Feeling faint!! Not enough sugar??



  • LiveForTheWilderness
    Is your caloric expenditure from your exercise a MyFitnessPal calculation? I wouldn't put much weight into MFP's exercise estimates. My recommendation would be to get some electrolytes- Sodium, magnesium, and potassium. These help me when I feel fuzzy or faint.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Is your caloric expenditure from your exercise a MyFitnessPal calculation? I wouldn't put much weight into MFP's exercise estimates. My recommendation would be to get some electrolytes- Sodium, magnesium, and potassium. These help me when I feel fuzzy or faint.

    Regardless, she has only eaten 500 something calories today. We can talk about MFP's exercise estimates after dinner.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Thanks everyone!! Should I eat something with sugar. Or just something healthy in general

    Just. Eat. Food.
  • dawnna76 wrote: »
    i would eat something normal. sugar more than likely isnt the problem. i rarely hit sugar goals on here always way below but i eat 1800 plus calories a day. never do i feel light headed or dizzy

    Mfp set 1690 because I wanted to lose 2 LBS a week.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    edited February 2015
    Thanks everyone!! Should I eat something with sugar. Or just something healthy in general

    Eat something healthy not a Hershey bar. How about an apple, banana, some cottage cheese, etc. Don't get in the routine of thinking you need something with sugar when you are hungry (unless you have a medical condition that dictates it), eat real, good food.
  • Justifier
    Justifier Posts: 336 Member
    I was going to suggest some sodium as well, but seeing as how your exercise canceled out your food calories, it's like you didn't eat anything at all! Remember your body still needs energy to stay alive beyond what it uses on the treadmill or whatever.
  • Crossfitjessi
    Eat larger during the day and smaller at night.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I ate 3 small pieces of a Hershey bar but not feeling much better

  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    My goal fitness pal set is 1690. I have only eaten 592 calories and have burned 542 today. Maybe that's why.

    Honestly pace yourself, its a marathon not a sprint, so do it sensibly and eat a level of calories thats healthy and you cna sustain. If you dont then people binge or quit.

    Thanks. I think my problem is more mentally!!

    If thats the case then spend time getting the right mindset, its the thing that makes it all possible and keeps you going. Some areas you might wnat to look at.

    Expectation management and patience. understand whats healthy and possible agaings whats unrealistic and unhealthy way to diet. It can remove a lot of stress.

    Scenario management. look at situations that have caused problems in the past or might prove to be crunch points in the future and work out what you will do to deal with them now, so when they arrive you have a plan B and C and dont fall off the wagon.

    Be your own best friend and supportive as its important you are in a good positive mental state to help you do the rest to the best of your ability. Its all a learning process and you need to keep adapting. All you are asking yourself is to make more good choices than bad and to simply keep going.
  • Is your caloric expenditure from your exercise a MyFitnessPal calculation? I wouldn't put much weight into MFP's exercise estimates. My recommendation would be to get some electrolytes- Sodium, magnesium, and potassium. These help me when I feel fuzzy or faint.

    Yes. I done 30mins on elliptical. My machine is older and does not give me calories burned
  • LiveForTheWilderness
    Justifier wrote: »
    I was going to suggest some sodium as well, but seeing as how your exercise canceled out your food calories, it's like you didn't eat anything at all! Remember your body still needs energy to stay alive beyond what it uses on the treadmill or whatever.

    Those of us that are overweight have the energy to stay alive beyond what we eat in our fat stores.

  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Is your caloric expenditure from your exercise a MyFitnessPal calculation? I wouldn't put much weight into MFP's exercise estimates. My recommendation would be to get some electrolytes- Sodium, magnesium, and potassium. These help me when I feel fuzzy or faint.

    Yes. I done 30mins on elliptical. My machine is older and does not give me calories burned

    That is probably giving you around 200 calories burned for 1/2 hour.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited February 2015
    Is your caloric expenditure from your exercise a MyFitnessPal calculation? I wouldn't put much weight into MFP's exercise estimates. My recommendation would be to get some electrolytes- Sodium, magnesium, and potassium. These help me when I feel fuzzy or faint.

