Worse or most ignorant thing said to you from a total stranger...



  • labeastette
    labeastette Posts: 82 Member
    When I was in high school working at a fast food restaurant, I once had a Caucasian customer and his wife tell me he didn't want me serving him because I was Hispanic. He wanted a white person to serve him. My manager ended up taking their order. Wish she would've refused him service instead!

    Was it a Taco Bell or Burrito place?

    Burger King
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    years back i was outside walking and some boys moo'ed at me. I was overweight but not grossly overweight and hell i was working on it. i was so embarrassed, i still have issues walking/running in public.
  • shawnfxp
    shawnfxp Posts: 39 Member
    When I was in high school working at a fast food restaurant, I once had a Caucasian customer and his wife tell me he didn't want me serving him because I was Hispanic. He wanted a white person to serve him. My manager ended up taking their order. Wish she would've refused him service instead!

    Totally wrong move by the manager. Sometimes, losing a customer isn't such a bad thing.
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    dawnna76 wrote: »
    years back i was outside walking and some boys moo'ed at me. I was overweight but not grossly overweight and hell i was working on it. i was so embarrassed, i still have issues walking/running in public.

    I'm so sorry this happened. Do you ever wonder if these boys - all grown up with girls of their own maybe - think about mean, nasty things they did/said and wish they could tell you how wrong they were? I hope so - and that they are teaching their boys to be kind.
  • labeastette
    labeastette Posts: 82 Member
    shawnyates wrote: »
    When I was in high school working at a fast food restaurant, I once had a Caucasian customer and his wife tell me he didn't want me serving him because I was Hispanic. He wanted a white person to serve him. My manager ended up taking their order. Wish she would've refused him service instead!

    Totally wrong move by the manager. Sometimes, losing a customer isn't such a bad thing.
    Yeah... she was kind of a wimp...If I hadn't needed the money, I'd have walked off the job.
  • shawnfxp
    shawnfxp Posts: 39 Member
    I was doing my internship as a medical assistant and was bringing back one of my first patients ever. It was someone with a severe mental handicap and part way through intake their caregiver looked up from her Gameboy and asked "Are you new?" I said that I was. "I kinda figured. You're really not very good at this." Total motivation killer right there.

    A few years and a couple of merit raises later, I think I've come around.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,643 Member
    The student section of a basketball team we played called me fatass all game as I face guarded their best player (6 inches taller than me) all game.

    I held him to 6 points and sank a buzzer beater to win the game...
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    Total stranger in a forum asked me twice "whom are you talking too". That wasn't the ridiculous part. Since it was obvious I wasn't talking to her, and because it seemed like she was picking a fight, I got a little grammar nazi on her about the use of "whom" and spelling "to" with 2 o's and also asked her why she said it twice? Turns out she was the moderator. The ridiculous part is she then threatened to shut me down and delete me for being a BULLY. When I copy pasted the definition of BULLY into the thread (basically someone who threatens or uses their power to intimidate, control, or force someone to do what they want), it was all over. Needless to say I'm banned from that group. LOL!

    The only other thing that really sticks with me was a total stranger at a salad bar. I was trying to get some bowtie pasta, and there was a big clump of pasta stuck to the ladle. So, with each scoop I was only getting a couple of little bowties onto my plate. After a few attempts, the stranger who was standing there waiting says "Are you going to take it all?" And to my surprise, this guy who looked like he could have been my dad, was not at all kidding. I think I was 19 years old, skinny as a rail, shy as could be, and too shocked and mortified to respond. It has always bothered me that I didn't tell that rude jackwagon off.
  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    edited February 2015
    I am only 31, but due to genetics I have been getting grey hair since my mid twenties (thanks dad!). Anywho, I dye my hair usually every 6-8 weeks and I was in between dye jobs when some guy who worked in my building, but in a different department came up to me one day and was like, huh...you sure have a lot of wisdom, don't you? I was like what? Well, with all that grey hair, you must be very wise. :frowning:

    Thanks a lot jack@ss! (oh, it was in a room full of people too)
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,902 Member
    I don't even know where to start...
    I think the worst was when I went to a moms dinner with an friend while I was visiting her. One of them asked me what I did. When I said I was a sahm, she looked at me with disgust. Asked if it was on purpose or did my husband was making me. I said it was a choice we made together. Then she went on about how she planned on setting a better example for her children by working and not being lazy. Might I add she was 8 months pregnant and enjoying her 2nd bahama mama. I was so pissed I just sat there shaking.
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    tat2cookie wrote: »
    I don't even know where to start...
    I think the worst was when I went to a moms dinner with an friend while I was visiting her. One of them asked me what I did. When I said I was a sahm, she looked at me with disgust. Asked if it was on purpose or did my husband was making me. I said it was a choice we made together. Then she went on about how she planned on setting a better example for her children by working and not being lazy. Might I add she was 8 months pregnant and enjoying her 2nd bahama mama. I was so pissed I just sat there shaking.

