

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Hello Ladies! I have been so enjoying your posts for the past couple of months and feel like I've gotten to know many of you. I decided it was finally time to join in the fun and support.

    Since I know so much about all of you it is only fair that I share who I am. This is quite difficult for me because I'm typically a very private person but I get a sense of nurturing from all of you. It's as if you hold each other in a warm embrace.

    I am 58 and live in the suburbs of Boston, yes, the snow capital of the US this winter. To say that it has been difficult is an understatement but we are a resiliant bunch.

    I have always battled with my weight and have tried various diets and exercise programs (including MFP) with limited success. As I got older I found that I would lose a couple of pounds and gain them back even though I was "being good". I would get discouraged and go back to my bad habits because I felt that no matter what I did I just could never lose weight. I blamed age, menopause, my height, my gender, but never myself. I was so unhappy with the way I looked it affected my life. I hated shopping for clothes (something I had loved to do in the past) and would beg out of social events because I had nothing to wear. Last winter I began to have knee problems for the first time in my life and the inability to walk comfortably scared me. Even this didn't motivate me to get serious about losing weight.

    Something clicked in my brain the end of last summer, I attribute it to anger. I had some major personal setbacks and I was angry at how I had no control over what had happened and how it had affected my life. I began to channel that anger into something positive. I did have control over what I chose to eat and if I exercised. I pulled the elliptical machine out of the corner of the room and I sweated out the anger. And it felt good. I began logging my food religiously on MFP (177 days as of today). And I felt better. I got a fitbit and began to increase my daily steps and I began to lose weight!!

    I have been losing slowly, some weeks only a fraction of a pound and some weeks nothing at all (I admit I don't log in any gains). But, I have lost almost 25 lbs. since September and I am absolutely thrilled. I have 19 lbs. to go before I hit my goal and we'll see how I feel at that point. I have not been this weight in about 15 years and I feel 20 years younger!! I walk in the mall to get my steps in (because there is so much snow it's too dangerous to walk outside) and I find myself shopping...I get a kick out of trying clothes on in a smaller size.

    I am not too angry anymore. I have learned to live with my new situation and have made peace with it (for the most part). I am a much happier person though, and I am proud of myself. BTW...that 7 feet of snow was no match for me because I am a much stronger person this year! (I don't have a snowblower).

    I still have struggles and will turn to this wonderful group of women to help me as I hope you will turn to me for help.

    March goals:
    11,000 steps daily
    64 oz of water daily
    Under calorie goal daily
    weights 2x/week

    Everyone have a great day!
    Chris in snowy MA

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,625 Member
    dia_nruf wrote: »
    Hello everyone. I have been reading your posts and am wondering if I can join your group? I love how supportive you all are. I am in need of friends for both motivation and support to finish the goals I have for myself. I started this quest in January of this year. So far I have lost 19.4 pounds (even though my stats state differently). My goal is a total of 60 pounds.

    My name is Beth, I am 56 and live in Maine.


    hello beth, you've basically joined by posting. just keep chiming in, whenever, i'm wayyyyyyyy over here on the other side, in Washington, I too am 56 (gonna b in May, so might as well say it). keep up the weight loss, you'll make it!
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Hello All,

    I didn’t get my physiotherapy done yesterday, but in the interest of celebrating successes, I was able to get grocery shopping done by myself for the first time since last July. I’m also down 1.2 lbs as of this morning… guess I can’t take the weigh scale back on warranty now. :)

    Thought for the day: Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong. - Ella Fitzgerald

    Ladies, thanks for all the support… there be “love and inspiration " here.

    Carey - Edmonton
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,147 Member
    Snowdoggy - I just record it under cardio exercise and enter what I do for strength there with the amount of calories I would burn for that amount of time.

    Janet Myrtle Beach - I just wanted to let you know that I really admire you! your words at the beginning of your post about people succeeding always puts a smile on my face. as well as your words savor always comes to mind when I am eating.

    Cindy in South Md - enjoy that slice of pizza! I have been craving pizza for a couple of weeks now and plan on eating it sometime this week. just include it in with your calories quota and you will be fine.

    Sassy aus Austria - you have great goals for the month! good job on last month.

