If you're not building muscle in a deficit, you're...



  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    My experience.

    I lost 75 pounds while in a 1-pound per week deficit over a period of 18 months and became lean, strong, gained muscle and lost fat. Fact!

    During this deficit - I went to the gym every other day...4 days one week, 3 days the next, repeat. I did three 15 minute sets of weights broken up by three 15 minute sets of cardio - 90 minute routine...every other day...all while in a deficit. I did this without fail...never missed a day unless dead or dying.

    When I started I could not do one chin up, one (legit) push up, 10 crunches without a pause, etc. At the end of 18 months of working out hard (I mean I was serious), all while in a 1-pound per week deficit, I could do 7 legit chin-ups from a dead-hang (albeit #7 was ugly)...I could do push-ups all day long...I did Insanity...cycled for miles and miles and miles, etc. I did this all at age 51-52 (I am 54 now).

    I also never got big...just lean.

    My biceps, chest, forearms all increased in size, but they did not get huge. I looked lean and well toned. My waist and hips all got smaller. My gut disappeared. I had broad shoulders and narrow hips...I also got my body fat down to a level where my six pack was just beginning to show in just the right light, with a little Photoshop help B) I could take my shirt off at the beach and not have to suck in my gut. Etc.

    So - don't let anyone ever tell you that you can't gain muscle in a deficit. You can. You just won't get big and ripped.

    In closing - Please do not critique my gym routine - it worked for me. My suggestion is for you, while running a deficit, to find something you can do and stick with it. When doing cardio - do it hard - so hard it is hard to talk or wear a HRM and make sure you are in the right zone. Free weights are waaaay more difficult to start with than machines but do sooooo much more for you in the long run. Do not be a chicken...get started with free weights. Get a trainer if needed. Everyone a the gym started sometime and most are willing to help if you ask for some pointers.


    Great post. I've experienced the exact same thing. I've lost 38 pounds but I've gotten stronger and bigger in the right areas, so you can definitely gain muscle in a deficit. It's a fact!

    Great post and it is working for me as well.. And I do not want to get ripped just leaner and look good naked!
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    WeaponXI wrote: »
    kroff2003 wrote: »
    You can grow muscle on a deficit, you just will not get big muscles. I am so tired of reading the lies on this board about it. Muscles will grow, fat is reduced, people look better. If you starve yourself or don't do strength training, then yes, your muscles will not grow in a deficit but if you maintain a decent deficit, strength train and have a good diet you will. Muscle changes are not all diet related. I wish some people would read and anatomy and physiology book........

    Plus, people are than convinced that their gains on a deficit are not possible, so they start to believe that, even though the mirror, tells them otherwise.

    The mirror is a liar unless there are appropriate measurements to back it up. Losing fat makes muscles more defined. Lots of people mistake that for muscles getting bigger.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    edited March 2015
    stealthq wrote: »
    WeaponXI wrote: »
    kroff2003 wrote: »
    You can grow muscle on a deficit, you just will not get big muscles. I am so tired of reading the lies on this board about it. Muscles will grow, fat is reduced, people look better. If you starve yourself or don't do strength training, then yes, your muscles will not grow in a deficit but if you maintain a decent deficit, strength train and have a good diet you will. Muscle changes are not all diet related. I wish some people would read and anatomy and physiology book........

    Plus, people are than convinced that their gains on a deficit are not possible, so they start to believe that, even though the mirror, tells them otherwise.

    The mirror is a liar unless there are appropriate measurements to back it up. Losing fat makes muscles more defined. Lots of people mistake that for muscles getting bigger.

    And some people use tape measures and get scans done....
    But yes people can mistake improved muscle definition for growth. It's part of the reason to not just rely on weight as your sole measure of success.
  • sgthaggard
    sgthaggard Posts: 581 Member
    stealthq wrote: »
    WeaponXI wrote: »
    kroff2003 wrote: »
    You can grow muscle on a deficit, you just will not get big muscles. I am so tired of reading the lies on this board about it. Muscles will grow, fat is reduced, people look better. If you starve yourself or don't do strength training, then yes, your muscles will not grow in a deficit but if you maintain a decent deficit, strength train and have a good diet you will. Muscle changes are not all diet related. I wish some people would read and anatomy and physiology book........

    Plus, people are than convinced that their gains on a deficit are not possible, so they start to believe that, even though the mirror, tells them otherwise.

