Anyone else going the herbalife diet? If so can you recommend any low calorie but high protein snack



  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I agree that wether it's intentional or not, something should be fixed if it causes significant harm to a large percentage of users (which the studies do not show). If you were to apply this logic to all herbal lines of supplements, I bet there would be more settlements and/or probably strict regulation on dose and application.
    So you're argument is that the concoction your peddling doesn't kill enough people to bother with banning it, right? (quoting your earlier post, "Toxicity occurred in a minority of consumers, and may result from a hepatotoxic ingredient, overdose of an otherwise safe ingredient or contamination during product processing, in combination with individual predisposition"). How many does it have to kill before it's a problem? 10? 100? 1000?

    Also, per your previous post, "no one is under 30. Age matters when consuming dietary supplements, herbal or sythetic", so if it only harms people over age 30, you should be allowed to continue to peddle it because who cares if you're only killing people over age 30, right?
    However, every supplement reads "this is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease" and because of low regulation standards this seems to be all that is needed at the basic level of labeling.
    So, how would that warn someone about to use it that their liver is toast if they are over 30 and they swallow this stuff?
    EVERYTHING has the potential to harm, especially when taken in higher dosages and with respect to age, genetics, underlying health condition and predispositions.
    So you're carefully restricting sales to people of proper age, and testing their genetics prior to administration, like a responsible corporate citizen, am I right? I'd love to see the Herbalife sales manual provisions for administering genetic testing prior to selling the powder.
    Acetominophen has caused drug induced problems in the liver. HIV medication has caused drug induced problems in the liver.
    Acetominophen and HIV meds were tested under FDA strictures to demonstrate efficacy - are you claiming that your company's magic powders received the same rigorous review?
    That doesn't mean that these things don't work.
    The items above have some legitimate medical use, unlike the tripe Herbalife is peddling to the unsuspecting. Weight loss results from an energy deficit, not swallowing some scam.

    Your posts indicate you are either: (i) incapable of sufficient reason to appreciate the harm your company's actions could visit upon others; or (ii) one who is able to appreciate the potential for harm, but is sufficiently morally bankrupt to continue to perpetrate the scam anyway. Which is it?

    And your posts indicate a lack of knowledge about statistics. Take cars for example. People die from multiple faulty car equipment all the time. But until paying out settlements is MORE costly than recalling the model, they aren't going to recall it.

    "My company" I'm not a distributor. But thanks for playing.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    And your posts indicate a lack of knowledge about statistics.
    And your posts indicate a lack of knowledge about relevance. Do you really think a court is going to say, "well you've not killed a statistically significant number of people yet, so we're going to let you off the hook for killing the ones you have. Go out and poison a few more livers and we'll take up the case again next term"?
    Take cars for example. People die from multiple faulty car equipment all the time.
    Again, not relevant: Cars have a legitimate use, your concoction does not.
    But until paying out settlements is MORE costly than recalling the model, they aren't going to recall it.
    Why would the NTSB care about the costs of settlements to the manufacturer when ordering a recall of a defective automobile? Settlements are Judicial branch process, automotive recalls by the NTSB are an Executive branch process. Did you even go to school?
    "My company" I'm not a distributor.
    I see. Just a mouthpiece.
    But thanks for playing.
    Pleasure is mine - I love to unmask corporate greed injuring the innocent and unsuspecting.

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