Has anyone tried the Lemon cleanse?



  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    Oh my this just got good...

    *pulls up a chair*
  • Pupslice
    Pupslice Posts: 213 Member
    It's a ploy, headed by big lemon, to sell more lemons.

    LOL I read that in Urkel's voice
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    edited February 2015
    jcmorse563 wrote: »
    cleanses.. there are reasons for cleanse... for instance if your a virus carrier like hep b, and some c's, a liver cleans is very helpful. Most don't know that the hep virus is something that your liver lets in to help fight toxins in the liver, when you do a liver cleans such as the 8 oz fresh organic lemon with 8 ounces of organic virgin olive oil this is a big help to your liver. (after you take something to open the liver ducts) Another reason for a cleans might be a partial obstruction, a small intestine cleans such as 32 ounces of purified water with about 4 tablespoons of pink rock salt first thing in the morn on an empty stomach will cause your body to flush your intestines. However, in a perfect world our liver, kidney's and gallbladder is all we need for detoxification, however, we don't live in a perfect world and for most people the food they eat has all kinds of added toxins that our bodies where not meant to deal with on the levels we put in. Thanks to big industry, and supermarkets we have to have food that stores longer in shipment, and lasts on the shelf. If your a person that looks at this stuff, try's to buy organic, non genetically enhanced food, without pesticides, your ahead of the game.. Or even if you like to buy at your local farmers market its a big help. But if your buying all your produce at Walmart thats a different story. The day's of the Local store that sold locally grown stuff was the healthiest, but that's long gone. As a person that used to have these problems, thank you Jesus for healing me, I can attest that not all these are evil.. however, make sure you take it up with your nutritionist and or doctor first...
    ^That. That is some comedy gold.

    It's got everything, woo, conspiracy theories and Jesus.

  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    JESUS WILL CURE YOU....but, hedge your bets and do a cleanse.

  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    marlown wrote: »
    MFP forums are not a good place to ask about cleanses, detoxes, intermittent fasting, etc. Lots of haters out there on this subject. I'm about your age and I have done this and love it. Still go back to it occasionally if I start eating more unhealthy foods. I will send you a friend request and if you accept, I will let you know my experiences with the lemonade fasts. Have a good day!

  • eloise80
    eloise80 Posts: 37 Member
    I don't think that it removes toxins, and I don't recommend it exactly.... However I did the lemon master cleanse for 10 days and ALSO a water cleanse (only water and green tea) for 10 days about 2 years ago and it jump-started my weight loss and I've gradually lost 20 pounds in past 2 years. (Very slow last 10 pounds and I'm still going, first 12 from cleanses and gained a few back after eating.)

    I was going through a lot of bad stuff in my life and was in need of something to focus on- it was a spiritual experience of fasting for me too. But I don't think I will EVER do it again.

    I was vey very weak and wasn't working at the time but no way I could have gotten through a normal work week or taken care of a family. I was totally on my own those weeks.
  • koosobie
    koosobie Posts: 27 Member
    EWJLang wrote: »
    Great lemon cleanses:

    1) dip half a lemon in salt to shine a copper pot
    2) lemon juice and baking soda will remove stains from a white enamel sink.
    3) Cleanse your lemons before zesting for garnish or soaking in vodka to make limoncello.

    I think I love you. hahahhahha!
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    EWJLang wrote: »
    JESUS WILL CURE YOU....but, hedge your bets and do a cleanse.

    Well, sometimes he's busy. That's when you round up random items from your refrigerator door and drink them all together.


    I feel like we haven't spent enough time in this thread discussing why you have to have maple syrup and cayenne in this thing.
  • butterflyrae2010
    butterflyrae2010 Posts: 44 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP - have your liver and kidneys stopped working??????

    No they have not. In fact I am in excellent health (my doctor says) other then I personally want to lose about 10 more pounds.

    Even if it DID detox a body, I am really not sure how anyone could do it. Back in my younger, more naive, years, I did the "Cabbage Soup" diet for all of 2.5 days. I am pretty sure I was supposed to do it for longer than that, but halfway into the third day, my head started to spin, I grew fangs and I threw things at people...apparently I was more than a little hangry. :wink:

    Why make yourself miserable?

    True, I don't want to be miserable. I was just asking the question, if anyone had done it. I have fasted before for one day, which my doctor said is ok to do, but that is the longest I have gone without solid food.

