Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    JFT, Thursday, 8/18
    log all food :)
    go to the gym tonite, or for a walk :):)
    work on clearing out a storage unit, and cleaning the garage to make room :)
    sew 4 chemo hats for cancer center :/
    work on quilt for minumun 1 hr :/
    think positive thoughts. I've been in a somewhat "grumpy" mood lately - work on changing that! :)

    Went to the doctor about my ankle - now have to see a foot specialist. Its been 2 months since I sprained it, and its still swollen. Hopefully nothing is broken

    1. log all food
    2. mow grass
    3. walk or go to the gym
    4. work on cleaning out storage unit
    5. sew on quilts tonite
    6. sew 4 chemo hats
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Previous commitments:

    - Log everything I eat :)
    - stay within calorie limit :/
    - run after work :)

    Made two out of three!

    Didn't stay within calories, though wasn't too much over (-200). There were two things that took me over, both of which were tasty foods which I was physically exposed to and then couldn't resist:
    1) cheddar biscuits in the pub - a sharing plate was literally right in front of me whilst I was sitting at the table!!!! I'm actually fairly pleased that I only had five, that took willpower as they're so addictive...
    2) tasty muller yoghurts in the fridge at home (boyfriend bought them - he has been told not to do so again). I'm less impressed with myself for this, think willpower was starting to flag a bit

    This emphasises how important it is to minimise my exposure to unhealthy foods, wherever possible.... but also to develop strategies to resist them whenever I can't avoid them!

    This caught me out today as well.. on my course there has been free lunch every day, and I've carefully avoided it by going out and buying my own, but today I worked over lunch in the room where the sandwiches were and by the end of lunch I'd eaten 7 of them!!

    However, I've made up for it (to some extent) by swapping the 650 calorie wrap I was planning to have for dinner (which I love) for 350 calorie sushi. I'm now slightly hungry, but proud of myself for actually recovering and getting back on the wagon straight away rather than having an 'ah screw it' moment (which did nearly happen).

    I'm not sure how I managed to do this apart from telling myself that if I let myself fail so early, I'll never make it.... And maybe a bit of 'this'll SHOW you have no willpower' which taps into my motivation for change no. 3.

    Will be back on tomorrow morning for Saturday's commitments!
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    today I will be positive, I can get so down with my family and I had to get rid of a friend on here because all she did was talk about her loving family and it was too much for me, nothing wrong with her, it is me but got to do whatever to take care of me. Tired of being negative, today positive thoughts and actions
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Today's commitments (going to a bbq)

    - log everything I eat
    - drink one water for every alcoholic drink
    - minimise snacks by only having one at once (e.g. One crisp) and not getting more within 5 minutes
    - MAX 2 burgers or 1 burger 2 sausage
    - eat salad (light not potato) between each burger
    - do not eat more if already full!
    - if offered cake, have a small piece

  • chrissygbulldog3
    chrissygbulldog3 Posts: 31 Member
    Apply the old saying about you can have anything you want, but you can't have everything, in my approach to eating.
    Exercise a minimum of 30 minutes tomorrow.
    Read a minimum of one hour (and all the crap on Facebook doesn't count). Read a real book; one of the many I have piled up and not read, yet.
    Be kind, be gentle' be active.
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    JFT: Finish off the tomato bisque in my fridge. I didn't like the recipe too much but ill be damned if I let it go to waste.
  • cathydubepenner
    cathydubepenner Posts: 159 Member
    JFT 8/21/2016

    * Walk at least 8500 steps
    * Not to go crazy buying stuff at Costco
    * Limit coffee consumption (Sundays I tend to drink a lot of coffee)
    * No dessert type things
  • Kiminprogress
    Kiminprogress Posts: 4 Member
    Get out of the house for a walk.
    Cut down on bread.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    edited August 2016
    Today's commitments (going to a bbq)

    - log everything I eat :)
    - drink one water for every alcoholic drink :)
    - minimise snacks by only having one at once (e.g. One crisp) and not getting more within 5 minutes :)
    - MAX 2 burgers or 1 burger 2 sausage :)
    - eat salad (light not potato) between each :) burger
    - do not eat more if already full! :)
    - if offered cake, have a small piece :)

    Managed all my commitments, but still had a lot of calories! I think barbecues are an occasion where it's difficult to eat few calories.... i'm reasonably pleased by how I did though.

