Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. 12,000 steps :neutral: 11,534
    2. walk :neutral: not enough!
    3. an hour of Zumba :smiley:
    4. swim 30 minutes :smiley:
    5. under 75G carbs :smiley:
    6. finish food prep for the next few days :)

    1. 10,000 steps
    2. walk/gardening/light day
    3. under 75G carbs
  • cheers2012
    cheers2012 Posts: 16 Member
    @KetoneKaren I love the idea for pre-logging my Dove chocolate so I won't feel I'm cheating. Sugar is my biggest challenge and it's so much easier to get through the day if I know I have my Dove waiting for me in the evening!!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    @cheers2012 Glad my little suggestion might help! Why shouldn't you have your little treat? Just make it part of your food plan ahead of the rest of the day! :)
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2016
    JFT Thurs Jun 16

    1) Review ACLS materials this morning :)
    2) Log every bite :)
    3) Stay within calorie range :)
    4) Perform a random act of kindness :)
    5) Call grandchildren since I won't be able to see them for several days due to work schedule I got out of ACLS early and picked up my grandchildren, & brought them here to spend the night! So much better than calling!

    JFT Fri Jun 17 2016

    1) Jazzercise
    2) Haircut
    3) Work with the appreciation that having a good job warrants No grumbling or griping
    4) Log every bite
    5) Get eight hours of sleep tonight

    Karen in Virginia
  • Rondua
    Rondua Posts: 14 Member
    I'm IN!

    JFT Fri Jun 17 2016:

    - Go for a 45 min walk.
    - Get "100% activity" on my Polar A360.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,336 Member
    edited June 2016
    :star: Challenges are the spice that makes life zing! :star:

    :heart: Dare to be YOU! :heart:

    :smiley: Welcome Newbies! :smiley:

    Having daily goals helps me stay on track. "The accountability of posting here keeps me on the straight and narrow. I can always find excuses in my head, but somehow, they just don't cut it when I see them in black and white on the page."
    (Terri Richardson)

    JFT Thurs 16 June 2016
    • Pre-log/follow through; 150+ minutes exercise, 180; 10000+ steps, 14228 steps
    • 8 cups liquids/Monitor sodium intake. :)
    • Catch up with chores. :)
    • reconcile Bank Accounts. Ongoing
    • Wardrobe Declutter ongoing

    JFT Thurs 16 June 2016
    • Pre-log/follow through; 150+ minutes exercise, ; 10000+ steps,
    • 8 cups liquids/Monitor sodium intake.
    • Go to the dentist! I lost a filling last night!
    • Chores.

      NB I always prelog and include treats. It makes it a choice rather than a compulsion!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    For today, 6/6/16, I will:

    - Not exceed my calorie goal, for food
    - At drinks tonight, only drink slimline G&Ts - maximum 3 (taking me max 150 calories over my limit)

    Managed to do these, even though I was hungry!

    Also persuaded my friend that I went for drinks with to download MFP - we can be buddies and support each other now.

    Today's commitment -

    - Go to gym after work
    - Finish day with 350+ calorie deficit (after including gym calories)

    Met both of my targets, and actually smashed the second one to the point where MFP told me I wasn't eating enough! (That's never happened before when I've not forgotten to log something)

    Didn't actually feel hungry though despite the deficit, which is encouraging. I won't have that deficit on any other days this week:

    Today going to my friend's for dinner which will make it difficult to stay within calorie limit - the food is generally not healthy and lots of wine is normally involved.

    However, will set the following targets to keep the indulgence down:

    - I'll log the dinner, even if I am not exactly sure what's in it
    - I'll make sure I don't eat more main course than others - no second!
    - If dessert is one where we choose portion size, I'll have a small portion
    - I'll drink as much diet lemonade as I do wine to keep my appetite under control - and will limit wine to half a bottle MAX

    Hmm, so I managed two of these, I'd say - two of these, though probably wasn't really down to my efforts as opposed to my friends giving me a plate with a small portion size!

    Failed on the other two though - had an entire bottle of wine + double g&t, and failed to log any of the calories. It had been a very bad day so i don't feel too bad about it, however I have to make sure this doesn't happen too often - bad days will happen and I need to learn to deal with them without turning to alcohol/food.

    Today's commitment is very simple: come in within calorie goal!

