just walking...can you lose weight this way?



  • balvis3919
    balvis3919 Posts: 60 Member
    i have been "dieting" and walking for a year and a half and have lost a total of 75.2 pounds as of this morning! and i say "dieting" cause i have given up MANY times. lol from thanksgiving to valentines day this last time, and the year before now that i think about it, i gave up.. but i made sure i maintained the whole time at least. i also stopped walking during that time because of the rain (i'm n Oregon). but the rest of the time, June 2013-November 2013 and February 2014-November 2014 AND February 2015 to now, i have kept to 1200 calories a day, walking 2 miles a day (which takes me about 40 minutes on a slow day) and i do not eat my calories back unless i really NEED something. i also have 3 kids i chase all day. and i have a vivofit and make sure i take about 10,000 steps a day. it is ABSOLUTELY possible to do!!!!! i even cheat every sunday, but i limit myself to cheating by no more than 500 calories.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    i know this whole work out as hard as you can thing is in style right now with "insanity" " P90x" "cross fit" etc. however, everytime I am going to try to do those things i hurt myself or get so sore i dont want to exercise for days. I love to exercise for mental reasons too, it helps my anxiety (i eat because of anxiety). how much should i aim to walk daily (as it time...i have 3 large dogs). I can make time for this, it is a priority. I need to lose this weight SO BADLY but am so so sick of following methods that somebody else told me to do that i end up hating (not wanting to do) or some diet i hate. I feel that i just need to do what i like which is outdoor walking or running. I thought about throwing maybe a jilliam michaels workout daily (one of her 20 minute ones) too as I love her 30 minute shreds but dont want overdo it but my poor dogs never get walks (my husband never walks them and dont see him doing it) but walking more than 2 at once is just not fun. Ideas for how i could do this? I dont mind walking 1-2 hours per day.

    Walk each dog for half an hour. Half an hour of walking by yourself is generally about a mile and a half; walking with a dog cuts it down to about a mile. If you walked each dog individually a mile, they would get their exercise, have "alone" time with you, and you would get in three miles a day. Everyone is happy!
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    stephc002 wrote: »
    I have lost 8 lbs in 3 weeks just cutting calories according to MFP and mostly walking. I occasionally play the wii or have dance parties around the house with my daughtet, but mostly just walk. I bought myself a fitness band for xmas and that had kept me moving all day everyday trying to meet my daily step goal. I honestly think its a godsend. Gives me something to shoot for everyday. I walk in place while cooking dinner, talking on the phone, watching tv, etc. I have walked over 90 miles in 3 weeks, and could physically barely walk 20 mins at a time when i started!

    This!!! You're doing great!
  • skbrodie
    skbrodie Posts: 81 Member
    Walking is a good start for anyone. I do want to say even though you probably already know this but some dogs can't go on very long walks especially in warmer months (don't know your location). Just keep your eye on your dogs to make sure they aren't getting too hot or anything! My dog has gotten older and can barely make it 10 minutes
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    SandyCoils wrote: »
    Awesomeness! I love walking. But I hate the treadmill, and I don't really like walking a track, but it's better than the treadmill. I like walking to a "place" if that makes sense, or walking a neighborhood or busy street. I like being outside and walking like I have a real purpose of getting to a specific destination.

    That's the only reason I would rather live in the city. I walked everywhere! But now that I live in a rural part of the country surrounded by two-lane, 55 mph highways, I don't have that option. I do, however, have a dog, and walk him a mile once or twice a day. It's a destination in that a walk around my whole neighborhood is exactly one mile, and my dog loves it. I don't like treadmills either, but once I've started, I'm committed to finish. I don't like walking on a track, either - absolutely no shade! There are a lot of parks within a ten mile range of where I live, and I usually take my dog with me. He's about nine years old but still acts like a puppy when it comes time to go for a walk. If you don't have one, how about offering to walk one of your neighbor's dog?
  • jenlo1971
    jenlo1971 Posts: 49 Member
    Currently I am just walking and have been losing at least 2 lbs a week. And I'm walking pretty slow. I've got a herniated disc and am in pain so everything else is out now. Oh, when I started this weight loss journey I was working out- I did 45 minute DVDs- everything from light weights to step aerobics, to Zumba and my weight loss was the exact same rate it is now. I was working out at least 4 times a week. For me- the harder I work out the hungrier I am and more likely to overeat.