    Tina in MD - welcome back! You are on the right track again. everyone of us has had trials along the way. just get right back up on that horse and ride on!

    Katla in beautiful Northwest Oregon- enjoy your visit with your DS and DDIL! No matter what that bread will taste delicious! enjoy

    Davette - glad to have you here! You will get a lot of support from the ladies here. good job on the weight loss. come back often.

    Rita from CT - good job on your February goals!

    Vickil57- I'm with you, I am looking forward to 30's by the end of the week!

    Heather - are you a chef? Your meals sound so delicious!

    Beth - welcome! You are a lot like me. I started in October with around 60 lbs to lose. I lost around 34. I just turned 57. Visit often, you will enjoy the ladies here.
    Chris in MA - welcome to our group! You have been doing a wonderful job with your goal. I have about the same amount of weight left to eat to lose as you do. we can do this together!

    Everyone have a great day

    Mary from Minnesota
  • clgswisher
    clgswisher Posts: 7 Member
    Well I was doing so well this week, then someone brought cupcakes :o. Yes, I did partake in one lemon cupcake, guess that means more minutes on the elliptical this evening. Not going to beat myself up about it though. Hope everyone is doing well - keep plugging along!!
  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    Thank you all for the warm welcome.

    Chris in MA - I understand the snow and beating it, but I do have to say I am ready for spring!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Happy spring break day 2. I picked up a lot of stuff around the house and paid the bills, went to the bank but forgot to pick up my antique clock at the clock hospital. I am slowly getting all mom and dad’s clocks up and running and this one has already been in but stopped running again. I called to ask how to transport an anniversary clock and the guy said that he was going to call me and offer to bring the clock out and set it up; he thinks it’s uneven or something like that. So, yes! And he’s going to take the other clock back.

    We also had our old (’93) infiniti hauled off today; we donated it to npr.
    A couple of times today the back of my knee has popped causing horrible pain. Not sure why. I am well on my way to my 7500 steps and I lifted my weights, so knee be damned.

    Vicki” I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you to get that job! Happy birthday! Our church has services at 8, 9, and 11. The early one is very, very small with a handful of elderly people and when they all die, the church will drop that service. We all like the 9 o’clock service…contemporary, but hate the traditional 11 o’clock one.

    Mary: are you the one with the chicken fajita salad recipe? I had it today for lunch so thank you very much!

    Dammitjanet: good news on the phone bill. It was for 2 months. We started right at the beginning of a billing cycle, so this bill is for Feb + they bill us at the start of the month, so it had both Feb and March on it. Thank goodness. I was all set to be really p***ed off at them!

    Michele: we gave up Verizon even though I got a huge corporate discount and I had a very inexpensive plan because when I went in their stores (didn’t matter which one) they treated me like crap, probably because my plan was so cheap! I had an old Motorola flip phone that I had to order batteries on amazon…they shipped them for free probably because they were trying to get rid of them LOL

    Kim: hooray for the new dishwasher!

    Joyce: omg your post said “when we built this house our oldest was a baby and it eventually died.” I thought you were talking about the kid, then realized you were talking about the dishwasher. I really think my blood sugar was low. I didn’t have any protein for breakfast. I can’t think of protein to have at that time of day other than eggs and I eat plenty of them.

    Sylvia; I know I asked before, but never saw your answer….where do you live? I hope the snow ends for you soon. You could always send some here.

    Yanniejannie: here’s hoping the snakes stay OUT!

    Cynthia: I know what you mean but I think that woman needs to learn a lesson. I hope your knee pain goes away!

    Pat: I have my moments of feeling disconnected here too. I always have to have word open and type a reply to each person as I read.

    Barbie: safe travels! A change of pace is always good

    Snowdoggy; there are cals under cardio for “strength training”

    Tina: congrats on losing 5 of those sneaky pounds! I have put on a few with my knee, so you are in good company. You are always worth of being here

    Rita: my brother in Nashville has been iced in for several days this winter! Good job on those February goals!

    Heather: your meals never cease to amaze me!

    Carey: I’d say that was an impressive nsv!

    Welcome to all the newbies! This is a wonderful and supportive group!

