Isagenix- YAY or NAY?



  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Nay! Isagenix is multilevel marketing ripoff quackery!
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    oh derp I have already been on this thread.... a hur hur.... i am so absent minded I swear!
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    edited February 2015
    The protein bars aren't too bad, but I would never do the detox/cleanse thing. Plus you can get other protein bars that cost about the same/are just as good/bad for you.
  • jaimekbee1219
    jaimekbee1219 Posts: 96 Member
    namaui wrote: »
    She can eat more than turkey burgers. Use my fitness pal for help on what to eat. The eating plan suggestions in the program help a lot but that's not all you can eat. Meat,carb,veggie in the correct portion size.

    Well I should specify that turkey burger with a whole wheat bun, rice & chicken, and whole wheat pasta are the only things that fit the calorie allowance for dinner (400-600) that she likes. She doesn't eat fish. The dinner restrictions she stated were no white rice, no dressings, no soy sauce, no red meat, no fruit, and no dairy. During the day it is just the two shakes plus two 100 calorie snacks.
  • xXxkelly1980
    xXxkelly1980 Posts: 4 Member
    So glad I found this thread. I started the 30 day about 4 days ago. I'm currently doing a cleanse and it's not that bad. The shakes are good, and my meals that I eat on shake days are typical healthy meals like chicken breast chunks in salad with some oil and vinegar.
    I do not think that isagenix is a long term solution, but it certainly is a good jump start. For me, once I start seeing some results, it encourages me to stay on a path. I'm not ready to start the gym, my goal is after I lose another 5-10lbs then maybe. It's a psychological thing with me I guess.
    I used to be heavy, about 210lbs after having my first 2 kids and it took me close to 5 years to attempt to lose it. I met a guy who I worked out with constantly...literally, like 5-6 days a week. I was lifting weights like a dude! I lost a lot of weight...I was about 134 at my best. Strong as hell. Anyway, he and I stopped talking, I met another man who I fell in absolute love with and we had our love child...that 70+ pounds piled right back on. It's horrible. Our daughter is almost 3 and I am still over 200lbs...not fun. So, yes, I decided to purchase isagenix for the 30 day cleanse. It cost me about $400, but that's probably what I would have spent in a month on morning coffee's and lunches out...even dinners. Along with taking care of 3 kids, I'm a nursing student as well so I find I am always tired and I pick up foods for the convenience of it...horrible habit. However, since starting this and because it costs so much money, I'm cooking for the family and I'm sticking to my plan. I don't know how it's going to turn out, but at least good habits are starting. I have no intention of purchasing another plan, but I do hope to be motivated to eat like I used to and work out again...sorry for the long post, I'm sort of babbling here!
  • raindew12
    raindew12 Posts: 1 Member
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I say nay nay!

    Also, please don't subject yourself to any "cleanses." All any of them are is laxatives.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    edited January 2016
    Anyone else notice the "yea" posters have fewer than 10 forum posts?

    Personally, a big "nay" for me. It's basically a slimfast diet, only you pay through the nose and its not soy-based, but whey-based. *blows tin whistle* $400 / month for food? People must have a lot of money to throw away, that's all I can say.

    Also, I write off anyone and everyone who gets into multilevel marketing. They will never be my friend again, because they are ALWAYS trying to sell me something. So double Nay here.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    tomteboda wrote: »
    Anyone else notice the "yea" posters have fewer than 10 forum posts?

    They are short lived I suspect. LOL
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    edited January 2016
    Anyone else notice this thread had been dead for almost a year before it was brought back up by a one-letter post from a first-time poster?
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    *wrinkles nose* thanks, @AnvilHead . I suspect as long as this company is around folks are going to think about it periodically though.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    tomteboda wrote: »
    *wrinkles nose* thanks, @AnvilHead . I suspect as long as this company is around folks are going to think about it periodically though.

    True. Since I'm not sure if I weighed in first time around, I'll add my 'nay' to the pile. Isagenix is poor quality junk sold via pyramid schemes (multi-level marketing), and they make a lot of false/junk promises about what their products will do. The only benefit is to the salesperson selling the snake oil.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    Anyone else notice this thread had been dead for almost a year before it was brought back up by a one-letter post from a first-time poster?

  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    raindew12 wrote: »

    Quite a strong opinion, care to back that up with a peer reviewed study?

  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    bpetrosky wrote: »
    raindew12 wrote: »

    Quite a strong opinion, care to back that up with a peer reviewed study?

