instr. and would be a hard act to sub for. well after my workout this morning, i run into beth and guess what..... "oh hey iz, can i get you to sub for me sometime? i started laughing and i asked her if Kristen mentioned my name and she said, well yes she did. i told her i would and told her that i was going to tell Kristen that i would sub ONLY if she subbed the class with me. i had told kristen that i was going to mention her name to beth too. well....i felt it was going to happen sooner or later. (i'm always there on Monday and Wednesdays)
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good morning, ladies.

    Joyce, I’d hate to look at some of my spices that I rarely use to see if they have bar codes. That has been a few years, like ah maybe 25? When you ladies talk about things, it’s amazing how much alike many of us are. I love it!

    Sharon, for sure you aren’t alone. You are right that She wasn’t thinking of the child in not allowing you to driver her to dance class. That is really sad. Thinking of you and sending hugs.

    , try to look at it as “I sure wouldn’t want to get my nails done with that nasty b*&%#!” and not as she excluded you. I would think that going alone would be the better choice. I just try to turn things into a positive for me when possible and it’s helps me not dwell on it. You are a super person and deserve better.

    Heather, kudos to you for creating good new habits. I’m impressed! And Woo Hoo on such a great garage service. It has to make you feel like a VIP, or at least it would in the US.

    Barbie, I’m so glad your evening went well and that you found things you could eat. It’s great to visit with friends.

    Lillian or anyone, what do parsnips taste like if cooked alone? I’ll admit that I’ve never tried it because I have never known anyone that cooked them. I don’t like cooked carrots and they just look like something I wouldn’t care for.

    Sylvia, I’m sure you were shocked with what the repairman said. I don’t know that I would have reacted any differently. “Ya can’t fix stupid”, as some of my coworkers used to say. I knew Harry Reid was injured while exercising but didn’t know that was what happened. That is scary!

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I really look forward to logging on each morning to see what has been going on with all of you. It is amazing how close you can feel to someone that you have only met online. Thank you all for sharing and have a wonderful day.

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Here's today's joke of the day:


    Juan comes up to the Mexican border on his bicycle. He's got two large bags over his shoulders. The guard stops him and says, "What's in the bags?"

    "Sand," answered Juan.

    The guard says, "We'll just see about that. Get off the bike." The guard detains Juan overnight and has the sand analyzed, only to discover that there is nothing but pure sand in the bags. He releases Juan and lets him cross the border.

    A week later, the same thing happens. The guard asks, "What's in the bags?"

    "Sand," says Juan.

    The guard does his thorough examination and discovers that the bags contain nothing but sand. He gives the sand back to Juan, and Juan crosses the border on his bicycle.

    This sequence of events is repeated every week for three years.

    Finally, Juan doesn't show up one day and the guard meets him in a Cantina in Mexico.

    "Hey Buddy," says the guard, "I know you are smuggling something. It's driving me crazy. It's all I think about...Just between you and me, what are you smuggling?"

    Juan sips his beer and says, "Bicycles."

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    smiley-happy110.gif Heather, you are absolutely right about letting people know my food preferences---this friend knows no alcohol, low sodium, no beef, and lots of vegetable choices. She asked me to bring the cole slaw because she likes my recipe and knows that I'll eat it so there were enough choices for me. At home I eat plain chicken and plain steamed vegetables.....I expand a bit to go to someone's home....I'm glad that some of my sayings were useful to you because they've helped me through some tough times.

    smiley-cool05.gif snowdoggy, the way I avoid mindless eating is to plan and usually log my three meals and snacks ahead of time and then stick with the plan. If I have boundaries, I can stay within them but if I have choices, I don't know where the boundaries are.

    smiley-happy110.gif Today is the line dance I teach. I am always simultaneously excited and terrified.

    smiley-sad015.gif Sylvia, your dishwasher repairman wouldn't be allowed in our house again, either. The bicycle joke is funny.

