The Gym is great for people watching!!



  • boardedney
    boardedney Posts: 31 Member
    Great stories!

    There is a lady that will come into step-class late and place her step - front and center- no matter how close to someone she is :ohwell: .

    The old man in step class who you should avoid being in back of cause - Whoa - he will let some out some stink bombs :laugh:

    The "weight lifter" who's been there for years- and still looks the same - no definition with some tiny legs... :laugh: Just saying Guys, please work your legs just as much as your upperbody.... a lollipop isn't a good look :laugh:

    The lady with the "bad body" wearing the shortest shorts possible - where you can see some of her butt cheeks come out the bottom :indifferent: :laugh: I often wonder if these women have the highest self-esteem and confidence.

    The lady throwing punches while on the elliptical... just saying :laugh:

    Bad breath you can smell from three machines away :noway: :sick:

    Keep'em coming :flowerforyou:

    Oh no! I'm the lady on the elliptical throwing punches! LMAO!!!!
  • boardedney
    boardedney Posts: 31 Member
    5. Me, Myself, and I: When I used to work out at the YMCA with individuals of older age, I found myself becoming quite competitive if I noticed they were going harder and longer than me. I was the crazy girl that waited for the elderly man or woman on the machine next to me to set their rate and time, and then I'd set my machine on more resistance and go 10 minutes longer. I got sick satisfaction out of this.

    Now imagine the sick satisfaction you get when some birdie twenty years younger does this next to your treadmill, then DIES on her @rse half an hour later, when you just stroll off (having finished your warm up) and walk into spin... :devil:

    Ha ha! I've done that....SMH on the way into spin....or have you ever been in spin watching someone's crazy fast cadence when you're supposed on a hill and wonder how they are doing it? Well, if you wait til after class and get on theor bike, you'll see how when your foot drops out from under you cuz she had almost no tension! LOL
  • spaboleo
    spaboleo Posts: 172
    Great topic :smile:
    I might have got another one:

    Thy gym-date couple:
    Since about 2 years there is a guy in our gym that frequently brings his girlfriend to the gym.
    They always come around 9p.m. and leave at 11p.m. in the same car. I have never seen them kissing or anything else, but he once called her something that could be translated to "darling" or "sweetheart". So it is undiputably that they are a couple.
    The most weird thing about it is that he only does weights the whole two hours long and she is following him like a supporter on every step. She–a really skinny chick–even gives support and secures him, when he is bench-pressing with over 80kg (over 176 lbs).–A weight she could never near enough hold for a second. :smile:
    But they both seem to have fun...somehow ^^
    And that really frequently 3 or 4 times a week!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    There is a guy that is at my gym, everytime I am there... He wears one of those tops that make you sweat. I don't know how he does it... but he gets on the elliptical for about 60 minutes.... Hats off to him, but I just sweat watching him.

    I think the routines that woman have in the locker room are interesting. When I go before work, I have noticed that not one person gets ready in the same way. But everyone, including myself has our own exact same routine every time. I am one of those shower dress primp in 10 minutes... but there are others that can be in their every bit of an hour.
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    Great topic :smile:
    I might have got another one:

    Thy gym-date couple:
    Since about 2 years there is a guy in our gym that frequently brings his girlfriend to the gym.
    They always come around 9p.m. and leave at 11p.m. in the same car. I have never seen them kissing or anything else, but he once called her something that could be translated to "darling" or "sweetheart". So it is undiputably that they are a couple.
    The most weird thing about it is that he only does weights the whole two hours long and she is following him like a supporter on every step. She–a really skinny chick–even gives support and secures him, when he is bench-pressing with over 80kg (over 176 lbs).–A weight she could never near enough hold for a second. :smile:
    But they both seem to have fun...somehow ^^
    And that really frequently 3 or 4 times a week!
    I actually think that is kinda cute. I would never be that girl but still.
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    The best this I've seen yet is the girl that wraps herself in seranwrap before getting in the sauna. I could never do it. I don't like saunas to begin with but she is in there regularly so it seems to work for her.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Snot rockets are a common thing among road cyclists.

    There is a whole art to it... Pinch your nose above the nostrils and aim your head as if you were looking back under your arm pit, blow hard, and swipe your fingers down as you do. The rocket should fly nicely and you should have very little left on your nose or fingers when you do it right.

    Technique will perfect over time. :bigsmile:

    When pack riding, beware of the person behind you. :embarassed:

    And in headwind it might end up down your legs... :huh:

    lol...This cracks me up! I never knew!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    The best this I've seen yet is the girl that wraps herself in seranwrap before getting in the sauna. I could never do it. I don't like saunas to begin with but she is in there regularly so it seems to work for her.

