no wonder i was/am fat...



  • SamBski
    SamBski Posts: 3 Member
    Ugh, I just read the past 4 pages and I thought 'I didn't have very many bad habits... Hang on fatty yes you did.'
    I'm a firm believer in honesty so here it goes.

    Ben and Jerry's Phish Food Ice cream, 1 container in 2 days.
    Chocolate chip cookies, whole package 2 days.
    Cheese. Never enough cheese. (From Wisconsin, ya'know)
    Fruit Smiles Fruit snacks, jumbo value size box in 4-5 days.
    Buffalo Wings, so many buffalo wings.
    Fried Chicken, mine or KFC.
    McDonalds food! Jalapeno doubles, McChickens, Big Macs, Habenero Ranch Quarter Pounders, Medium Fries, Buffalo Ranch McChickens, Caramel Frappes and omg Shamrock Shakes
    Fritos Flamin' Hot cheetos, 1 bag in 1 sitting
    Pasta dishes with alfredo sauce especially. Never enough pasta.
    Fried Pickles.

    I think that's it. That's at least stuff I did regularly or went through cycles with.

    Also no portion control whatsoever. Boyfriend is 6'3 and eats like a moose because he moves/works more/harder than I do and I'm like "Well, if he can I can too!' Uh.. No, you can't, Sam.

    Now I have a food scale and a fridge full of veggies which I love. I'm sorry veggies I didn't mean to leave you! I also have portion control now for my favorite things. Feels good man, feels good.
  • k2mexox
    k2mexox Posts: 72 Member
    Normal McDonald's meals was 10 piece nugget meal large drunk and a mcdouble. On more than one occasion I upped it to 20 piece.

    Dunkin donuts was big and toasted, donut, and medium iced coffee.

    A few times a week. Ugh. Makes me sick just thinking about it. Over a thousand calories for each meal.
  • softballmonkey45
    softballmonkey45 Posts: 11 Member
    edited February 2015
    Half a pan of brownies... in less than 2 hours. No wonder I have the gut I do. And a whole half gallon of ice cream in a different afternoon. Chocolate is my addiction.
  • amandaiams
    amandaiams Posts: 73 Member
    Hmm...well, where to begin. I could drink a liter of wine a night, every night for about a year (alcoholic much?) I can eat a pizza myself, a box of cookies, a tub of ice cream etc etc. I've had terrible eating habits and I think it's because I reach for food when I'm stressed, mad, upset, bored etc. Now I'm counting my calories quite carefully using MFP and have lost about 17 lbs.
  • cmsu64113
    cmsu64113 Posts: 474 Member
    Two mcdoubles and a large fry :(
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Just too much. Yep
  • Captain_Wobbles
    Captain_Wobbles Posts: 240 Member
    by using this logic for everything...
    Hungry for plate of fries
    Make plate of fries
    Accidentally put too much ketchup on fries
    Make more fries to offset ketchup fry ratio
    Not enough ketchup now
    Add more ketchup
    Accidentally add too much ketchup
    Make more fries
    repeat until no ketchup remains
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Half a pan of brownies... in less than 2 hours. No wonder I have the gut I do. And a whole half gallon of ice cream in a different afternoon. Chocolate is my addiction.

    Me too.
  • soccerkon26
    soccerkon26 Posts: 596 Member
    Going to a restaurant and eating a family-size dessert (all to myself) instead of getting an actual meal
  • jellybeanpumba
    jellybeanpumba Posts: 24 Member
    I can eat an entire bag,box,jar, of about anything you give me! When I have bad days now I still force myself to log so I can see the numbers for myself, it makes me think twice about stuff I eat

  • mom2ava07
    mom2ava07 Posts: 186 Member
    edited February 2015
    I blamed the additional 25 lbs on baby weight, until my baby turned 3 and I realized that ship had long since sailed.

    I look back and think no wonder I kept putting on weight. I did good during the day. I drank plenty of water, and never ate out for lunch, always bringing fruit, a sandwich, other sensible foods. When I got home it was an eating and soda drinking fest from about 530 pm til 10 pm. I would literally snack the entire time I made dinner (usually chips), eat two full plates of whatever I had cooked, and right before bed have a huge glass of chocolate milk and a sweet such as 6 cookies, huge brownie, sometimes both. Looking back, I can't believe I ate that much and wondered where the weight was coming from every morning that I weighed and saw the number creep up.
  • megsta91
    megsta91 Posts: 92 Member
    My weakness is both pizza and ice cream and always has been. I try to just stay clear of both because it's very hard for me to limit myself.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    When I lived at home I would go to the convenience store and pick up several chocolate bars, fundip, and nerds. Sneak them into the house, and pig out on them down in the basement where no one would see.
    After moving out there were times where I ate out for every meal. My subway lunches alone would probably be 1100+ calories.
  • VailCat13
    VailCat13 Posts: 7 Member
    A full box of angel hair or thin speghtti pasta. Raw. Ate it right out of the box, like chips.

    And booze. Microbrews and Malbec for days.
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    10 beers and super nachos 3-4Xs per week. Yeah....
  • xotaaay
    Getting a small Coffee Coolatta with 2 glazed donuts every morning or a grande Caramel Frappucino with 2 birthday cake pops. And sometimes I would get 2 Coolattas a day. Dunkin' Donuts/Starbucks used to be an addiction :'(
  • xotaaay
    I could still eat a whole pint of Ben & Jerry's if I REALLY wanted to ;-)
  • Broaders1977
    Broaders1977 Posts: 5 Member
    I thought the metabolism I had at 18 would be with me forever!
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited February 2015
    I thought the metabolism I had at 18 would be with me forever!

    It's crazy how much young people burn. When I was 12-20, I'd eat a medium pizza to myself, no problem. Or two poutines from Harvey's for lunch, no problem. My weight was dead-centre normal the whole time. I only started gaining - and massively at that - in my mid-20s, after a bout of a medication. I lost that weight. Then, I gained again (less this time) when I started my restaurant tour. (Then I regained a little bit again after I was injured). the end
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Large portions of everything for supper, fast food lunches, and lots of beer and the many dips I would make and eat with chips, I use to say I was a dip addict.