4th week of my new healthy lifestyle but NO results.



  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    just keep doin what cher doin then... it will work eventually, no?
  • KetoTeacher
    KetoTeacher Posts: 163 Member
    Drink more water :drinker:
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    No one is being unkind to you dear, just honest.

    I see you aspire to be a pinup model. You may want to work on some tougher skin because if you can not handle honesty on a fitness site, you are in world of hurt attempting to be a pinup model. There is nothing about that path that is "kind" at all. People are going to be down right mean and rude to you.

    From now on instead of asking for advice on an internet forum, you may want to just ask someone in private that you feel is kind. There are a host of people on this site that have a great deal of experience that can help you.

    And I also want to add that we get what we give, your posts are coming across to me as hostile at this point. We can not demand that people stop being rude to us by being rude ourselves. :wink:
  • Hi_Im_Jess
    Hi_Im_Jess Posts: 347 Member
    I have issues with my thyroid and even with making positive changes to my diet & exercise routine it took me close to 8 weeks to see any kind of difference on the scale... but I did have bloodwork done by my doctor and realized that although I pretty much look the same on the outside, things I couldnt see were improving. I was told I needed to start taking medication for high cholesterol and was given 3 months to make dietary changes because I really didnt want to start another medication. Although my weight has barely changed, my triglycerides went from, 424 to 151. The scale is ruthless, sometimes nothing will happen, sometimes the number will go up but you cant stop. Health and nutrition are lifelong choices. We have to make every day a good one and eventually things will start to change. Some people just take longer than others. If you focus on your health and wellbeing, then eventually other things will fall into place.