    Right now I'm just going to concentrate on my eating (since I have no choice) and just moving more in general. Making more trips to the bathroom at work, going to get things myself in the house rather than have the kids fetch them, walking to the mailbox rather than waiting for hubby to do it. I'm sure you will do great with walking the dogs!

  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    As long as you're eating in a deficit, walking is a perfectly good way to lose weight. It also has the benefits of being outdoors, getting fresh air, sunshine. You can walk alone and ponder all of life's complexities, and it's low intensity enough that you can carry on a conversation if you go with company. I find it really relaxing. I'd happily do a lot more walking if I had more time.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    walking is the most popular form of exercise in the world. you're in good company.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I walked 5.5 miles the other day, GREAT exercise and it's almost like free therapy. Just me and my thoughts ... and nature of course. :)
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    lewispwest wrote: »
    I remember Stephen Fry lost tons of weight by just walking and listening to audio books (which made the time fly by):


    i've heard a lot of good things about audio books and long cardio
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    skbrodie wrote: »
    Walking is a good start for anyone. I do want to say even though you probably already know this but some dogs can't go on very long walks especially in warmer months (don't know your location). Just keep your eye on your dogs to make sure they aren't getting too hot or anything! My dog has gotten older and can barely make it 10 minutes

    Yes, I have a border collie mix that will get overheated above 70 degrees on a long walk.

    When they were younger we would walk for hours. Now they are 9yo and cannot do that anymore.

    That being said, I can't walk for hours anymore either due to Morton's Neuroma on my right foot. Grrrr....

    So OP see a certified pedorthist (PA-DOOR-THIST) at a shoe store (call New Balance, Brown Shoe, or other specialty shoe shops and ask if they have one on staff & make an appointment) and get yourself fitted with some walking shoes.

    It is so worth it.

  • christina3180
    christina3180 Posts: 7 Member
    NFMendoza wrote: »
    Fabulous idea! I burn about 300 cals an hour walking, and there's no risk of injury. Just make sure you eat the calories back (or half of them), as MFP will already have you in a deficit.

    Are you supposed to eat your calories back when ur trying to lose weight?

    You will already be in a deficit just with the diet. MFP is designed so that if you burn any extra calories you eat them back or you'll go into too much of a deficit.

    Im glad I found this, I always thought you don't eat more. I wonder if this is why I'm not losing as much as I would like since I'm not eating as much as I should.
  • Abby2205
    Abby2205 Posts: 253 Member
    lewispwest wrote: »
    I remember Stephen Fry lost tons of weight by just walking and listening to audio books (which made the time fly by):


    i've heard a lot of good things about audio books and long cardio

    Old time radio podcasts are great too, and they are usually 30 minute episodes.
  • DebzNuDa
    DebzNuDa Posts: 252 Member
    Walking is the bomb! Inside or outside, it's just good for you. Your legs have the major (large) muscles that help your body. Also, gets those endorphins to feel good. So great that you take your puppies out. You are a good momma. :)
  • CrimsonDiva7
    CrimsonDiva7 Posts: 171 Member
    Best overall body workout out there and it's free.
  • saraonly9913
    saraonly9913 Posts: 469 Member
    I lost 55 ppoun

    I need to lose 100+ lbs. Neveir thought i would say that. anyway....i have 3 big dogs (labs) and I used to be a runner but cannot run longer than 5 minutes anymore (so sad) so I thought, what if i start by walking my dogs for 1-2 hours a day? I LOVED running years ago as i am just not a gym person or a "boot camp" junkie. I can do DVD's but i just get bored with them. I could walk two dogs at once for 3 minutes and come back and get the other one and rotate them daily (very hard to walk 3 at once and be able to enjoy it). If i did that and just did 5 minutes of pushups and sit ups per day would that work? I know i need a calorie deficit...duh...but want to hear some success stories of people who walk only and lose a lot of weight. Thanks.

  • saraonly9913
    saraonly9913 Posts: 469 Member
    I lost 55 pounds so far by "just walking".