    OK I’m off for now. Take care all, Meg from Omaha where I see even more robins today!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    edited March 2015
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Afternoon, lovely ladies.

    Sassy, I give you an “A” on your month for February. Keep up the good work.

    Tina, good job on turning things around, but don’t ever feel you aren’t worthy. There are lots of us here that are stalled, or have gained, or don’t eat like we know we should. Welcome back and come often.

    Katla, I hope you find your key. If it were me, I’d also look all the places it shouldn’t be. (Oven, fridge, pantry: who knows?) :D

    , welcome. Good for you on your 16 pounds. Come here often and you’ll get lots of support and maybe some ideas to help you with your journey.

    , were you “mistakenly” trying to type on a phone or is there some new-fangled phone I don’t know about?

    Rita, I’d say you did well with your February goals. Of course the one that gives us the most satisfaction is that scale moving. It’s slow going here too but we just have to stick with it. I hope the snow is about over for all of you.

    Vciki, have fun at the “Big Squeeze” tomorrow. I was at the place for my mammogram a few years ago and a rather large, loud lady came in and announced “I’m here for the Big Squeeze” and I just about fell off my chair laughing. I have to say since I lost weight and at least ½ of it from my boobs, it’s a much easier job now. (Sadly that is not where I needed to lose it.)

    Heather, I know the feeling about not being happy with yourself. If it’s an indulgence I planned for, that’s okay but when I go off the reservation with no thought, I could kick myself. :'( I hope you don’t get the cold. Your dinner sounds delish!

    Beth, welcome and btw you did just join us when you posted. It’s that easy. Congrats on your loss. Just don’t be discouraged when/if your loosing slows down as it often does. This is a great place for support so visit and post often.

    Chris, a warm welcome to you, too. Good for you for taking control of your life. I’m sorry for the things that drove you there, but whatever works. Come often and let us hear how it’s going. It sounds like you have things under control.

    Carey, it sounds like a banner day! Congrats.

    Mary, thanks for your kind words. We are all here for each other and that is what makes this such a special group. So many of the ladies’ quotes and words come to mind many times throughout my week. <3 I love it.

    Meg, when I read Joyce's post, I read the same thing you did. Glad you clarified it for me. I'm happy the phone bill was for two months. I didn't want you to have to go on the warpath, like I would have.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    This is not to rub it in. but to encourage you that spring is really on the way. When I left for nail appointment today I walked out of the house and it was muggy and warm. I mean 74 degrees. And the sun was even shining!! It has been so cold, and rained here so much this winter and we have hardly seen the sun. I felt like dragging out a lounge chair and sitting in the back yard. B) But no time, had to move on. Oh yes, and the birds are everywhere. Have a wonderful, healthy and happy evening and night, my friends.

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Newbies: Welcome to a great group. You join by posting. You find us again by clicking the blank star at the top of this page. It will turn yellow. Then to find us again, go to community and click on the gray star. It will take you to the post right after the last one you read or your most recent post.

    Heather: I hope you aren’t coming down with a virus. Sending positive thoughts for good health your way!

    Chris in Snowy MA: Welcome. I’m happy you decided to move from lurking to participating. Mall walking sounds like a good idea in the weather you’re having.

    Carey from Edmonton: Congratulations on your successes! May there be many more.

    Cigswisher: You can earn a cupcake by working on your elliptical. I usually use my recumbent bike when I want to earn a treat. (Or make up for a splurge.) I love the feeling of control that it gives me to have an instant way to undo the harm caused by giving in to temptation.

    Meg: It sounds like you’ve gotten some things checked off of your todo list. That must feel satisfying.

    DH found the Touareg key on the floor of his car. I must have dropped it there on Sunday. YAY!!!!! DS & DDIL were here to pick up some equipment they bought and had delivered to our house. We had clam chowder for lunch that DH made and it was GOOD. Then I helped DS and DDIL put a coat of paint on his sailboat trailer and they headed for home. Now I’m ready for rest but there are still things to be done.

    I keep hoping to hear from Sylvia. I hope she is recovering well from her latest surgery.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    Good Afternoon,

    Cynthia I see your point in that pressing charges means you had to give what happened more focus than you want. If you have suffered an injury that is not going away that changes things. She should pay for your medical bills.

