The Gym is great for people watching!!



  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    geez i think your right!! we have both the ***** and the crazy dude just thinking about it!

    yeah if you can read a book, your not working hard enough (unless of course your doing low intensity fasted cardio :P )
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    tone, muscle sculpting, shaping...


    all complete myths...getting annoying heearing those words...thrown around so much these days.
    You cant "tone" or "shape" your muscles...our genetics have already determined what they look and grow like.
    Want more "tone"? shred more fat and add more muscle.

    felt like pot stirring.

    ok pot stirrer.... In my case, that is what I mean by toning.... To get the shape back that genetics have mapped for me. BUT some people without doing strengthening and toning exercises will not see the potential if they didnt do them. You add muscle by doing strengthening exercises... and toning does it in a way that you don't add bulk. I have simplified this explanation but tried to get the major point across.

    sorry, hehehehe.

    just not a fan of all the made up marketing terms in the fitness industry. drives me crazy!

    they include:
    diet with names,
    hell even weight loss!!! ( i prefer fat loss, haha).

    and my personal favourite i love to hate:
    cellulite. (term penned by Vogue? magazine in the 70's) - its just fat, lol, and not any different to any other.

    Dont mind me though! I'm just frustrated that i cant make it to gym tonight (without trainging at 2200, gym closes @ 2200 :(...)
    Though i am contemplating going for a run when i do get home, haha
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    OMG I was in the free weights area today with no iPod... WE HAVE A GORILLA GRUNTER!!! I get grunting- I do it. Generally the grunt happens on that last rep that you have to force to finish... But this gent was doing shrugs and with each lift he let out a fair gorilla style grunt- funny part the speed at which he was doing the shrugs sounded like he was calling for his silver back mate. :noway: I couldn't help but stare in the mirror waiting for him to beat his chest and fling poo, It was VERY entertaining. :laugh:
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Dear old lady at my gym,

    Bad enough you have to blow dry your pubes and under your boobs with a hairdryer... that's experience enough before 8am to be putting me off my breakfast...


    But PLEASE....!!! When you liberally apply your talcum powder with the hairdryer still on, I would be grateful if you could aim it away from my protein!

  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    Love this thread!

    I am probably one of the oddballs at my gym! Each machine has its own little tv attached to the front that you plug your earphones to, and I usually catch an episode of 'Everybody Loves Raymond' or 'King of Queens', and sometimes even an Adam Sandler movie, and I end up laughing out loud, or worse, trying to hold in the laugh and snorting instead!

    One of the other oddballs at my gym is this woman who lifts weights like her life was hanging in the balance. The quirky thing is that she sounds like a tennis player when she's doing it - I always know when she's there as I hear her before I see her! It makes it hard to keep ones concentration so I know I won't be doing weights while she's in!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Well I had a good laugh yesterday... one of the new 16 year old kids had a personal training session with a very attractive trainer. I could see him checking her out with every move she was showing him.

    Thinking about signing up for a consultation myself! :laugh:
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    There is a guy at my gym that always smiles at me and makes a "tck" sound. All he needs is the finger guns and it would be perfect!
  • Peanutmanda
    OOOO, OO!! I have a great one! There is a boy... and although he stays at the gym for atleast 3 hours most days (thats how long i am there) he only actually works out for Maybe 5 mins..

    Its like he just stares off trying to get pumped, and 45 mins later does 3 pull ups, sits for an obnoxious amount of time and then goes and sits on a different machine.

    (Very annoying for those of us who want to USE that machine, not just sit one it... )
  • laura4410
    laura4410 Posts: 44 Member
    When I go to the Y during the day, I am the only person under the age of 70 I swear!! Night time is a much younger crowd, but during the day I am eye balling the nearest defibrillator the whole time just waiting for when I am going to need to snatch it. Now dont get me wrong, I am proud of them for keeping fitness on the top of their priority list, plus it makes for some pretty great stories!!

    1. The guy who STANDS on the treadmill with his oxygen tank by his side. If he was moving that would be one thing, and I should be applauding him. But, no. He literally just stands there, feet on the edge while the treadmill runs. The first time I noticed this, I thought...hmmm, maybe he isnt sure how to work it. Or maybe its like jump rope where he is just waiting for the "right moment" to hop on. I ran 3 miles, all the while he is still standing. Then he finished, wiped down the machine, and moved on. I thought maybe it was a fluke or maybe he just finished his workout but wanted to finish his tv show...but nope. I have seen him half a dozen times, same treadmill, same time, still standing.

    2. The coffee/donut/jean gang. There is a little mezzanine area, with tables and coffeepot/snack machines, etc. And I always see the same little old men there drinking their coffee and enjoying their donuts. No big deal, until a few minutes later I see them hop on a treadmill or a their jeans...right after their pre-workout donut. lol
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I am trying to think of any weird people in the gym, but I can't, so it must be me :laugh: . Some people probably did think I was weird when I was doing my run intervals on the track. I sprint 3/4 of the track and then fast walk the last 1/4. The last time I did this there were multiple groups of 2-3 people that love to walk side-by-side on a three wide track :noway: .
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    blow dry your pubes and under your boobs with a hairdryer...

