Feeling faint!! Not enough sugar??



  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    edited February 2015
    Eat larger during the day and smaller at night.

    This isn't really necessary, BUT you should eat more during the day than you are. I save a large portion of my calories for evening as well because that's when I am the most hungry. I have done it this way for about six months and it works for me and helped stop evening binges. I eat about half for breakfast and lunch and leave the other half for dinner. So I will eat approximately 400 for breakfast (sometimes a bit less as I am not a breakfast person at all), 400 for lunch, sometimes I have a snack that is a couple hundred calories, and then I have just over 700 to work with in the evening...or a bit more if I did not have a snack. It can be done, but it took me a lot of trial and error to find that this works for me. If you are hungrier in the evening, then save a big portion of your calories for that time, but make sure you eat during the day as well. Don't try to save so many that you suffer during the daytime. And you may need to adjust your schedule around when you exercise. I typically exercise in the evening, which is likely why saving a big portion of my calories for then works for me.

  • jnv7594 wrote: »
    Eat larger during the day and smaller at night.

    This isn't really necessary, BUT you should eat more during the day than you are. I save a large portion of my calories for evening as well because that's when I am the most hungry. I have done it this way for about six months and it works for me and helped stop evening binges. I eat about half for breakfast and lunch and leave the other half for dinner. So I will eat approximately 400 for breakfast (sometimes a bit less as I am not a breakfast person at all), 400 for lunch, sometimes I have a snack that is a couple hundred calories, and then I have just over 700 to work with in the evening...or a bit more if I did not have a snack. It can be done, but it took me a lot of trial and error to find that this works for me. If you are hungrier in the evening, then save a big portion of your calories for that time, but make sure you eat during the day as well. Don't try to save so many that you suffer during the daytime. And you may need to adjust your schedule around when you exercise. I typically exercise in the evening, which is likely why saving a big portion of my calories for then works for me.

    Thanks for the help!! I work out in the morning. I seem to fit it in better that way. And as far as changing meal plans to fit everyone's needs is hard. I myself am a picky either and so are my girls. Plus my hubby is a rail and he wants to eat whatever!! Lol
  • Btw anyone can add me if you like. I need all the support I can get
  • nickatine
    nickatine Posts: 451 Member
    Thanks everyone!! Should I eat something with sugar. Or just something healthy in general

    Protein and fats. Go ahead and have some carbs too. Just get calories in you right now.
    Honey roasted almonds
  • Thanks everyone
  • holly55555
    holly55555 Posts: 306 Member
    Maybe it's blood pressure related instead of blood sugar related? Try upping your sodium and see if it helps. I have a low blood pressure heart problem. Sodium raises your blood pressure, so I'm actually medically prescribed a high sodium diet to keep from fainting.
  • holly55555 wrote: »
    Maybe it's blood pressure related instead of blood sugar related? Try upping your sodium and see if it helps. I have a low blood pressure heart problem. Sodium raises your blood pressure, so I'm actually medically prescribed a high sodium diet to keep from fainting.

    Thanks. I have high blood pressure but take meds :)
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    Is your caloric expenditure from your exercise a MyFitnessPal calculation? I wouldn't put much weight into MFP's exercise estimates. My recommendation would be to get some electrolytes- Sodium, magnesium, and potassium. These help me when I feel fuzzy or faint.

    Yes. I done 30mins on elliptical. My machine is older and does not give me calories burned

    That is probably giving you around 200 calories burned for 1/2 hour.

    Ok thanks. When I used the one at the gym. I would do an hour and it said I burned 900 calories an hour. So I figured mfp may have been close.

    I'm basing my estimate on a few assumptions. It's pretty much generally accepted a 150 pound person burns 100 calories walking or running a mile. Since you mentioned you started your transformation a week a go, I assume you were probably working at the equivalent of a 20 minute per mile walking pace.

    Good luck, keep it up.
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    My goal fitness pal set is 1690. I have only eaten 592 calories and have burned 542 today. Maybe that's why.

    That's why! Try eating at least 1200 calories! and half of your burned!
  • bethouiseevans
    bethouiseevans Posts: 41 Member
    I use MFP to pre-plan my days meals that way you can factor in dinner but also make sure you eat what you need through the rest of the day instead of all in one meal :) make sure you do get your minimum allowance because your body needs them for muscle repair so eating less than that will potentially cause more harm than good!

    It might also be an idea to invest in a polar heart rate monitor watch or a fitbit? MFP estimates can be a bit sketchy... I have the polar FT4 because it does heart rate and calories burnt. That way you can accurately factor in the calories you've used. The energy expenditure during exercise varies due to factors such as your weight and fitness, so me and my friend running at the same pace with the same incline for 30 minute I burn more because I am heavier!
  • bunnywestley81
    bunnywestley81 Posts: 178 Member
    I also save cals for dinner...I eat a fair volume of food during the day but low calorie.