    Yes. I done 30mins on elliptical. My machine is older and does not give me calories burned

    Now that you've eaten, that 500+ burn is a high estimate for 30 minutes on the elliptical. Space out your meals throughout the day, eat a portion of your exercise calories back.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Eat larger during the day and smaller at night.
    Not necessarily. Eat whenever and however works for you. However...if you are feeling dizzy, that's a sign that what you're doing isn't working for your body.

    OP: go ahead and save some calories for bigger dinners, but maybe not quite so many :)

  • 999tigger wrote: »
    999tigger wrote: »
    My goal fitness pal set is 1690. I have only eaten 592 calories and have burned 542 today. Maybe that's why.

    Honestly pace yourself, its a marathon not a sprint, so do it sensibly and eat a level of calories thats healthy and you cna sustain. If you dont then people binge or quit.

    Thanks. I think my problem is more mentally!!

    If thats the case then spend time getting the right mindset, its the thing that makes it all possible and keeps you going. Some areas you might wnat to look at.

    Expectation management and patience. understand whats healthy and possible agaings whats unrealistic and unhealthy way to diet. It can remove a lot of stress.

    Scenario management. look at situations that have caused problems in the past or might prove to be crunch points in the future and work out what you will do to deal with them now, so when they arrive you have a plan B and C and dont fall off the wagon.

    Be your own best friend and supportive as its important you are in a good positive mental state to help you do the rest to the best of your ability. Its all a learning process and you need to keep adapting. All you are asking yourself is to make more good choices than bad and to simply keep going.

    Thanks for the help! I lost a lot of weight when I was in 10th grade but I done it the wrong way. I was obsessive. Ate a can of chicken noodle soup a day and worked out atleast 4 hours a day. And I blacked out. So I am doing much better... I've just got to get this weight off. I am trying my best to do it the right way!! And I want this to be a lifestyle change. Not just a diet!
  • Packerjohn wrote: »
    Is your caloric expenditure from your exercise a MyFitnessPal calculation? I wouldn't put much weight into MFP's exercise estimates. My recommendation would be to get some electrolytes- Sodium, magnesium, and potassium. These help me when I feel fuzzy or faint.

    Yes. I done 30mins on elliptical. My machine is older and does not give me calories burned

    That is probably giving you around 200 calories burned for 1/2 hour.

    Ok thanks. When I used the one at the gym. I would do an hour and it said I burned 900 calories an hour. So I figured mfp may have been close.
  • AliceDark wrote: »
    Eat larger during the day and smaller at night.
    Not necessarily. Eat whenever and however works for you. However...if you are feeling dizzy, that's a sign that what you're doing isn't working for your body.

    OP: go ahead and save some calories for bigger dinners, but maybe not quite so many :)

    Thanks. Saving larger calories for dinner is what works best for me because I have to prepare dinner that my husband and girls will eat lol. Tonight it's spaghetti :)
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    You can't really trust what the machine says, either. The only way to get a sort-of accurate count is to use a heart rate monitor, but even then it's just an estimate based on statistics. There's no way to truly measure what you are actually burning. Just better estimates than others.
    I usually assume about half to 2/3 of what MFP (or the machine) tell me.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    AliceDark wrote: »
    Eat larger during the day and smaller at night.
    Not necessarily. Eat whenever and however works for you. However...if you are feeling dizzy, that's a sign that what you're doing isn't working for your body.

    OP: go ahead and save some calories for bigger dinners, but maybe not quite so many :)

    Thanks. Saving larger calories for dinner is what works best for me because I have to prepare dinner that my husband and girls will eat lol. Tonight it's spaghetti :)

    That works, but you still have to fuel your brain and body during the day.
    Gotta find a balance.
  • j_bark
    j_bark Posts: 1,274 Member
    If you are having dinners that enter the 1000 calorie range, I think you need to start preplanning your days better. And the family can change with you. Believe me, their support will go a long way. And if you don't change what you are eating, change your portions.

    Do not choose to be limited by what you think others will eat. With planning and talking you can find something for everyone.

    But bottom line....feed yourself and throughout the day.