    smiley-happy020.gif Janet, yes, you brought a smile to my morning.

    smiley-happy020.gifKatla, I'm sure your friend will be fine with your decision about Zumba. One of my weaknesses has always been being afraid to speak up about my own needs. I'm getting better at that and it sounds like you are, too.

    smiley-greet024.gif pip, when I decide to not go somewhere, I just say that I'm not available anymore and don't offer an explanation.

    smiley-greet024.gif Lillian, I love parsnips especially in chicken soup.....but Jake doesn't like them.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Pipcd34 - it does sound like you could write a book! I'm so glad that you have been able to learn through your life experiences because you give me inspiration on a daily basis!I agree with Barbie about not giving in excuse. If they insist you can always say my schedule is getting way too busy and thanks to you I feel really good about myself...

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    Barbiecat - she is a friend and i wouldn't do that to her because i value that friendship. her trying to keep me there won't work and if she doesn't like my reason, that won't matter either. i'm just doing this because if the tables were turned, i would want her to do the same
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    edited February 2015
    Janet - I love roasted parsnips - just peel them and cut them like fries. You can just massage them with a bit of oil, but you don't even need to do that. Salt and pepper to taste. I add a few spicy herbs, but not necessary. Bake until tender and slightly charred at the edges. 45 mins?
    - Personally I do not like them in stews or soups becsuse I find they make everything taste of parsnip. Too overwhelming.
    - :flowerforyou:
    - Heather
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Janet, loved your cartoon!

    I've blown the day's allotment. Made a pot of beans with turkey sausage and served it over rice. Needless to say, I ate a huge amount of it for lunch and probably have no more calories left for today. But, I'll do better tomorrow.

    Pip, I think you are making the right decision in leaving the discussion group. I've had a lot of drama in my life both growing up and as an adult. You have to come to terms with it and continuing to hash it out does no one any good.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Heather: would you post a pic of you massaging your parsnips? o:)
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Friday ! ! !

    Karen - I have recieved Synvisc injections in the past (I think that is what you are asking about). It was more painful, but more successful. Unfortunately, it is not covered under my current insurance, so I would have to purchase the supply outright, and that is not a current option for me. The pain of the shot really isn't that bad (I donate blood every 8 weeks with a much thicker needle), but when the fluid starts filling the joint, that can hurt. But a few seconds of discomfort is nothing compared to the grinding I feel now. Another 1/2 hour, and it will all be better. :)

    Janet - I use bands for some of my physical therapy. Luckily none have snapped. The PT ties knots in most of them, to make the correct length for what I am doing, or to make like a handle where one does not exist.

    Allison - good for you biting your tongue and taking care of you ! ! ! This nasty person will eventually learn that "kharma can be a bit*h". The saying next to my work computer I sometimes say out loud is: "Love the people who treat you right - Pray for the people who don't".

    Sylvia - Same for you. If that man is already so ignorant to have those negative feelings, and to say such a terrible thing out loud, an argument from you would likely not make a difference. However, the saying that comes to mind regarding people like that is: "you can't fix stupid". And stupid doesn't deserve your money or your business.

    I struggled again last evening with the "grazing". I found a 1/2 empty bag of pretzels, and DS walked past with a carton of sour cream. Yum! Now I have to stop the backstepping and start moving forward again. I think my house is purged of my trigger foods. But I did make it to work by 6:30am to get in a short work-out before starting work.

    Time flies: I got my shots. Now my knees are spongy and stiff, but in a good way. Yay. The worst will be the 3-day hotflash, but it will be totally worth it.

    DS has a little less bowling this weekend than usual. League tomorrow, followed by basketball. Then Sunday DH will do some coaching to get the kids ready for State, and teach one of the Dad's how to coach the kids, since Youth State is while DH is bowling Adult Nationals in El Paso.