    Met my goal, came in with zero calories left! I was very hungry though - made me realise that I need to optimise the foods I eat to be fuller - had eaten quite calorie dense but non-filling foods.

    I'm now staying with my boyfriend in Madrid for the weekend so control will be hard - we'll be eating out a bit and don't have a scale in the flat for weighing ingredients. Nonetheless, I'll:

    - Log all the foods I eat, even if I'm not sure I'm being accurate - better to put something than not bother at all
    - not snack outside meals
    - at meals, go for 'healthy options' - or if i want to go for 'non-healthy options' have small portions
    - keep alcohol and milky coffees to a minimum - no more than one coffee per day and order wine by glass (with as much water drunk as wine)

    Will be hard as i like to eat on holiday... will see how i do!

    I met all these apart from the not snacking outside meals - we had a couple of pre-dinner drinks and in Madrid they always bring you snacks (crisps/olives) with them. I didn't have loads but did have more than I should have.

    Other than that I met them all though. I ended up going 500 cals over, though I'm not sure that's correct, I ate (maybe - not sure) 400g of bread and MFP has said that's nearly 1000 kcal?!

    That seems way too high, however just in case i will try to steer clear of the bread today and eat other things instead! Very hard to track when away, you just don't know how many calories you're eating....

    So yesterday was slightly better in some areas, slightly worse in others, therefore calories consumed were about the same (just under 500 over).

    I avoided bread, which really helped with the calorie intake! On the other hand, I drank more wine than the previous day and had a more fattening dinner - Spaniards put too much olive oil on everything!!

    I need to have a better day today otherwise it will too hard to make up for it before next week's weigh in. So today I will:

    - Not drink any wine - a G & slimline T might be acceptable if I'm doing ok with calories
    - log all my calories again
    - Not exceed my calories my more than 200
    - not eat any of the crisps they give you when you order drinks!

    Met all my commitments, yay! Only went over by 30 odd cals, so quite pleased with myself.

    Hadn't lost any weight when I weighed in this morning which disappointed me slightly, though that's a bit silly as I hadn't really stuck to my diet enough to do so. I guess I am no longer in the 'shed lots of water weight' phase and now actually have to try harder!

    Commitments for today:
    - stay within calorie limit
    - go to gym and don't eat back the exercise calories

    Didn't manage my commitments yesterday - it was a very busy day at work so had to work late (and hence skipped gym) and then went over my calories by 70 due to drinking a couple of gins to wind down....

    Not too worries about the calories...70 is not much.... but I do need to work on the 'alcohol as crutch' thing. It's hard when the alternative crutch (food!) is being restricted....

    Today I'll set exactly the same targets as yesterday, though I'm aware it's going to be another busy day at work (will be busy until Wed at least) so I may end up finding it hard to go.

    If that happens, I'll go - but for a cut down workout (30 mins). Better to do that then nothing!

    And only one gin today...

    Failed on both my commitments - did not go to the gym (at all) as I ended up going to the pub with my colleague and then had to work more when I got home....

    Today I'm going to take it easier on myself, I'm in a stressful place at the moment and think I need to take care of myself rather than aim too high. Weight is dropping off regardless (does stress burn calories?!) So priority for tonight is actually to take it easy, relax and get some sleep. I got barely any yesterday and feel pretty dreadful.

    So today's commitments are:
    - come in within calorie limits
    - NO alcohol
    - walk instead of taking the tube for two stops - some gentle exercise may help with the stress levels
    - email counsellor to arrange a session - got to sort out my mental wellbeing

    Hmm, once again didn't go so well - was 250 cals over, and did drink some gin. However, had still lost weight on my weigh in today!

    Also failed to email the counsellor because when I actually looked at the contact details it was quite complicated to work out which therapist I would actually need and I got a bit stuck. I've arranged to wfh on Friday though and will ring then up then - hoping that sorting my head out will help with the urge to drink/comfort eat!

    However, i did do the walking - win!

    Today I'll keep it simple, I'll stick within my calories but I'll also do the walking again as that was quite enjoyable and relaxing.

    Yesterday I managed both of my commitments, yay! There's something to be said for being less ambitious.

    Today I'm going to a friend's for dinner, where apparently we'll be having 'chilli with lots of red wine', which will present some challenges!

