How do you react when someone tries to take a bite of food you've logged?



  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Oh my god... Do not try to take something after I've weighed and logged it. I have irrational reactions to say the least!
  • UrnAsh_
    UrnAsh_ Posts: 242 Member
    Haha, awe!
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Yeah, my one-year-old always wants bites of my food. It doesn't matter if he has just eaten or is currently eating something - my food always looks better than his. If we're sitting at the table I can usually get away with not sharing, but heaven forbid I sit on the couch and eat something. He will whine until I put a bite in his mouth. He's the only human in this house that gets my bites, though.

    My cat only does this when I'm eating tuna. The other day I was eating tuna salad, and she growled at me because I was trying to keep her away from MY tuna that I had just weighed and logged. I gently shoved her off the couch after that.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I do the opposite to most pet owners, I guess.

    I have no trouble sharing with humans. They ask first, they respect when I say no, and they don't do it all of the time. Besides, then I can ask them for a bite of their yummy food, too.

    The pets get no food off of my plate or counter. Turns them into horrible beggars at the table, and I won't tolerate it. This is not the same thing as never giving them human food. I train my dog with baked chicken, but he gets it from his treat bag or his food bowl. He knows the difference and doesn't bother begging for food when I'm cooking or when I'm eating, though he'll keep a sharp eye out for fallen crumbs.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    edited March 2015
    So cute!
    I'd saved calories for a homemade burger the other day and my h2b took a big bite of it. Seriously?! He can eat burgers whenever he wants and not gain A thing but he chooses to eat mine! Lol

    This made my BP go up. How could he!!??! Deep breath.... After boarding school, I was really mean about people taking food off my plate without asking. E.g., stop eating and push the plate at them saying something aggressive, like, "Here, have it if you want it bad enough to be rude about it." Usually I was so mad I'd refuse to take it back. And that was years before I started weighing anything. I'm much nicer about it now, but it still pushes my buttons on the inside. IMHO, it's a pretty impolite thing to do, even with family. My kids say, "gee, that <<whatever>> sure looks good," which is polite code for "may I please have a bite?" Whereupon, the eater has a choice of offering or saying, "it IS good and I'm enjoying every single bite," which is a perfectly polite response.

    As a practical matter, I put out a bowl of whatever I'm going to have before I measure my own, and I serve myself last at meals. If I don't have enough to share, I put out something the kids would like more anyway first, kind of like a decoy, or I just wait until no one is around.

    Thanks for all the pet gifs. So cute! FWIW, huge diff between cute pet and rude human who knows better.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    edited March 2015
    I don't live with anyone and rarely eat with anyone (maybe once a week or so) so I don't have anyone else to worry about. I weigh out a little extra for the dogs. Trooper gets his "Trooper Toll" for letting me cook in "his" kitchen (where his crate is) and Who Dat and Little Bit get their snacks when I've finished. If I give them anything off my plate while I eat, it's on me.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    stealthq wrote: »
    I do the opposite to most pet owners, I guess.

    I have no trouble sharing with humans. They ask first, they respect when I say no, and they don't do it all of the time. Besides, then I can ask them for a bite of their yummy food, too.

    The pets get no food off of my plate or counter. Turns them into horrible beggars at the table, and I won't tolerate it. This is not the same thing as never giving them human food. I train my dog with baked chicken, but he gets it from his treat bag or his food bowl. He knows the difference and doesn't bother begging for food when I'm cooking or when I'm eating, though he'll keep a sharp eye out for fallen crumbs.

    We're the same way with our pugs. No bites from plates or counters for them. Although they do hover around my feet in the kitchen because I'm prone to dropping things. :blush:
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    you only try to touch my food once because the reaction you get will not be one you like

    everyone knows not to touch my damn food
  • spoonyspork
    spoonyspork Posts: 238 Member
    My boss once came in to ask me for something when I was in the middle of my *exactly* 100 calories of popcorn, and just TOOK A GREAT BIG HANDFUL! This was when I first started and hadn't worked out when and what to eat quite yet, so was STARVING at that point.

    Let's just say.... I'm kind of surprised I still have a job there XD
  • cazpom37
    cazpom37 Posts: 88 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Love how the OP says her ten year old tried to :laugh:

    hahaha :smiley:

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Heck no. I tell them to get their own. They don't ask anymore though.

    The other day we went to the Cheesecake Factory and my mom was mad at me because I didn't want to have any cheesecake, and she wanted me to order some so she could have a bite out of it. It totally pisses me off when people say they don't want dessert and they'll 'just have a piece of yours'. HELL NO. I have a way of eating MY desserts (you know, filling or crust first, to leave the best part for the end) and I'd get peeved if someone had the best piece. Especially the last bite... OMG.

    My cat almost never eats people food, she'll lick the bowl when you're done but that's about it (although she did jump in a pizza I was eating at my desk once when she was a kitten. That made me very sad).

    My dog doesn't steal unless you're careless and leave the room with the food on the table. My sister's dog was stealing from your plate WHILE you were eating when we visited her 3 years ago though. That totally sucked. At least I wasn't counting calories then.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I don't care whether I logged it or not, if someone tries to eat my food without asking they might lose a finger.
  • HanamiDango
    HanamiDango Posts: 456 Member
    I feel like a greedy horrible person for not sharing with my husband and kids. :( Husband and I had an argument last night over dinner and making sure I got the correct portion. He was the one mad at me for not telling him how much I pre-logged so he did not steal it, while to me, it didn't matter. However, I don't let my little ones steal my chips, etc but do get them their own. I always feel greedy for this but at the same time, my 3/5 year old can put away more food than me sometimes. If it the last of something, I just reweigh what I am eating and share, or I am trying to.