    .. had to look up SAHM. Sometimes I come to work to get a break. People just don't realize ... but I bet she does now, lol! Good for you for not losing your cool!
  • breathebelievejen
    breathebelievejen Posts: 83 Member
    I have too many people make rude comments on a regular basis to remember them all but one that sticks in my mind was when I was waiting for a bus. Some random bloke asked me my name (Jenny) and proceeded to call me Jenny Tubby and Jelly Tubby (y'know, like the BBC teletubbies.. Tinky Winky is pretty cute but still!). Yeah, I know I have a belly mate, but go F yourself. Really wanted to tell him where to go but I could tell he was kinda drunk and probably would have been even more insistent..
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    That would probably be the psychiatrist I saw when I was about 21 and anorexic. The first thing out of his mouth was, "Well, it's not like you can't stand to lose some weight."

  • Bellodesiderare
    Bellodesiderare Posts: 278 Member
    4leighbee wrote: »
    I come to the MFP forums to get my daily dose of ignorance.

    Nice contribution, Boy with Truck. If it doesn't interest you, why do you bother? Oh ... for the two seconds of attention you just got. My bad. :/

    First of all, shut up. Secondly, it's a Subaru Forester. Thirdly, don't be a hypocrite.

    Though I may retract my first and third point. You did help prove my point. Your post was full of ignorance, which is the entire point of my first post. It didn't not interest me, hence why I made the post. I'm sure many people can relate to my post, and probably got much humour from your response.

    Thank you for that. Looks like I made a great contribution to this thread. :disagree:

    1) Relatable. 2) You made me LOL.

    Thanks bud!! :)
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    When I was 8 or 9 my family went on vacation to a little hotel in New Hampshire. While we were checking in, it somehow came up that we are Jewish. Later the owner's wife came up to me and asked if she could make a wish on me. I said ok and she put her hands on my head and, I guess, made a wish. She didn't say it out loud. I really hope it came true!

    Jews = Genies?
  • arkowalyshyn
    arkowalyshyn Posts: 132 Member
    My son it's autistic and has a sensory disorder and has melt downs in public places when there are large groups of people around. A lady once came up to me while he was having a meltdown in kmart and told me i needed to spank him more. That really ticked me off so i told her where to go!

    I can't every start with this. I have 2 asd kids and the comments.......
  • Khukhullatus
    Khukhullatus Posts: 361 Member
    4leighbee wrote: »
    dawnna76 wrote: »
    years back i was outside walking and some boys moo'ed at me. I was overweight but not grossly overweight and hell i was working on it. i was so embarrassed, i still have issues walking/running in public.

    I'm so sorry this happened. Do you ever wonder if these boys - all grown up with girls of their own maybe - think about mean, nasty things they did/said and wish they could tell you how wrong they were? I hope so - and that they are teaching their boys to be kind.

    I absolutely guarantee they never do. Having had the "idiot teenage boy" gene growing up, I can say that lots of the guys I know regret the larger horrible things they did, but that kind of thing, yelling something out of a car window, was forgotten by the next light and probably not mentioned again.
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,902 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    When I was 8 or 9 my family went on vacation to a little hotel in New Hampshire. While we were checking in, it somehow came up that we are Jewish. Later the owner's wife came up to me and asked if she could make a wish on me. I said ok and she put her hands on my head and, I guess, made a wish. She didn't say it out loud. I really hope it came true!

    Jews = Genies?

    How in the world did you do that and keep a straight face!!! That has got to be right up there with strangers touching pregnant bellies! So weird!
  • LouLouStBijou
    LouLouStBijou Posts: 987 Member
    I was walking my dog one night years ago and a group of guys drove by and yelled out the window "hard to know which is the dog!"
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    When my son was about 10 months he had a hemangioma (irregular collection of blood vessels in one place that make a red mark/bump on the skin - it shows up in infancy, grows in size and brightness very rapidly and then begins self-involuting and is gone by the time the child is 5 or so...depending on the size,etc.). My little guys' mark was at it's peak size and bright pinkish-red around this time, and unfortunately it was on the side of his nose. What can you do? Anyways - I was walking into the mall carrying him, my mom carrying his twin sister. Some little old lady gave the "ohhh, she's so beautiful" to my mom about my daughter and then came to look at my boy and said, "Oh! What's wrong with HIM???" WTF!!! I saw red. I am not sure how I didn't beat her with her own cane, but I managed to, through gritted teeth, say, "There is NOTHING wrong with him. He is perfectly fine!" She actually had the nerve, regardless of my visible irritation to say, "Well, you should get that thing removed. It doesn't look right." (*#@)(&@#$*(&@#$