Moderation vs Clean Eating



  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    For about half the year (the half that doesn't have snow), I eat almost entirely locally raised and processed organic foods. I do this because I believe quite strongly it is the best choice for health....the health of my community. Keeping pesticides and chemical fertilizers out of the groundwater, giving support to small, family-run micro farms and businesses? To me, this is an essential part of preserving the character of my hometown.

    So, in some ways, I eat sort of clean. But, you know, since I am a middle-aged suburban mom with a station wagon and a museum membership? I get a real boost about saying I eat dirty. So naughty. ;)

  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    Plus, you know. I like PopTarts. BUT ONLY THE FROSTED ONES TOASTED JUUUUUST RIGHT. Because I'm not a savage, for F's sake.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    EWJLang wrote: »
    Plus, you know. I like PopTarts. BUT ONLY THE FROSTED ONES TOASTED JUUUUUST RIGHT. Because I'm not a savage, for F's sake.

    For some reason, I just thought of Rosebud the Basselope and Steve Dallas.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Jbarbo01 wrote: »
    I definitely still eat junk in moderation while eating clean. I'll have a tsp of mayo on a sandwich or a tbsp of caesar dressing on a huge salad. I still eat bad foods while eating "clean" but in just much smaller and more controlled portions. It helps me not get rebellious and eat the whole fridge.

    Is mayo 'junk'? I often have mayo with tuna.

    P.S what is the deal with pop tarts? They've never been popular in England. I don't remember even seeing them in the supermarket.
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    Clean Eating vs. Dirty Eating. Naughty or Nice. Good girl vs. Bad Girl. Assigning moral judgments to food only serves to dig you into a much deeper hole.

    Clean Eating is modern friction for the body and brain. How many times have you tried to convince yourself that another round of eating clean, clean, clean will fix all of your problems. How many times have you practiced clean eating or strict dieting for a year or more, only to eat it all back and rebound with every pound plus friends. Finding yourself right back where you started.

    All the while that process of eating it back with 'dirty foods' was going on, not once did your brain stop you. Not once did you really think about the consequences because the brain was in a total disconnect from too much dieting and clean eating.

    A brain-body-disconnect doesn't really care if you fall off the wagon or eat it all back every single time...for the rest of your life. It doesn't care if you were a really 'bad' girl over the weekend. Thinking of our relationship with food in childish terms results in more net negative consequences.

    I don't want to go out like that.

    It only takes one day and one decision to STOP thinking of food and your body as a bad girl eating dirty foods.
    Think of your next meal as your reset. Tiny steps for tiny feet. You will begin to see the modern friction and 'mass' destruction in your rearview mirror. Slowly find your pathway to healing with food.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    Azexas wrote: »
    SconnieCat wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    SconnieCat wrote: »
    thank you everyone for your input.
    I am new to this app and I just found the search feature today lol
    I apologize if I offended anyone. by moderation I didn't mean eating fast food and drinking soda everyday.
    I don't like the labels "clean" and "junk" either but a lot of people outside of MFP use those terms often. I was unaware that labeling food could offend anyone, so I apologize
    I was also unaware that there are multiple threads about this topic. I didn't feel like scrolling through the boards trying to find something relating to my question, so I decided to post my own thread. again I apologize if this offends anyone, I'll be sure to use the search feature more often

    Welcome to the boards :) You'll find that on any given topic, while the majority of people are supportive, you'll always have those sassypants bossyfaces who can be a bit snippy. Myself included :)

    I don't think the intention is to ever insult or malign, rather, to give some advice. The delivery isn't always the best, but typically people come from a good place.

    A few things that can get people's panties in a bunch:
    the term "cleanse"
    the term "detox"
    "Clean Eating" (as you recently discovered)
    "1200 calorie diets"
    Any specific diet that removes an entire food group (unless for medical purposes)

    I'm sure there are some I've missed, but I'm still laughing over the photo wolfman posted. Other people can feel free to add to my list or tell me I have no idea what I'm talking about.


    And sugar. Don't say the word sugar unless you use the word diabetic within a dozen words of it :D

    Oooooo! Sugar! And Added Sugars!

    i.e. "I'm trying to limit sugar. It's the only way I can do this as I'm completely, and totally addicted to sugar. Especially added sugars. Halpz"

    I cringe every time I see a sugar thread. I assume they all become dumpster fires by page post 3.

  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Necro thread