Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • chrissygbulldog3
    chrissygbulldog3 Posts: 31 Member
    Good one. I really need to work on #4.
  • chrissygbulldog3
    chrissygbulldog3 Posts: 31 Member
    Just for today:
    1. When I have a judgmental, critical, or negative thought about someone I will stop myself and say a short prayer for them instead.
    2. When I think about eating I will take a big gulp of water.
    3. Every morning, starting tomorrow, I will set the timer, so I don't sit there watching TV and scrolling on my tablet simultaneously. When the timer goes off I will get up and start my day.
  • cathydubepenner
    cathydubepenner Posts: 159 Member
    JFT 8/12/2016 YESTERDAY

    My back is actually worse than yesterday-I'm sure cleaning didn't help. I need to practice self tolerance and love today...I need to be mobile and independent by Sunday afternoon.

    *Give myself permission to lay flat most of the day....once I was up from bed I stayed in the recliner
    *Do house walking throughout the day in short bouts so I won't be too stiff....not so much
    *Stay hydrated....yes
    *Ask for help when I need it and not feel guilty....a bit but I'm not good at this

    JFT 8/13/2016

    *Move more, I know it will hurt but it's necessary
    *Show more tolerance and appreciation to those helping me
    *Try to shave my legs in the shower
    *Run a few errands with the help of my husband
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    JFT - eat veggie snacks before peanuts. Try out the food scale for tomorrow's lunch!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    - run 5k
    - ride both horses
    - get hair done
    - pedicure
    - grocery store
    - finish putting books away
    - email
  • abacus93jp
    abacus93jp Posts: 55 Member
    So, I'm back after a long absence. Was doing okay until 2 weeks ago and got way off track! Went to doctor and had lost 5 lbs, was sure I was going to have gained 5 lbs! Then I proceeded to sabotage myself and have been out of control! Not sure why I do this but now I'm back and jft will write everything down and stay within my calorie and nutrient goals, will drink water and work up to 10K steps. Will check back tomorrow. I CAN DO THIS ONE DAY AT A TIME!!!
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    No processed sugar. Run and skip. Be under calories
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    abacus93jp wrote: »
    So, I'm back after a long absence. Was doing okay until 2 weeks ago and got way off track! Went to doctor and had lost 5 lbs, was sure I was going to have gained 5 lbs! Then I proceeded to sabotage myself and have been out of control! Not sure why I do this but now I'm back and jft will write everything down and stay within my calorie and nutrient goals, will drink water and work up to 10K steps. Will check back tomorrow. I CAN DO THIS ONE DAY AT A TIME!!!

    Yes you can!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    edited August 2016
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    - run 5k - done
    - ride both horses - done
    - get hair done - done
    - pedicure - done
    - grocery store- done
    - finish putting books away - nope
    - email - a bit

    - write cards (birthday, get well, etc.) I have been buying but haven't taken care of)
    - BOOKS! Put them away
    - ride both horses early
    - put laundry away
    - email
    - send daily card
    - run
    - start 21 day fix
    - walk before bed

  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    JFT: do what I need to do to rejuvenate and stay under calories.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    JFT 8/14 -

    Find sunglasses.
    Log food.
    Make lunch for Monday and pre-log.
    Get to bed by 11.
  • cathydubepenner
    cathydubepenner Posts: 159 Member
    JFT 8/13/2016 YESTERDAY

    *Move more, I know it will hurt but it's necessary....did a bit better
    *Show more tolerance and appreciation to those helping me.....appreciation yes, tolerance and patience not really
    *Try to shave my legs in the shower....half a**ed but done
    *Run a few errands with the help of my husband.....did a few, I was exhausted by the time we got home

    JFT 8/14/2016
    My 17 yo daughter has a medical being done that requires this evening through tomorrow I have to be with her. I have no idea what my sleeping accommodations will be, may just be a recliner in the corner of the room. I'm extremely anxious about this, I'm barely mobile independently and in a lot of pain. Didn't want to cancel, it would be another 6 weeks for another opening.

    *Concentrate on the moment-would be too overwhelming to think about the entire next 48 hours
    *Go grocery shopping with hubby's help
    *Have patience with my daughter
  • amyslp912
    amyslp912 Posts: 1 Member
    Clean something in my house
    Log my food
  • chrissygbulldog3
    chrissygbulldog3 Posts: 31 Member
    Put a battery in the elliptical bike to rid myself of the excuse that it doesn't work.
    Get on the elliptical bike at least for five minutes no matter how boring I think it might be.
    Fold and put the laundry away that has been sitting finished in the basement since Monday.
    Turn off the political newscasts and read a book.
    Call or email an old friend and wish her good luck tomorrow as she heads back to school.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Get to the gym or walk
    log all food
    drink water. Remember, many times it is thirst, not hunger!
    get out sons trumpet to clean and sell
    call hotel rooms for prices for when friends come to visit
    clean house
    rest. WHen I am too tired, I tend to want to eat
  • abacus93jp
    abacus93jp Posts: 55 Member
    Logged food, stayed within calorie and nutrient goals, drank water, had a good day but did not walk. I will do all of this again tomorrow and I WILL walk!
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    at the beach, will not overeat tomorrow, find fun stuff to do rather than eat.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    druidkat7 wrote: »
    Today's commitments:

    1) run before work
    2) do exercise class after work
    3) no eating of team snacks!
    4) eat a healthy dinner
    5) log everything i eat / drink
    6) stay within calories (including run) - but have a little surplus if possible

    Hmm, I didn't do so well... I did both sets of exercise, and had a reasonably healthy dinner I think, but I forgot to log my food and hence have no idea if I stuck to my calories or not. I probably did though as I did a LOT of exercise and didn't eat that much. I did also fail to meet (4) and had a chocolate biscuit, plus I had a beer, but I still think I'll have been within it.

