Coffee Calories Add Up!



  • jazzy550
    jazzy550 Posts: 264 Member
    sgthaggard wrote: »
    Coffee is something that I'm not willing to compromise on. Coffee, 4tbsp of half & half, 2tsp sugar - 114 calories. As an added bonus, it keeps me from killing my office mates. ;)

    LOL!!! :):D:p
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    8-10 ounces of coffee, 2-3 table spoons of half and half, and one equal... it's like, 65 calories, tops

    lol. Please don't ever make my coffee that way.

    what's wrong with my coffee??

    Very creamy and equal?! lol. Be my friend still, please.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    8-10 ounces of coffee, 2-3 table spoons of half and half, and one equal... it's like, 65 calories, tops

    lol. Please don't ever make my coffee that way.

    what's wrong with my coffee??

    Very creamy and equal?! lol. Be my friend still, please.

  • jazzy550
    jazzy550 Posts: 264 Member
    This can only mean one thing... Coffee is an art!!! <3:D
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    My normal order from Dunks can be 140-180 calories. I have at least one every day, because you will have to pry a medium caramel iced with skim and Splenda out of my cold, dead hands before I give it up.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    jazzy550 wrote: »
    Noooooo! No skim milk in my coffee. >:)

    I wish I liked or could tolerate anything other than skim! Dunks made mine with cream by accident one day; didn't have time to return it, so I drank it anyways...turns out my stomach doesn't like cream.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    It looks like we are all very particular about how we need our coffee. Splenda and carefully measured CoffeeMate for me. Two 16-ounce cups every morning. Most of the rest of my diet is unprocessed food, so I'm okay with my choice.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    jazzy550 wrote: »
    Does raw sugar have less calories?

    No, and it is no more healthy than table sugar. I don't put anything sweet in my coffee, just a splash (1 Tbl) of half and half. I do use a little demerara sugar in my tea along with a splash of skim milk. It adds a little flavor but not as much as honey does.

  • jennismagic
    jennismagic Posts: 243 Member
    I recently went back to drinking black coffee, and even then, it's just on on occasion. I got stuck in a flavored creamer rut for awhile (thanks, Starbucks addiction), but I've made my way back. No fake sugars, weird chemicals, or unnatural flavors for me. My morning joe comes to 0-2 calories straight up, or about 10 if I add a few drops of vanilla extract.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    I need ALOT of cream in my coffee...8oz coffee, 1/4c (4tbspn) half n half and 3 splenda.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    I switched from a double double (2 cream 2 sugar) to 1 (2%) milk 1 sweetener. Saved a lot of daily calories and didn't take long to get used to. I can't get used to black coffee. I drink black coffee when I must have that perk, but 1 milk 1 sweetener when I want to enjoy it more. I still get my double double when I need a special treat :)
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Coffee is the only thing I drink that isn't water. Occasionally tea, but I don't add anything to that. I consider coffee as part of breakfast instead of something on the side, so it doesn't seem like a huge calorie waste. 2T hwc, 1-2T Tourani, 1 stevia, 15g coconut oil.

    Little cheese on the side, entire meal under 400 calories, and usually not hungry again until after 2. My biggest problem is if I sleep late, don't drink coffee until late morning, and I'm lucky if I get hungry at all again before bed.
  • lisele03
    lisele03 Posts: 133 Member
    edited February 2015
    sgthaggard wrote: »
    ... As an added bonus, it keeps me from killing my office mates. ;)

    I’m not a coffee aficionado, but I also like mine with 4 tablespoons of creamer. I use fat free half and half (I know, it’s an oxymoron of epic proportions!) I don’t use sugar and it’s only about 44 cals. Can you just try and cut down on real sugar? As someone else here said you may be surprised how quickly you can pare down…. Regardless, don’t give up the things you love – just fit them into your daily goals. In some cases (see above) we will ALL thank you!
  • KitkatcuteNYC
    KitkatcuteNYC Posts: 150 Member
    Almond milk/coconut milk is pretty good!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Coffee is like 1 calorie per cup. You are talking about sugar, cream, milk and other additives...
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    Fortunately for me, I've always hated anything sweet in my coffee, so it's just the calories from cream, half-and-half, milk, or unsweetened soy/almond/etc. milk (I'm already particular about no sugar, so I can't be particular about the "milk," so long as it's not skim milk, which turns the coffee an unappetizing shade of greyish brown).

    Typically I put 1 Tbsp (15 ml) of half and half or 2 Tbsp of milk per an 8 fl oz (240 ml) cup of coffee, so that's only 20 calories per cup at most. I learned to drink it black when one place I worked only had those powdered non-dairy creamers; they get all clumpy and taste a little sweet to me, so I would rather drink it black. But if I can get half and half or milk, it's worth the 20 calories. Espressos I generally drink black, and americanos (hot or iced) I drink black if they're made just right - otherwise the milk or half and half covers up the fact that the drink is too weak or too strong (acidic).
  • jazzy550
    jazzy550 Posts: 264 Member
    Almond milk/coconut milk is pretty good!

    I tried Almond milk before just don't taste right to me. It seems heavier then half and half like you have to keep stirring it...
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    edited February 2015
    I like milk/creamer in my coffee. I have 4 TBLS of sugar free vanilla liquid creamer, 4 Splenda, and 12 oz. of coffee in the mornings. My coffee is 80 calories and 3 carbs. You can say what you want about artificial sweeteners, but, they are for me. I'm also diabetic and have to watch carbs and sugar.
  • jazzy550
    jazzy550 Posts: 264 Member


    No, and it is no more healthy than table sugar. I don't put anything sweet in my coffee, just a splash (1 Tbl) of half and half. I do use a little demerara sugar in my tea along with a splash of skim milk. It adds a little flavor but not as much as honey does.


    I like milk and sugar in my tea! Has to be black tea; none of the fancy green tea or flavored tea...
  • jenglish712
    jenglish712 Posts: 497 Member
    I just like it black.