Isagenix- YAY or NAY?



  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Typical MLM scam. These companies don't give a rats behind about their consumers. They don't care whether a person experiences poor side effects from the products. All they care about is $$$.

    Save your money and buy real food.


    You might want to seek out recent threads about the ridiculousness of cleanses--any and all of them.
  • alifish
    alifish Posts: 1 Member
    Well I may get hounded here but yay and nay.
    My partner and I both did it for a month and yes it did help me shed some kgs I am really struggling with.
    My partner shed heaps (i hated him lol).
    I am not against it nor am I for it, it's not realistically a long term thing food or money wise.
    It did help me get on the right path though and I must admit I felt great on it.
    In the end I went to the doctor regarding my weight as a lot of my mum's side had underactive thyroids so blood tests for me and she has put me on the 15mg Duromine to give me a helping hand which I started on Tuesday.
    (That's when I started my fitness pal too).
    If you have done it for a month and it's helped that's good but no I agree probably not long term manageable. ...and it costs.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    If you're not going to keep using it forever, there's a fairly good chance your weight loss won't be sustainable, unless you have a strong plan for phasing it out.

    There's no way I'd do it. Not only do I consider it a waste of money, but I'm also a fan of making permanent lifestyle changes, rather than trying to take shortcuts with yo-yo fad dieting.

    I've only tried to lose weight once, and it was here on MFP - through daily logging and a calorie deficit. I'm coming up on my 4 year anniversary maintaining at goal weight next month! I only wanted to do this once, and do it right, so I avoided any fad diet "products" and restrictive plans, and just made the simple, straightforward changes MFP suggests.

    Good luck, OP! :)
  • Great thread. Thank you for sharing experiences on this. I don't know much about it but am hearing great results of in on my Fb page. I was giving it some thought.... Not anymore :)
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    1cdickson wrote: »
    Works absolutely great for me.]

    Three posts into MFP.

    Putting this one down as a plant.

  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member

    It was really popular at our church for a while and some people lost a lot of weight very quickly. It was quite expensive and people were losing a lot of muscle mass, so they were looking a little sickly. No one stuck with it long term and when they started to eat regular food, they gained the weight back and more, with the exception of one friend who started eating regular food and lifting heavy.

    Can you lose weight with it? Yes definitely, because if you replace meals with expensive shakes, you will lose weight. I actually used the liquid cleanses several times and it could have been in my mind but I did feel better when I did it right before my cycle, but now I wouldn't go back to going a whole day just drinking a concentrated fruit/veggie juice.

    Eat regular food, at a slight deficit and do some strength training (heavy lifting, progressive body weight, etc) and you'll have great results.
  • tracie_minus100
    tracie_minus100 Posts: 465 Member
    People want a quick fix, and these companies exploit that. People who use it and/or sell it will swear up and down that it's great, it works, etc...but there are healthier ways to lose weight that allow you to actually eat your food and not cost you a fortune.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Nay for the people who know what they are talking about.
    Yay for the gullible folks of the world.
  • Phoenix_Down
    Phoenix_Down Posts: 530 Member
    People want a quick fix, and these companies exploit that. People who use it and/or sell it will swear up and down that it's great, it works, etc...but there are healthier ways to lose weight that allow you to actually eat your food and not cost you a fortune.


    My opinion? Hell to the no!!
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    edited February 2015
    I just finished the 30 day cleanse I lost 17 pds and 30.5 in. I love the product didn't have an issue with any of it I have signed up only family so they can try it. I am on day 2 of my second 30 day cleanse.

    You lost water weight and perhaps some muscle with that there calorie restriction. What were you cleansing? Those evil.....TOXINS???? :o Unsustainable and unneeded. But go ahead, keep drinking that Kool Aid.

    ETA: Flagged for SPAM.

  • soupandcookies
    soupandcookies Posts: 212 Member
    My sister in law sells isagenix, and I got roped into trying the 30 day cleanse, last summer. $400 dollars later, here are my thoughts:

    First, I love the shakes. They keep me full for hours, and I think they use quality ingredients. I prefer the isalean pro, bc it has more protein and keeps me from needing to snack.

    The 30 day system comes with supplements and different cleansing juices. In my opinion, all the extra stuff is crap. The 30 day program is outrageously expensive, especially when you consider the fact that 4 of the days, you don't get to eat or have shakes.

    I lost about 7 pounds in the 30 days, and would have lost more, except that it is completely unsustainable and unrealistic to follow it exactly, for a whole month. I think that the isagenix shakes are great, and for a while I continued to drink them for breakfast, because I really do think they are healthy and they have an adequate amount of calories for a breakfast (the pro shake has 280, mixed with water). The rest of the program is ridiculously restrictive.

    I also have a problem with their coaching model. These "coaches" have absolutely no education on nutrition, and yet they are coaching and selling all this stuff to people.

