"Meal Prepping"



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    I also like chicken and veggies. Maybe op needs a cooking class.


    also that pizza thing in your picture looks DELICIOUS.

    It is. Brown sugar jalapeno Hawaiian. Even better with a habanero beer.
    JoRocka wrote: »
    I also like chicken and veggies. Maybe op needs a cooking class.


    also that pizza thing in your picture looks DELICIOUS.

    It is. Brown sugar jalapeno Hawaiian. Even better with a habanero beer.

    I'm thinking it's that big fat crust with sauce on it that's doing me in- I love big fat fluffy crusts with sauce and cheese- OMNOMNOMNOMNOM
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    My meal prepping involves splitting items (meats, veggies, cheese, snacky foods, etc.) up into weighed, measured, sometimes cooked, sometimes raw, whatever, servings then packaging and/or freezing them in those individual servings. Then, throughout the week, I can grab a bag of this and a bag of that, etc., and throw a meal together really quickly. Sometimes when cooking a bigger meal, I'll freeze properly weighed portions and have my own quick freezer meals. There are so many freezer container options now that are bowls or plates or have sections if you don't like food touching...I save time doing it this way.

    I will even split up things like a box of wheat thins into weighed portions and put portions into those little snack zip bags then stuff it all back into the box. It really makes it easy to not be lazy and get tired of weighing things all day long if I already have a "fast" "easy" option. It's definitely helping me succeed at my new way of eating. It really doesn't take that long either.

    The only time I eat the same thing a couple days in a row is if it's something I really like or am craving. :p
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    sjp_511 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    So, here's the thing.
    Meal Prepping is boring.
    to you it is... but to me it's nothing but making extra and splitting it up. It's not any MORE work than just making a meal and eating it that day. It's a very small burden- verses the significantly larger burden of having to making food regularly through the week. I work 3+ jobs. Having to come up with meals through the week is REALLY REALLY hard. If for whatever reason I don't prep my food on Sunday- I don't eat well and I"m stressed all week- I waste time trying to get food- and I spend more money and i tend to blow my calories.
    Enjoy life
    you're making a giant a22 assumption that people who meal prep are boring and DO NOT enjoy their lives- and that's wrong.
    . Life is about choices.
    yep- I chose to meal prep.
    Why? because then I can enjoy the REST of my life and not worry about food.
    Just make the right one
    and you have the answer for which one that is??


    you don't get to decide what is boring or not and what's the best choice for other people to make and what makes the most sense for them. I think watching football for hours and hours all week is boring. But guess what- I spend hours and hours beading intricate patterns and makind beaded fringe- you know how intoxication boring that is?
    - Very-
    I love it- I still do it- very few people do these days- but I still love it.

    and yes- making my food weekly instead of daily DOES save me time- lots of time.

    I find intricate beading exciting. :)
    sjp_511 wrote: »
    Last night I made and froze 12 breakfast sandwiches and cooked 7 chicken breasts....

    What kind of breakfast sandwich?

    I cooked two chicken breasts and extra broccoli cheddar soup that I will be having for lunch today and tomorrow.

    I did egg, ham, and provolone on an English muffin. It is rather tasty and comes out to 247 calories and 20g protein.

  • lauraldrum
    lauraldrum Posts: 55 Member
    I meal prep, but I don't do just plain chicken and veggies - YUCK! Today I just finished a big yummy portion of Egg Rolls in a bowl! It's an egg roll without the fried wrapper! So yummy!

    I have a recipe blog and the newest 15 recipes are low carb/low fat/high protein recipes. I have step-by-step pictures too! I have about 8 new ones to post and more on the way!