    I just threw up in my mouth a little.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    My favourites at my gym are:

    1. Vain skinny older woman
    She seems to be there whenever I'm in the gym, could be any age from 45 to 60 (I'm guessing towards the top end), nut brown and beautifully coiffured, lifting heavy weights but not daring to break a sweat for fear of ruining her designer gym togs. Sometimes accompanied by her parter, a mulletted nouveau riche type who could easily be a retired rock star. I suspect she must keep in shape for fear of being ousted by a younger model.

    2. The doormen
    They shake the floors every Monday, fresh out of manning the pub and club doors of north London. Their enormous bulk does not entirely owe itself to muscle, but you wouldn't tell them that. Shaven-headed to a man, their weight belts are all that stands between them and a hernia as they throw weights bigger than me around, making a noise like a mating rhinosaurus.

    3. The jacuzzi hogs
    They fork out a substantial sum every month for gym membership but wonder why they never lose any weight. Could it be that every weekend morning when the rest of us are churning out lengths in the pool they sit beside it in the jacuzzi and gossip? I think they might be swingers. I'm never getting in there just in case.
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    2. The coffee/donut/jean gang. There is a little mezzanine area, with tables and coffeepot/snack machines, etc. And I always see the same little old men there drinking their coffee and enjoying their donuts. No big deal, until a few minutes later I see them hop on a treadmill or a their jeans...right after their pre-workout donut. lol
    I was running at the fitness center in my complex and saw a kid lifting in skinny jeans, chucks, and the whole emo getup including jewelry. It couldn't have been comfortable. The room was 73 dgrees.
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    Ok, I really paid attention today.
    We have 2 bionic women that I have noticed.

    I love the
    I Want to Look Like I Know What I am Doing Newbie - this is the one that gets on a machine and sits for 5 minutes trying not to look like she is reading the directions. Then when she finally starts the exercise She is having to stretch real far because she didnt know she had to adjust the seat or bar. (We have all been there - fess up)

    Then we had the
    Trainer/Trainee? Duo.... It was obvious who was training who, but neither really had any idea what to do.... I give them kudos for working together to make it work for both of them.

    The Grunge: The one that comes in with the hat turned sideways and the sweats that hang 5 inches over the shoes. good thing he just lifts weights and not the treadmill... He probably would kill himself. I have to say though he was very fit so the clothes you wear certainly dont make a difference.

    Have any of you ever paid attention to the other people watchers in the gym.... you know we are soooo obvious!
  • HonestPuck88
    He wasn't at a gym, but it's in the same vein....When I was a kid, I would go to the town pool almost everyday in the summer (I had nothing better to do).

    Everyday, this man in his 70s would arrive, an hour before the pool closed wearing a bright yellow speedo and do these impressive dives off the diving board (back flips and stuff). And everytime he got out of the pool to dive again, he would dry himself off. He was really sweet and taught be how to dive.
  • anidiotabroad
    I've been going to the gym alot lately and its interesting to see the same people there the more you show, but I always think to myself 'If i'm remembering all these people, are they remembering me?'.

    There are a few people who make me laugh, like the 'Look at me!' guy. He runs on the treadmill for a few minutes, jumps off (with it still running) and throws a med ball up in the air about 20 times, then goes and does chin ups for a minute, then runs back to the treadmill again and starts over. Dont get me wrong, I admire the enthusiasm and the fact he can do this 5 or more times before finishing, but it just makes me giggle a bit.

    Then there is the 'I want to be a powerlifter!' guy. This guy is huge! He walks around with his arms pretty much level with his shoulders like he's carrying a roll of carpet under each one. Its like he's moving in slow motion when he walks, like he thinks the slower he walks the more people will look at his sweat patches under his arms. Wish he wouldn't though, they smell!
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246

    Then there is the 'I want to be a powerlifter!' guy. This guy is huge! He walks around with his arms pretty much level with his shoulders like he's carrying a roll of carpet under each one. Its like he's moving in slow motion when he walks, like he thinks the slower he walks the more people will look at his sweat patches under his arms. Wish he wouldn't though, they smell!
    I think we all have one of these at our gym!! too funny.
  • brittfam
    I have a sweaty singer- gets on the treadmill and goes to town while singing. I have yet to determine what music he is listening to. But when he " sings" which comes out a sound like a crying cat.. it really gets peoples attention haha.
  • 35again
    35again Posts: 46 Member
    I don't get to hit the gym as often as I'd like anymore but what I see at mine:

    The Oompa Loompa - why? Cuz this dude looks exactly like the head oompa loompa from the original Willy Wonka movie. All he'd need is a bad orange spray tan and some white paint on his eyebrows.

    The treadmill pretender - they get on the treadmill, stand there and hit some buttons, fidget with their ipod/towel/clothes, hit more buttons, but never actually starting the treadmill. Then they get off and head to the locker room like they just did a marathon workout.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    The treadmill pretender - they get on the treadmill, stand there and hit some buttons, fidget with their ipod/towel/clothes, hit more buttons, but never actually starting the treadmill. Then they get off and head to the locker room like they just did a marathon workout.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Excellent!!! I've never seen that but it made me laugh. I see a lot of treadmill casualties, you know the ones who do two or three sprint reps of no more than a minute and then stagger off half dead. :huh: