Mirena Birth Control



  • Barbell_Jules
    Barbell_Jules Posts: 358 Member
    I had it, twice. First time around didn't have any issues after the initial 3 months of daily spotting.
    Second time around, 4 years later, it has been miserable. I bled 25+ days of every month, never getting an actual period. I was moody, angry, emotional, and impatient all the time. I had it removed on April 18th and my hormones have leveled out. I am so very thankful I had it removed, I just wish I wouldn't have waited so long.
  • Carmenbraun55
    Carmenbraun55 Posts: 50 Member
    I have it since 4 years now, never had any problems. I was concerned about all the 'horror stories' too. But I had so many other things not working for me that I finally decided to get it. I was absolute worth it. As for weight loss: I lost 35lb while having it, so I don't see any problem at all. The hormone dose that it releases is way lower then the average 'pill' (said my doc ) and my personal experience is that every issue hormone related went away after using it. So from me you get a 10 out of 10 :D:flowerforyou:
  • harleydall76
    harleydall76 Posts: 586 Member
    As far as weight gain, I can say that Mirena never had an effect on that. When I stick to watching what I eat, I was losing.
  • baileysmom4
    baileysmom4 Posts: 242 Member
    Best invention EVER!!!!! On 3rd year of second one. No periods at all.
  • geewizzamanda357
    geewizzamanda357 Posts: 36 Member
    I have it and I love it! I didn't experience any weight gain when I got it and I have not had any problems losing weight since I have been actively trying. The first couple of months was uncomfortable. But I do not even notice or think about it most days. I have had mine for a little over 2 years now.
  • marqueholt
    This is the issue I have. All other areas: love the Mirena. But, I have noticed since getting it (first one, been in for 3.5 years) is that I have a REALLY hard time losing weight now.

    BUT, I really, really, really hated having a period, I can't take oral birth control because I'm at-risk for heart disease, and I'm allergic to latex. The Mirena is simply the best method for me and my husband personally so I will be a customer for life and just learn to deal with the weight-concerned side effects...
  • Car_vajal
    Car_vajal Posts: 9 Member
    I had mirena for four years and just had it removed, first six months were hard but after that I loved my little device. Right at year four I had a lot of mood swings that now that I have had it removed I feel great. It depends on the person.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I have paraguard because I don't want to put all kinds of artificial hormones in my body. Also, ichthyologists are finding that the amount of hormones we are peeing into our water systems is devastating certain species of fish. So, I went with the non-hormonal IUD.

    It has it's ups and downs. I like not having to think about my contraception all the time, but it can be annoying. The side effects are different for Mirena vs Paraguard, but Paraguard also lasts twice as long.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    The weight loss thing is actually my biggest concern. I've seen a lot of stories online about women who gained crazy weight after being on it.
    OMG THATS BUL!*kitten*..Their Lying.
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    I have it currently. First time with it.

    I had a LOT of spotting in the begging but after a few months there's almost nothing.

    I've had no issues with gaining weight- have been losing weight pretty well with it in.
  • harleydall76
    harleydall76 Posts: 586 Member
    All I will say, without going into detail, is that the frst 2 months were heaven. After that it went downhill fast.
  • ILuvMoo
    ILuvMoo Posts: 41
    I'm on my 3rd Mirena. I LOVE mine. I've never had any problems after the initial insertion bleeding & cramping. I do not have any periods. I occasionally will spot, but very rarely & nothing big. When I had it removed I was able to get pregnant right away. My first one was in a little over a year, the second one was in over 7 years (yes, over the 5 year limit), the current one has been in a couple of months. I would never use anything else.

    ^^ This, except I'm on my first one still (3 years in) and haven't tried for babies yet. I have "ghost periods" - that's what hubs and I call them. I'll get a little cramping and maybe a bit of light spotting every 4-5 weeks, perhaps a mild version of something else from PMS's bag of tricks... just barely enough that you can tell my hormones are still doing cycle-ish things.
    I had no issues with weigh gain on it, and am enjoying not having to purchase hygiene products. Which is my primary reason for being on mirena at this point.