    Thank you to everyone for sharing your stories; successes and failures.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • MMinMD
    MMinMD Posts: 53 Member
    Here’s my evaluation of my first full month on MFP:

    Goals for Feb
    Eat > 5 fruits and veg a day - I’m doing OK on this, can do better.
    Stay under 150 carbs- I’m doing well on this
    21 g fiber/d- I’m doing well on this
    Exercise 4X/week in the evening – this has not been happening much

    For Feb, I averaged 1550 net calories a day, but only 200 cal of exercise. For that, I lost 1.5 lbs/week on avg. I have (I think) 135 more lbs to lose. For this year, my goal is to get to 200 by XMAS, which is 85 more lbs, or an avg. of 2 lbs a week.

    250 cal more of exercise each day would get me there, so that’s my big goal for March.

    Good things in Feb – I established a routine of logging everything, planning ahead for meals, and measuring everything (probably for the first time ever). I’ll give myself a “B” on this effort, a pretty good game but with some lapses. I joined this community, and have a few friends who watch my log each day, and that has been a HUGE help. You all get an “A” for this effort! Thank you so much!

    So my new goals for March (in addition to continued logging, planning and community which are becoming established habits) are:

    Goals for March:
    Average 450 cal of exercise a day, exercise at least 5 days a week.
    (Stationary bike, free weights, leg lifts, new exercise bands, plus do one class a week)
    Eat 5 fruits and veg a day
    No snacks or drinks after dinner (stick to that 12 h eating window)

    Congrats to the others who have recently completed their first month, like Donamari.
    Lets all stick with it and be here where summer rolls around!

    Today’s reason to lose weight: To feel younger - like Barbie does!

    Cindy in SoMD
  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi all, busy day as went to visit mum who fell and broke her wrist last week. She is doing well but starting to get fed up with not being able to do all she usually does. Picked up mail for her, and she had hand drawn cards from her great grandchildren with get well messages which lifted her spirits wonderfully. So glad I managed to teach my son something good!
    Visited my youngest son in afternoon, his partner is expecting their first child in July, happy times!
    Managing food okay but struggling to keep within carbs and exercise is a big struggle for me.
    Hope you all have a lovely day.
    Gilly, Suffolk
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Pipcd34 - it does sound like you could write a book! I'm so glad that you have been able to learn through your life experiences because you give me inspiration on a daily basis!I agree with Barbie about not giving in excuse. If they insist you can always say my schedule is getting way too busy and thanks to you I feel really good about myself...

    Mary from Minnesota

    awwwwwwwww fancy thanks... i also have a problem with compliments (never believe them) so when i read something like this, i am so thankful. thanks again
  • SelenaP63
    SelenaP63 Posts: 61 Member
    Dear Friends,

    Today is my last day as a 51 yr old and I am on my 19 day "Streak". I remember my first couple of days and how it seemed so odd to think I was on a 1 or 2 day streak, yet here I am almost 3 weeks later and well on my way to success in achieving my goal. Thanks to you and MFP.

    I had decided today I was too tired and just didn't feel like doing my exercises. And then I noticed a note from Carey, my new friend from Edmonton commenting on my consistency. Thanks to you, Carey, I just finished my exercises today.

    And that is just one example of how you ladies have helped me, with an encouraging personal note or comment, or something general, but oh, so wise, like "Hunger is not an emergency." :) Thank you all.

    As for turning 52 tomorrow... it's awesome! Why, one might ask, especially considering gravity that has done some remarkable things to parts of me, qualifying me as a centerfold candidate for National Geographic? Well, my thought is, when I'm 72, I'm going to look back at me now and think, "Holy smoke, I was still young and hot back then." And 72 will rock (when I get there) because when I'm 92, I will think, "72 was awesome, I was still able to do pretty much what I wanted, remembered where I put stuff and I didn't have to wear diapers." I think age is all a matter of perspective. And so when I turn 52 tomorrow, I get to be excited, because it's the best time of my life... so far :)

    Happy day to you all! And so much gratitude for your help in my little journey.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    Selena - 52 is young, young, young! :flowerforyou:
    - I met my lovely DH when I was 53 and married him at 54. These days are definitely the best days of my life. :bigsmile:

    Pip - I am with you. Been there, done that. Hashing over old stuff - not my bag any more. :happy:

    Heather x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good afternoon beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:!

