Mirena Birth Control



  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    I have a Diva Cup and I LOVE IT and I'm actually a little sad that my Mirena took my periods away, because I sorta miss my Diva Cup. But then I remember how much I don't miss being on my period :) But I love that thing, and I NEVER thought I'd feel that way about a feminine hygiene product.

    The Diva cup is AMAZING

    this i must try when my baby gets out :) always wanted to.

    I had mirena for 4 years after the birth of my son and I did think it went well. no periods for 4 years. cant complain about that! then we took it out to concieve the next one and got pregnant within 2 months so im pretty please so far.

    I plan to just go with it untill I'm done bearing children ( another 4 years) and see hows many kids we get out of the deal and then I'm unsure of whether I'll go back on the mirena or not. part of me just wants to be just on my own for awhile but I'm undecided so far. :) all the best.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I've got one and no problems to my knowledge. Am finding it hard to lose some weight I put back on but hadn't really thought about the Mirena as an issue re that.
    Don't get periods (had very light ones all my life anyway) so as I'm 44 by the time I need it taken out I'll probably be in menopause. Kind of weird to think never another period and still feel a bit sad sometimes I won't have another baby but no they're great for no fuss birth control.
  • harleydall76
    harleydall76 Posts: 586 Member
    I've had it for almost 3 years and LOVE it! I have occasional spotting a few days/month (and may go months without any spotting at all), but thats about it. Now. . . .had my doctor informed me PRIOR to inserting it how bad the cramps would be (felt like I was in labor), I wouldnt have gone with Mirena (and wont be reinserting it after my 5 years are up for that reason).

    I had my daughter via c-section so never experienced contractions, but the cramps I had the day it was inserted was right up there with the way I would have IMAGINED contraction pains).

    Do you still get those cramps, if it's not too personal to ask? Because I sure as heck do. Insertion was NOTHING compared to what I get now. My pregnancy never made it to me giving birth, so I can't compare to contractions, but I imagine that's what it's like. Only mine is all the time with Mirena.
  • ILuvMoo
    ILuvMoo Posts: 41
    I chose not to go with it because when I read the pamphlet my doctor gave me it didn't sit well that it can cause your body to abort a fetus if you do actually get pregnant.

    Of course, your body can do that anyway, and does in some ridiculously high percentage of pregnancies.
  • girlfromOklahoma
    girlfromOklahoma Posts: 129 Member
    I've had mine for about 2 years now and I LOVE IT!! Can't thing of a single bad thing about it. I would recommend it to anyone! :)
  • CTCMom2009
    CTCMom2009 Posts: 263 Member
    I've had mine for over 3 yrs now and I love it! I have heard some people have issues with it, but I have not had any.
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    I have copper and its gave me a lot of problems abit more wet than normally hahah and very very very very bad pains a week befor period an week after so i have pains 3 weeks out of 4 but iv gave birth thats pony to me hahhah x
  • dieKriegerin77
    I have a Diva Cup and I LOVE IT and I'm actually a little sad that my Mirena took my periods away, because I sorta miss my Diva Cup. But then I remember how much I don't miss being on my period :) But I love that thing, and I NEVER thought I'd feel that way about a feminine hygiene product.

    The Diva cup is AMAZING

  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    I went from 7 years of the Depo Provera shot to this method. While I had no monthly cycle with either, I much prefer the Mirena. I had the WORST cramps ever when I had it inserted, and I expect that that will repeat when I have it replaced later this month. But two or three days of cramps and a few days of spotting are nothing in the grand scheme of 5 years without getting feminine products!!!
    On the Depo, I gained weight rapidly, and basically that continued to increase until my doctor and I decided it was becoming a problem. I not only maintained weight after getting the Depo, I had to lose weight prior to Bariatric surgery and I was able to do so. The same efforts I had made while on the Depo, but those had not worked previously, but I was able to lose weight with the Mirena, and since the surgery I have continued losing weight.
    I have learned something about these hormonal products though, that MAY help some of you. These tend to affect siblings in a similar manner. My sister and I have both used the Depo shot and had the same results. I had one friend who got the shot, and did not stop bleeding the entire 3 months. Her sister tried it a couple years later and had the same results. I asked a couple of different doctors about it and they said that USUALLY this is the case, although they both knew of situations where it did not work that way. But anyway, if your sister or mother has tried a particular birth control method, odds are the way it worked for her will be the same for you.
  • leanne0605
    leanne0605 Posts: 183 Member
    I have had it for about a year now. The first month was horrible. I experienced constant spotting and extreme moodiness. But since then everything has been great.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    After 2 years - mine slipped causing several cycles a month, pain and misery.
    I had it surgically removed within a couple months of it slipping.