    I think Isagenix is a solid program for quick weight loss, but it is absolutely not a lifestyle change, and I definitely gained the weight back- not because I stopped using the program, but because it was so restrictive, once I went off it, I ate everything that wasn't nailed down.

    Ps- I detest multilevel marketing, and using Isagenix basically ruined my relationship with my sister in law. Fabulous.
  • jessicarobinson00
    jessicarobinson00 Posts: 414 Member
    I was on Isagenix, enjoyed the taste of the shakes and found them filling, and lost weight. When I ended the program I gained all the weight that I had lost back. I found transitioning into regular food extremely difficult as normal food is not proportioned into a convenient 300 calorie serving. It took me a long time to figure out how many calories were in the real food that I was eating, what a normal serving was, and making healthy choices for myself to "eat this and not that." I do still enjoy their cleanse system. It's great for tackling serious cravings around that time of the month...
  • I did the 30 day cleanse and lost 19 lbs and have kept it off for three months! Very easy to follow with real food added in for two meals per day which helps to get your eating habits on track. This was a quick way to get the initial weight off to them begin maintenance.
  • shemama1
    shemama1 Posts: 30 Member
    My sister in law sells isagenix, and I got roped into trying the 30 day cleanse, last summer. $400 dollars later, here are my thoughts:

    First, I love the shakes. They keep me full for hours, and I think they use quality ingredients. I prefer the isalean pro, bc it has more protein and keeps me from needing to snack.

    The 30 day system comes with supplements and different cleansing juices. In my opinion, all the extra stuff is crap. The 30 day program is outrageously expensive, especially when you consider the fact that 4 of the days, you don't get to eat or have shakes.

    I lost about 7 pounds in the 30 days, and would have lost more, except that it is completely unsustainable and unrealistic to follow it exactly, for a whole month. I think that the isagenix shakes are great, and for a while I continued to drink them for breakfast, because I really do think they are healthy and they have an adequate amount of calories for a breakfast (the pro shake has 280, mixed with water). The rest of the program is ridiculously restrictive.

    I also have a problem with their coaching model. These "coaches" have absolutely no education on nutrition, and yet they are coaching and selling all this stuff to people.

    I think Isagenix is a solid program for quick weight loss, but it is absolutely not a lifestyle change, and I definitely gained the weight back- not because I stopped using the program, but because it was so restrictive, once I went off it, I ate everything that wasn't nailed down.

    Ps- I detest multilevel marketing, and using Isagenix basically ruined my relationship with my sister in law. Fabulous.

    OMG! DITTO! Except this is my niece not my sister in law. I agree with 100% of what you said. I was going to stick it out to help my niece, since I am losing. But the fear of trying to eat everything that's not nailed down scares me. I am a kind of compulsive person to begin with. I did just place an order for another 4 cans, but after that, I'm done. I already notice that even if I eat only 2000 calories in a day, if it's not shakes, I gain a pound. Thanks for the tips.
  • yomikeya
    yomikeya Posts: 12 Member
    Nah. How are you ever going to teach yourself to maintain a healthy lifestyle without constructing your own nutritious meal plans?
  • StephJC81
    StephJC81 Posts: 33 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »

    Real food - Yay

    I'm with this guy! I'm so sick of people looking for quick fixes. If you want to lose weight then you have to make lifestyle changes/habits. Are you going to eat/drink Isangenix for the rest of your life? No, I didn't think so. Then just eat real food.
  • namaui
    namaui Posts: 3 Member
    Yay!! Isagenix works for us. You do eat real food, just healthy food and the proper amount. A shake in the morning for breakfast is no big deal, light lunch or a shake, healthy snacks twice a day. 400-600 calorie dinner. The first 30 days I lost 10 lbs 10 ".my husband 20 lbs 30". As of today I am down 24 lbs 36", and he has lost 45 lbs, 34 ". Yes it's a lifestyle change. Just like any other program. It's possible to maintain life this way. It's just up to the individual. If you stumble, get back on and try again I would definitely say give this a try. It was and is worth it all.
  • jaimekbee1219
    jaimekbee1219 Posts: 96 Member
    My friend got roped into the 30 day cleanse/detox by her coworker. She's been feeling pretty frustrated with her weight and lack of loss (we both have PCOS, but hers is worse when it comes to gaining/losing weight) so she is only doing it to knock off some pounds. It's funny too because she's so anti-fad diet, but she's been trying to get pregnant for over a year so now she's reached a point of desperation I guess.

    Anyway. She HATES it. Like really, really hates it. But it's only 30 days of shakes, apples, almonds, and turkey burgers. Because that's all she can have. So she figures she'll get through it, but she's pretty miserable. She's been blogging about it on sparkpeople, but I can't find it. Apparently she's a lone voice in the "this sucks" camp.
  • namaui
    namaui Posts: 3 Member
    She can eat more than turkey burgers. Use my fitness pal for help on what to eat. The eating plan suggestions in the program help a lot but that's not all you can eat. Meat,carb,veggie in the correct portion size.