    The mirror is a liar unless there are appropriate measurements to back it up. Losing fat makes muscles more defined. Lots of people mistake that for muscles getting bigger.
    I measure my biceps - they've grown an inch in the past few weeks. My thighs? Also getting bigger. I do fall into the newbie gains and, given that I didn't have a lot to lose to begin with, I'm going to ride those gains into my first lean bulk. :grin:
  • jessiruthica
    jessiruthica Posts: 412 Member
    Thank you, OP, for asking this question. I've been wondering exactly the same thing! I've been doing cardio and strength training since I started losing weight. I know my body is capable of doing things that it couldn't do when I started, like push-ups, sitting up without using my arms, etc. Also I can "raise a bicep" so that it's noticable which I definitely couldn't do before. Some of that is just discovering the muscle under all the fat (i.e., it was already there but hidden) but some of it must be "increasing" the muscle. I don't know if that means it's bigger or just more ... usable?

    Anyway, thanks all for the info!
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    All I know is that the measurements in the areas I want them to go up keep going up, more veins keep showing up, more ripples keep showing up and waist keeps going down. Weight doesn't move. I don't care if or what can or is happening, I just like it...lol.
  • ForecasterJason
    ForecasterJason Posts: 2,577 Member
    edited March 2015
    The more existing muscle mass you have, the higher your strength potential. So from my understanding, someone that started off obese may have a longer period of time to continue getting stronger than someone who has much smaller muscles and is eating at a deficit.
  • terar21
    terar21 Posts: 523 Member
    I've only had modest newbie gains over the past 6 months. So modest you couldn't really assess whether they exist because all my measurements have gone down since I've lost weight. All you really notice is more defined muscles.

    My belief for me personally for why I haven't experienced the gains some do is that while I'm certainly new to lifting, I built a decent amount of muscle years ago that I managed to generally maintain through enough resistance work swimming. So my newbie gains really aren't noticeable. The only place I MAY have seen some gains is in glutes and that's purely a guess because I've maintained the same general size in that area but visibly lost fat. It makes sense because that would be the one area that would've been worked at a lesser rate when swimming compared to my quads and arms.

    But what I have seen is a significant increase in strength through my progressive overloading. As others have stated, the ties between muscle size growth and strength gains aren't that tight and it's very normal to gain strength without significant muscle growth. You don't need the muscle to get significantly bigger to see significant increases in strength for a beginner.
  • Mythril
    Mythril Posts: 146 Member
    It's weird that I was just pondering this same question last night and here it is! Glad someone asked it for me.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    This is so much wrong in this thread, my head it beginning to hurt.

    You cannot build muscle mass while in a deficit. That is a fact. Yes, your muscles will appear bigger, but that's because you're losing the fat around them which will make them more defined. They are not growing in size.

    The "gains" you can get are from strength. Muscle size and strength are not directly related. The efficiency of your body and how well adapted your muscles are has more to do with actual strength than pure size. Muscles work by passing electrons from your nervous system to the muscle, causing them to contract. The more electrons you can transfer (sodium and potassium have a lot to do with this) and the more efficient and dense your muscles are, the stronger you will be. Strength training will improve the efficiency of this system, and can make your muscles more dense while in a caloric deficit. You will not, as mentioned before, build muscle mass or size while in a deficit.
  • benjaminhk
    benjaminhk Posts: 353 Member
    I've heard the term "newb gains" tossed around but I am walking proof that you can get stronger on a deficit but it does only seem to last so long. I've been losing weight but toning my muscle at the same time. At some point, I will find a decent bottom and start working my way back up a little to build more muscle.

    The whole "you can't build muscle while burning fat and losing weight" thing is an absolute myth. If it isn't, then I am a mythological creature, which would be cool.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    sgthaggard wrote: »
    stealthq wrote: »
    WeaponXI wrote: »
    kroff2003 wrote: »
    You can grow muscle on a deficit, you just will not get big muscles. I am so tired of reading the lies on this board about it. Muscles will grow, fat is reduced, people look better. If you starve yourself or don't do strength training, then yes, your muscles will not grow in a deficit but if you maintain a decent deficit, strength train and have a good diet you will. Muscle changes are not all diet related. I wish some people would read and anatomy and physiology book........

    Plus, people are than convinced that their gains on a deficit are not possible, so they start to believe that, even though the mirror, tells them otherwise.

    The mirror is a liar unless there are appropriate measurements to back it up. Losing fat makes muscles more defined. Lots of people mistake that for muscles getting bigger.
    I measure my biceps - they've grown an inch in the past few weeks. My thighs? Also getting bigger. I do fall into the newbie gains and, given that I didn't have a lot to lose to begin with, I'm going to ride those gains into my first lean bulk. :grin:

    What exactly are you injecting/dosing?

    An inch on your bicep in a week?
    Test, obviously, what else?
  • shreddedtrooper
    shreddedtrooper Posts: 107 Member
    edited March 2015
    There are only a few ways that can be done:

    1. Pharmaceutically enhance
    2. newbie gains
    3. very overweight
    4. extended period away from training
    5. you are a genetic freak

    otherwise... pick a lane, choose a team. That juicy juice though for those halfnatty gains fuarrkk srs
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    I've wondered about this, because my calf muscles on the outer sides of my calves are definitely well-formed now and I'm eating at a deficit. The muscle formation can be both seen and felt after using weights, up to 10 lbs, to do leg/knee exercises at physical therapy.