  • butterflyrae2010
    butterflyrae2010 Posts: 44 Member
    ErikThaRed wrote: »
    I did a smoothie "cleanse". I drank fruit and green veggie smoothies for 10 days for breakfast and lunch, and a healthy meal for dinner. It also allowed for healthy snacks all day long (veggies, fruit, nuts). It helped lose some weight and get my mind on the right track for eating better. I'm not a doctor or nutritionist so I can't comment on cleansing any toxins, but it helped kick start me on my journey and I have been doing fairly well after that initial 10 days. My go round was in November. Lost 24 lbs since i started so it helped me. Again, I can't comment on the science of it, but an all lemon water cleanse seems pretty drastic. The one I did, I still had a lot of nutrients from the smoothies and then also had a nice healthy dinner. The snacks also helped to keep me full so I wasn't really starving myself, just eating better.

    That is fantastic. I love the smoothies also. My favorite is unsweetened almond milk, 1 leaf of kale, 1 fresh orange, 1 half banana, ice cubes and 2 tbsp. flaxseed. I try to have one of these at least 3 times a week. substituting the orange for an apple. Congratulations on your weight loss. Keep up the good work
  • butterflyrae2010
    butterflyrae2010 Posts: 44 Member
    jcmorse563 wrote: »
    cleanses.. there are reasons for cleanse... for instance if your a virus carrier like hep b, and some c's, a liver cleans is very helpful. Most don't know that the hep virus is something that your liver lets in to help fight toxins in the liver, when you do a liver cleans such as the 8 oz fresh organic lemon with 8 ounces of organic virgin olive oil this is a big help to your liver. (after you take something to open the liver ducts) Another reason for a cleans might be a partial obstruction, a small intestine cleans such as 32 ounces of purified water with about 4 tablespoons of pink rock salt first thing in the morn on an empty stomach will cause your body to flush your intestines. However, in a perfect world our liver, kidney's and gallbladder is all we need for detoxification, however, we don't live in a perfect world and for most people the food they eat has all kinds of added toxins that our bodies where not meant to deal with on the levels we put in. Thanks to big industry, and supermarkets we have to have food that stores longer in shipment, and lasts on the shelf. If your a person that looks at this stuff, try's to buy organic, non genetically enhanced food, without pesticides, your ahead of the game.. Or even if you like to buy at your local farmers market its a big help. But if your buying all your produce at Walmart thats a different story. The day's of the Local store that sold locally grown stuff was the healthiest, but that's long gone. As a person that used to have these problems, thank you Jesus for healing me, I can attest that not all these are evil.. however, make sure you take it up with your nutritionist and or doctor first...
    That is a lot of info. I don't believe I have any of those problems hep or a partial obstruction but it is some interesting information. Thank you for your input.
  • butterflyrae2010
    butterflyrae2010 Posts: 44 Member
    eloise80 wrote: »
    I don't think that it removes toxins, and I don't recommend it exactly.... However I did the lemon master cleanse for 10 days and ALSO a water cleanse (only water and green tea) for 10 days about 2 years ago and it jump-started my weight loss and I've gradually lost 20 pounds in past 2 years. (Very slow last 10 pounds and I'm still going, first 12 from cleanses and gained a few back after eating.)

    I was going through a lot of bad stuff in my life and was in need of something to focus on- it was a spiritual experience of fasting for me too. But I don't think I will EVER do it again.

    I was vey very weak and wasn't working at the time but no way I could have gotten through a normal work week or taken care of a family. I was totally on my own those weeks.

    So you did it for weight loss or for the cleansing? My co-workers said they were very weak also.....our jobs are very physical, so feeling weak would not great at work.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    jcmorse563 wrote: »
    cleanses.. there are reasons for cleanse... for instance if your a virus carrier like hep b, and some c's, a liver cleans is very helpful. Most don't know that the hep virus is something that your liver lets in to help fight toxins in the liver, when you do a liver cleans such as the 8 oz fresh organic lemon with 8 ounces of organic virgin olive oil this is a big help to your liver. (after you take something to open the liver ducts) Another reason for a cleans might be a partial obstruction, a small intestine cleans such as 32 ounces of purified water with about 4 tablespoons of pink rock salt first thing in the morn on an empty stomach will cause your body to flush your intestines. However, in a perfect world our liver, kidney's and gallbladder is all we need for detoxification, however, we don't live in a perfect world and for most people the food they eat has all kinds of added toxins that our bodies where not meant to deal with on the levels we put in. Thanks to big industry, and supermarkets we have to have food that stores longer in shipment, and lasts on the shelf. If your a person that looks at this stuff, try's to buy organic, non genetically enhanced food, without pesticides, your ahead of the game.. Or even if you like to buy at your local farmers market its a big help. But if your buying all your produce at Walmart thats a different story. The day's of the Local store that sold locally grown stuff was the healthiest, but that's long gone. As a person that used to have these problems, thank you Jesus for healing me, I can attest that not all these are evil.. however, make sure you take it up with your nutritionist and or doctor first...


  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    eloise80 wrote: »
    I don't think that it removes toxins, and I don't recommend it exactly.... However I did the lemon master cleanse for 10 days and ALSO a water cleanse (only water and green tea) for 10 days about 2 years ago and it jump-started my weight loss and I've gradually lost 20 pounds in past 2 years. (Very slow last 10 pounds and I'm still going, first 12 from cleanses and gained a few back after eating.)

    I was going through a lot of bad stuff in my life and was in need of something to focus on- it was a spiritual experience of fasting for me too. But I don't think I will EVER do it again.

    I was vey very weak and wasn't working at the time but no way I could have gotten through a normal work week or taken care of a family. I was totally on my own those weeks.

    So you did it for weight loss or for the cleansing? My co-workers said they were very weak also.....our jobs are very physical, so feeling weak would not great at work.

    they were weak from the lack of calories.

    to lose weight you need a moderate calorie deficit

    ten days on nothing but water and green tea like the poster you quoted is a starvation diet. of course you lose weight you didnt eat for 10 days but its not fat you lost its a combo of water, lean muscle mass and some fat

    personally i want to keep my muscles in tact as much as i possibly can

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    edited February 2015
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP - have your liver and kidneys stopped working??????

    No they have not. In fact I am in excellent health (my doctor says) other then I personally want to lose about 10 more pounds.

    Even if it DID detox a body, I am really not sure how anyone could do it. Back in my younger, more naive, years, I did the "Cabbage Soup" diet for all of 2.5 days. I am pretty sure I was supposed to do it for longer than that, but halfway into the third day, my head started to spin, I grew fangs and I threw things at people...apparently I was more than a little hangry. :wink:

    Why make yourself miserable?

    True, I don't want to be miserable. I was just asking the question, if anyone had done it. I have fasted before for one day, which my doctor said is ok to do, but that is the longest I have gone without solid food.

    if you want to lose ten more pounds just keep eating in a deficit and exercising, that is if you currently exercise…

    a lemon cleanse has absolutely nothing to do with losing ten more pounds….ziltch, zip, nada….
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,064 Member
    If I remember rightly, John Wayne died of lung cancer.

    OP, do not smoke - now that is good health advice to take from the death of John Wayne.
    - Lemon cleanses ? - irrelevant .
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    edited February 2015
    jcmorse563 wrote: »
    cleanses.. there are reasons for cleanse... for instance if your a virus carrier like hep b, and some c's, a liver cleans is very helpful. Most don't know that the hep virus is something that your liver lets in to help fight toxins in the liver, when you do a liver cleans such as the 8 oz fresh organic lemon with 8 ounces of organic virgin olive oil this is a big help to your liver. (after you take something to open the liver ducts) Another reason for a cleans might be a partial obstruction, a small intestine cleans such as 32 ounces of purified water with about 4 tablespoons of pink rock salt first thing in the morn on an empty stomach will cause your body to flush your intestines. However, in a perfect world our liver, kidney's and gallbladder is all we need for detoxification, however, we don't live in a perfect world and for most people the food they eat has all kinds of added toxins that our bodies where not meant to deal with on the levels we put in. Thanks to big industry, and supermarkets we have to have food that stores longer in shipment, and lasts on the shelf. If your a person that looks at this stuff, try's to buy organic, non genetically enhanced food, without pesticides, your ahead of the game.. Or even if you like to buy at your local farmers market its a big help. But if your buying all your produce at Walmart thats a different story. The day's of the Local store that sold locally grown stuff was the healthiest, but that's long gone. As a person that used to have these problems, thank you Jesus for healing me, I can attest that not all these are evil.. however, make sure you take it up with your nutritionist and or doctor first...
    That is a lot of info. I don't believe I have any of those problems hep or a partial obstruction but it is some interesting information. Thank you for your input.

    This is not info. It is a lot of something, but it is not info. It is closer to 100% pure bull *kitten*, which, I guess is at least "natural" and "clean" because it came straight from the bull.

    This just gave me an idea. I am going to start selling a "bull *kitten* cleanse" It is all natural! Straight from the bull! 100% "clean" and "organic" ingredients!
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,013 Member
    I add lemon zest and juice to the mashed potatoes of my shepherds pie. It lightens things up and the lemon detoxes the lamb fat into non toxic tastiness, who would have thought.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    I add lemon zest and juice to the mashed potatoes of my shepherds pie. It lightens things up and the lemon detoxes the lamb fat into non toxic tastiness, who would have thought.

    I'm a vegetarian, but I make shepherd's pie with lentils. Adding lemon zest to the potatoes sounds brilliant. Thanks for the idea.

  • elleykat
    elleykat Posts: 75 Member
    I like to put slices of lemon in my water, it's delicious. Isn't it bad for you to drink salt water, and that's why we don't drink the ocean? (OK, that wording was stupid, but you know what I mean.)
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