    So today...
    Breakfast - Crackerbread with soft cheese 111cal
    Lunch - homemade curried butternut squash soup 100 cals
    Snacks (am a grazer) Seafood Sticks, Celery, Carrots, Cucumber and Salsa and an apple 250 cals
    Also had 3 cups of tea with milk and sugar, green tea and about 3 pints of water so far.
    Dinner is beef, ale and mushroom casserole with brown rice but I've not logged it yet :)

    I'm probably lower than some as I look at a weekly average... I save up cals for the weekend so I can do what I like. It's a little like the 5:2 but the other way around! :open_mouth:
  • I also save cals for dinner...I eat a fair volume of food during the day but low calorie.

    So today...
    Breakfast - Crackerbread with soft cheese 111cal
    Lunch - homemade curried butternut squash soup 100 cals
    Snacks (am a grazer) Seafood Sticks, Celery, Carrots, Cucumber and Salsa and an apple 250 cals
    Also had 3 cups of tea with milk and sugar, green tea and about 3 pints of water so far.
    Dinner is beef, ale and mushroom casserole with brown rice but I've not logged it yet :)

    I'm probably lower than some as I look at a weekly average... I save up cals for the weekend so I can do what I like. It's a little like the 5:2 but the other way around! :open_mouth:

    Same here I like to save some because weekends are always harder for me because we are always on the go!!
  • I use MFP to pre-plan my days meals that way you can factor in dinner but also make sure you eat what you need through the rest of the day instead of all in one meal :) make sure you do get your minimum allowance because your body needs them for muscle repair so eating less than that will potentially cause more harm than good!

    It might also be an idea to invest in a polar heart rate monitor watch or a fitbit? MFP estimates can be a bit sketchy... I have the polar FT4 because it does heart rate and calories burnt. That way you can accurately factor in the calories you've used. The energy expenditure during exercise varies due to factors such as your weight and fitness, so me and my friend running at the same pace with the same incline for 30 minute I burn more because I am heavier!

    I really want a fitbit or something. May do some research!!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    My goal fitness pal set is 1690. I have only eaten 592 calories and have burned 542 today. Maybe that's why.

    There's your answer there ^^ also drink water, it also can come from being dehydrated.
  • kalamitykate83
    kalamitykate83 Posts: 227 Member
    Thanks everyone!! Should I eat something with sugar. Or just something healthy in general

    I felt like this about a week into cutting out refined sugar, i.e. processed foods, and found that having a small glass of orange juice really helped! Make sure if you're working out hard that you're getting enough calories and from the right foods, i.e. a good mix of proteins, carbs and fats!
  • agentcranberry
    Justifier wrote: »
    I was going to suggest some sodium as well, but seeing as how your exercise canceled out your food calories, it's like you didn't eat anything at all! Remember your body still needs energy to stay alive beyond what it uses on the treadmill or whatever.

    Those of us that are overweight have the energy to stay alive beyond what we eat in our fat stores.

    I have to agree with Mr LiveForTheWilderness, however a sudden change to purely using fat reserves is a big change. Our bodies are awesome, but not so awesome that it won't send us messages to slow down if we shock them into something new. If 500 cals exercise is a relatively new thing then it's a big change too. You're body will be screaming for sugars if that's what you normally run on. Just relying on fat stores means lots of work insid the body which also needs calories. Sounds to me like a good bowl of porridge and a banana would be just right in this situation. Don't reach for the sugary candy stuff it's evil!
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Green tea with a smackerel of honey does the trick for me. . . followed by a Danon Light greek yogurt.

    Chocolate, or otherwise high concentration of simple sugars will have the opposite effect.
  • Justifier wrote: »
    I was going to suggest some sodium as well, but seeing as how your exercise canceled out your food calories, it's like you didn't eat anything at all! Remember your body still needs energy to stay alive beyond what it uses on the treadmill or whatever.

    Those of us that are overweight have the energy to stay alive beyond what we eat in our fat stores.

    I have to agree with Mr LiveForTheWilderness, however a sudden change to purely using fat reserves is a big change. Our bodies are awesome, but not so awesome that it won't send us messages to slow down if we shock them into something new. If 500 cals exercise is a relatively new thing then it's a big change too. You're body will be screaming for sugars if that's what you normally run on. Just relying on fat stores means lots of work insid the body which also needs calories. Sounds to me like a good bowl of porridge and a banana would be just right in this situation. Don't reach for the sugary candy stuff it's evil!

    Yes all of this is new. Just started last week. I have changed everything!! Really cut calories and now excercise 30mins a day
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi. I have been on my lifestyle change since last Monday. Today I have been feeling dizzy for the past couple of hours. Any help as to why I could be feeling this way? Thanks

    It can be a lot of things.

    I will say that when I used to have blood sugar issues, what would do it to me would be a high sugar-low protein (pancakes, syrup, no butter) low fat breakfast with lots of caffeine.

    Bacon and eggs and I'm good for hours. *shrug* YMMV

  • spzjlb
    spzjlb Posts: 599 Member
    Also - I think we are more dehydrated than we tend to think, especially as you have just done a nice workout. Have a big glass of water with your healthy snack that others have recommended.