RillaVanilla's 125 lb loss thread



  • Sugarnspice1922
    Sugarnspice1922 Posts: 143 Member
    Your getting it done feel free to add me
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    @catmckinley Well done! Congrats on reaching onederland. :smiley:

    @sugarnspice1922 Thanks, will do! I'm always up for more friends. :smile:

  • hippygirl325
    hippygirl325 Posts: 223 Member
    NSVs I'm SERIOUSLY looking forward to as I lose weight (thoughts after having a shower):
    • Clipping my toes nails without having to grunt and strain and contort.
    • Putting my socks on without having to sit down, heave my foot up on the other leg, then drag my foot close enough to me to get my sock on by pulling on the bottom of my pant leg.
    • Putting my shoes on without doing painful contortions of the body or moving my stomach fat out of the way so I can bend over.
    • Wiping my *kitten* without painful contortions of the body.
    • A normal size towel wrapping all the way around me.
    • Having more than one pair of pants that are comfortable to wear.
    • Not constantly tugging at my shirt to make sure it's covering my fat rolls and my skin isn't showing.
    • Walking around the house without shoes on without my ankles and feet killing within minutes.
    • Cleaning my bathtub/shower without needing pain killers after.
    • Clothes that fit well and look nice.

    Yes, I am currently dealing with all of those things. It's not fun.

    I can completely relate to all of that and I feel the same! I'm 5'7 1/2, started at 275 lbs, now down to 246 since Dec 22nd. :) I have made a lot of progress just by changing my eating habits and overhauling my diet. I went low carb, and that for me personally has made all the difference. Cutting out all the sugar and junk food along with starchy foods has made a big difference in my bloating. I never feel bloated anymore. I feel a lot more energy as well. I'm hoping that by my birthday on March 25th I'll have lost close to 50 lbs. Maybe I'll post a progress pic in here later.

    Some of my own NSVs that I'm particularly looking foward to:

    -Sitting comfortably on my boyfriend's lap
    -Being able to walk around in high heels
    -Having an easier time of shaving
    -Being able to cross my legs
    -Wearing cute little dresses
    -Not getting out of breath walking up a hill or stairs
    -Being able to get up from a sitting position with barely any effort
    -Eventually getting pregnant and having a healthy low risk pregnancy
  • ladydianna62
    ladydianna62 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you I went thru a terrible divorce and had a brother and a sister die in same day from different things and I just ate myself into oblivion
    Really glad I found this. Thread it always nice to walk with someone on Sam journeyas yyou nice weight lost so far :)
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you I went thru a terrible divorce and had a brother and a sister die in same day from different things and I just ate myself into oblivion
    Really glad I found this. Thread it always nice to walk with someone on Sam journeyas yyou nice weight lost so far :)

    We have more in common than you realize! I didn't mention my abusive first marriage and divorce, 3 years of single parenting, etc because my weight didn't fluctuate much in that time... I was so relieved and happy to be free after six years of hell that I didn't gain a lot of weight.

    Fortunately I met the love of my life 9 years ago, he adopted my son, and we have been blissfully married for almost 7 years now. Our happy life deserves a healthy fit wife!!

    Jump on board, we can support each other in making good choices...

  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member

    I can completely relate to all of that and I feel the same! I'm 5'7 1/2, started at 275 lbs, now down to 246 since Dec 22nd. :) I have made a lot of progress just by changing my eating habits and overhauling my diet. I went low carb, and that for me personally has made all the difference. Cutting out all the sugar and junk food along with starchy foods has made a big difference in my bloating. I never feel bloated anymore. I feel a lot more energy as well. I'm hoping that by my birthday on March 25th I'll have lost close to 50 lbs. Maybe I'll post a progress pic in here later.

    Some of my own NSVs that I'm particularly looking foward to:

    -Sitting comfortably on my boyfriend's lap
    -Being able to walk around in high heels
    -Having an easier time of shaving
    -Being able to cross my legs
    -Wearing cute little dresses
    -Not getting out of breath walking up a hill or stairs
    -Being able to get up from a sitting position with barely any effort
    -Eventually getting pregnant and having a healthy low risk pregnancy

    @hippygirl325 You might be wheat sensitive. I know once I cut out wheat and some other foods I'm allergic to (soy, whey, nuts, bananas, etc...) a number of years ago my bloating was completely gone and I felt a LOT better.