    Exercise is brilliant, when I actually make the time to do it it sorts everything out... It gives me more freedom on calories but also makes me feel energised and gives me more willpower to be good as well! My class yesterday was 'improvised dance', it was brilliant... I'd really recommend it if people are looking for enjoyable forms of exercise.

    Today I'm going for lunch with colleagues so there will be challenges. I have already chosen my food, so no options there. I think I chose something healthy (pre ordering is good - you choose when you have willpower not when hungry!) But not sure.

    So commitments are:
    1) log everything I eat/drink
    2) no calorific drinks at lunch (including alcohol!)
    3) exercise class after work
    4) moderate size of dinner to fit calories left - to stay within 250 calories of goal max

    The last one is in capitals because of my frustration with this constant barrier to weight loss... my team has a real culture of snacking on sweet stuff and there are always treats available. They sit just next to my desk and it's a constant battle! Often I manage to avoid them, but equally often I give in, particularly when I'm stressed. Anyone got any tips for not giving in?!

    Instead of you worrying about giving in, which I do understand, there are some action steps you can make:

    1) Ask your team-mates to do you a favor of either not bringing in sweet stuff, OR, someone else needs to keep it at their desk instead of next to yours, if they cannot bring themselves to cease eating sweet stuff right along with you.
    2) Bring in your own healthy options if you find yourself getting truly hungry (baked crisps, veggie straws, even an orange or apple).
    3) Take a brief moment to write down when you are feeling stressed and why. The action of writing--however briefly--about your stress levels will get it all off your chest, and perhaps help you see solutions to the work issue that stresses you. On top of this, noting when you are stressed might help you break the cycle of emotional eating. Ask yourself, "am I truly hungry, or am I eating 'cause I'm stressed?" (This is a tip from my own physician's assistant, Deb. I wish you could know her. She is so sweet, and really truly hears what her patients have to say.)
    4) Find a fitness role model. Someone you really, truly admire for whatever reason along with their fitness regimen. Get a cheap notebook to use as a hard-copy fitness journal (even if you simply record what you're feeling as a way of breaking the emotional-eating cycle), and find a couple images of that role model, print them out and tape them to the inside. Think to yourself the next time you reach for something that is not that healthy, "Is this the food that this person would eat and still stay fit?" If the answer is likely "no," then don't eat that food.

    The last method is what has helped steer me away from a lot of the sweet stuff. This said, I know I need to do better if I want to feel like I've not let my role model down. It's why I came back here to MFP after falling off the fitness wagon.

    I hope my action suggestions were somewhat helpful and inspiring. :-)

    Blessings on the journey,
    Kat ^.^

    Thanks Kat!

    I don't think I can ask my colleagues not to bring stuff in, there is too much of a culture of that. Though I could perhaps ask some people individually..... Some of the men just won't get it, but some of the women might and that will reduce the amount that's there!

    However I have in the past brought healthy snacks in to share... maybe I should do that more often to set a positive example?

    I do like the idea of moving the food though. The desks are all full but I think the next windowsill along may be empty - I could try to move food along one.

    I think the most important thing is the stress diary though. Removing food is one option but I also need to learn to resist it when it is there! I have actually started keeping a stress diary for other reasons, so I think I'll expand it to include reaction to stress - whether I eat or not.

    I like the idea of a fitness role model. When I first read the above I struggled to think of one as I assumed you meant someone I know and quite frankly none of my friends are much better than me in this respect! (Probably why we're friends). However if I can expand to include celebrities that may work... just need to think of who is most inspiring! (Want someone fit and healthy not just skinny)

    Thanks for your help!

  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Had my 30th this weekend and massively over indulged.... I don't regret it (you only turn 30 once!) But definitely now time to get back on track!

    On a course this week, and going out for dinner tonight, so today will be challenging. Having said that, I'll still do the following:

    1) not have sweet snacks - buy an apple in case hungry
    2) go for a healthier option at dinner - potentially steak and salad
    3) go for a healthier option at lunch, if poss - more protein/ veg than carbs/fat
    4) no booze at dinner
    5) plenty of water - one for each tea/coffee
    6) log everything I eat
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    - send cards
    - do expenses!!!
    - final class submittal
    - pay bills
    - stay green on calories
    - No snacking
    - go to gym!
    - Walk before bed
    - maybe go to petsmart if I have time