    It`s almost the end of February…YAY!!! I`m so ready for spring, to see the gorgeous flowers and spend more time outdoors :sunglasses:!

    Margaret :) Thank you for sharing the wonderful pics of the flowers, a nice bright spot in the midst of winter!

    Heather :) Thank you for sharing your trip! I felt like I was seeing it too! So…where are you taking us next???? I love when you describe your dinners too, everything sounds so delish. I keep thinking maybe one day I will enjoy cooking :laugh:. I am taking some cooking classes, the first one we learned how to make beef wellington….it was so easy, time consuming but easy!

    Michele :) Yes, I am still bossing the boys >:) . We get together either on Saturday or Sunday mornings. They still call me the Queen :bigsmile: and I still boss them around. We do have a good time! You missed the snow here….it was really pretty, the fluffiest I`ve seen in along time. The best news was that they had the roads cleared off in record time! It`s supposed to get in the 60`s next week, I can hardly stand myself I`m so happy!!! Have a safe trip home!

    Sylvia :) Oh my girlfriend, you`ve been through a lot this month :flowerforyou:! I`m glad you`re healing, please though be careful!!! I`m glad you walked away from that ignorant man, no need to waste your breathe on someone like that, wouldn’t have mattered what you said…people like that only hear what they want to hear. Take care of yourself please!

    Lesley :) I`m glad you get to puppy sit some, get all that good doggie energy and then send her home! You can dogsit my little Noel any time!!!

    Barbie :) I think you are an amazing women!!! I love the 15 minute rule, I have used that many times!!!

    Lilymay2 :) Thanks for the giggle about your bellybutton chewing on your backbone :laugh:!

    Janet :) I`m so glad you didn`t get hurt anymore than you did!!! With the resistance bands I`ve used and the ones I have at home, have a knot tied to make them the right length. Do you love living at the beach? I love to visit but I think I would go crazy with all the tourist there in the summer!

    Katla :) I think your neighbor would understand you riding the bike or doing something else while she is doing Zumba. I`m glad DH is going to the gym with you, hopefully he will pick up your good habits!!!

    Sharon :) Sending hugs to your family! My goodness “she” sounds very disagreeable and dishonest! Wishing you all the best of luck!!!

    Alison :) Wish I lived closer, I would love to go with you to get my nails done! Some people are just mean and hateful. Karma will bite her and it won`t be pretty! Have you been able to see your DFIL?

    Cynthia :) Hi :flowerforyou:!!!

    Carol (Peacestategal) :) I had planned on going to Atlanta this past Wed., however Mother Nature decided I shouldn`t go :\ ! Did you have lots of snow?

    Pip :) I don`t blame you for leaving that group, you know when it`s time to move on!

    Beth :) I`m sorry to hear your son is still having awful migraines!!! I get them every once in awhile. I cannot even imagine the pain of almost every day! Any news on the new van?

    Jane Martin :) What an adorable new grandbaby!!!! Congrats!!! Good luck to your daughter on her surgery!

    Carol NC :) How much snow did you guys get? I had about 5 inches at the house, it was really beautiful. I saw on the news they were saying your area had 7.5 to 9 inches! Maybe we can get together this spring or summer, I`m less busy during those months. You live only about 45 minutes from me (I think).

    Terri :) When is your trip to El Paso? What kind of shot did you have to have a 3 day hotflash? Is it cortisone? Yikes!!!

    Okay ladies…live life to fullest and have fun everyday, find something to laugh about (thank you Sylvia!). Smile lines are much more attractive than frown lines!!!!

    I think the world of you all, you make my day a little brighter !!!

    DeeDee in NC

    This was backyard yesterday morning!