    My commitments are:

    - attempt to log everything even though i won't know exactly what's in it
    - drink at least as much diet lemonade as wine, to reduce the munchies and over eating
    - come in within calorie limit - with a small surplus if poss (made it to gym this morning so i have quite a few extras i can eat!)

    @KetoneKaren Thanks for all your support! I'm rushing back to work now so can't respond fully, but will do so later when I'm done for the day!

  • TehLaughingDog
    TehLaughingDog Posts: 200 Member
    edited June 2016
    What a clever idea! So I suppose I'm gonna give this a shot too :)

    JfT :: Wednesday June 17th 2016
    - Eat with in my calorie (1730kcal), fiber (20g), and macro (30/40/30) goals.
    - Drink 12+ cups of H2O today
    - Hit the gym to start the stronglifts 5x5 program
    - Hit 500 calories burned as my target calorie burn during cardio today
    - Complete my house chores for the day
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    shrcpr wrote: »
    JFT, 6/16/2016

    1. Walk the dogs :)
    2. Skipping Day 53 of Body Beast (Cardio) and moving to Day 54 to get myself back on schedule: Bulk: Back :)
    3. Get in >10k steps or do an additional cardio workout (not the Body Beast one because it's not really cardio, IMO) :)Over 10k steps; had a nice walk in the evening.
    4. Stay within weight-loss calories o:)

    JFT, 6/17/2016

    1. Walk the dogs
    2. Body Beast Day 55: Bulk: Shoulders
    3. Additional cardio workout
    4. Stay within weight-loss calories
  • jacqueline116325mfp
    jacqueline116325mfp Posts: 6 Member
    July 17 just for today

    No night binge eating. will try to get a streak going.
    Spend some quality time with family.
  • thenananator
    thenananator Posts: 273 Member
    Just for today I will log my food.
  • williammuney
    williammuney Posts: 2,895 Member
    Just for today I will eat 200 less calories
  • jahillegas_51
    jahillegas_51 Posts: 143 Member
    July 17 just for today

    No night binge eating. will try to get a streak going.
    Spend some quality time with family.

    You can do that:) I know how much of pain binge eating can be to overcome, been there myself. Let me know if you need a friend to help you with that!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member

    @slittlemeister On another forum, one of the regulars doesn't like the word failure. She says to look at your "failures" instead as opportunities to learn something about yourself, or as an experience that shapes your life, whether for the better or for the worse. Part of the tapestry you weave each day. One normal sized gin drink is not the worst thing I can think of to have in my diet. On the other hand, if it's a large glass half filled with gin and a token amount of tonic, I might want to buy a jigger and use it to measure my next drink so I have a sense of proportion and feel better about logging it (not to mention feeling better the next day :# ). As I said to Cheers2012, pre-logging something into your evening meal allows you to have it as long as you stick to the amount you have logged. Also, 250 calories over is something you just shrug off and go on. There will be another day when you are 100 under...as long as you just keep logging it will all work out. And as far as emailing the counselor, perhaps there is a general email or phone number you could call to get some help with the details that got you stuck? Yay! for you for walking.

    We are here for you.

    I have trouble wanting to snack when I drink alcohol, so I limit it. Always want chips or too many nuts or something.

    @KetoneKaren So I think you are probably right about the word 'fail', it's very emotive and quite often it may be better to be kind to yourself and not beat yourself up too much if you don't manage to meet your commitments. On the other hand, sometimes I think it's possible to be too kind to yourself when actually you should beat yourself up a bit! It really depends on the circumstances I think - whether you have a good reason for being lapse, or whether you've just been greedy/lazy/etc without much provocation...

    I'm not too worried about the gins from a diet perspective - i measure the units with a shot glass and so i know I'm not overdoing it. It just strikes me that turning to drink to relax on too regular a basis is a bit dangerous - I should try to find other ways to cope that are healthier!

    You're correct that 250 cals over is not that bad either - it's about what happens overall not on an individual day. However, i try not to go over on 'normal days' (where I don't go out and have control over my food) because I know there are lots of days where i will end up going over because i don't have control over it (when I go to friend's for dinner, or to the pub,etc). So ideally i wouldn't be going over on a 'normal' day to compensate for the 'treat' days!