    The muscles on the inner side of my calves still haven't resumed their old form (I used a wheelchair for years), so my physical therapist suggested that I do calf raises on the Total Gym to build up the muscle on the inner side of the calf. I've started doing that. So, I'm hoping the inner muscle will resume its form, even though I'm eating at a deficit. I figure if the outer muscle did, the inner one will, too.

    Does that sound reasonable?
  • Farback
    Farback Posts: 1,078 Member

    A good explanation on loosing fat while building strength.
  • MrCoolGrim
    MrCoolGrim Posts: 351 Member
    The gym mirrors are designed to make you look bigger ;)
  • shreddedtrooper
    shreddedtrooper Posts: 107 Member
    I've heard the term "newb gains" tossed around but I am walking proof that you can get stronger on a deficit but it does only seem to last so long. I've been losing weight but toning my muscle at the same time. At some point, I will find a decent bottom and start working my way back up a little to build more muscle.

    The whole "you can't build muscle while burning fat and losing weight" thing is an absolute myth. If it isn't, then I am a mythological creature, which would be cool.

    Congrats!! use it and crush it!!!
  • shreddedtrooper
    shreddedtrooper Posts: 107 Member
    This is so much wrong in this thread, my head it beginning to hurt.

    You cannot build muscle mass while in a deficit. That is a fact. Yes, your muscles will appear bigger, but that's because you're losing the fat around them which will make them more defined. They are not growing in size.

    The "gains" you can get are from strength. Muscle size and strength are not directly related. The efficiency of your body and how well adapted your muscles are has more to do with actual strength than pure size. Muscles work by passing electrons from your nervous system to the muscle, causing them to contract. The more electrons you can transfer (sodium and potassium have a lot to do with this) and the more efficient and dense your muscles are, the stronger you will be. Strength training will improve the efficiency of this system, and can make your muscles more dense while in a caloric deficit. You will not, as mentioned before, build muscle mass or size while in a deficit.


    insert Picard Facepalm after reading some of these above except for this. Nicely put sir srs
  • sgthaggard
    sgthaggard Posts: 581 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    sgthaggard wrote: »
    stealthq wrote: »
    WeaponXI wrote: »
    kroff2003 wrote: »
    You can grow muscle on a deficit, you just will not get big muscles. I am so tired of reading the lies on this board about it. Muscles will grow, fat is reduced, people look better. If you starve yourself or don't do strength training, then yes, your muscles will not grow in a deficit but if you maintain a decent deficit, strength train and have a good diet you will. Muscle changes are not all diet related. I wish some people would read and anatomy and physiology book........

    Plus, people are than convinced that their gains on a deficit are not possible, so they start to believe that, even though the mirror, tells them otherwise.

    The mirror is a liar unless there are appropriate measurements to back it up. Losing fat makes muscles more defined. Lots of people mistake that for muscles getting bigger.
    I measure my biceps - they've grown an inch in the past few weeks. My thighs? Also getting bigger. I do fall into the newbie gains and, given that I didn't have a lot to lose to begin with, I'm going to ride those gains into my first lean bulk. :grin:

    What exactly are you injecting/dosing?

    An inch on your bicep in a week?
    Test, obviously, what else?
    Not in a week, in a few weeks - like 5?

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    sgthaggard wrote: »
    dbmata wrote: »
    sgthaggard wrote: »
    stealthq wrote: »
    WeaponXI wrote: »
    kroff2003 wrote: »
    You can grow muscle on a deficit, you just will not get big muscles. I am so tired of reading the lies on this board about it. Muscles will grow, fat is reduced, people look better. If you starve yourself or don't do strength training, then yes, your muscles will not grow in a deficit but if you maintain a decent deficit, strength train and have a good diet you will. Muscle changes are not all diet related. I wish some people would read and anatomy and physiology book........

    Plus, people are than convinced that their gains on a deficit are not possible, so they start to believe that, even though the mirror, tells them otherwise.

    The mirror is a liar unless there are appropriate measurements to back it up. Losing fat makes muscles more defined. Lots of people mistake that for muscles getting bigger.
    I measure my biceps - they've grown an inch in the past few weeks. My thighs? Also getting bigger. I do fall into the newbie gains and, given that I didn't have a lot to lose to begin with, I'm going to ride those gains into my first lean bulk. :grin:

    What exactly are you injecting/dosing?

    An inch on your bicep in a week?
    Test, obviously, what else?
    Not in a week, in a few weeks - like 5?

    DECA works slower like that, I believe. So not anadrol, but DECA.