    Today's commitments:
    - go for run (already done)
    - log everything I eat
    - eat one more fruit / veg (already had 4)
    - have 200+ calories left at end of day
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member

    JFT 8/21/2016

    * Walk at least 8500 steps
    * Not to go crazy buying stuff at Costco
    * Limit coffee consumption (Sundays I tend to drink a lot of coffee)
    * No dessert type things

    Sunday is my coffee day too lol
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday's commitments:
    - go for run (already done) :)
    - log everything I eat :)
    - eat one more fruit / veg (already had 4) :)
    - have 200+ calories left at end of day :/

    Nearly managed - had 100 calories left at end of day. This was because I had an extra kitkat at my mum's (her pantry is stuffed with chocolate) telling myself I'd make up for it later... and then didn't. Oh well! It was still a good day overall.

    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - dancing after work, but don't log
    - don't have pain au raisin for breakfast - something healthier
    - find healthy option for dinner (or eat before leaving work)
    - no unhealthy snacks
    - plan which days this week will be 'good' days vs. 'Challenging days'
  • cathydubepenner
    cathydubepenner Posts: 159 Member
    JFT 8/21/2016 YESTERDAY

    * Walk at least 8500 steps..did 9033
    * Not to go crazy buying stuff at Costco....only bought essentials
    * Limit coffee consumption (Sundays I tend to drink a lot of coffee).....had 2 cups, not bad!
    * No dessert type things.....none, I was so tempted-we had dinner at a little drive in restaurant that has great seafood and great ice cream....but I didn't get any IC!!!!!

    JFT 8/22/2016

    *Walk at least 8000 steps
    *make muffins
    *At least 64 ounces water
    * I absolutely need to sit down and get my knitting started!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    JFT 8/22:
    - Exercise
    - Walk before bed
    - Stay green on calories
    - No alcohol (currently on day 11 #nomorealcohol)
    - BONUS: day 1 21 Day Fix video
  • Kiminprogress
    Kiminprogress Posts: 4 Member
    Record all food
    Do yard work
    Be positive
    Call a friend and book flight to visit her this fall
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    JFT Mon Aug 22 2016
    1. Log
    2. Stay on plan
    3. Get ready for work with time to spare
    4. Count my blessings
    5. Perform one random act of kindness
    6. Make reservations for fall trip

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    1. plan and track fitness for the week
    2. swim a mile
    3. under 75G carbs
    4. track all nutrition carefully
  • jayv85
    jayv85 Posts: 142 Member
    Goals for today (I'm just starting today)
    1. Track my calories for the day
    2. Complete a run on the treadmill
    3. Stay within my calorie limit

    Making some small-ish goals to start off right.
  • OetztalerWannabe
    OetztalerWannabe Posts: 17 Member
    Do morning yoga
    Do not take too much at lunch
    Do not eat cake etc. in the afternoon

    The last one is the one I keep failing on (badly) recently. I hope that "committing out loud" on this thread will make me think twice.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday's commitments

    - Log everything I eat :|
    - dancing after work, but don't log :/
    - don't have pain au raisin for breakfast - something healthier :)
    - find healthy option for dinner (or eat before leaving work) :/
    - no unhealthy snacks :/
    - plan which days this week will be 'good' days vs. 'Challenging days' :|

    So yesterday was pretty terrible.... I had a really bad day at work, so bad that I think I'm go to start looking for a new job soon which makes me really sad.

    I therefore didn't go dancing, because I was meant to go with a colleague and I couldn't bear to spend any more time with anyone from work (particularly him - I was most angry with him). I also just felt like going home and eating my body weight in chocolate (which I then did).

    So yesterday was very very bad in terms of calories and I'll now have to be good every other day this week to make up for it! Looking at the calendar, I think that should be possible though - I'll be in control of my food most other days this week.

    I definitely need better coping mechanisms for bad days though so I don't just end up eating. I'm working on that separately on a stress management course I'm doing - hopefully it will help.

    Today's commitments:

    - stay within calories, with a small deficit
    - do exercise class after work (don't log)
    - go outside for lunch and meditate
    - listen to music at work to reduce stress
    - if still get stressed, try the breathing techniques from my course

  • cathydubepenner
    cathydubepenner Posts: 159 Member
    JFT 8/22/2016 YESTERDAY

    *Walk at least 8000 steps...did 12,168!
    *make muffins...done, they're yummy
    *At least 64 ounces water....did 64
    * I absolutely need to sit down and get my knitting started!.....started, hope it's right!

    JFT 8/23/2016

    * Water is a constant struggle for me....64 oz at least
    * Read at least a chapter in my book
    * Read/Do Daily Devotion
    * Try not to be anxious at the dentist...zone out