    Pat OH I have given myself permission to keep up best I can that is why I appreciate when others do respond to others because it helps me if I have missed something. I have found this a wonderful place for support with a tremendous group of woman. Love seeing you here.

    I did go to work today after the last few days with the flu. Probably wasn't the best assignment in that I team taught with another teacher and taught dance all day. I love to dance but I was unable to go full out because of recovering from the flu. I will stay home from choir today too because my voice is not at full strength yet.

    Goals to find healthy foods I love to eat in moderation
    Get 30 minutes of exercise a day
    Make sure I move every 20 minutes if I am doing seat work.
    Get sleep that I feel refreshed after sleeping.

    2015 word: Strength

    Just because you see the hook does not mean you have to bite.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    Hopefully our last bitterly cold day. Posting a flower picture from Shaw's Garden to celebrate.

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 392 Member
    I am enjoying Carey - Edmonton's thoughts for the day -- thx!
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Thursday here.
    Slept peacefully all night last night, first time in 2 weeks.
    Woke to watch story of 3 descendants from HMS Victory on History channel, Hardy, surgeon and master gunner, stayed in bed to watch and fascinating to an amateur genealogist like me.
    Cannot post my food today or exercise. Might take a day off.
    Going shopping for door seals and paint for wood fire. Is 18C ~70F. Autumn here and days getting colder now.
    Will start walking in afternoons from now on as MrsNastyPants NOT there soon, and stay in bed a little later before breakfast and weights session.
    Also need to buy more bacon and oven cleaner too. Oven desperately needs a good clean, husband's job.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    :D As long as you're on this side of the grass, it isn't too late to make a fresh start on this great journey to health....the only real failure is to quit entirely.

    :mrgreen: I called my cousin before lunch and the dogs have been boarded so I don't have to walk them.....I can't remember the last time I had a whole afternoon to just do what I want :D

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,625 Member
    edited March 2015
    interesting facts. from riding, so far I have saved $279.36, 36.70 gallons of fuel saved, 742.07lbs of c02 saved, 85 trips I've made, 764.20 miles that I have not driven alone.

    today it's nice out, so I will be riding home, not gonna take the train

    pip in Tacoma wa
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good evening! I woke up with a migraine during the night and an still in jammies. Hoped it would go away so I wouldn't miss work this afternoon (need the money), but it didn't really ease up until about 4:30 p.m. I was really frustrated because the weather was so beautiful today and I had planned on getting outside for at least a few minutes.

    Yanniejannie - Which school did your daughter attend that is closing?

    Welcome to all of the newcomers!

    Going to watch some quiet TV and then go to bed. Good night!

    Carol in NC

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,625 Member
    stats for the day, it was a nice ride home -
    ride hm 2 gym- 11.43min, 15.1mph 3mi = 141cal
    spin- 43min, 88ar 115aw, 11-15g, 18.6mi = 389cal
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.30min, 13.2amph, 1.4mi = 83cal
    ride wk 2 hm - 49.50min, 12.1amph, 10mi = 500cal elevation gain 513ft
    total cal 1113
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did 1 hr of yoga and then 1 hr of deep water. Tomorrow's plan is to do a "10 Pound Slimdown" DVD

    - so sorry about daughter's school. My high school closed down a couple of years ago.

    barbie - have fun in Utah. I like your quote about being on this side of the grass and that the only real failure is to quit.

    - you sure can say it again that losing weight isn't as easy at our age as when we were younger! How frustrating! But it does seem to go on so quickly

    sassy - good for you meeting so many of your goals

    katla - sure hope you find that key and that your bread rises. Update: so happy you found the key

    Davette - welcome! Where are you going on vacation?

    - big congratulations!