    I've seen people do that before too...wrapping up in saran wrap or garbage bags under their clothes. :huh:
  • spaboleo
    spaboleo Posts: 172
    They are overlooking that the heat accumulation isn't healthy for the body at all.
    Only because it's called "burning fat cells" externally applied heat doesn't do the twist.

    They actually harm their skin and overall balance...if the skin heats up you start to sweat to cool down. It's that simple in the usual case...If you overheat your skin without letting it breat and evaporate sweat your most important organ–your skin–will get disbalanced.

    PLUS from an engineering point of view:
    plastic-foils are the cheapest of all pre-products. They usually get extruded (e.g. via blowing), which opens the molecules mesh structure. Everything added to this molecules mesh, but not directly bonded, as some of the infamous softeners/plasticisers, will be easier set off. If you additionally heat the foil...well you'll get the point.

    All the harmful substances, like Bisphenol-A go directly to your skin...

    great idea :smile:
    Please never ever do that
  • pkpzp228
    pkpzp228 Posts: 146 Member
    The best this I've seen yet is the girl that wraps herself in seranwrap before getting in the sauna. I could never do it. I don't like saunas to begin with but she is in there regularly so it seems to work for her.

    I've seen people do that before too...wrapping up in saran wrap or garbage bags under their clothes. :huh:

    This is standard practice in the world of wrestling (not the fake kind) and It's quite dangerous. For wrestlers there's no confusion, it's not about "burning fat", it's about immediate weight loss through dehydration. Weight loss like up to three or so points in the next few hours. You make weight then you rehydrate. Google sauna suit.
  • ahartery9891
    ahartery9891 Posts: 139 Member
    I was in the gym the other day and this young guy was doing push ups while in a handstand :P
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    It would be nice to see people really push themselves, but the last time I was at the gym I saw five people just strolling on the treadmills at 2 mph. Waste of freaking time.

    Just FYI... walking at ANY pace is good for you and NOT a waste of time!! Be careful when you judge others. Funny is funny... and we ALL do funny/stupid things. But you should NEVER put someone down for trying.
  • traininglady911
    traininglady911 Posts: 39 Member
    bump for later
  • cinnaluna
    There's this guy at our gym who usually wears really short shorts, that are slightly baggy, and then he'll put his leg up on something and stretch right in front of women. He did it to me once. o.O
    It was rather disturbing... .-.
  • omgitsgarry
    omgitsgarry Posts: 138
    Unfortunately, my gym closed down a few years ago, but I use to love to people watch, There was this once guy who use to dance on the treadmill. He'd fall off of it a few times, but it was always fun to watch him shimmy along. Another guy use to walk backwards. The older folks where also fun to watch, mostly cause you thought they were going to take their walkers on the treadmill with them (it was more of a senor center gym), but even when some where on oxygen and couldn't go that fast, they still where on for a good 15 minutes. It wasn't good when all of them where taken though and Ellen was on. I liked watching Ellen on the treadmills.
  • NotSoShabby
    for one, the 80 something year old male geriatric in my morning Zumba class, wearing short shorts and a headband, who spends half the class with his back to the instructor, smiling away at all the ladies in the class, while repeating the same (very slow) move for the entire class !!!!

    and then, there's the anorexic old lady who seriously must weigh only 75lbs, she does Zumba at 8am and then jumps on the treadmill for two hours !!! Every time I look at her I wish I could hook her up to a nutrient IV line.

    thats just the Zumba class !!

    but my biggest pet peeve has to be the folks who sit back on the stationary bike, wearing regular clothes, reading a Novel, casually pedalling about 2mph ........... did they really need to come to the gym ??? I'm sure you could simulate that on your couch at home !!!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    At my old gym, we had a guy in the weight room that would occasionally walk over to the garbage can, put a finger over one nostril, and basically blow his nose hard directly into the trash can.

    The first time I saw this, I was visibly repulsed. He seemed to think there was nothing to it.

    Somebody asked him about it once and he called it a "farmer blow" as if this explains everything.


    Yup, that's one variation of the name for it, but it's really only socially acceptable to do that if you're in a location where nobody else has to see you do it.

    I've seen kids (and a coach as well) do this on the soccer pitch. ALWAYS made me crazy! So one day I asked my son if he ever did that. "of course, mom. you are so lame!" LMAO
  • socrates9011
    socrates9011 Posts: 8 Member
  • JanW01
    JanW01 Posts: 91 Member
    well...I went to my zumba class the other morning and this woman comes in a little weight. She keeps bouncing around like a boxer in betweetn songs. Like, exagerated was quite annoying actually and she left early too.

    Then at a gym I went to in Asheville this one guy would ride the eliptical so hard he would fall off it.

    I was bouncing and marching between songs at my Zumba class yesterday. I was wearing my HRM and wanted to keep my heart rate up for the full hour. I hope it didn't annoy anyone but if it did.....tough :)