The Gym is great for people watching!!



  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    their weight belts are all that stands between them and a hernia as they throw weights bigger than me around, making a noise like a mating rhinosaurus.

    Oooooh yes!!!! Plenty of those at my gym. LOL :laugh:
  • TiffyL
    There's a "body builder" at my gym that wears a colorful striped spandex onsie!!! The kind wrestlers wear. He thinks he looks soooooo hot hahahaha!!!
  • Lacole216
    I go to step class on Mondays and here recently we had a new participant. It's a woman probably mid to late 40's....NO rhythm but thinks she's groving out! Only thing is that's not the funny part.....she's one of those top heavy folks that are built like *kitten* brick know, broad shoulders, big boobs, big belly, no booty and small legs. She does, however, have flabby thighs....but none of this stops her from wearing the shortest, tightest shorts ever and still rolling them up (or down, however you want to look at it) where you can almost see her hip bone and at the same time see her "tramp stamp" (no judgement there....I have one too) and the smallest tank top with her belly hanging out and top rolled down under her bra where you can see the tattoo on her breast! She struts through the entire class and makes up her own steps because she can't quite catch on. It's absolutely hilarious! then when class is done she'll go do the "bend and snap" routine from Legally Blonde to get her water bottle and go strutting back out into the gym constantly looking around to see if anyone is watching! Too funny!

    "Bend and snap" lmao! too funny :laugh:
  • micklepickle61
    I'm never going to the gym. surely I'd end up as the topic of one of your comment here. :-)
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    mickle, I am sure we all have nicknames that other people call us.
    I remembered one gym I belonged to that some other people from work went to... we had nicknames for everyone, and we didnt have to ask who we were talking about.
  • wanda1956
    Oh that cracks me up!!!:laugh:
  • abihaila
    abihaila Posts: 24 Member
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    There's an old chap in my gym... code name "Free Willy"...

    He wears very baggy shorts with nothing underneath.

    Willie is also UK colloquial for the male 'organ'.

    He likes to use the abductor machine.

    The rest is self explanatory. :embarassed: :noway:
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    now that I'm finally a member of a gym, I might have to pay more attention and people watch...these are hilarious!

    I'm so oblivious to the people around me when I'm working out LOL
  • facerme
    Im the crazy person who smiles when it aches/hurts/ cuases pain........... keep smiling people :happy:
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    haha! these stories are great. Keep em coming!
  • anidiotabroad
    Oh I forgot the 'Mirror'guy!
    I was doing some sit up excercises the other day and I looked in the weights room while resting and saw a guy just staring at himself. I thought maybe he's just resting too and in a bit of a daze, but then he started holding onto the weights machine in different arm positions. Now that may not sound too bad, maybe he was just figety or something, but what he was actually doing was checking his arm muscles out doing different things. He must have done this for a good 5 minutes, checking out every position and grinning at himself as if to say 'yeah, i'm awesome!'. Really, you're not lol...
  • FitPhysique
    FitPhysique Posts: 284 Member
    OMG! I Love this tread. It's hilarious. I've had it up all day and reading a page at a time couple of my cowrkes have come over and asked me if I was alright because I have been laughing sooooooo hard.

    I'm so glad I never worry about whether people are watching. I now mostly work out at the gym at my job. I am everything...the heavy sweater, the treadmill/elliptical girl. Lately, I've been on this kick and been wearing headscarves, bandanas and whatever, oversize shirt etc. Most are from road races that I've done. Sometimes I do look nice but it's purely by accident. Most of the time I look like I'm ready to work out. A lot of my fellow exercisers are the execs of the company and they don't look matchy matchy. They look like average joe. Anyways, who cares If ppI watch you. I'm like whatever. I'm in my own world a lot of time. Lunchtime is when to go if you want to see a fashion show :laugh:

    Someone from an earlier post said something about P90x . I'm doing the P90x at 6:30 in the morning in the aerobic room. I have had several ppl joined me and several have bought the program and other programs as a result. No I am not a coch. Now we have to fight over the T.V. LOL. There are people doing Insanity, Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire and another lady that does Yoga. Eventhough it's a "at home workout , It's just nice to do it at the gym. I love love going to the gym eventhough I love being outside.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Just back from a hilarious spin class. Two youngish girls in their early twenties on a day pass....

    I have NEVER seen so much make up in one face!! And we're not just talking about the full works but also fake eyelashes and fake hair (cheap extentions) and wearing pink sparkly dimante encrusted streetwear. Both obviously trying to use the face to make up for the shortcomings of the body.

    I'm not sure whether in the US you're familar with the term "chav"...?!

    Well... two tracks and they were melting!!! :laugh: Two tracks after that they looked like they were dying... :laugh:

    I mean WHO wears make-up to spin?????
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Just back from a hilarious spin class. Two youngish girls in their early twenties on a day pass....

    I have NEVER seen so much make up in one face!! And we're not just talking about the full works but also fake eyelashes and fake hair (cheap extentions) and wearing pink sparkly dimante encrusted streetwear. Both obviously trying to use the face to make up for the shortcomings of the body.

    I'm not sure whether in the US you're familar with the term "chav"...?!

    Well... two tracks and they were melting!!! :laugh: Two tracks after that they looked like they were dying... :laugh:

    I mean WHO wears make-up to spin?????

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    This reminds me though, when I was going to the gym on base there was one lady in itty bitty workout clothes, which hey, if you can wear them, why not, the thing that always cracked me up is the HUGE pearl necklace she was always wearing. I'm guessing they weren't real, because who on earth would wear that on the elliptical?? She must of been a General's wife or something :happy:
  • boardedney
    boardedney Posts: 31 Member
    The leaping Lady might be tripping and you're catching the tail end of it where she has to catch I am also the oddball in the gym. I hop off the treadmill while it's still running to crazy stretches and in spin class, they make fun of me and call what I'm doing, "Spoga" because of all the stretching. LOL! I'm a personal trainer/massage therapist though... and one of the funniest things to me is when some dude who thinks he's all fit and strong, is doing something with such awefull form that I think, 'There's $65 headin' my way cuz he's gonna need treatment after that craziness!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    The leaping Lady might be tripping and you're catching the tail end of it where she has to catch I am also the oddball in the gym. I hop off the treadmill while it's still running to crazy stretches and in spin class, they make fun of me and call what I'm doing, "Spoga" because of all the stretching. LOL! I'm a personal trainer/massage therapist though... and one of the funniest things to me is when some dude who thinks he's all fit and strong, is doing something with such awefull form that I think, 'There's $65 headin' my way cuz he's gonna need treatment after that craziness!

  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    lol I hear you about form, I see kids trying to emulate the bigger guys in the gym and struggling trying to bust a testicle to lift weight that is to heavy for them. I had to stop one kid before he tore a muscle and show him proper form. I spent years working out in university and learned proper form from trainers and magazines. It took time to get it right but once I did its funny to see guys throwing 100 pound arm curls with their whole body figuring they are strong instead of doing it right and then watch me do it with lighter weight and bone straight using just my arms and getting much better results than they are.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I've got another one for you guys...
    Twinkle Toes!!
    I just noticed this guy tonight... He was young-ish (mid twenties tops) looked rather fit (he's tall (well over 6 feet) and lean) he was wearing your standard matching nike running gear. Any other time he would have blended right in... HOWEVER, he was on the treadmill tonight and if he was going faster than 4.5mph I'd be shocked. He was making the motion like he was jogging but taking REEEEEEEEALLY tiny steps. I was waiting for him to bust out a eukele and start singing "Tip Toe Through the Tulips"

    He kept this up for the better part of my 30 minutes on the elliptical and I got to watch in all it's glory as I was right behind him. I was staring in wonderment when the hot guy on the stair stepper next to me stifles a laugh... I look at him and realize he too is witnessing the spectical and we both lost it.

    Crazy Laughing Cardio People.
    Its a super sweaty girl on the elliptical and a hot guy on the stair stepper losing their *kitten* over Twinkle Toes... yes people were staring probably trying to figure out what was so damned funny. :bigsmile:
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    It took time to get it right but once I did its funny to see guys throwing 100 pound arm curls with their whole body figuring they are strong instead of doing it right and then watch me do it with lighter weight and bone straight using just my arms and getting much better results than they are.


    Some people seem to have no idea between strength and simple physics (i.e. using momentum not strength!).

    Watching the weight swingers is always a favourite.