    Those are great NSVs to aim for! I'm 38 years old and done having babies now myself, but I had a LOT of fertility issues and losing weight certainly helps.

    Cheering you on for your birthday goal! You can do it... :smiley: Feel free to post your progress on this thread (goes for anyone wanting more support).

  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    Oh Lordie! New developments!! We're taking a road trip back to my home town the first week of September. My husband and son will be meeting my childhood friends for the first time, and many of them haven't seen me in a few years, some in a LOT of years (I moved away 15 years ago). We'll be staying with my brother and his family, and doing lots of walking and sightseeing showing my hubs and son all my old haunts... I'd love to lose a lot of weight between now and then so just trying to figure out what would be reasonable... It's ~ 28 weeks away, so trying to figure out what I could reasonably lose between now and then...

    This morning I was 289 lbs... I think I could lose at least 40 lbs and be in the 240's by September 1st, an average of 1.4 lbs/week... I'd have to drop my daily calories from 1980/day to 1720/day. I think I'm ready to take it to the next level?! I've eased into these new habits for the last three weeks and I'm feeling good... If I find I'm too hungry to bear it, I can have the odd 1980 day (that's my setting for losing 1 lb/week) and still have a good loss. I don't know... What do you think? Am I setting myself up for failure? Or giving myself a kickass challenge that's going to take it up a notch and further motivate me?
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    PCOS + TOM (aka Time Of Month) is a *kitten* combo. He's due to show up today, but instead he dropped off his friends Zit and Bloat for a visit in his absence. I know I said I want to weigh everyday, but until TOM has been and gone, the scale is on sabbatical. LOL
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    Weekends at our house are food prep time for the upcoming week. I have a pan of chicken veg fajita filling baking in the oven right now to eat mixed with organic spring mix greens & spinach, cheese, salsa and sour cream. When that's done I'll bake a package of all natural bacon to have with eggs or crumbled on other salads. For snacks I have stocked up on greek yogourt, organic cheese, and natural pepperoni. For fruit I have some canned pineapple chunks and frozen fruit cause there isn't much fresh in season at the moment, at least not for a reasonable price. When the fajita mix is gone I have other salad ingredients like tuna (I mix it up with unsweetened relish, caesar dressing and red onion), or feta, bacon, bell peppers, red onion, and pumpkin seeds in a green salad.

    I'm leaving my macros to what MFP sets them at for the time being, but most days I'm well over the protein and fat goals, and well under the carbs, which is perfect for someone like me who has PCOS and insulin resistance.

    Exercise wise I'm taking a break from the walking and biking because my hips and lower back are very tight and hurting a lot. Instead I put on my HeavyWeight Yoga 3 DVD and did the bed top session today. If you are quite obese like me (high 200's or 300's), Abby Lentz has some AMAZING yoga dvds customized for large figures. I have all three and I LOVE them. Highly recommend googling them and checking them out, great help in easing into a more active lifestyle.
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    Down another pound this morning for a total of 2.6 for the week. I can't make up my mind if I should weigh daily or weekly... I like having a weekly total... But I'm SO curious the rest of the week! LOL

    I'm pretty stoked about losing so much during a week that normally I would gain at least that much from fast food on a road trip, and eating out a lot while I have family visiting. My hubs made a comment this morning about "and you ate all that junk too!". I was like "what junk?", he said, "Oh you know, cheesecake, lasagna, chocolate from Valentine's day..." I told him I worked it all into my plan and don't consider any of it junk. There were no "bad foods", I worked it all into my calories for the day and didn't go over my net calorie goals a single time. Plus I exercised every single day this week.

    Honestly? It wasn't painful to do AT ALL. It felt like living "normal life", except I was planning ahead of time what I was going to eat (when I could), or doing extra exercise for when I needed extra calories.
  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    MimiOfTheLusciousLawn Posts: 2,212 Member
    Awesome thread and progress! I've also got a family trip planned, now 26.5 weeks away and I have to make sure I can fit on the plane! That's my first goal on this journey. Second is to take my grandson parasailing in the summer of 2016. I started mid-January and as of 2 weeks ago, I was down 11.6 lbs (19 from my known all time high). My scale has a dead battery and I'm finding it easier to focus on each individual day without the temptation of the scale. I am quite curious though! When I deem it necessary, I go to my daughter's office and use their scale. I'm almost ready for a new number! My highest known weight was 409, I started at 402 and was 390 and change on the 2nd of Feb. I'm really trying to zoom past the 380's and be in the 370's on my next weigh in. I need to be close to 310 by August 21. I'm tall, 6', so that helps. I've been doing low carb, high fat and tracking everything. My calorie goal daily is 1495, and most days I'm leaving about 200 calories on the table. I eat when I'm hungry, eat until I'm full, and I feel really good! I've cinched my bra in two rows of hooks, can put my socks on without a struggle, lost 4" off my hips, and am totally off all forms of sugar. Sugar and carbs just make me hungrier. No cravings, no ravenous hunger, I just work each day, each meal at a time. Thankfully, TOM doesn't visit anymore, so I don't have to deal with that!
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    edited February 2015
    @Mimilucious‌ sounds like our trips are very close! Please feel free to post your progress on this thread and we will cheer each other on! I started Jan 23rd, so our start dates are very close too! We got this!! I'm excited to have weight loss buddies, that's why I started this thread. :smile: Well done on your losses so far...
  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    MimiOfTheLusciousLawn Posts: 2,212 Member
    Thanks! We DO have this! LOL!
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    I don't know if it's because I'm PMS (and late) or what, but I'm extra hungry today and have decided to go back to my original plan of following the MFP goals, set to lose 1 lb/week. One major thing I'm learning as I go is to be a LOT more flexible. I've always been very black and white, all or nothing, and that does NOT work well when trying to lose weight. It's okay to try something new, but if it isn't working, it's okay to tweak things... just never, never, NEVER quit. I want this to be doable for the rest of my life, and life isn't black and white... it's many (one could even say at least 50) shades of grey (see what I did there... I do make myself laugh sometimes).

    This morning I realized I should be doing a Friday weigh-in for a number of reasons. 1) I started on a Friday - January 23rd, the day after my first consult with the bariatric surgeon. 2) Friday is the only day of the week I get up at the same time every single week so that would mean my weigh in is more accurate. 3) I won't have to keep explaining that this is "week 4", but actually it's only been 3.5 weeks, cause blah, blah, blah... So... I plan to weigh whenever I want, but Fridays will be my official weekly weigh in day from now on.
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    There's something bugging me today after reading a couple forum posts... It's the general tone and attitude towards people who are struggling or "failing" in their weight loss efforts. Are there people who actually feel motivated by other people being harsh and blunt to them? Why is that when someone is hurting or down people think it's helpful to blast them with accusations of "just making excuses" or "being too negative"? That has NEVER worked for me.

    I am definitely more open to advice/suggestions when the approach is kind and compassionate. I'm not saying they should lie to me, but what's up with this hard knocks life "tell it like it is" attitude that seems to be permeating the weight loss community? Does it originate from the Biggest Loser type shows where a trainer screams at someone till they break? Cause it doesn't work like that in real life... Sorry, but it just comes across as incredibly self righteous and condescending. When I'm struggling, I REALLY don't want to hear how hard a life you have had and how you if you can do it, everyone else should be able to just snap out of it and DO IT... You don't live in my life or know my past, or what kind of emotional state of mind I'm in. Maybe I'm just naive, but isn't ignoring or shunning someone when they are being "negative" or feeling like a "failure" just going to make them feel even worse and continue the cycle? Here's a thought... Why don't we help people break that cycle by giving them practical and compassionate support? Sure it takes a little more time and effort, but it's SO worth it!

    As someone who responds best to a gentle touch and compassionate words, here's how I want to be uplifted and encouraged when I'm struggling:
    1. Start by listening, let me know you hear me, and show you care. ie "Wow, you're having a rough time. Sounds like you really need a hug today," NOT "Wow, aren't you full of excuses, why don't you just get off your lazy butt and exercise."
    2. Help me figure out what I'm doing RIGHT, because trust me, I already KNOW full well what I'm doing wrong.
    3. Share a story of a time you could relate to my situation/struggle. Connect with me. Be human and kind.
    4. Do something practical to support me in making small changes. Offer to do a challenge with me, or help me set some relevant goals. ie. "Let's message each other every time we've completed our workout" or "Let's set a timer and drink 4 oz of water every 30 minutes today" or "Here's a recipe that's easy and super delicious, let's both get the ingredients today and do some food prep so we're eating well."
    5. Be honest AND kind. Don't tiptoe around the issues I'm having, don't ignore areas that need to improve, but for the love of all that is right in the world, PLEASE use some tact and kindness when telling me the truth. As Mary Poppins said, "A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down..."

  • dayrae02
    dayrae02 Posts: 28 Member
    Giving yourself a year to see where you are at is a GREAT choice! The surgery is certainly a tool that has helped many people, but if you do not have to take that route, even better! I started in August last year, weighing 280, and am now at 234. I have about 55 more pounds to go to hit my first goal, but I hope that encourages you. Once I got the "diet" aspect figured out, I added exercise. I do not have injuries, so I was able to do things like fitness classes about 3 days a week, and also some walking. Now I am trying to turn my walks into runs very very slowly. Its great not to jump in full force, it lets your body adjust, your mind adjust, and it allows you to continually add goals to work towards. You will be surprised at what your body can do!
  • eml298
    eml298 Posts: 70 Member
    You have made so many important observations about and commitments to your life in your thread so far. I just finished reading through it. I'm really proud of you and hope to cheer you on. I laughed when reading your NSV goals, because I share so many of them. Here's another:

    *Not having to worry about whether I can sit comfortably in any chair, any where.

    I absolutely HATE this!!

    I've just started my own (somewhat similar) thread here: No fear of commitment!

    Please join me, too! :)
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    @dayrae02 That's my thoughts exactly. I've spent the last 25 years trying to lose weight, largely unsuccessfully. I figure if I can stick with a reasonable plan for at least a year I might actually get somewhere. I have to try anyway. And if it doesn't work out, I have the surgery as a back up plan.

    @eml298 Oh yeah, the chair situation is a constant worry. And most are SO uncomfortable!! My bum hangs off the sides, and I often feel like I'm going to slide off. It will be such a relief when I can sit on a chair without even thinking about it anymore! Gonna go check out your thread too! Thanks for joining in. The more the merrier. :smiley:

    AFM (I've seen that in other threads... I'm assuming it means "as for me"?) I'm so exhausted today! I got up at 7 AM to pee, went back to bed but couldn't sleep... got up again around 8:30... puttered around for a few hours but was so sleepy I was dozing off every time I sat down at my computer, so I went back to bed. Next thing I know it's 3:30 PM... Got up, did some exercise on the deskcycle, and finished making supper for the family. Feeling okay now, but geez... what was that all about?!

  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    Much better energy level today. I woke up before my son's 7:30 am alarm and 30 min later was really wide awake due to our electrical company's tree pruning contractors hacking away at the trees on our street... Chain saws and machinery engines are not the most relaxing peaceful way to wake up, just sayin'!!! Now let's hope we have no more windstorm power outages from branches falling on lines!!

    Was posting on @eml298's support thread this morning and she reminded me that I want to reach my goal weight by my 40th birthday too. I just used one of those date calculation sites and it is 1 year and 3 months away, or 66 weeks. That means I need to average a loss of 1.8 lbs/week... Huh. Kind of puts things in perspective this morning. I've averaged 2 lbs a week so far, but I'm not naive enough to expect that trend to carry on forever... Good thing the ice cream and cheesecake are gone now!! :wink:

    I was able to do my 8 min on the desk cycle yesterday without wanting to die. Strange how one day it feels easy and other days each peddle rotation is a struggle.

    Today is the anniversary of my divorce from the abusive ex being finalised... And found out last night my dad is signing divorce papers today with his psycho ex. Strange coincidence, I thought... So happy and grateful to have real love in my life now with my hubs...

  • KrunchyMama
    KrunchyMama Posts: 420 Member
    When I'm on my TOM heavy days, I increase my calories by 100-200. It helps deal with the hunger and fatigue, while still keeping me on track with my 1.5-2# a week weight loss. It sounds like you are doing great so far, and making small changes that are going to have a lasting positive impact! And I also agree about the condescending comments. They drive me crazy with the 'holier than thou' attitude. I have to ignore it, because if I let it get to me then it will just drag me down, and I don't want or need that.