    Chris - so glad you joined us! This is a great group of women. My daughter is flying up to Boston today for a gaming expo. Loved your post. Can't wait to read more from you

    Jessica is moving into a new apartment. In the same complex, only on the other side of the building. What this means is that her things have to be taken down 4 flights of stairs, walked across the building, up 4 more flights of stairs. A few weeks ago she asked if the Mom and Dad Moving, Inc. could help, and of course we said we would. I did send her an email saying that we couldn't go up the weekend of the 13th (since that's the Magical Evening) or the weekend of the 27th. She just called today to say that she's getting movers and she has them coming on the 28th. We asked her to see if she could have them come the weekend before, we can certainly be there. She did say that she feels uncomfortable with someone else strange in the house. So hopefully, she'll get it changed. But I did give her the dates and told her the weekend of her birthday (the 22nd) would work the best for us. So why did she plan it for the following weekend when I told her we couldn't go there? Well, TECHNICALLY we could probably work it out. I'd have to get someone to lector for me and we'd miss the Murder Mystery Dinner with the Newcomers. Actually, she asked if we had to go back on the 22nd -- maybe we could stay until the 23rd. Personally, I wouldn't have a problem with it. See, that's the last day of bowling and they're going to have a lunch "catered". I suspect what it is is that the bowling alley will "cater" it, which will probably means lots of fried food. Well, I'll bring my own sandwich just in case and I'll HAVE to bring my carrots. That's what I take with me every time we bowl. So it really wouldn't bother me to miss that, but Vince wants to go since they'll probably have food that I won't have in the house (deep fried)

    Meg - I'm thinking that this guy was trying to get me to buy a new phone. Whenever we've gone into Verizon and Vince has been there, I've been treated decently. Maybe it's because he knows what he's talking about. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought Joyce's baby died! I had to read that sentence over twice before I could get it. For breakfast, what about Kashi Go Lean cereal. It has something like 11g of protein.

    Janet - speaking of looking in the oven reminded me that a lady at Mexican Train last night told me that her phone fell out of her pocket and was in her oven! No joke, the case started to melt! Today it was in the low 70's, but tomorrow it's supposed to be back in the 50's. Hello get sick weather!

    pip - wonderful facts. Is there a site that you use to get them? If so, what is it?

    Carol in NC
    - hope you feel better soon. I don't know if this works or not, but, hey, it's worth a try in the name of science. Anyway, I've heard that eating ice cream helps with migraines. The theory is that the cold from the ice cream constricts the blood vessels and your migraine isn't as bad or it goes away. Worth a try, huh?

    Michele in NC
    who is off to watch Downton Abbey that she recorded
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,147 Member
    Meg from Omaha - I'mglad you liked the chicken fajita salad! It is so easy and I love it.

    MNMargaret - I'm glad you are feeling better and back to work. What do you teach? I taught math and science. There are a lot of teachers on here! Love the flower picture.

    Lesley - I'm glad that you got a good night's sleep!

    Pipcd34 - Wow that is amazing!

    Barbie - enjoy your quiet time!

    Carol NC - I hope you feel better tomorrow!

    Michele in NC - my DH and I own the same moving company! We had to go all the way to Utah last year. I hope it works out for you.

    Sylvia - I hope you are feeling better! We are praying for you.

    I found a weight set and a squat cage for 1/5 the price of new. We are going to look at it tomorrow night. I did the workout B of strong lift 5x5 and I can feel it in my legs. I modified the weight to very light and manageable for a woman. I still did my cardio for today. I plan on doing cardio tomorrow as well. I also lost 5 lbs last month so I am still heading in the right direction.

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Evening ladies. Just a quick pop in before bed.

    Katla, I wish we would hear from Sylvia too. I sure hope all is okay. I’m glad you found your key. I know the replacements are very expensive.

    NM Margaret, I hate that you got the flu but glad you are on the mend. I don’t know how any of you working ladies keep up with this group. I can only do it because I’m retired and get to check in two or three time most days, while I take notes.

    Pip, way cool on your calculations. What ya gonna do with all that extra money?

    Carol, I hope you are feeling better. Take care of yourself.

    Mary, I’ll keep my fingers crossed that the weights are what you are looking for. Congrats on the weight moving in the right direction.

    I got in my full work out regiment in today and can feel it in my upper back. I don’t think my light weights are doing it but the stronger resistance bands. I’m taking a friend to the doctor for skin surgery in the morning and have to get up early, so I’ll say good night.

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC