Worse or most ignorant thing said to you from a total stranger...



  • Khukhullatus
    Khukhullatus Posts: 361 Member
    spookyface wrote: »
    I remember a long time ago going for a haircut to this place and the hairdresser asked me where I worked. I said, I'm not working right now. Then she asked, who's winning the ball game and I said, I didn't know, and she said, "You're a real winner aren't you? I would of walked out but she already started cutting my hair. Jerk.

    Did your plans for the afternoon change when you realized you wouldn't have to be leaving a tip?
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I used to work in a very nice restaurant. I went to offer a couple a dessert menu and the man said "We're not sure whether we should have dessert here or go for a walk on the beach and have something after" I joked "I'd do both!" and he responded "Yeah, you look like you would do that."

    Credit where it's due, his wife went off her nana at him, made him apologise and leave me a huge tip and I'm pretty sure he got neither dessert nor a romantic walk on the beach after that.
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    edited February 2015
    moijo705 wrote: »
    OP - I've had similar comments when i was heavily pregnant.. you shouldnt let it bother you, even if it wasnt baby weight , its the person commenting that has the issues with themselves. I laugh it off and feel sorry for them , their lives must be so sad.

    The worst thing someone has said to me... I was 21, I just had my 3rd daughter.. A woman asked me to pass her an item off the top shelf in the supermarket as i lifted it down she said 'isn't your baby a bit big to be in a pram?' i said she cant walk... she asked my daughter whats wrong.. i said 'sorry she cant talk either she has brain damage she cant even understand you' as i passed her the item she said ' OH! Well they should put children like that down at birth' ..

    Oh my Lord! This is the worst thing I have heard like ever..... I... cant... even!! I am so sorry that someone would say this to you, it makes my heart hurt!

    I have a friend who has a son that has a disorder and when he was about 4 he still wasn't walking or talking that well. Some one came up to her and started questioning why he was still in a stroller and why he only said a few words because he should be talking much more than that "at his age" My friend then explained to her that he had a disorder and politely told her "just because YOU CAN talk doesn't mean you should".
  • SDB210
    SDB210 Posts: 100 Member
    My son it's autistic and has a sensory disorder and has melt downs in public places when there are large groups of people around. A lady once came up to me while he was having a meltdown in kmart and told me i needed to spank him more. That really ticked me off so i told her where to go!

    Very similar thing happened to me, my son is also autistic, he was in sensory overload and trying to lick the counter in a shop. Two ladies nearby were talking very loudly about how some parents need to give their kids a good smack! So I turned and said, sorry? Are you talking about me and my child? So one of them raised their eyebrows at me and looked at my son having a meltdown at my feet ( because I'd stopped him licking) I told her actually very politely with a smile, that he has autism and some people need to stop judging and remember that things are not always as they seem!
    Their faces were a picture!
  • epido
    epido Posts: 353 Member
    For me, it wasn't what was said that made it so awful, (although it wasn't exactly something I would have done) but who was saying it that made it so much worse.

    I have always struggled with body image, and even though I did become fat as an adult, I was the furthest thing from it as a teen. However, that didn't stop my mother and grandmother from constantly telling me that I was fat, and that if I wasn't careful and didn't do something about it, I was going to be that way my entire life.

    Because the exact thing that a teenage girl needs is for her mother and grandmother to tell her how disgusting she looks on a regular basis. Thanks, family!
  • LeeMarie317
    LeeMarie317 Posts: 207 Member
    I'm super light skinned and I know she's not a stranger but once my sister said "you're not my sister cuz you're a different color than me" of course she was little and so I forgave her..and once a stranger told me I couldn't be Hispanic because I wasn't ethnic looking enough
  • LifeInTheBikeLane
    LifeInTheBikeLane Posts: 345 Member
    edited February 2015
    When I was in school one of the guys who played basketball would pass by my desk on a daily basis and yell, "Nooo mommy, don't make me go near the elephant! It might eat me whole!" as he pointed at me and ran off.

    I had a man approach me on the side of the road one time during one of my rides and ask if "bike riders wore spandex so people would look at their butts". I was in my cycling shorts. I didn't even try to explain, I told him to get the hell away from me!
  • healthygal95
    healthygal95 Posts: 23 Member
    A few months back, after my mom found out I was sexually active at nearly twenty and with a guy I've been with for over a year, (she was so surprised!) she became paranoid that I was pregnant. At one point while sitting on the couch next to her while wearing a tank top, she turned to me and asked "Where did that belly come from? You look different, sort of glowing, Jordan, are you sure you aren't pregnant?" I assured her that I wasn't, and eventually had to tell her it was my time of the month to get her to believe me.

    Also, when my grandparents were visiting, my grandmother commented on how I look healthier, and when I confessed I had gained about ten pounds since they had last seen me, she promised me she couldn't tell, but my grandad loudly said, "Oh, you can't? I totally can!"

    Yeah, my family is peachy!
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,592 Member
    some dude "hey wanna give me your number?"
    me "nope"
    some dude " yea well you look like a ugly meth head anyway i hope you get raped and murdered hahahahahaha"
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    moijo705 wrote: »
    OP - I've had similar comments when i was heavily pregnant.. you shouldnt let it bother you, even if it wasnt baby weight , its the person commenting that has the issues with themselves. I laugh it off and feel sorry for them , their lives must be so sad.

    The worst thing someone has said to me... I was 21, I just had my 3rd daughter.. A woman asked me to pass her an item off the top shelf in the supermarket as i lifted it down she said 'isn't your baby a bit big to be in a pram?' i said she cant walk... she asked my daughter whats wrong.. i said 'sorry she cant talk either she has brain damage she cant even understand you' as i passed her the item she said ' OH! Well they should put children like that down at birth' ..

    I know who should have been put down at birth, and it is NOT your daughter...

    I am seething with anger just reading this. I think I would have slapped her and spit in her face and then said they should put her A down!! I can't believe that BullSh!t people are so F'n ignorant!

  • zaxx1953
    zaxx1953 Posts: 389 Member
    I am half Tunisian Jewish and half Slovak/Hungarian Jewish and I have very curly hair, full lips and arabeque eyes. I also get pretty tan (not like even THAT tan) when I actually go in the sun.

    A lot of people used to insist that I was mixed/Latino/part African American in the past....mostly AA's themselves or Latinos. My brother OTOH looks 100% stereotypically European Jewish and bc of where we've lived and what his name is, he NEVER gets questions on his background.

    If someone asks me my background, I usually just tell them I am Jewish, but some people are like really rude and pry and really like want a family tree or something. It's even more complex because my father is Tunisian but has a German surname, so.....ya....it's a mess to explain in 20 secs. to someone.
  • spookyface
    spookyface Posts: 420 Member
    My SIL said her friend who had adopted an Asian baby went to the customer service desk to get credit for a coupon she didn't receive and the lady said, why are you worried about a coupon? you bought her didn't you? How's that for rude!