What made you fat?



  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    Bored eating, emotional eating, obese parents who made an obese kid (I have been fat my entire life), growing up with high calorie food in the house all the time and being able to eat too much of it. In my adult years, eating ice cream and junk food and drinking just kept it all going.
  • Gska17
    Gska17 Posts: 752 Member
    edited May 2015
    Beer and munchies from said beer.
  • Jaxxie1181
    Jaxxie1181 Posts: 138 Member
    Boredom and lack of self-control. Just eating and drinking whatever I felt like, whenever I felt like it and not exercising.
  • astrocosmiczoom
    astrocosmiczoom Posts: 86 Member
    Complacency brought on by starting antidepressants. Don't get me wrong, I was lazy before, it just used to bother me. With the antidepressants, not much bothered me, hahah.

    (This is not an anti-antidepressant PSA. I'm on different ones now and I ❤️ them dearly.)
  • thereshegoesagain
    thereshegoesagain Posts: 1,056 Member
    Having a chef and key to the wine cellar at my disposal. I owned and operated a 26 room hotel and fine dining restaurant just outside Yosemite National Park for 11 years. Working close to 80 hours a week didn't give me much time for myself. I finally sold the business, have lost 60 lbs, am off the cholesterol meds and the antidepressants. Now I tell myself that my job is getting healthy.
  • Nerdycurls
    Nerdycurls Posts: 143 Member
    I made myself fat. I ate too much in order to cope with stress and depression. It got to the point where I stopped caring about my body, my health, and my looks. When my PCOS symptoms became out of control, I decided I didn't want to bleed to death and figured it would be a good time to lose weight.
  • emmoen
    emmoen Posts: 218 Member
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    I had a combined total of 11 months of bed rest, PCOS and hypothyroid.
  • AndiDurall
    AndiDurall Posts: 17 Member
    Well, short and most honest answer? I made me fat.
    I really, really, REALLY like to eat. I always thought that I shouldn't "have" to worry about what I ate. If someone else could eat 2 burgers, then I should be able to as well. If I wanted something, I ate it. At least as an adult. I have a very unhealthy relationship with food and no portion control. I always wanted to lose weight but was so full of pity for myself that I always was thinking that it was too "unfair" for me to have to give up what I wanted.
    All those thin and fit and healthy people got to eat whatever they wanted, right? It was always so much easier to just say that I had been dealt a bad hand and not take any of the blame but it isn't true.
    I made me fat.
  • lcbourdo
    lcbourdo Posts: 15 Member
    Mood stabilization medications and their side effects. Have put on almost 100 lbs in the last 18 years due to Abilify and Depakote for Bipolar Disorder. Doctors and nutritionists repeatedly advised me to count calories and exercise, but when you're depressed, both of those things are very hard to do. Not really making excuses -- just telling it like it is. I could have tried harder, yes, so I'm not shedding my part of the problem, but it's a very real dilemma. The medications change the metabolism. I really never ate poorly (at least until the last year when family stressors kicked me into major sugar cravings), but I still packed it on. Now at 250, and want to get to 150. Nothing's going to stop me this time!
  • jaqcan
    jaqcan Posts: 498 Member
    As a kid I wasn't fat, I ate whatever I wanted, but I worked in my moms garden for HOURS a day during the summer. As a teen I went dancing 1-2 times a weekend for hours, i'd go rollerblading, and walk and walk and walk all around our town. Then I got married, had a baby (massive pregnancy weight), no movement and my portions grew. I got a job where I could drink all the soda I wanted. So multiple 32oz every shift. BAD. Then I got pregnant again, gained an insane amount of weight. When she was 2 I lost 80lbs. I've kept that off, she's now 7 and it's time to get the rest of this crud off me!
  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    Stress and binge eating through college.
  • megomerrett
    megomerrett Posts: 442 Member
    Me. It was all me. Eating too much and moving too little. And booze.

    I was a slim kid. I started getting bigger aged 13 which was also the year I stopped ballet (never saw it as exercise as a kid but it made a big difference) and the female PE teachers left my school for different reasons. We had substitute teachers in but the extra curricular clubs stopped so I was no longer doing hockey and netball training and matches or any athletics (shot put and discus for me). I've got a good appetite but I'm so short.

    I got up to a UK size 14. In 6th form I got fed up of how I looked, started jogging with my dad, joined a gym with my friend and ate less. And less and less. I got to a healthy 10 then went a bit silly the summer holidays after 6th form (cucumber for lunch and a cereal bar for breakfast kind of silly) and got an actual flat tummy!

    Then I started uni, was too scared to join the hockey team with all the private school girls - those rahs were a whole other breed of human to me. And started drinking a lot most days. And eating halls food and going for seconds. The clothes I wore in October 2001 didn't fit me by February 2002. In final year I joined weight watchers with some house mates, trained for a 5k and got down to a size 10-12.

    Since then I've had 2 kids and know I stand no chance without exercise. I enjoy food too much to do silly diets. MFP is really working for me.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    pituitary failure following a brain aneurysm
  • Chewitz
    Chewitz Posts: 217 Member
    Having psychosis made me more sedentary as lost my job.... also anti psychotics increased my apetite as did anti depressants and mood stabilisers and paranoia and anxiety about leaving the house even going in the garden I couldn't do so I was eating more and moving little
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I ate too much and didn't do any exercise.
  • JillianRN527
    JillianRN527 Posts: 109 Member
    Mindless eating on the couch.
  • ashypashy7
    ashypashy7 Posts: 50 Member
    The first half of my life, my mom. She and my sister are naturally very thin, I was not. My mom would feed me huge adult sized portions then when I said I was still hungry I'd get another full sized adult portion. I say my mom because I was a kid and she put the food on my plate, ect.

    Second half of my life, that's all me. I thought being full ment being stuffed, that paired with a very inactive lifestyle got me upwards of 400 lbs in my early 20's. But re learning what full is, what portion sizes are, getting active have helped me to get down to 240 with a goal of 140 over the next few years. :)
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    Having a 10 lb baby. Totally slowed down my metabolism and I could no longer eat as I had been, but didn't change how I ate. Also became very inactive (desk job).