name one habit that you feel has helped you significantly on this journey?



  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    For me, I feel that drinking plenty (and I do mean plenty) of water every day has helped me significantly. Even on those bad days when I have eaten more than I wished I did, when I have been well hydrated it really kept me feeling "less bloated" the next day, on track and feeling good!

    Weighing everything I eat and learning not to demonize food. Everything in moderation. Okay so that's two I guess. :)

  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    For me, it has been dealing with the issue of eating out of emotions. I dont look at food as good/bad - i just look at it as energy. When I am anxious or sad, I tend to not eat now...when before, I would go and eat non-stop until I felt better.
  • hayleyquin
    hayleyquin Posts: 37 Member
    Weighing my food
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    Logging everything single thing I eat and drink
    Giving up my daily ice break
    Giving up chocolate
    Weighing my foods
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Cessation of the on/off mindset
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    Pre-logging my day so I can make adjustments if I need to.
    Weighing my food.
    Drinking a lot of water.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    edited March 2015
    Weighting & logging food
    Drinking water
    Tracking my macros

    There isn't one single thing...they all work together.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Cessation of the on/off mindset
    This is a good one. For me it means not thinking of it as a journey. It's just daily life and sensible, healthful eating. Which to others might mean "journey". To me, journey implies a destination or arrival at an endpoint, where you stop, and a linear progression (ideally).

  • cazpom37
    cazpom37 Posts: 88 Member
    logging my food. filling my diary has become a daily habit whether im home or out and it keeps me on track with less chance of me over indulging.
  • cazpom37
    cazpom37 Posts: 88 Member
    Mine would definitely be drinking tea when I'm bored instead of eating. Plain water can get boring and tea gives me the flavors without the calories; plus it keeps me hydrated and warm!

    snap. i love my tea.

  • SR_86
    SR_86 Posts: 58 Member
    Drinking water, I bought a cool pink water bottle that I carry around with me and I drink from it constantly.
    Pre logging meals! It's Sunday today and I know what I'm having for breakfast lunch and dinner for the next 4 days. I have left calories spare for snacks which I decide on the day :)
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    edited March 2015
    Exercise 6X/week
    Planning meals out for the day
    Drinking Water
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    3 liters of water a day
    weighing my food
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    I go to the gym first thing every morning.
  • DKG28
    DKG28 Posts: 299 Member
    cooking more frequently. sight, sound, and smells definitely enhance the experience of eating, and the satisfaction from having cooked really helps fill in for the loss of satisfaction that used to come from eating a large amount. I'm talking real recipes, not boiling frozen veggies. Been trying a lot of new things - the fun of new ingredients and new cooking utensils is actually really helping!
  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    Sticking to my calorie goal is my most important habit. I don't often have time for exercise; life is busy, etc. But I can always make sure I control my intake.

    I also make sure I drink plenty of water- over 100 oz a day. Without it, I notice I feel crappier.
  • RainyDaysAgain
    RainyDaysAgain Posts: 69 Member
    Keeping notes about what good and bad food choices during the day, and why I made them. It sounds silly, but it helped me feel like I was taking control of my choices. Also, looking back at what I struggled with a month ago helps me realize how far my thinking has come. :)
  • May33338
    May33338 Posts: 300 Member
    Focusing more on the journey then the outcome and learning how to eat and exercise better. Learning and accepting that there will be times of imperfection and being okay with that. Knowing that as long as I keep at it, I will succeed.
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    Not depriving myself of anything but instead, just eating smaller portions.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    unpopular opinion but for ME - weighing daily is an absolute must or I play weird psychological games with myself like "hmm I will eat this, and this but then I won't weigh until Tuesday so I won't see the 2 lb of 'sodium weight' that it causes".

    Daily weigh-ins are hugely important for me. I lapsed in doing them for a few months and even though I am close to my goal it was disturbing to see my weight plateau for a long time...back to daily weigh-ins and back to losing weight.