Rate my Diary please



  • myfatass78
    myfatass78 Posts: 411 Member
    Yes eat peanut butter on its own, people do it all the time. Of course you'd have to weigh it though.

    But you have been finding a lot of "reasons" why nothing can change, either your financial situation or you just don't want to eat different foods. Basically your options are change or don't change, if you don't like any of the changes then accept you maybe won't lose fat any faster or you'll continue being hungry.

    This is exactly it. Maybe you should figure out what you really want (to keep doing what you're doing, or to make a little change). There are tons of people that can help you, you just need to have an open mind!

    I ate something so feel lots less grouchy. Ready to hear suggestions again !!!
  • 49Elle
    49Elle Posts: 80 Member
    edited February 2015
    OK - you are right.. you need more protein. Turkey mince is cheap and available from Coles.. you can make this into small meatballs with egg small amount of fresh breadcrumbs and seasoning. Make a batch.. have on their own as a snack or pour over a tin of low salt tomatoes.. have it with greens. Not much effort there.

    Dahl.. red or green lentils... cheap, cheap, cheap. You might say they create a 'wind' problem.. not if you soak them overnight and change the water well in the first 3 hrs. Trendy too.. do a search on the internet for good low cal recipes. You can use this as a dip to have with celery & carrot sticks or crackers.. just do the count.

    Soup.. easy to buy some soup bones, vegies in season & some lentils, some dried herbs to season and as suggested in a crock pot for the day (or night) and you have soup for dinner or lunch which you can freeze for later (push out the flatmates ice cream). If you like pumpkin & sweet potatoes with an onion .. another great soup and there have been lots of recipes on 'MFP hello healthy' lately

    Plus I don't think you are having enough fibre in your diet and wind is an indication of not great tummy bacteria.

    Try and put aside some time to plan & prepare some food for the week. If you read the success stories on here, so many refer to prepping their food for the week - having the ingredients to go. You can be frugal but planning what your going to have for the week ahead is essential when money is tight - but effort is required like Malcolm Fraser (ex Aussie Prime Minister) said "Life wasn't meant to be easy"
    .. the more effort you put into this journey of learning about what you can eat for the calories you can have & lose weight the happier, more satisfying and sustained you will be!
  • myfatass78
    myfatass78 Posts: 411 Member
    12dream wrote: »
    OK - you are right.. you need more protein. Turkey mince is cheap and available from Coles.. you can make this into small meatballs with egg small amount of fresh breadcrumbs and seasoning. Make a batch.. have on their own as a snack or pour over a tin of low salt tomatoes.. have it with greens. Not much effort there.

    Dahl.. red or green lentils... cheap, cheap, cheap. You might say they create a 'wind' problem.. not if you soak them overnight and change the water well in the first 3 hrs. Trendy too.. do a search on the internet for good low cal recipes. You can use this as a dip to have with celery & carrot sticks or crackers.. just do the count.

    Soup.. easy to buy some soup bones, vegies in season & some lentils, some dried herbs to season and as suggested in a crock pot for the day (or night) and you have soup for dinner or lunch which you can freeze for later (push out the flatmates ice cream). If you like pumpkin & sweet potatoes with an onion .. another great soup and there have been lots of recipes on 'MFP hello healthy' lately

    Plus I don't think you are having enough fibre in your diet and wind is an indication of not great tummy bacteria.

    Try and put aside some time to plan & prepare some food for the week. If you read the success stories on here, so many refer to prepping their food for the week - having the ingredients to go. You can be frugal but planning what your going to have for the week ahead is essential when money is tight - but effort is required like Malcolm Fraser (ex Aussie Prime Minister) "Life wasn't meant to be easy"
    .. the more effort you put into this journey of learning about what you can eat for the calories you can have & lose weight the happier, more satisfying and sustained you will be!

    I was looking at lentils in the supermarket but I have never cooked them before so need to find some recipies. That was already on my mind.

    Yes, there is not enough Fibre in my diet and I have been trying to find ways to get around that

    Last time around the diet wagon, I planned and planned and yes I lost weight but also trying to stick to a plan drove me insane. If I was out and needed to eat something, it wasn't on my list and would throw everything out. I take food to school but I often run out of things to eat so need something on the way home.

    I went through my cupboards and found some other sources of protein. I have put them in my diary already for today.
  • myfatass78
    myfatass78 Posts: 411 Member
    Thanks for giving me a kick up the *kitten* everyone !!! I kind of needed it. My food has been getting sloppy.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Cheapest way for a student on a budget to get protein? Canned beans. Heat them on the burner and eat them right out of the can with a spoon. If you're concerned about sodium, you can drain and rinse them before eating them, though if you're otherwise healthy, it's no big deal to have a bit of sodium.

    Canned fish, like tuna or mackerel, is also an easy and cheap source of protein. Just scoop it out of the can and eat it in a sandwich, on a salad or on its own.

  • myfatass78
    myfatass78 Posts: 411 Member
    Ok today has been completed. Can I get some feedback please !!!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited February 2015
    Cooking is not some magical difficult process. If you are smart enough to be studying, you are smart enough to master basic tasks like chopping vegetables, measuring ingredients and throwing them in a slow cooker or on a grill

    There are a million and one recipe sites

    Say you got a stock pot you could buy a pack of chicken thighs (they are cheap), take off the skin ...throw them in a frying pan with spray oil for a few minutes each side then salt and pepper them and chuck them in a slow cooker.

    Chop an onion and pepper and throw in the frying pan for a few minutes with crushed garlic until soft

    Chuck them on top of the chicken thighs, pour over can of chopped tomatoes add a bay leaf and a teaspoon oregano and salt and pepper then stir

    Switch on low for 8 hours whilst you're out studying and serve over rice (which you've boiled in a pan or microwaved)

    You then have a meal of chicken cacciatore which is low calories (around 300-400) and decent protein plus future meals (Tupperware is your friend)

    Is that really challenging? There are a million and one easy recipes out there
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    myfatass78 wrote: »
    I simply can't afford to buy things like Chedder Cheese as they are $7 a block and don't fit inside a sandwich to well. I love peanut butter but what could I use it with if I am going to cut our bread ??

    You're not supposed to eat the whole block in one go.

    Peanut butter can be eaten in so many ways that don't involve bread o:)

    And you are saying that you want to use cheese with bread, but can't eat peanut butter because you're not going to eat bread? It sounds a bit incongruent to me...
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Also bags of lentils and potatoes etc

    Just google cheap healthy meal recipes
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    myfatass78 wrote: »
    Ok today has been completed. Can I get some feedback please !!!

    Today today you had more protein! ! :D
    How do you feel?

  • cheyenne_liddi
    cheyenne_liddi Posts: 8 Member
    I would cut back on the cream/dairy and carbs. Cutting out animals products is a good way to lose weight in general.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    I would cut back on the cream/dairy and carbs. Cutting out animals products is a good way to lose weight in general.

    Ummm... no.
  • myfatass78
    myfatass78 Posts: 411 Member
    edited February 2015
    Actually I feel pretty good. I noticed that I had to pee less (sign of not enough protein and VitaminB), no need to snack at night as I was pretty full. I went through the pantry and found some protein powder I forgot about from ages ago as well as some unopened brown rice that belonged to former housemate. My housemate showed me how to use the rice cooker without overflowing it. It was fantastic.
  • myfatass78
    myfatass78 Posts: 411 Member
    I have some water retention, which again protein can get rid off. I cut the salt down except for a URAL (just making sure not UTI) and slept pretty welll considering how hot it was.