    I have a Diva Cup and I LOVE IT and I'm actually a little sad that my Mirena took my periods away, because I sorta miss my Diva Cup. But then I remember how much I don't miss being on my period :) But I love that thing, and I NEVER thought I'd feel that way about a feminine hygiene product.
  • 5pmsomewherenow
    5pmsomewherenow Posts: 163 Member
    I've had two "sessions" on the Mirena, before having a hysterectomy due to large fibroids. I loved it, and had no issues. I turned to it for convenience, and the lower cost vs. birth control pills, ring, patch etc.. Monthly birth control, at $35-50 co-pay, can be a budget killer. My insurance paid for the insertion in the doctors office at 100%, and no more montly prescriptions or co-pays for 7 years! I hate to sound too cheap, but that's an overall savings of $4200, and about 84 errand trips to the drug-store.

    That, and my periods stopped. That is nice, too.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I have a Diva Cup and I LOVE IT and I'm actually a little sad that my Mirena took my periods away, because I sorta miss my Diva Cup. But then I remember how much I don't miss being on my period :) But I love that thing, and I NEVER thought I'd feel that way about a feminine hygiene product.

    The Diva cup is AMAZING
  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member
    I have it and love it.

    Nice not to have a period and it obviously doesn't hurt my weight loss.. and not having to worry about birth control is a huge plus.

  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    I love the IUD! I have had it for 10 years after our sons birth, and it is the best thing ever!! No period, at least for me, at all. I don't have to remember a pill (I suck at that). I don't have to worry about a rash from a patch (sensitive skin). I ballooned up on the shot. Don't have to mess with anything. Seriously it is fantastic! I will never go with an alternate method again! Seriously no worry on weight gain from it, because there is such a low dose of progesterone in it. You will still experience hormone changes, and some people do have a very light period with it occasionally. I do not miss the hassle other forms of birth control at all! You have to find what works for you everyone is different, but for me it worked. I do not have it currently because we are trying for our second child, and have been for only six months. My OBGYN said there should be no issues with conception other than it may take my body a small amount of time to cycle properly again. The last two months I have been super regular. I am sure a pregnancy announcement is not far away in my future. Hope this info is helpful.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I had mine placed in September 2012. Not one issue of weight, I started here a few days beforehand, and I'm well over the 50lbs lost mark.

    I do have long periods, they come and go during, and it's kind of a pain (I wish mine went away like the rest of you!!!) .. but I like to not have to remember a pill daily, I was really bad for it.

    My crazy psycho mood swings have levelled out, I'm only psychotic for a day, not a week!

    I am giving it a year before I start questioning my periods! ... still jealous that you guys are just spotting! I'm going 10-12 days now!
  • annagoodner
    annagoodner Posts: 18 Member
    I chose not to go with it because when I read the pamphlet my doctor gave me it didn't sit well that it can cause your body to abort a fetus if you do actually get pregnant. So, I'm no help in terms of how it impacts your body while you're on it, but make sure you read all the info if that kind of thing is important to you.
  • cmurphy252
    cmurphy252 Posts: 279 Member
    I've had it for almost 3 years and LOVE it! I have occasional spotting a few days/month (and may go months without any spotting at all), but thats about it. Now. . . .had my doctor informed me PRIOR to inserting it how bad the cramps would be (felt like I was in labor), I wouldnt have gone with Mirena (and wont be reinserting it after my 5 years are up for that reason).

    I had my daughter via c-section so never experienced contractions, but the cramps I had the day it was inserted was right up there with the way I would have IMAGINED contraction pains).
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Add me to the list of people who love theirs! I've had mine in for 2.5 years now. I had cramps for the first two hours after insertion and had spotting the first 6 months. Since then, the periods have gone away completely and my moods definitely evened out.

    I have gained weight since I've had it, but I'm 99% sure that's just me slacking on the diet and exercise front. That thing called life takes over some times, you know? Either way, I'd rather be chubby than have an unplanned/unwanted pregnancy.

    Anyway, I fully intend to get a new one when my five years are up on the current one.