    I admit however the first year of NO CYCLE was dreamy.
    The first 3 months of having it however was constant cycles until my cycles finally faded away.

    I never recommend it.
    But that's just my feelings and my opinion and it means nothing.
  • Ashkea76
    Ashkea76 Posts: 7,151 Member
    All I will say, without going into detail, is that the frst 2 months were heaven. After that it went downhill fast.

    Mine was the exact opposite..the first two months were harder - but after that, smooth sailing. Love it!
  • ILuvMoo
    ILuvMoo Posts: 41
    I've had it for almost 3 years and LOVE it! I have occasional spotting a few days/month (and may go months without any spotting at all), but thats about it. Now. . . .had my doctor informed me PRIOR to inserting it how bad the cramps would be (felt like I was in labor), I wouldnt have gone with Mirena (and wont be reinserting it after my 5 years are up for that reason).

    I had my daughter via c-section so never experienced contractions, but the cramps I had the day it was inserted was right up there with the way I would have IMAGINED contraction pains).

    Do you still get those cramps, if it's not too personal to ask? Because I sure as heck do. Insertion was NOTHING compared to what I get now. My pregnancy never made it to me giving birth, so I can't compare to contractions, but I imagine that's what it's like. Only mine is all the time with Mirena.

    I haven't birthed, either, but my insertion cramps were far beyond my normal period cramps (and I have bad ones), and were pretty much what I'd imagine labor feels like. The monthy cycle-type cramping I get now is sometimes as bad as normal periods, but lasts for fewer days each month... but usually it's less intense in addition to lasting less time.

    Have you talked to your doctor? I'd get that pain checked out... it sounds excessive.
  • cmurphy252
    cmurphy252 Posts: 279 Member
    I've had it for almost 3 years and LOVE it! I have occasional spotting a few days/month (and may go months without any spotting at all), but thats about it. Now. . . .had my doctor informed me PRIOR to inserting it how bad the cramps would be (felt like I was in labor), I wouldnt have gone with Mirena (and wont be reinserting it after my 5 years are up for that reason).

    I had my daughter via c-section so never experienced contractions, but the cramps I had the day it was inserted was right up there with the way I would have IMAGINED contraction pains).

    Do you still get those cramps, if it's not too personal to ask? Because I sure as heck do. Insertion was NOTHING compared to what I get now. My pregnancy never made it to me giving birth, so I can't compare to contractions, but I imagine that's what it's like. Only mine is all the time with Mirena.

    No - I just had the cramps for several hours the day that it was inserted. No pain or problems after the 1st day.
  • musenchild
    musenchild Posts: 182 Member
    I had some issues but still like it. Feel free to message me about it.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    The weight loss thing is actually my biggest concern. I've seen a lot of stories online about women who gained crazy weight after being on it.
    I didnt gain.
    In fact, i never used it as an excuse and worked hard to lose weight by eating right and exercising and lost 40 pounds while I had mine.
  • dieKriegerin77
    I have copper and its gave me a lot of problems abit more wet than normally hahah and very very very very bad pains a week befor period an week after so i have pains 3 weeks out of 4 but iv gave birth thats pony to me hahhah x

    I had the copper (paragard) for a year and a half. Had multiple symptoms that were troubling, but was told to "give it more time". I finally drew the line when the doctor didn't seem to think constant menstruation should be troubling. I told her either you take it out, or I'll do it at home.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    The weight loss thing is actually my biggest concern. I've seen a lot of stories online about women who gained crazy weight after being on it.
    OMG THATS BUL!*kitten*..Their Lying.

    Actually its one of the side effects, but i've not heard too many women struggle with weight gain on the Mirena.
  • MrsDangerousCurves
    MrsDangerousCurves Posts: 85 Member
    Loved it. Light periods, no side effects.
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    I had mine inserted in February. So far I am not impressed. My doctor advised me to go with Mirena because I had excessively heavy and long periods. He thought it would help them and possibly even make them stop totally. I have only had it for 4 months now, but my first period after insertation came just 20 days after the start of the previous period and lasted for 9 weeks. Yeah 9 weeks of daily bleeding. Not heavy bleeding, but spotting to light flow for 9 weeks is still a bit of a pain to deal with. Ok once that stopped finally I was good for about 4 weeks and then I started spotting again (guessing it's my period) but I am on day 10 now again. I mean it's nowhere like it was before, but I also never bleed for 9 weeks either. My period was always fairly normal coming about every 25 days, but I would bleed for 7-10 days (heavily). I am hoping my body is just adjusting to the hormones because I won't be able to deal it if I am constantly bleeding.