    Having said that, nobody's perfect and i probably shouldn't be too hard on myself :-)

    I will look into how I can arrange a counsellor more easily - ideally I'd have a chat with someone on the phone to figure out what i need first, but i need privacy for that! I've arranged to work from home next Tuesday, will do my best to sort it out then!

    Thanks again for your support, it really helps.

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    @slittlemeister Yes sometimes we do need to be a bit stern with our self talk, don't we LOL! Don't want to coddle our indulgent side TOO much. I like to bank calories on "normal days", too, so I have a little surplus for going to restaurants. You're measuring the gin...doesn't sound like you are much of a lush... :)

    My dear departed mother would say, "Go forward with a fierce heart!"
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,336 Member
    edited June 2016
    :star: Challenges are the spice that makes life zing! :star:

    :heart: Dare to be YOU! :heart:

    :smiley: Welcome Newbies! :smiley:

    Having daily goals helps me stay on track. "The accountability of posting here keeps me on the straight and narrow. I can always find excuses in my head, but somehow, they just don't cut it when I see them in black and white on the page."
    (Terri Richardson)

    JFT Fri 17 June 2016
    • Pre-log/follow through; 150+ minutes exercise, 200+ minutes; 10000+ steps, 15291 steps
    • 8 cups liquids/Monitor sodium intake. :)
    • Go to the dentist! I lost a filling last night! :anguished:no appointments until Monday!
    • Chores. :)

    JFT Sat 18 June 2016
    • Pre-log/follow through; 150+ minutes exercise, ; 10000+ steps,
    • 8 cups liquids/Monitor sodium intake.
    • Meet my daughters for a morning out together.
    • Celebrate my granddaughter getting onto the MSc Biochemistry course at her college in Cambridge.

    NB Always prelog and include treats. It makes it a choice rather than a compulsion!
  • StrawbC
    StrawbC Posts: 167 Member
    cheers2012 wrote: »
    I like to snack in the evening too. I'm surfing community discussions for a few nights to break the one little piece of Dove chocolate after dinner habit. That habit is so hard to break! I'm hoping I'll come across some new friends for support and motivation while I'm at it.

    I wish it was just a little bit of dove chocolate for me if its one little square it turns into the whole block and the block I've hidden for future pleasure. Woe is me.. I'm back on the sugar so gotta go through all the withdrawal again.. :(

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,336 Member
    StrawbC wrote: »
    cheers2012 wrote: »
    I like to snack in the evening too. I'm surfing community discussions for a few nights to break the one little piece of Dove chocolate after dinner habit. That habit is so hard to break! I'm hoping I'll come across some new friends for support and motivation while I'm at it.

    I wish it was just a little bit of dove chocolate for me if its one little square it turns into the whole block and the block I've hidden for future pleasure. Woe is me.. I'm back on the sugar so gotta go through all the withdrawal again.. :(

    Keep at it! It does get better!
  • StrawbC
    StrawbC Posts: 167 Member
    StrawbC wrote: »
    Just for today..

    As I do this at night I feel like I have to say just for tomorrow...

    Last time
    1. GYM I will go YES :(
    2. NO sugar.. hmmmmstill debating where honey fits if its in the sugar basket then .. :(
    3. Be kind to myself.. gentle gentle on this Much kinda today though still that 8.00pm binge... Its a toughy to crack

    Just for tomorrow.
    1. Yoga and pilates
    2. Avoid sugar
    3. jump on here instead of eating when the evening urge hits

    I need to work out what to do with my evenings. They killing me

    Well avoided sugar till Friday evening. Now Saturday evening and already a lost cause..
    Didn't do Yoga but did do pilates and a pretty intense cardio session

    and I'm doing number 3 right now... I WANNA EAT SWEET STUFF RIGHT NOW. but instead here I am just gotta flop around here till bedtime.. :smiley:

    Just for Sunday

    1. YOGA this is a must for my bodies sake
    2. a sugar free day
    3. stay within the calorie goal
    and a non diet goal

    4. work my horse
  • Mountaingirl33
    Mountaingirl33 Posts: 80 Member
    Good morning!
    I am new to this thread. But I am going to give this a shot!

    Just for today:
    *I will pre-log and measure my food to stay within my goals.
    *I will drink 64 oz. H2O
    *I will exercise for 30 minutes
    *I will do chores, color or write if I feel upset