Unhappy about Weight Loss (5'7)



  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Body dysmorphic disorder is a terrible thing, and you should see a therapist if you can, rather that trying to lose weight. It will never bring you happiness.

    I agree with her.
  • ecutmore
    I wanted to share my story with you, I'm 25, I had a baby 14 months ago, I work in the fitness industry. In July 2013 I was approached buy a Herbalife distributor. I had about 8 pounds that I wanted to shift, my training needed a kick up the butt, and I was eating well but still felt a bit lost. THis lady told me about the Herbalife 24Lean programme i was very sceptical at first, but I thought no harm in giving it ago, and I haven't looked back since. In 4 weeks I lost 9.5 inches off my body, 7% body fat and 6 pounds. I have 2 abs that you can actually see lol It wasn't just shakes as herablife is known for, but a meal plan where I was and am eating 4-5 meals a day, my energy levels are up, I feel motivated and in better shape than I was before I was pregnant. I love exercise it is my therapy. Now I am helping people reach their goals with Herbalife whether you like working out or not. I would love to help anyone that is feeling a bit lost, as I have been there.
  • suzyfj8
    suzyfj8 Posts: 257 Member
    You are not fat, you look gorgeous in your photos, I would love to be your weight, focus on the bits you love about your body rather than things you want to change :)
  • jmp1958
    jmp1958 Posts: 24 Member
    Shift your focus to fitness, not weight!!!