    Raindew12's first comment is "j"? Hmm... :p
  • shannonmykayla
    shannonmykayla Posts: 1 Member
    Isagenix is a brain washing cult. ANYONE who drastically reduces their caloric intake is going to lose weight. That is not rocket science and it isn't Isagenix. As for their ingredient list.....that is laughable. Look at Progressive Whey Essential that is NOT an MLM, is available for direct purchase by anyone, was formulated by a Naturopath Doctor who has a list of creditials that Isagenix will never have, and that is actual real food! It clearly states on the container that it is nutritional therapies designed for an almost unbeatable daily foundation. Rose hip extract, Oregano oil, Rosemary oil, New Zealand Whey from happy cows that is tested for over 200 agricultural and chemical contaminants and no rBGH. All Non GMO, botanicals, Antioxidant ORAC score of 5,000 units.

    The list goes on and is clearly stated the doses of each ingredient so you KNOW what you are getting. Tell me that Isagenix is better than that? If you are brainwashed by Slim fast in sheep's clothing.

    And don't get me started on Isakids vitamins. Garbage. Again....look at Progressive Kids and see for yourself!

    These MLMs make me sick.

    The placebo effect is very real and anyone who says they feel fantastic because of Isagenix is not only short changing themselves of the goodness that is really out there....but they are wasting money on the placebo brought on by the marketing brilliance of buzzwords.

  • kristikitter
    kristikitter Posts: 602 Member
    Necro, necro threeeead
  • slimmons_1
    slimmons_1 Posts: 16 Member
    shemama1 wrote: »
    SandyBVTN wrote: »
    shemama1 wrote: »
    thanks niece sells it, and has my whole family on it. I feel like every question I ask her has a "canned" response. They are all on board and trying to sell now too. The group that she is in, has a fb page, but when you ask questions that aren't necessarily positive or they can't spin it that way, they delete it. I will try to look up isagenix scam.

    Oh man:( I've had similar issues with family members and isagenix. What I found in the end was just to completely steer away from it in conversation and not engage. Do what you need to do to meet your goals and you'll see in the end who has a smaller waistline and bigger bank account. It's sad, really.

    I know you are right! I just feel really sad that my own niece is giving me a sales pitch. I know she truly believes in what she is selling, but I feel bad that she wasn't honest with me up front. When I told her I wanted to try the shakes, she set me up as one of her "associates", which until it was said and done, I didn't even realize she had me as a person trying to sell it. I have so much weight to lose, and thought she was really interested in helping me. :'(

    Just to let you all know not all of these companies are mlm and only care about the money I’ve meet people from a few of them and I can see this ones a scam but some others are not. But it’s all down personal choices but the one I’m on works fine for me. And it is sustainable as well. I wish you the best on your weight loss journey on here and if you need any help I’m always on here. Please take care and lose safely is all we can do. Good luck
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Isagenix has helped me lose weight in the past and I still rely on the shakes at times because they fill me up without making me feel bloated. I like the products. I say if you are seeing results keep with it.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    edited July 2017
    slimmons_1 wrote: »
    shemama1 wrote: »
    SandyBVTN wrote: »
    shemama1 wrote: »
    thanks niece sells it, and has my whole family on it. I feel like every question I ask her has a "canned" response. They are all on board and trying to sell now too. The group that she is in, has a fb page, but when you ask questions that aren't necessarily positive or they can't spin it that way, they delete it. I will try to look up isagenix scam.

    Oh man:( I've had similar issues with family members and isagenix. What I found in the end was just to completely steer away from it in conversation and not engage. Do what you need to do to meet your goals and you'll see in the end who has a smaller waistline and bigger bank account. It's sad, really.

    I know you are right! I just feel really sad that my own niece is giving me a sales pitch. I know she truly believes in what she is selling, but I feel bad that she wasn't honest with me up front. When I told her I wanted to try the shakes, she set me up as one of her "associates", which until it was said and done, I didn't even realize she had me as a person trying to sell it. I have so much weight to lose, and thought she was really interested in helping me. :'(

    Just to let you all know not all of these companies are mlm and only care about the money I’ve meet people from a few of them and I can see this ones a scam but some others are not. But it’s all down personal choices but the one I’m on works fine for me. And it is sustainable as well. I wish you the best on your weight loss journey on here and if you need any help I’m always on here. Please take care and lose safely is all we can do. Good luck

    all MLMs are scams,the reason people lose weight is not because of the product per se. its because they are eating less food hence a calorie deficit which can be done without these products.